the principles of x ray computed tomography

Three dimensional characterisation of chromatography bead internal structure using X-ray computed tomography and focused ion beam microscopy

Three dimensional characterisation of chromatography bead internal structure using X-ray computed tomography and focused ion beam microscopy

... 79–88 Fig Schematics for X- ray computed tomography and focused ion beam systems For X- ray computed tomography, emitted X- rays are directed towards the bead on top of the pin before detection, ... pixel size relative to Xray CT due to the differences observed between resolution and field of view images The difference in pixel size dimensions between Xray CT modes was approximately 2, therefore ... scanning The first of these was field of view, where an entire bead could be imaged when using X- ray CT at a 63 nm pixel size, but for the high resolution counterpart, only the very top of the spherical

Ngày tải lên: 31/12/2022, 09:50

10 1 0
Study the value of multidetector row computed tomography in the diagnostic staging of gastric cancer

Study the value of multidetector row computed tomography in the diagnostic staging of gastric cancer

... cứu công bố Việt Nam Các số liệu thông tin nghiên cứu hồn tồn x? ?c, trung thực, khách quan, x? ?c nhận chấp thuận sở nghiên cứu Tơi xin hồn tồn chịu trách nhiệm trước pháp luật cam kết Hà Nội, ngày ... Độ x? ?c AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer Hội ung thư Hoa Kỳ EUS Endoscopic Ultrasound Siêu âm nội soi d Kích thước M Metastasis Di MIP Maximum Intensity Projection Hình ảnh tái tạo theo ... thành nghiên cứu Tơi xin chân thành cảm ơn nhà khoa học Hội đồng chấm luận án góp ý, bảo cho tơi kiến thức kinh nghiệm q báu giúp tơi vững bước đường học tập nghiên cứu sau Tôi xin gửi lời cảm ơn

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2019, 06:19

184 20 0
Study the value of multidetector row computed tomography in the diagnostic staging of gastric cancer tt tiếng anh

Study the value of multidetector row computed tomography in the diagnostic staging of gastric cancer tt tiếng anh

... of gastric cancer images on multidetector-row computed tomography Study the value of multidetector-row computed tomography in the diagnosis of T and N stages of gastric cancer THE NECESSITY OF ... Multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) can evaluate stages of TNM In the world, there are many studies that have evaluated values and limitations of the MDCT method To date, there is no final ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MINISTRY OF AND TRAINING DEFENCE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 108 ********** NGUYEN VAN SANG STUDY THE VALUE OF MULTIDETECTOR-ROW COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN THE

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2019, 06:46

27 88 0
Study the value of multidetector row computed tomography in the diagnostic staging of gastric cancer

Study the value of multidetector row computed tomography in the diagnostic staging of gastric cancer

... □ N1 □ N2 □ N3 □ Di xa: Chỉ lấy M0 M0 N0 □ M1 □ Chia theo giai đoạn bệnnh theo AJCC sau mổ: ………… IV Kết luận: Ung thư tế bào biểu mô Ghi chú: ………………………………………………………………… Nhận x? ?t chung:………………………………………………………… ... Xuân M 79 Trần Trường G 80 Trần Văn G 81 Trương Minh L 82 Trương Văn S 83 Vũ Lệnh N STT Tên 84 Vũ Quang T 85 Vũ Thị T 86 Vũ Văn G 87 Vũ Xuân Đ 88 Vũ Xuân P BỆNH VIỆN TRUNG ƯƠNG QUÂN ĐỘI 108 X? ?C ... Phân chia hạch vùng N 10 N0□ N1□ N2□ N3□ Di xa: Chỉ lấy M0 11 M0 □ M1 □ Chẩn đoán giai đoạn bệnh theo AJCC trước mổ:………………… 12 V Phẫu thuật Vị trí u: Theo chiều dọc 1/3 Tổng số hạch kích thước

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2019, 08:00

201 31 0
Study the value of multidetector row computed tomography in the diagnostic staging of gastric cancer tt

Study the value of multidetector row computed tomography in the diagnostic staging of gastric cancer tt

... cạnh đó, type hỗn hợp gồm loại Phân loại TNM theo AJCC dựa mức độ x? ?m lấn u, hạch vùng di xa Bảng 1.1: U nguyên phát theo AJCC T - u nguyên phát TX Không x? ?c định u ngun phát T0 Khơng có chứng u ... chưa bị phá vỡ U x? ?m lấn mô đệm niêm mạc lớp hạ niêm mạc T1 T1a U phá vỡ đáy, khư trú lớp niêm mạc T1b U x? ?m lấn tới lớp hạ niêm mạc T2 U x? ?m lấn tới lớp T3 U x? ?m lấn tới mạc T4 U x? ?m lấn mạc cấu ... mạc T4 U x? ?m lấn mạc cấu trúc lân cận T4a U x? ?m lấn mạc T4b U x? ?m lấn cấu trúc lân cận Bảng 1.2: Phân chia hạch vùng theo AJCC Phân hạch vùng NX Không x? ?c định hạch ác tính N0 Khơng có hạch ác

