The teacher''s magazine - the seasons and the weather
Trang 1Vernal
winter soistice
exam situations
Online images for
your teaching material
"Learning English, Loving Books and More"
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: Reading - I4o / Book
rlopdia 4ITJ7
Lucrecia built a veggie garden with her students
and encouraged their families to join in They picked
lots of vegetables for their school dinner
At Vittra school to Sweden there are no walls delimiting the classroom; each student is free
to experiment in their own way
Find inspiring educational activities like these ones and share yours in j CJtLbEDIBA
Joiftihe community of those who are suissi.utuiliit about education at am
Trang 3J Poland zamowienia@edir
You will also find some articles for food for thought with plenty of practical ideas to be applied to the activities presented in this issue or any other topic you have in mind
We really hope you find this edition useful and look forward to meeting you next month
The Teachers Magazine team
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Trang 4CLIL and students in this metaphor the floating device would something else: the content It is like those optical illusions in
N which you look at a picture and at the same time you are looking at a completely different image
Traditional Approach
The objective: English
CLIL The objective: English
means: other curriculum content
hat content can you use?
Citizenship, Stories, Design, Technology, )nomics, Geography, History, Math, asic, Physical Education, Philosophy, sligious Studies, Politics, Science, iterature, Information and ommunication Technology (ICT), etc
ow is communication achieved?
udents have to produce the subject Ater in visual, oral and written forms bjert matter is the content related to the ject chosen Cognitive and thinking
Is are involved, such as reasoning, sating, assessing and using critical :ing; therefore students are challenged to mething different Learners also have the
cc of understanding other cultures, being minded, enriching their own
wtedge and having a positive attitude
cards learning
hat language do students use?
udento need to know the basics of onguage structures and functions With CLIL they will be able to understand concepts and communicate ideas using
Trang 5production resembles native speakers' performance
How do I write a CLIL lesson plan?
Examples of functions students may put into practice:
Giving examples, describing a process, expressing conditions,
talking about , defining, presenting an argument, giving
reasons, reporting events
Examples of cognitive skills students may put into practice:
Remembering, thinking, identifying, showing a relationship,
ordering, sequencing, ranking, defining, comparing,
contrasting, dividing, classifying, separating, predicting,
hypothesising, reasoning, evaluating, assessing
Examples of classroom activities students put into practice:
Relating, spelling, telling, identifying, labelling, locating,
matching, naming, ordering, organising, placing, explaining,
contrasting, distinguishing, investigating, researching, sharing,
grouping, categorising, highlighting, classifying, predicting,
guessing, suggesting, choosing, explaining, justifying, solving,
recommending, building, changing, creating, describing,
inventing, planning, producing, commenting, rating
Examples of learning skills students may put into practice:
Carrying out investigations, cooperating with others, handling
data, drafting sketches, editing articles, estimating, measuring,
guessing from context, note taking, locating information,
organising information, interpreting information, using senses,
planning, processing information, recording results, reviewing
work, scanning, skimming, solving problems, summarising,
transforming, information
Examples of subjects and tasks:
History, Geography, Politics, and Philosophy: read, recount,
summarise, report, explain
Science: hypothesise, observe, describe, record, web search
Math, Economy: explain, solve, describe, show, predict
Art, Music, Literature: read, write, describe, explain, change
tCTt enter, explain, represent, show, design
Examples of different tasks:
Bar chart, mind map, flow chart, grid, line graph, pie chart,
cause-effect diagram, quadrants, storyboard, T-chart, table,
time-line, tree diagram, Venn diagram
The students should be abk N,
5,er,b, tau e,and ,e',r,rrgvs,I
R udi ation bral, atmosphere 51jrfatc, yLtnh ouse, C'O: 0! bum fozi I furl de Airestal ion
~ I ITL p I ~ pr cwml, e.g -Soiar heaL passes th rough Lhe at mo sphmigassv-,~ cruai c a ha rr ier; t Ilk!
Feactislu cognillon
Where can I get CLIL material?
Try the following interesting sites:
How do I assess CLIL?
