I don’t want tobe laughed at.
Yờu cầu: Áp dụng cơng thức để lm bit àà ập đắc biệt phân biệt đợc khi nào thì sử dụng Ving, To Verb
Ving, To Verb
Nội dung:
Gerund ( V-ing )
- Form: Ving
- laứm chuỷ ngửừ cuỷa cãu (S) - laứm tãn ngửừ trửùc tieỏp (O)
- boồ sung nghúa cho chuỷ tửứ (C)_Complement thửụứng ủaởt sau tobe - laứm tãn ngửừ cuỷa giụựi tửứ
- the + Ving + of
* Caực trửụứng hụùp phaỷi duứng gerund (danh ủoọng tửứ)
Nhửừng ủoọng tửứ coự Ving theo sau :
- consider (cãn nhaộc, xem) - delay (hoaừn lái)
- detest (gheựt), (khõng chũu) - finish (hoaứn thaứnh)
- hate (gheựt)
- mind (phiền) + Ving
- postpone (trỡ hoaừn) - prefer ……to (thớch) - prohibit ……from (caỏm) - avoid (traựnh)
- dislike (khõng thớch
- deny (choỏi caừi)
- enjoy (thớch)
- escape (thoaựt)
- feel like (caỷm thaỏy thớch) - imagine (tửụỷng tửụùng) - mention (nẽu ra) - miss (boỷ lụỷ)
- practise (thửùc haứnh)
- prevent ……from (ngaờn ……) - quit (boỷ)
- suggest (ủề nghũ)
- recommend (giụựi thieọu)
- risk(liều lúnh)
Ex: She enjoys listening to music .
2.Ving ủi theo sau caực thaứnh ngửừ :
be worth (ủaựng)
be busy (baọn)
it’s no good / use (chaỳng toỏt / ớch gỡ)
can’t / couldn’t help = can’t stand = can’t bear (khõng khoỷi) + Ving
Have + fun / a good time / trouble / difficulty
spend / waste time
be tired of (meọt moỷi) be fond of (thớch) be bored with (chaựn)
be interested in (quan tãm)
make a point of (coi ……laứ cần thieỏt)
no + N/Ving
without + Ving/N/Pronoun
be used to
be accustomed to (quen vụựi) get used to
3- Sau ủoọng tửứ keựp
go on
give up insist on
Note : Spend / waste + time / money + V-ing
= It + takes / took + ( O ) + time + To – Vo ….
3. Giụựi tửứ (in , at , with ….) + Ving Ex: She is interested in learning English
4. Go + Ving (Ex: go swimming , go fishing , go shopping ,go camping …)
5.Moọt soỏ caỏu truực khaực :
- S person + be/get used to
- S thing + be ued for + Ving
- S thing + need
Note : S person + am/is/are/get used to + Ving = often /usually + Vs,es (thúi quen ở hiện tại)
S person + was / were / got used to + Ving = used to + Vo (thúi quen ở quỏ khứ)
S thing + be used to + Vo = be used for + Ving (vật được dựng để )
Infinitive : Vo / To – Vo I.Bare Infinitive: (Vo)
* Sau nhửừng ủoọng tửứ ủaởc bieọt:
can/could had better would rather...than... + Vo will/would shall/should may/might be able to have to must be going to ought to used to
* Sau moọt soỏ ủoọng tửứ nhử:
S (Active) + make(baột buoọc)
+ let(cho pheựp) + O person + Vo
+ Have(nhụứ) see hear feel
Ex : Our teacher makes us study well.
Note : S (Passive) + have/get + Othing + V3,ed.
II. Full Infinitive : (To-V) Nguyẽn maĩu coự to (to-infinitive)
- Theo sau nhửừng ủoọng tPửứ nhử:
agree (đồng ý)
begin = start (bắt đầu)
ask (hỏi , yờu cầu)
plan (dự định ) refuse (từ chối) seem (cú vẻ) advise (khuyờn) tell (kể , bảo) order (ra lệnh)
encourage (khuyến khớch) + (o) + to Vo
warn (cảnh cỏo )
hope (hi vọng)
manage (cố gắng)
tend (cú xu hướng )
threaten (đe dọa)
want (muốn)
expect (mong đợi)
intend decide
- Khi hai ủoọng tửứ thửụứng ủửựng keỏ nhau Ex : She wants to pass the next exam .
We are made to study well by our teacher. III.Verbs followed by gerund or infinitive:
1. Without difference in meaning :
2. - Begin, start, continue + Ving / to V Ex : He starts working/to work.
- allow allowed
- advise + Ving be + advised + to V
- permit + O + to V permitted
- recommend
Ex: My mother advised me to study hard .
2. With difference in meaning :
a a.Quit/stop + To-V (ngửứng lái ủeồ) # Quit/Stop + V-ing ( ngửứng haỳn, khõng
laứm nửừa)
b b.Remember + To-V ( nhụự phaỷi, hieọn tái, chửa xaừy ra)
c # Remerber + V-ing (nhụự ủaừ, quaự khửự, ủaừ xaừy ra)
c.Forget + To-V(quẽn phaỷi,1 nhieọm vú) # Forget + V-ing (quẽn ủaừ, xaỷy ra rồi).
d d.Try + To-V ( coỏ gaộng) # Try + V-ing ( thửỷ)
IV.Other cases:
1.Prefer + V-ing to V-ing = would rather + Vo + than + Vo (thớch ….. hơn ... ) 2 .S (person-active) + need/ want/ require +To-V.
S (thing-passive) + need/ want/ require + V-ing / Tobe V3,ed
Ngày soạn 5/4/2012