I- Restaurant
tiïu duđng, vûđa baêo ăaêm an sinh xaô höơi, khöng gíy aâch tùưc saên xuíịt, kinh doanh.
Rađ soaât ăïí cùưt giaêm, dûđng, hoaôn nhûông cöng trònh, dûơ aân ăíìu tû xíy dûơng cú baên bùìng vöịn ngín saâch nhađ nûúâc, vöịn coâ nguöìn göịc ngín saâch nhađ nûúâc chûa thíơt sûơ cíịp baâch; ăiïìu chuýín, tíơp trung vöịn cho nhûông cöng trònh, dûơ aân coâ hiïơu quaê, coâ khaê nùng hoađn thađnh vađ ặa vađo sûê duơng trong nùm 2008 vađ 2009 nhùìm baêo ăaêm tùng trûúêng kinh tïị úê mûâc phuđ húơp, níng cao hiïơu quaê vöịn ăíìu tû tûđ nguöìn vöịn nhađ nûúâc; thanh tra, kiïím soaât hoaơt ăöơng ăíìu tû cuêa caâc tíơp ăoađn kinh tïị, töíng cöng ty nhađ nûúâc baêo ăaêm ăuâng ắnh hûúâng.
Caâc cíịp, caâc ngađnh, cú quan, ăún võ thuơ hûúêng ngín saâch nhađ nûúâc thûơc hiïơn tiïịt kiïơm thïm 10% chi thûúđng xuýn trong nhûông thaâng cođn laơi cuêa nùm 2008, tiïịt kiïơm caâc khoaên chi khaâc möơt caâch húơp lyâ mađ Chñnh phuê ăaô ăïì nghõ. Chuê ăöơng trong quaên lyâ, ăiïìu hađnh, phöịi húơp ăöìng böơ vađ coâ caâc biïơn phaâp thíơt cuơ thïí trong
tive projects which are likely to be completed and brought into operation in 2008 and 2009 to ensure an appropriate economic growth rate, enhance the effectiveness of state budget investments; supervise investment activities of economic groups and state general corpora- tions to ensure to meet their set goals. All the levels, agencies, ministries and units that are state budget beneficiaries should cut down 10 percent of their current expenditures in the remaining months of 2008; and cut down other expenditures in a reasonable man- ner as instructed by the Government.
Be proactive in management and governance, comprehensively coordinate and undertake concrete measures in financial, monetary and credit areas. Apply without delay appropriate policies and measures to closely manage with- out causing any fluctuation in the monetary, securities and real estate markets. Inspect and take strong actions against behaviors of spec- ulation and disseminating false rumors aimed at causing market panic.
lônh vûơc tađi chñnh, tiïìn tïơ, tñn duơng. AÂp duơng ngay caâc chñnh saâch vađ biïơn phaâp thñch húơp ăïí quaên lyâ chùơt cheô, khöng gíy biïịn ăöơng thõ trûúđng tiïìn tïơ, thõ trûúđng chûâng khoaân, thõ trûúđng bíịt ăöơng saên. Kiïím tra, xûê lyâ nghiïm caâc hađnh vi ăíìu cú, tung tin thíịt thiïơt nhùìm gíy röịi thõ trûúđng.
Thaâo gúô khoâ khùn, taơo ăiïìu kiïơn thuíơn lúơi nhíịt ăïí ăííy maơnh xuíịt khííu, ăi ăöi vúâi kiïím soaât vađ cú cíịu laơi hađng hoâa nhíơp khííu, giaêm nhíơp khííu nhoâm hađng tiïu duđng vađ caâc nhoâm hađng chûa thûơc sûơ cíìn thiïịt, ăaơt bùìng ặúơc muơc tiïu giaêm nhíơp siïu.
Kõp thúđi thaâo gúô khoâ khùn cho doanh nghiïơp ăïí ăííy maơnh saên xuíịt, baêo ăaêm cín ăöịi cung cíìu hađng hoaâ phuơc vuơ cho saên xuíịt vađ ăúđi söịng cuêa nhín dín. Tùng cûúđng kiïím tra, kiïím soaât giaâ víơt tû ăíìu vađo cuêa saên xuíịt, ăùơc biïơt lađ víơt tû thiïịt ýịu phuơc vuơ saên xuíịt hađng xuíịt khííu, saên xuíịt nöng, lím, ngû nghiïơp; xûê lyâ nghiïm vi phaơm phaâp luíơt vïì quaên lyâ giaâ.
Tùng cûúđng quaên lyâ thõ trûúđng, ăíịu tranh ngùn chùơn kõp thúđi, coâ hiïơu quaê tònh traơng buön líơu, gian líơn thûúng maơi, ăíìu cú, tùng giaâ bíịt húơp lyâ; thûơc hiïơn löơ trònh caêi caâch giaâ víơt tû chuê ýịu vađ hađng tiïu duđng thiïịt ýịu mađ nhađ nûúâc cođn kiïím soaât giaâ...
Ăïí ăaơt ặúơc nhûông muơc tiïu cuêa Quöịc höơi vïì phaât triïín kinh tïị-xaô höơi nùm 2008, Chñnh phuê chó ăaơo thûơc hiïơn ăöìng böơ 8 nhoâm giaêi phaâp chuê ýịu: (1) Thûơc hiïơn chñnh saâch tiïìn tïơ chùơt cheô; (2) Kiïím soaât chùơt cheô, níng cao hiïơu quaê chi tiïu cöng; (3) Tíơp trung sûâc phaât triïín saên xuíịt cöng nghiïơp, nöng nghiïơp vađ dõch vuơ, ăaêm baêo cín ăöịi cung cíìu vïì hađng hoâa; (4) Ăííy maơnh xuíịt khííu, kiïím soaât chùơt cheô nhíơp khííu, giaêm nhíơp siïu; (5) Triïơt ăïí thûơc hađnh tiïịt kiïơm trong saên xuíịt vađ tiïu duđng; (6) Tùng cûúđng cöng taâc quaên lyâ thõ trûúđng chöịng
Overcome difficulties and create the most favor- able conditions for promoting export in conjunc- tion with controlling and restructuring imported goods, reducing imports of consumer goods and other unnecessary goods with the ultimate goal of trade deficit reduction.
Timely surmount difficulties for enterprises to promote production, and to ensure the balance of supply and demand of goods necessary for production and daily life. To enhance inspection and control on price of input materials of produc- tion, especially those materials that are essential for production of export goods, agricultural, forestry and fishery production; and strictly deal with violations of the regulations on price man- agement.
Enhance market management, timely and effec- tively combat smuggling, trade fraud, specula- tion, and unreasonable price increase; imple- ment price reform roadmap for essential materi- als and consumer goods that are still under the control by the Government.
In order to obtain the National Assembly's objec- tives of socio-economic development in 2008, the Government directed the comprehensive implementation of eight key packages: (1) To implement a tight monetary policy; (2) To closely control and improve the effectiveness of public expenditure; (3) To focus on developing industri- al, agricultural production and services, ensuring the commodity supply-demand balance; (4) To strongly promote exports and strictly control imports, reducing trade deficit; (5) To thoroughly practice thrift in production and consumption; (6) To strengthen market management to combat speculation, smuggling and trade fraud, and supervise the compliance with the state laws on prices; (7) To enhance measures supporting the stabilization of people's life and production, expanding the implementation of social welfare policies; and (8) To promote the information communication and propaganda on state policies…