teacher s strategies to motivate the students question 18 and 19

Using some games to motivate the students of class 10A9 to learn English grammar at Yendinh 1 high s...

Using some games to motivate the students of class 10A9 to learn English grammar at Yendinh 1 high s...

... after the lessons, students were very passive, not enthusiastic in expressing their opinions In the lessons, teacher mostly used Vietnamese to make sure that all the students in the class understood ... Moreover, the teacher did not use any grammar games during the lesson It made the classroom’s atmosphere become stressful Students showed their tiredness in class, both teachers and students felt ... interest for students in English grammar lessons, especially students in class 10A9 at high school, I really want to clarify the topic : “Using some games to motivate the students of class 10A9 to

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2022, 11:19

20 4 0


... respond to students’ work and reward success Teachers should know how to use these strategies so as to increase students’ motivation inEnglish speaking activities Therefore, this action research ... was then used as evidence to show how useful the changes used by the teacherwere Questionnaire 2 was also analyzed to gather information about the students’ attitudetowards and assessment of the ... (1971), Sass (1989), Ames andAmes (1991), Harris (1991) and Dornyei (2001), Jones and Jones (1995), Oxford andShearin (1994), etc * Capitalize on students’ existing needs Students learn to speak

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2018, 20:32

45 269 0
Using some games to motivate the students of class 10a9 to learn english grammar at yendinh 1 high school

Using some games to motivate the students of class 10a9 to learn english grammar at yendinh 1 high school

... during the lesson It made the classroom’s atmosphere become stressful Students showed their tiredness in class, both teachers and students felt tired after the lessons, students were very passive, ... enthusiastic in expressing their opinions In the lessons, teacher mostly used Vietnamese to make sure that all the students in the class understood about the lessons Results from the students In ... lessons The observation is presented at the Appendix Results from the teacher In English grammar lessons, the teacher ussually used the method “presentative approach” in their lessons, the teacher

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2019, 20:17

34 125 0
some activities to motivate the students’ spirit in learning english 10 at trieu son upper secondary school number 2

some activities to motivate the students’ spirit in learning english 10 at trieu son upper secondary school number 2

... unclear things on the board and ask sts to guess what the teacher is going to draw next - complete the pictures of three faces with sadness on them - ask sts these questions: + Who are they? Men ... some pictures in turn and ask students to say out what they can see - ask students to guess the content of the lesson b.Lesson B: Speaking Name: matching words Type: group work Materials: poster, ... KEY to move - Missing or misspelled - The meter was not bulky and the students' - Provides directly or indirectly to the students - Allows you to edit any topics at a time - Use fresh air to drain

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2019, 20:18

23 83 0
(LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Three ways to motivate the students at Banking Academy Bacninh branch in English speaking activities

(LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Three ways to motivate the students at Banking Academy Bacninh branch in English speaking activities

... assessing their speaking skills, the teacher encouraged students to identify their needs, strengths, and weaknesses, and to establish realistic, achievable goals for their speaking activities ... that the student was on-task."0" if the observed student was off-task Then the observers passed on the next students They continued until all students had been observed and assessed 12 times Over ... students' views on the use of rewards in these speaking activities Finally, Item 4 aimed to assess students' overall attitudes toward the teaching methods used in the last six speaking lessons.The data

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2023, 02:40

63 4 0
Applying content  based instruction to motivate the reading interest to students at vinh medical university

Applying content based instruction to motivate the reading interest to students at vinh medical university

... Bottom-up and top-down approaches to reading oo eect eee 25 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY cccssssssssssssssssssssssssssnssnssssssessnsssssssssossnsseseee 28 Ea na 28 3.2 Research setting 29 3.3 Sampling ... exercise: choosing the best answer, True or False statements, give brief description of signs or symptoms of some diseases (or answer the comprehension questions) and fill in the missing words (or word ... of the books students use to learn these subjects are designed for native speakers and this factor helps students to learn more and not only a specific vocabulary and grammar structure This method

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2014, 08:27

123 435 0
How to motivate the first year students at haiphong private university in speaking activities

How to motivate the first year students at haiphong private university in speaking activities

... motivating students in speaking activities 3.4.1 Suggestions for the teachers The teacher plays an important role as an instructor and encourages students in learning process In English speaking class, ... APPENDIX SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES (FOR TEACHERS) This survey questionnaire is designed for the research into how to motivate the 1st-year students in speaking activities Your assistance in completing the ... Although teachers have applied various activities and techniques in order to motivate students in speaking lessons, students’ feedback is out of their expectation Basing on these conclusions, the researcher

