weather the seasons and everything in between

The teacher''s magazine - the seasons and the weather

The teacher''s magazine - the seasons and the weather

... identifying, labelling, locating, matching, naming, ordering, organising, placing, explaining, contrasting, distinguishing, investigating, researching, sharing, grouping, categorising, highlighting, ... classifying, predicting, guessing, suggesting, choosing, explaining, justifying, solving, recommending, building, changing, creating, describing, inventing, planning, producing, commenting, rating ... taking, locating information, organising information, interpreting information, using senses, planning, processing information, recording results, reviewing work, scanning, skimming, solving...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2015, 22:53

32 428 0
The tragic and heroic in hamlet and othello by william shakespeare = bi kịch và lòng quả cảm trong các tác phẩm hamlet và othello của william shakespeare

The tragic and heroic in hamlet and othello by william shakespeare = bi kịch và lòng quả cảm trong các tác phẩm hamlet và othello của william shakespeare

... beautiful and interesting that men had the right to live and enjoy everything on the earth Renaissance in the awakening’ s mind, the awakening of individual spirit and secularism In the Middle-Ages, ... heroic” in society and literature - “Tragic and heroic” in Othello and in Hamlet 5 .The methods of the thesis - Studying documents dealing with the thesis - Analysis method the theme and characters ... England in the Renaissance - Studying Shakespeare’s life and career - Studying the theme in Shakespeare’s plays “tragic and heroic” in Othello and in Hamlet format of the thesis This thesis graduation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 21:45

62 819 2
The Anatomy of Design: Uncovering the influences and inspiration in modern graphic design

The Anatomy of Design: Uncovering the influences and inspiration in modern graphic design

... using them to identify criminals in 1858, and they thereafter emerged in art For in addition to its abstract quality, the fingerprint is richly symbolic, suggesting a range of notions from individuality ... uncovering the influences and inspirations in modern graphic design steven heller and mirko ilic´ packaging and unpackaging design Graphic design is a composite of many influences and inspirations ... execution and martyrdom The pointed hood recalls both Catholic clerics during the Spanish Inquisition and the uniform of the racist Ku Klux Klan The original photograph further recalls other evidence...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 17:41

211 1,3K 0
the love and resentment in “romeo and juliet”

the love and resentment in “romeo and juliet”

... the high proportion of death in childbirth The invention of printing at the beginning of the period to everincreasing standerdization of the english language There was a boom in literacy by the ... impoorovements in the manufacture af steel, and the increasing use of coal The condition of woman in England was one of the best in Europe, although of the course the strain of bearing enormous families and ... against the grabbing and selfinterest character of the bourgeoisie It was the ideology of the most SOCIAL CONTEXT At the beginning of the tudor period England was still largely rural, consisting...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:50

10 542 0


... in the Grasse region in the department of the Alpes-Maritimes in France and they are ranked in 7th place in the world capital cities of art The first Cannes film festival took place in 1946 The ... alternative industry to the cinema and tourism industry after the Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) This study will focus on the following objectives: To understand the cinema and tourism industry ... Movies were booming as not only leisure but also a business The cinema industry has expanded its business rather than declining as new media has developed Companies invest and give their products...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

83 733 0


... of the plant the same, or different? What is the difference between the ash of the straw and that of the grain of wheat? The location of the inorganic part of plants is one of much interest, and ... being exhausted more in one ingredient than in the others, and can also manure his land with reference to the crop which he intends to grow The tables of analyses in the fifth section will point ... of the grain (where the phosphoric acid, protein and fatty matters exist most largely) The starchy matter in the interior of the grain, which is the least capable of giving strength to the animal,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 15:20

11 279 0
The advantages and disadvantages in teaching ppt

The advantages and disadvantages in teaching ppt

... so they must have gained some basic skills like reading, summarizing, identifying and applying formulae and information and such critical thinking skills as analyzing, synthesizing, hypothesizing, ... English in Vietnam in general and of the characteristics of this group of learners in particular partly reflects the increasing need for English language learning and mainly shows the advantages and ... students have in their English study Both teachers and students need to be aware of these findings of the analysis so that they can find ways to maximize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 20:20

