3 (Dangjthe cua dong tur (Vo ice)

Một phần của tài liệu Động từ bất quy tắc và những điều cần yếu trong văn phạm tiếng Anh (Trang 122)

- Shall he go with you? Yes, he shall.

3 (Dangjthe cua dong tur (Vo ice)

Tron g ti£ng Anh c6 hai d^ng / th£: - Chu dQng (active voice). - Bj dQng (passive voice).

a) T h i chu dbng th i chu ngi2 thuc hiQn hhnh dbng.

Vf dy: - They w rite letters.

(Chung nd v i i t thu.)

Chu ngtf they thuc hi£n h&nh dQng w rite

- The teacher explained the lesson.

(Th'&y gido da g io n g bhi.)

Chu ngtf teacher thuc hi§n hinh dQng explained.

b) T h i thu ddng th i chu ngi? bi ch i ph6i bdi him h dbng.

Dang thu dQng: to be + past participle.

Vf du: - L etter a r e w r it t e n by them.

(Cac bite th u duoc v ii t bdi chung.)

The lesson w a s e x p la in e d by the teacher.

(Bai hoc dupe gian g bdi ih'&y gido.)

M ot so mau cau thuQc th£ chu dQng va bi dQng d cac thi khac nhau oil ddng ttf.

active voice subject + verb + object

passive voice subject + be + past participle + by 4*object

Hifcn tgi They write letters everyday.

Letters are written


Qud khif They wrote

letters yesterday.

Letters were written

yesterday. Tudng lai - They w ill write letter


- They are going to write

letter tomorrow. - They should write


- They have to write


- Letters w ill be written tomorrow.

- Letters are going to be

written tomorrow. - Letters should be written. - Letters have to be written. Ti£p diln / di&n tife'n

- They are w riting letters. - They were w riting


- They w ill be w riting


- Letters are being


- Letters were being


- Letters w ill be being

written. Hoan thanh - They have written


- They had written


- They w ill have written letters.

- Letters have been


- Letters had been


- Letters w ill have been



C6 ba loai thifc:

a) Thitc trin thu§t (indicative mood). b) Thtfc mfenh l£nh (imparative mood).

c) Thtfc gia thi£t (subjunctive mood).

Trong dd thilc trikn thu&t I i quan trpng nh&t vi thiidng dung d£ no chuyin, hoi d&p.

Một phần của tài liệu Động từ bất quy tắc và những điều cần yếu trong văn phạm tiếng Anh (Trang 122)

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