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2019, 14:08

48 132 0
Using extracurricular activities to motivate the studentsenglish learning passion of he classes 11a1,11a2,12a1 in quan s

Using extracurricular activities to motivate the studentsenglish learning passion of he classes 11a1,11a2,12a1 in quan s

... students understand the lesson easier and contributes to improve students’ vocabularies Besides, students also have to brainstorm all vocabularies related to the places they will come to And after the ... fields, from acting to applied mathematics As a member of such organizations, you will meet with other likeminded students, professors and professionals In such meetings, you will discuss issues ... for the topic of the lesson In term of the content of the lesson, both teachers and students have to accumulate the information about the destination in English The teacher should understand

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2019, 19:05

19 59 0
Using extracurricular activities to motivate the studentsenglish learning passion of he classes 11a1,11a2,12a1 in quan s

Using extracurricular activities to motivate the studentsenglish learning passion of he classes 11a1,11a2,12a1 in quan s

... students understand the lesson easier and contributes to improve students’ vocabularies Besides, students also have to brainstorm all vocabularies related to the places they will come to And after the ... fields, from acting to applied mathematics As a member of such organizations, you will meet with other likeminded students, professors and professionals In such meetings, you will discuss issues ... for the topic of the lesson In term of the content of the lesson, both teachers and students have to accumulate the information about the destination in English The teacher should understand

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2019, 11:47

19 57 0


... I distribute the handouts to the class Students go around the class interviewing as many students as possible about their experiences If someone answers “Yes” to the questions, they write the ... someone’s personalities ▪ Organization: The whole class ▪ Steps: I ask students to discuss the meaning of the words in task at page 16 I read sentences aloud and ask students to choose a word that is ... person on the sheet I ask students to try to get many “Yes” answers as possible I require students to use ‘present perfect’ and ‘past simple’ when conducting the interviews After the students’

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2019, 11:48

24 77 0
How to motivate the first year students at haiphong private university in speaking activities

How to motivate the first year students at haiphong private university in speaking activities

... motivating students in speaking activities 3.4.1 Suggestions for the teachers The teacher plays an important role as an instructor and encourages students in learning process In English speaking class, ... APPENDIX SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES (FOR TEACHERS) This survey questionnaire is designed for the research into how to motivate the 1st-year students in speaking activities Your assistance in completing the ... Although teachers have applied various activities and techniques in order to motivate students in speaking lessons, students’ feedback is out of their expectation Basing on these conclusions, the researcher

Ngày tải lên: 12/11/2019, 22:27

48 100 0
Using extracurricular activities to motivate the studentsenglish learning passion of he classes 11a1,11a2,12a1 in quan s

Using extracurricular activities to motivate the studentsenglish learning passion of he classes 11a1,11a2,12a1 in quan s

... students understand the lesson easier and contributes to improve students’ vocabularies Besides, students also have to brainstorm all vocabularies related to the places they will come to And after the ... fields, from acting to applied mathematics As a member of such organizations, you will meet with other likeminded students, professors and professionals In such meetings, you will discuss issues ... for the topic of the lesson In term of the content of the lesson, both teachers and students have to accumulate the information about the destination in English The teacher should understand

Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2019, 08:43

19 50 0
Three ways to motivate the students at Banking Academy - Bacninh branch in English speaking activities = Ba cách tạo hứng thú cho sinh viên Học viện Ngân hàng -

Three ways to motivate the students at Banking Academy - Bacninh branch in English speaking activities = Ba cách tạo hứng thú cho sinh viên Học viện Ngân hàng -

... "0" if the observed student was off-task Then the observers passed on the next students They continued until all students had been observed and assessed 12 times The class was observed times during ... Lesson Lesson Lesson Students' times on-task Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Student times off-task This chart summarizes the data collected from Observation sheet As can be seen, the students ... success Teachers should know how to use these strategies so as to increase students motivation in English speaking activities Therefore, this action research attempts to explore the problems...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

63 1K 1
Applying blog to motivate the students of class 11a4 at quynh tho high school in studying writing skill

Applying blog to motivate the students of class 11a4 at quynh tho high school in studying writing skill

... ware, and Linux Slashdot.org solicits and posts interesting stories reported by contributors, includes a link to the story, and manages the threads of the ensuring discussion by other users Another ... reactions to teaching texts or their responses to writing assignments Lastly, class blog, is a product of collaborative entries in which students can post messages, discussions, and images related to ... questionnaires, interview questions helped the researcher to have the students ideas directly and exactly .Teacher helped the students to establish blog with username by themselves In the 1st week, students...