13 761 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Differential protection by wildtype vs. organelle-specific Bcl-2 suggests a combined requirement of both the ER and mitochondria in ceramide-mediated caspase-independent programmed cell death" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Differential protection by wildtype vs. organelle-specific Bcl-2 suggests a combined requirement of both the ER and mitochondria in ceramide-mediated caspase-independent programmed cell death" docx

... specifically at the ER by binding to the autophagy-inducing protein Beclin-1 [15] Even though the role of Bcl-2 has been most intensively studied in mitochondria and the ER, Bcl-2 also localizes to the nucleus ... the main site for critical cellular functions such as protein folding, lipid biosynthesis, and calcium storage in the cell - has also been implicated in the induction of both apoptosis [15] and ... in distinct cellular compartments The carboxyterminus of wildtype Bcl-2 contains a stretch of hydrophobic amino acids (the "insertion sequence") that has been proposed to anchor proteins in the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:20

9 388 0
Báo cáo y học: "Universal access: the benefits and challenges in bringing integrated HIV care to isolated and conflict affected populations in the Republic of Congo" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Universal access: the benefits and challenges in bringing integrated HIV care to isolated and conflict affected populations in the Republic of Congo" potx

... affected during the 1998 and 2002 civil wars by fighting between three political factions and their accompanying militias (Ninjas, Cocoyes and Cobras) Pool is one of nine departments in RoC, and was ... started; Mindouli (70 km further) took another hours Security incidents on the road were common, and during the wet season the roads at times were impassable Since 2006 the security situation in the ... sessions One of the key successes of the integration process was the institution of regular meetings between counsellors, nurses, doctors and all others involved in the HIV/AIDS activities These were...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:21

7 379 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Different rates of synthesis of whey protein and casein by alleles of the β-lactoglobulin and α locus in cattle -casein s1" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Different rates of synthesis of whey protein and casein by alleles of the β-lactoglobulin and α locus in cattle -casein s1" pptx

... protein co-migrating with the sl B-a protein For the B protein, the contribution of the a is evident in -casein so the electrophoregram and has been considered in estimating the B-fraction Also the ... of the ratio between the caseins may reflect inter alia the interaction between the allelic activity and seasonal influences DISCUSSION The two breeds Bavarian Simmental and Bavarian Brown Alpine ... between the proteins produced by the alleles of the respective a,,-Cn and heterozygotes and the -Lg expression of the alleles in homozygotes is shown The difference between the whey proteins of the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20

8 272 0
Ahn and cheung the intraday patterns of the spread and depth in a market without market makers

Ahn and cheung the intraday patterns of the spread and depth in a market without market makers

... low at the beginning and the end of the week This is consistent with the finding that on the NYSE liquidity is lowest on Mondays and Fridays and highest during the middle of the week The regression ... market opens and then fall during the rest of the day, picking up again during the last 15-minute trading session Trading volume also exhibits a similar U-shaped intraday pattern However, the depth ... standard errors in parentheses., and medians in italics of the quoted and effective spreads both in Hong Kong dollars and in the percentage of stock price The quoted spread is defined as the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2014, 10:17

18 247 0
a cross - cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về tính kiệm ngôn và rườm ngôn trong hành vi yêu cầu của người anh và người việt

a cross - cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về tính kiệm ngôn và rườm ngôn trong hành vi yêu cầu của người anh và người việt

... devoted to identifying, and trying to explain differences in the speech styles between men and women And one of the main differences has been found in the area of linguistic politeness There are different ... request in her/his mind As the generator of meanings” (Leech, 1985), the speaker makes some utterances in order to achieve the goals On the other hand, the hearer, the interpreter of meaning”, ... of the methodology helped to show the way for the analysis of the collected data in the next chapter CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 29 In the preceding chapter, the methodology applied in...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

57 1,1K 2
a cross - cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về tính kiệm ngôn và rườm ngôn trong hành vi yêu cầu của người anh và người việt tt

a cross - cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về tính kiệm ngôn và rườm ngôn trong hành vi yêu cầu của người anh và người việt tt