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2021, 08:09

27 7 0
Analysis of trace element atmospheric deposition by barbula indica moss at Baoloc using the total reflection X ray fluorescence technique

Analysis of trace element atmospheric deposition by barbula indica moss at Baoloc using the total reflection X ray fluorescence technique

... reflecting the quality of the deconvolution For all channels, the standardized sum of the squares of the differences between the measured and calculated deconvoluted intensities is calculated The value ... The quality of the results obtained with the TXRF technique is greatly impacted by the accuracy of the instrument sensitivity curve The sensitivity is determined by the measurement of a Kraft sample ... TECHNOLOGY] 2.3 TXRF technique The characteristic X- ray spectrum for each moss sample was determined with an S2 PICOFOX™ TXRF spectrometer operated at 50 kV high voltage and a maximum tube rating of 50

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 09:11

12 37 0
Analysis of 3D Prints by X-ray Computed Microtomography and Terahertz Pulsed Imaging

Analysis of 3D Prints by X-ray Computed Microtomography and Terahertz Pulsed Imaging

... sample The data was downsampled during the reconstruction to a voxel resolution of 8.91 x 8.91 x 17.82 μm3 (924 x 924 x 405 pixels) and 14.99 x 14.99 x 28.98 μm3 (1060 x 1060 x 373 pixels) for the ... The volumes of the XOR -X? ?CT (red) and XOR-CAD (blue) data, as given in Table II, were computed from the co-registered images (Fig 6) The XOR -X? ?CT volume indicates the excess of material and the ... mm3 The total volume of the X? ?CT in the table is the volume without the void spaces The difference between the XOR -X? ?CT volume / CAD volume and XOR-CAD volume / CAD ratios is approximately the

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2022, 11:38

16 4 0
Chemical imaging analysis of the brain with x ray methods

Chemical imaging analysis of the brain with x ray methods

... materials are emerging at synchrotron X- ray facilities Here, the extremely high flux available across a wide range of soft and hard X- rays, combined with state -of -the- art focussing techniques and ... imaging of metals in the brain Highlights:     Motivation for the visualization of metals in tissues of the brain is explored Elements are considered in the context of a Periodic System of Elements ... multi-keV X- rays They have low fluorescence yields and little absorption contrast These components are more easily studied with soft X- rays, see section 4.9 Soft X- ray imaging that utilizes the energy

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2022, 17:38

36 3 0
descartes, rene - the principles of philosophy

descartes, rene - the principles of philosophy

... FROM THE PRINCIPLES OF PHILOSOPHY OF DESCARTES TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN AND COLLATED WITH THE FRENCH The Principles of Philosophy 1 LETTER OF THE AUTHOR TO THE FRENCH TRANSLATOR OF THE PRINCIPLES ... with the exception only of the existence of God, which has been doubted by some, because they attributed too much to the perceptions of The Principles of Philosophy LETTER OF THE AUTHOR 4 the ... philosophy, of which the first part is Metaphysics, containing the principles of knowledge, among which is the explication of the principal attributes of God, of the immateriality of the soul, and of

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 15:18

43 356 1
the principles of economics  some lies my teachers told me

the principles of economics some lies my teachers told me

... whether or not one is not known to be false). Otherwise, the logic of the explanation has no willing to accept the aim of the argument even if only for the purposes of force. The logic of the explanation ... of an axiomatic... argue against the possibility of the hypothesized behaviour or one can argue against the empirical truth of the premise of the hypothesis In the case of ... truth of the premise of the hypothesis They would allow that if the consumer is actually a maximizer, the hypothesis would be a true explanation of the consumer’s behaviour but they

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 21:56

124 266 0
the principles of light and color by edwin d babbitt (1878)

the principles of light and color by edwin d babbitt (1878)

... 126.— XXIX. Chromo Electricity, 127.—XXX. Magnetism, 129.—XXXI. Dia- magnetism, 132.—XXXII. Phosphorescence, 135.—XXXIII. Fluorescence, Calorescence, etc., 136.—XXXIV. Galvanism, 139.—XXXV. Direction ... of Primary Colors, 61.—XIX. Triad of Secondary Colors, 61.—XX. Triad of Achromatic Colors, 61.—XXI. Triad of Primary Grays, 62.—XXII. Triad of Secondary Grays, 62.—XXIII. Trinal Division of ... 109.—XX. Planets and Fixed Stars, 202.—XXI. Combustion, 203.—XXII. Flame, 204.—XXIII. Smoke, 206.—XXIV. Non-luminous Flames, 206.—XXV. Coal Gas, 207.—XXVI. Kerosene and Coal Oil, 207.—XXVII. The

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:35

287 648 0
Dự án nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools " MS4 pot