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 07:48

56 527 0
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp tiếng anh: A study on using Role Play to motivate the 10th form students in speaking lessons at Lao Cai boarding upper secondary school, Lao Cai province –An experiment

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp tiếng anh: A study on using Role Play to motivate the 10th form students in speaking lessons at Lao Cai boarding upper secondary school, Lao Cai province –An experiment

... % of the students That there exists this high number of students is understandable because once instructions are confusing, students will lose their way to the success of a speaking lesson In ... learning and easier to grasp the lesson 4.6 Suggestion The success in teaching doesn’t depend on the lesson program only, but more important is how the teacher presents the lesson and uses various techniques ... classes, they just keep silent and listen to others speaking as they are too shy to express their ideas A number of informants confess that they are afraid of being laughed at by their classmates...

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2014, 16:13

92 3,8K 13
the effects of teacher’s differentiated instructions based on students’ learning styles on their motivation = ảnh hưởng của việc đa dạng hóa phương pháp giảng dạy dựa trên phong cách học cá nhân đối với động lực học

the effects of teacher’s differentiated instructions based on students’ learning styles on their motivation = ảnh hưởng của việc đa dạng hóa phương pháp giảng dạy dựa trên phong cách học cá nhân đối với động lực học

... 24 to prepare some anchor activities (suitable for students readiness and interests), so that they can assign these activities in case some students claim “I‟m done” too soon in class These ... course to reflect their perspectives and feelings of the lessons and teachers), the researcher has recently identified some questionable problems in her reading class: 1) the students were not motivated ... collection and analysis Participants 1.1 Description of the class The class which was investigated and took the intervention consists of 26 second-year students They had just finished their first year...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

111 452 0
How to motivate the 10 grades students in speaking skill A case study at Hoa Lu A high school, Ninh Binh  Cách tạo động lực cho học sinh lớp 10 trong giờ học nó

How to motivate the 10 grades students in speaking skill A case study at Hoa Lu A high school, Ninh Binh Cách tạo động lực cho học sinh lớp 10 trong giờ học nó

... Students attitude towards speaking skill Questions and are designed to discover Students attitude towards speaking skill The specific questions and students responses are shown in Table below: Questions Options ... Teacher attitude towards unwilling speakers and mistake makers As is shown Table 7.2, teachers’results are like students results When the students are speaking, their teachers not often stop students to correct ... teachers’ permission, copies of the questionnaire were handed out to the students To ensure that the students have right understanding of the questions, the researcher 25 designed the questions in...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:12

68 756 1
Phương pháp khuyến khích sinh viên năm thứ nhất tại trường Cao đẳng nghề bách nghệ Hải Phòng trong các hoạt động nói = How to motivate the first year students a

Phương pháp khuyến khích sinh viên năm thứ nhất tại trường Cao đẳng nghề bách nghệ Hải Phòng trong các hoạt động nói = How to motivate the first year students a

... ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS This chapter will present the data analysis and the discussion of the findings from the survey questionnaires conducted from sixty students and ten teachers of English ... tasks suitable to their ability and letting students choose topics to discuss can help them a lot in expressing their ideas freely and creatively Besides, it is necessary for teachers to invest ... of students expect teachers to give them speaking tasks suitable to their ability 85% of students agree that letting them choose topics to discuss can help them speak more in speaking lesson...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 13:59

60 341 0
Using language games to motivate the first year students in speaking classes at Thai Nguyen Medical College = Sử dụng trò chơi ngôn ngữ để khích lệ sinh viên nă

Using language games to motivate the first year students in speaking classes at Thai Nguyen Medical College = Sử dụng trò chơi ngôn ngữ để khích lệ sinh viên nă

... towards speaking skill Students opinions On the speaking topics Students participation in speaking lessons Factors that make the students unwilling to speak Teachers‟ techniques to encourage students ... months To find out the effectiveness of the use of language games in speaking classes, the post-task Survey questionnaire was delivered to these ninety students Both of these survey questionnaires ... 3; 4: Students attitudes and perspectives towards speaking lessons Chart 5: Students opinions on the speaking topics in the course book Chart 6: Students participation in speaking lessons Chart...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

65 932 0


... orchestra” The teacher sometimes provided the students with necessary knowledge or simply told them what to search for and let them it themselves By giving as much responsibility as possible to ... her students, the teacher had more time to observe the class and support the low-performing students Research question 3: the progress of the students motivation level during the intervention The ... teacher- researcher self-observed herself in class This brought both advantages and disadvantages Observations in other kinds of research sometimes may come across some obstacles such as teacher s objection...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2015, 16:43

16 531 0