... condition for Late Pleistocene alluvial deposits and weathering crust (Q 1 3b ) to be formed. These deposits are spread from the land to -100m water depth on the shelf. The colorful clays contain ... available. The pH value of clays varies from 6,9 to 7,5, Eh from -20mv to +150mv and Kt from 0,7 to 1,4. These environment indicators proved a brackish transitional environment from river to the ... South to the North and upward according a cross line. On the map of depositional environment, distance between Late Holocene paleoriver channels to the recent one is about 200 to 1000m to the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20
... Working Group Report to The Advisory Committee to the Director Continue to Share and Coordinate Resources and Tools The DIWG recommends that the NIH continue to strengthen efforts to identify common ... Draft Report to The Advisory Committee to the Director June 15, 2012 Data and Informatics Working Group Report to The Advisory Committee to the Director is a ... this area should be brought to bear to benefit both NIH staff and the extramural community. The DIWG also recommends that the NIH continue efforts to share and coordinate tools across the ICs,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 18:20
protest of the ukrainian republic to the united states against the delivery of eastern galicia to polish domination. washington d. c., 1919
... continuation of century-old strife and the injustice and misery inci- dent thereto. It is the opinion of the Government and of the people I have the honor to represent, that the above-men- tioned decision of the Supreme Council ... abate but, on the contrary, increased after the Polish partition, when in 1772 the territory presently known as Eastern Galicia, together with the Duchy of Cracow, Zator and 9 prior to the Polish conquest, integrally attached ... when imperialistic passions and bolshevist diseases threaten to destroy the fruits of the great victory over European autocra- cies, I urge you not to ignore the moral issues in- volved in the struggle for the Liberty and Unity of Ukraine. , In his programme of peace, announced on January ...
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 17:32
Current situation of credit activity and solutions to the credit crisis at the military commercial bank the period of 2005 2007
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:25
báo cáo khoa học: " Public health the leading force of the Indonesian response to the HIV/AIDS crisis among people who inject drugs" doc
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20
the university of north carolina press opium war 1840-1842 barbarians in the celestial empire in the early part of the nineteenth century and the war by which they forced her gates mar 1998
... acres on the north bank of the river. A high brick wall broken by watchtowers surrounds the area. There are guards on the towers; if you are rash enough to approach along the river bank (the channel ... does beginners. Whatever his first reaction, however, with time the smoker (and the eater too) learns to expect the sensations that the heroin user of today is accustomed to. The cares and distractions ... containing the drug. But working mothers paid no attention to such warnings. They had to leave their infants in the care of old women or very young children when they went off to the mills; there...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 14:18
the secret life of the grown up brain the surprising talents of the middle aged mind barbara strauch
... “These are men whose lives were disrupted. They went off to fight the war that interrupted their careers and their pursuits, and then they came back and jumped quickly into things. They felt they ... In other words, the older pilots took longer to catch on to the new test at first, but they outperformed younger pilots when it came to doing what was most important—keeping the planes where they ... many of them had run out of money and were alone and had to sell their houses to pay for their care,” Carstensen told me. “But others had a lot of family that came to visit and were the matriarchs of...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 07:39
varoufakis - the global minotaur; america, the true origins of the financial crisis and the future of the world economy (2011)
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 13:49
Chernobyl’s Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts and Recommendations to the Governments of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine pdf
... IRRGSURFHVVLQJRUZRRGSURGXFWV7KLVSUR¿OHKDV remained largely the same after the accident, though the three countries have taken different approaches to the legacy of collective farms. The agricultural sector was the area of the economy worst ... particularly susceptible to the drastic changes of the 1990s. Wages tend to be lower and unemployment higher in the affected areas than they are elsewhere. This is in part the result of the accident and ... beyond the affected areas into a wide section of the population. Parents may be transferring their anxiety to their children through example and excessively protective care. 47 — The local...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20
The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen - and What to Do
... Pages) Chasing the Future: Spoilsports of the Prediction Game What are the seven wet blankets of the prediction endeavor? They include the butterfly effect, the uncertainty principle, the observer ... Apocalypse Asteroids have slammed into Earth before, and they will again. Large impacts are dangerous but rare, while small ones happen often. In fact, the smaller the size, the more frequently they occur. Micrometeorites ... such quantity that you can collect them yourself if you know how. The Human Race to the Future What Could Happen — and What to Do Daniel Berleant in a big way. There will be no going back. ...