Dự án nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools " MS4 pot

... in one of the cooperatives (farmer groups) in the Mekong delta and implementation of GAP is the main focus of the 3 rd year of the project (2009). However, because of the complexity of the certification ... completion of a refresher TOT. Other outcomes achieved in the reporting period include the first draft of the GAP handbook and an advanced draft of Pest and Disease Field Guide for the North of Vietnam ... of funds distribution for activities in Northern Vietnam and SRPPC distribution of funds for activities in the Mekong delta. It was noticed during the first six months of the project that the

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

18 502 1
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Milestone 2 Baseline Study Report " pdf

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Milestone 2 Baseline Study Report " pdf

... Table 7b Index of. .. involved in the development of Viet GAP and they have good knowledge of GAP principles However they do not have experience with or define method of GAP implementation ... an index of 0, few sprays were applied by the minority of farmers for pests that scored 0.1-1, few sprays were applied by the majority of farmers for pests that scored 1.1-2, frequent sprays ... province. The maximum score is 3. Scores of 2.5 and above indicate a high level of confidence (over 80% of total score), scores of 1.5 and below indicate a lack of confidence in the majority of farmers,

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

70 507 0


... tuyến tính chùm QTX (#) người ta tính tỷ trọng cấu trúc theo đơn vị Hounsfield qua công thức: M (X) – M(H2O) K N(H) = H(H2O) N(H): trị số tỷ trọng tính đơn vị Hounsfield cấu trúc X M (X) : hệ số suy ... cấu trúc X M (X) : hệ số suy giảm tuyến tính QTX qua đơn vị X H2O: nước tinh khiết K: hệ số 1000 theo Hounsfield đưa chấp nhận Theo công thức trên, X là: - Nước (H2O) có tỷ trọng khối 1,000g/cm3 ... chứa áp xe theo thời gian giảm xuống gần với nước - Những biến đổi khác: Hiện tượng vôi hoá ổ hoại tử vôi hoá Protein thoái hoá thường gặp phim X quang cho thấy tỷ trọng cao ảnh CL-VT; tuỳ theo...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 15:21

13 1,2K 10
Báo cáo khoa học: End-damage-specific proteins facilitate recruitment or stability of X-ray cross-complementing protein 1 at the sites of DNA single-strand break repair docx

Báo cáo khoa học: End-damage-specific proteins facilitate recruitment or stability of X-ray cross-complementing protein 1 at the sites of DNA single-strand break repair docx

... include identification of these lesions as a strand break, verification of the nature of the 3¢ end, and identification of a satisfactory pathway for repair The XRCC1 component of the XRCC1–DNA ligase ... the proteins are dissociating from the DNA Therefore, cross-linking of Pol b and the XRCC1–DNA ligase IIIa heterodimer correlates well with the kinetics of repair We next immunodepleted the XRCC1–DNA ... Furthermore, immunodepletion of PNK did not affect the amounts of XRCC1 and Pol b in the extract (Fig 5B) Using the same extract, we found efficient cross-linking of XRCC1 to the 3¢-OH gapped substrate...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20

11 299 0
The Principles of Psychology

The Principles of Psychology

... black the outlines of the gray scrap, or by placing above the tissue paper another gray scrap of the same degree of brightness, and comparing together the two grays On neither of them does the ... THE PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGY There are two theories the psychological and the physiological which attempt to explain the phenomena of contrast Of these the psychological one was the first ... see what must be the nature of the result The repetition of the six similar impressions will strengthen the six corresponding elements of the complex idea, [p 47] which will therefore acquire...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 12:15

462 452 0
Tài liệu The Principles of Successful Freelancing docx

Tài liệu The Principles of Successful Freelancing docx

... paying their bills The experience of freelancing, for most people, lies somewhere between these scenarios You’ll enjoy the chance to chill out in front of the TV during the day if you feel the need, ... with the freelance life Designers, earn extra cash! Visit The Principles of Successful Freelancing Advantages of the Freelance Life flexible working hours The ability to work the ... range of skills and attributes of the successful freelancer Designers, earn extra cash! Visit The Principles of Successful Freelancing Let’s start by discussing the nature of freelancing,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 13:15

208 402 1


... For example, we can find pairs of states of liquid water, one member of each pair being on one side of the point of maximum density and the other member on the other side, each of which have the ... of the transfer either of energy or of matter across the boundaries of the system Closed system~~ are those in which there is the possibility of energy exchange with the environment, but there ... that the specification of any two of the intensive variables will determine the values of the rest For example, if I , I , ••• , I 1, ••• ,I,., are the intensive properties then the fixing of, ...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 16:20

514 468 0


... gives the readers of the journal the sort of words and the sort of thoughts they are used to—so, on a larger scale, the writers of an age, without thinking of it, give to the readers of the age the ... which the child in blood possesses of becoming one day the head of a family himself The flocks and herds of the children are the flocks and herds of the father, and the possessions of the parent, ... are the first here It is the action of the will that causes the unconscious habit; it is the continual effort of the beginning that creates the hoarded energy of the end; it is the silent toil of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

143 598 0