There are soft and hard approaches to CLIL Soft approaches state that language correctness as regards the structures should be taken into account; on the other hand, hard approaches assert that the only items that should be considered at the time of assessing are content, concepts and the cognitive skills It will depend on each teacher to establish their own personal criterion All in alt, it is advisable to find a balance between all the components of CLIL
Atarea Obeso
Bentley, Kay (2010) The TRT course CLIL module Cambridge University
Trang 6I
The student is able to
difficulty of help
Understand new ideas
Answer open questions
Answer close questions
'Ask questions to other classmates
Report main ideas
Identify main ideas
Trang 7CLIL
Model plan
Know: The students should be able to:
Trang 8rhe seasons and the weather are great topics for
ally time of the year They open a wide range of
t possibilities for connecting varied topics, grammar
and vocabulary
Through posters I and 2 students will learn about the
changing seasons, develop an understanding of physical and
environmental changes, learn and speak about the weather
To teach the name of the seasons, show the students poster 1
and explain how the seasons go round and round and why
they are different in the northern and southern hemisphere
- w -
Drawings and seasons
Make sure you previously ask the students to bring pictures showing things that happen in a season: a snowman, a beach full of people, flowers, warm clothes, etc
In class, divide the students into small groups; give each group a big sheet of paper, and ask them to draw a big circle divided into four parts As it is shown in poster 1 they should represent each season with a different drawing Ask them to
label them: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Then they
should paste the pictures they have brought on the circle
Sports and seasons
Point at a season and ask the students what sports are practiseu during that period They should make sentences like these:
We can ski in the winter, when there is snow/ it snows
We pick flowers in the spring
We can swim in the summer
Flowers, plants and seasons
Help the students create a season book, where they are going
to record the life cycle of a plant as the seasons go round They can also include photos, leaves and flowers to signal season changes
- In the artclass the students may create a palette of colours to
- -
Colours and seasons
represent each season Give them the opportunity to be creative and use their imagination
I1 The sun and seasons
Tell the students that in groups, they are going to find out what time the sun rises and sets in a season they choose Make sure that each group chooses a different season and go
on the Internet to do their search
Trang 9Long days, short days and seasons
Discuss the length of days, short days, long nights and long
days, short nights You can take advantage of this subject to
practise sentences such as, In the summer I go to bed at 10
In the winterigo to bed around 9
ALRUMnal eaunox
Animals and seasons Poems and seasons -s
Ask the students to think about different animals and how Ask the students to write
out with new vocabulary
Take advantage of the fact that many animals reproduce in the
,, dom
Another subject you can come up with is migration that also -•.-
research on the Internet and look for photographs of
birds They could say where they come from, why and when
it -
are, etc They can also do some research on whales and
Clothes and seasons
What do we wear in the summer? Bring a model of a girl and Note: For extra
a boy and the students can draw, colour and stick on them the practice see
appropriate clothes according to the season they are going photocopiable
through You can discuss what kind of clothes is the most activities on
suitable for each season Display the models on the watt or pages tO to 14
notice board in the classroom
The weather and seasons
the vocabulary You may want to
the sky: rain, snow, hail and where
make it rain for the students to see condensation It is a very
simple experiment and it can be carried out in the classroom
You will need: a wide-mouth container, hot water, ice cubes, a
small plate to hold the ice cubes First, pour a little hot water
into the glass container and wait for some minutes Next,
place the plate on the container Finally, put the ice cubes on
the plate and see what happens Ask the students to tell what
happens The explanation is very simple The moisture in the
warns air condenses because of the cold plate so that water
droplets are formed The same happens in the atmosphere
when warm moist air rises and meets cold temperatures
Water vapour condenses and causes rain to fall
Trang 10A) Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with an adjective
rain / cloud / .storm / sun /
fog / snow / ice / .wind/
B) Now write the adjectives of the following nouns and match the pictures with the words
1) heat: 2) cold: 3) warmth: .4) frost
C) Write five sentences using the adjectives from exercises A) and B)
2) 3)
Key! A) 1) sunny; 2) ra!ny;3) cloudy; 4) stormy; 5) foggy, 6) snowy; 7) icy; 5) windy B) 1) a-hot:2)c-cold;3) b-warm;4) d-frozen,
A) Write the name of the seasons
B) Write the name of the months of the year corresponding to each season
C) Draw some pictures to illustrate
Trang 12(L; \ Level: Elementary Age: Children/Adolescents
A) Read the poem and say what happens in each season
? B) Write your own poem about your favourite season
C) Illustrate and read it aloud
L The weather is a CTfliOtS thing
It's aiwags nice in the spring
1.00 Surrirrier brings strn and heat,
so many things to do and ice-creams to eat!
In attcmn, leaves £afl down
j And we play on the grottnd
Winter brings wind, cold and Snow
I To rnalce a snowman, we mist have a go!
43 Ana M Martino
Trang 144
Read this story and fill in the blanks with verbs, nouns, adverbs, adjectives, articles or prepositions
One day, the gods of the ancient world were looking at all the 1
things they had created They were pleased because everything on Earth was
balanced, colourful and harmony They saw the green gross
in the 3) and were happy They sow the blue of the oceans and
the 4t and they were glad They looked at the red, yellow,
orange in so many 5) and they were delighted
6) one ofthe gods, who was very 7 Said, "We
8) celebrate There is a problem."
Al/the other gods looked at him and asked, 'Why do you say that?"
And the god replied, "Look at the sky, it is not balanced There is
91 light blue when it is sunny, grey when it is cloudy, and block
After some minutes, a goddess exclaimed, "You are right! We should create a
colourful bridge ioi the land and the ll) 'And
so rainbows were 12)
Key: Suggested answers: 1) magnificent; 2) in; 3) fields; 4) seas; 5) flowers; 61 suddenly; 7) clean,; B) shouldn't; 9) only; 10) between; 11) sky; 12) created
Trang 15rm
rs game follows the famous Battleship game It makes your
students practise vocabulary and short verbal exchanges
Four sets of two cards each, revising vocabulary related to clothes, food, the
house and animals (see pages 16 to 19)
If students do not know how to play Battleship, it would be convenient to
show the procedure on the board before giving Out the cards
Students work in pairs Each student should hold a card and not show his
card to his mate
The aim is to guess where the other student has got the five items shown on
the card by asking or saying:
• Have got ot a on (blue/one)?
• is there
.on (blue/one)?
• There is a.on (blue/one
• 1 can see a on (blue/one)
If the vocabulary item mentioned is in (blue/one), the player scores The first
one to guess where all five items are is the winner