... economicality and redundancy in requesting 22 3.2 The link between the addresser’s/ addressee’s gender and relative age and the use of lexico modal makers seen as redundancy – creating factors ... v PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale and the statement of the problem Aims of the study 3 Significance of the study Scope of the study ... UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES - - HOÀNG THỊ MỴ ON THE ECONOMICALITY AND REDUNDANCY IN REQUESTING IN ENGLISH A A CROSS – CULTURAL...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

4 653 7
A cross – cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese

A cross – cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese

... redundancy in requesting in English and Vietnamese culture with the hope of discovering answers to the uncertainty and promoting awareness of cross-cultural differences in English and Vietnamese ... English on the cultural similarities and differences between the two languages when using redundancy and economicality factors in requesting More importantly, from the major findings of the study, ... been the topic of so many researches whose major findings mainly point out the basic differences between Vietnamese and English when using politeness, directness or indirectness strategies in requesting...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:46

9 588 3
The acquisition of the fricatives and affricatives in mandarin by elementary level learners

The acquisition of the fricatives and affricatives in mandarin by elementary level learners

... language The value of the thesis was analyzed by reviewing the academic history of this topic The research questions and hypotheses are brought forward In Chapter 3, the thesis introduces the methodology ... Chapter is the literature review of the field, including the theories of second language acquisition, researches of Chinese fricatives and affricatives and researches of teaching Chinese as a ... native Chinese (Beijing) and nine elementary level foreign learners (6-7 months of learning) participated in this study The three set of Chinese fricatives and affricatives are absent from the phonetic...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 16:41

147 278 0
Factors of Faculty Members’ Satisfaction Impacting on  the Education and Training in Lac Hong University,  Vietnam

Factors of Faculty Members’ Satisfaction Impacting on the Education and Training in Lac Hong University, Vietnam

... policies with the goal in terms of teachers’ teaching satisfaction, improving teaching and learning quality, and stabilizing the teachers who can retain in education and reducing the turnover ... economics, and social humanities On the one hand, the school ensures to provide those who need training and retraining programs with high quality learning conditions, on the other hand, it ensures the ... methods In Chapter 4, we report the data analysis in detail and present the findings Finally, in Chapter we provide discussions of implications to the findings It also draws a conclusion for the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2016, 16:23

92 272 0
8332 the seasons and clothes

8332 the seasons and clothes

... LUCK! The Seasons Complete the words and write the clothes that you wear in each season S_ _ _ _ _ A_ _ _ _ _ CLOTHES CLOTHES W_ _ _ _ _ CLOTHES ... W_ _ _ _ _ CLOTHES Source; Google Image S_ _ _ _ _ CLOTHES CEBI, 2011 ...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 21:06

2 128 0
Tài liệu Psychotherapy and Survival in Cancer: The Conflict Between Hope and Evidence pptx

Tài liệu Psychotherapy and Survival in Cancer: The Conflict Between Hope and Evidence pptx

... deficits in the title and introduction; a lack of reporting about the allocation sequence, how it was implemented, and blinding; and inadequate discussion of the findings Kissane et al (2004) The ... involves integrating the results of trials that differ in their quality, primary outcomes, recruitment criteria, and sample sizes and in the interventions being evaluated Integrating these disparate ... supplementary gatherings in the cafeteria after formal sessions They also held meetings in the homes of dying members and accompanied one another to medical appointments (Spiegel & Classen, 2000) The implications...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 05:20

28 498 0
Tài liệu Global Retail Lending in the Aftermath of the US Financial Crisis: Distinguishing between Supply and Demand Effects ppt

Tài liệu Global Retail Lending in the Aftermath of the US Financial Crisis: Distinguishing between Supply and Demand Effects ppt

... is whether the growing trend in globalization in banking results in events such as the U.S financial crisis affecting the real economy in other countries through the bank lending channel In particular, ... corporate lending by savings banks in Germany kept increasing even after the beginning of the financial crisis in 2007, however Accordingly, a substantial part of the U.S and global rescue and stimulus ... e.g by financing infrastructure projects Second, Landesbanken cooperate with the savings banks in their region, serve as their clearing bank and support them in particular in wholesale business...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20

51 451 0