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 18:06
Evaluating Novel Threats to the Homeland doc
... bars plotted on the x-axis to the left of the figure, and the corresponding fraction of the total 10,000-m 2 target area is indicated by red circles and plotted on the axis to the right. 5 ... missiles over other attack modes are not in the destructive power that they can carry; they are in the way they carry that power and the distance from which they allow an adversary to control ... target to target. For example, phone calls or other threats have histori- cally proven useful to trigger evacuation of people from the immediate area of a target; once they are evacuated, the people...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20
Threats to the Marine Environment: Pollution and Physical Damage pptx
... and the Law of the Sea – Report to the 60 th session of the General Assembly, 4 March 2005, para. 104. Chapter 2: Threats to the Marine Environment 25 find their way into the sea from the ... destabilise the reef structure. 190 For instance, in the coral -reef banks in the Tortugas Ecological Reserve and the Tortugas Bank (United States), an anchor scar that covers an area exceeding ... atmospheric deposition is the most likely way into the marine environment for POPs, many of which are volatile and considered to be highly toxic. 116 Furthermore, a topical concern is the increasing...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20
Environmental Impact of Products (EIPRO) Analysis of the life cycle environmental impacts related to the final consumption of the EU-25 pot
... possible to put together a picture of the whole economy. The main weak points of the bottom-up approach are: ã that they are based on LCAs that cut off process trees so that the coverage of environmental ... results. Environmental Impact of Products (EIPRO) 13 output of the sector, and that the nature of the environmental interventions and the ratios between them are fixed. In its most basic form, an environmental ... the greatest environmental impact. The results are based on a life cycle analysis of the products consumed in the European Union and paid for by private households and the public sector. The...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21
... increasingly being utilized by customers, regulators and environmental advocacy groups to holistically evaluate the environmental performance of materials and products. The environmental profiles of ... is the predominant theme of many of the technical papers prepared for this conference. ) As previously mentioned, we also need to look at social consequences of an activity to support the ... wire are not on the Annex IX list and are still subject to shipment restrictions to developing nations. Fortunately, other governing bodies have taken a more pragmatic approach such as the...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 23:20
The Complete Guide to the TOEFL IBT part 8
... fact that they are “evergreen” trees (which allows them to start pho- tosynthesizing right away in the spring) as adapta- tions to the cold. There is no mention of their bark or of their root ... fact that they are “evergreen” trees (which allows them to start pho- tosynthesizing right away in the spring) as adapta- tions to the cold. There is no mention of their bark or of their root ... decimal systems are easy to use. 6. The main topic of the lecture is numeral systems that are not base-10. 7. The two primary examples that the professor mentions are the system used b y the Yuki Indians...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 15:15
Manifestation Manifesto: From the World Within to the World Without
... affirmations are the easiest tool to use to manifest what you desire. They are easy to create (or to find) and easy to repeat. It is the repetition that passes them over to memory (and thus the subconscious ... here. What I have attempted to do in this Manifestation Manifesto is to cut to the chase of what I think you need to know to manifest what you want. By the way, the term "cut to the chase" ... in the film industry. "Cut" or edit the film to the chase sequence. It means get to the most exciting part of the movie right away the chase. This is the part of the movie people are...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15
The Complete Guide to the TOEFL IBT part 9
... want to ↓ crime S ummary/Paraphrase of the Passage In their letters to the editors of the campus paper, astronomers indicate that they are upset because the campus and the streets of the town are ... reacts to this proposal by saying that the other students are used to the lab partners that they have. 21. She offers to talk to Robert and tell him to be more care- ful and to help with the report. 22. ... was similar to the o xygen level on top of a 6,000-meter mountaintop. 34. No. There is some evidence that these theories are true, but the event took place a long time ago, so it is difficult to know...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 01:15