... originating from the cultural background of the day before yesterday, who built the background of the day before yesterday, who built the structures of yesterday and who will not be there in the structures ... customers and our business. Our customer is in the focus of our attention. We are aware, that our customers (internal and external) expect and pay for solutions - and not the explanation of their ... the future there will be two types of companies: In the future there will be two types of companies: The flexible ones and the dead. The flexible ones and the dead. (John Naisbitt) (John Naisbitt) We...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 01:15
... sense the slow rotation of the sphere, carrying the stars across your field of view from east to west, and slinging them underneath you on the other side of the Earth. The apparent daily movement of ... of the sky is, of course, due to the rotation of the Earth, not the sky, and we know that the stars are not all at the same distance, as they would be if they were fixed to the inner surface of ... methods of estimating distances that allow them to gauge the extent of the starry congregations without leaving the surface of the Earth. The most important clue to the distribution of stars is the phenomenon...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 13:40
Tài liệu The Health of Our Educators doc
... The health of our educators xvi Executivesummary xvii The DoEin the variousprovincesassignedco-ordinatorswhoensuredthatschoolswere informedabout the study. The districtofficers of the DoEandlabourunionsassisted the HSRCco-ordinators,whoconsisted of MAandPhdresearchinterns,inmaking appointmentsatschoolsand/oraccompanyingco-ordinatorstoschoolstoaddress educators.Officialsfromlabourunionshelpedwithadvocacyfor the studyand the nature of the study,whichincreasedparticipation. The fieldteamsweresupportedbyanational fieldmanager,andaseparateprojectmanagerwhotrackedprogress of the study.Visiting timestoschoolswereadaptedtominimisepossibledisruption of teachingtime. Findings Demographicandsocio-economiccharacteristics of the ELRCstudysample The demographicandsocio-economicprofileanalysis of educatorsin the samplerevealed that68% of the sample of educatorsconsisted of females. The majority of the educators weremarried.Overthree-quarters of the samplewereAfricans(77%)whilelessthan5% of the samplewereAsians,whichisareflection of the demographiccharacteristics of SouthAfrica.Self-reportedsocio-economicstatusandincomedistributionsuggestthat educatorsweregenerallywellqualified,withafirstdegreeorhigher,andhadmanyyears of teachingexperience,with70% of educatorsteachingforatleasttenyearsorlonger. About94% of educatorsreportedthat the DoEemployedthemwith the rest(6%)being SchoolGoverningBody(SGB)appointments. Only27% of educatorsin the samplesaidtheyhadahousingsubsidyand67.8% of the educatorsreportedtheyweremembers of amedicalaidfund. The majority of educators(89%)weremembers of atradeunion.Thereweredisparitiesinsome of the demographicandsocio-economicprofiles of educatorsbyraceandprovince. The findingsshowedthattherewereproportionatelymorefemaleandmaleAfricaneducators in the low-incomecategorycomparedwitheducatorsinotherracegroups.On the otherhandtherewereproportionatelylessmalewhiteeducatorsin the medium-income categorythanmaleeducatorsinotherracegroups. Prevalence of HIV The resultsshowedthat12.7% of educatorswhogaveaspecimenforHIVtestingwere HIVpositive.Thispercentageincludeseducatorsinallprovinces,andeducators of all ages,sexandracialgroups. Inthisstudy,withoutconsideringageandracedifferences, the HIVprevalencewas the samefor the maleandfemaleeducators. The resultsinthisstudyshowedthatHIV prevalenceamongeducatorswashighestforthoseaged25–34years(21.4%)followed bythoseaged35–44(12.8%).Oldereducators(55yearsandolder)had the lowestHIV prevalence(3.1%).However,differenceswereobservedwhen the analysiswasrestricted towomenandmenaged25–34years,withwomenhavinghigherHIVprevalence. WomenweregenerallymorevulnerabletoHIVinfectionbecause of theirbiological makeupaswellastheirlowsocio-economicstatus. ... the purpose of the project and the project itself, the ethics of sensitivities to asking questions on human sexuality as well as the threats to the validity of the study and how to manage them, ... The health of our educators xvi Executivesummary xvii The DoEin the variousprovincesassignedco-ordinatorswhoensuredthatschoolswere informedabout the study. The districtofficers of the DoEandlabourunionsassisted the HSRCco-ordinators,whoconsisted of MAandPhdresearchinterns,inmaking appointmentsatschoolsand/oraccompanyingco-ordinatorstoschoolstoaddress educators.Officialsfromlabourunionshelpedwithadvocacyfor the studyand the nature of the study,whichincreasedparticipation. The fieldteamsweresupportedbyanational fieldmanager,andaseparateprojectmanagerwhotrackedprogress of the study.Visiting timestoschoolswereadaptedtominimisepossibledisruption of teachingtime. Findings Demographicandsocio-economiccharacteristics of the ELRCstudysample The demographicandsocio-economicprofileanalysis of educatorsin the samplerevealed that68% of the sample of educatorsconsisted of females. The majority of the educators weremarried.Overthree-quarters of the samplewereAfricans(77%)whilelessthan5% of the samplewereAsians,whichisareflection of the demographiccharacteristics of SouthAfrica.Self-reportedsocio-economicstatusandincomedistributionsuggestthat educatorsweregenerallywellqualified,withafirstdegreeorhigher,andhadmanyyears of teachingexperience,with70% of educatorsteachingforatleasttenyearsorlonger. About94% of educatorsreportedthat the DoEemployedthemwith the rest(6%)being SchoolGoverningBody(SGB)appointments. Only27% of educatorsin the samplesaidtheyhadahousingsubsidyand67.8% of the educatorsreportedtheyweremembers of amedicalaidfund. The majority of educators(89%)weremembers of atradeunion.Thereweredisparitiesinsome of the demographicandsocio-economicprofiles of educatorsbyraceandprovince. The findingsshowedthattherewereproportionatelymorefemaleandmaleAfricaneducators in the low-incomecategorycomparedwitheducatorsinotherracegroups.On the otherhandtherewereproportionatelylessmalewhiteeducatorsin the medium-income categorythanmaleeducatorsinotherracegroups. Prevalence of HIV The resultsshowedthat12.7% of educatorswhogaveaspecimenforHIVtestingwere HIVpositive.Thispercentageincludeseducatorsinallprovinces,andeducators of all ages,sexandracialgroups. Inthisstudy,withoutconsideringageandracedifferences, the HIVprevalencewas the samefor the maleandfemaleeducators. The resultsinthisstudyshowedthatHIV prevalenceamongeducatorswashighestforthoseaged25–34years(21.4%)followed bythoseaged35–44(12.8%).Oldereducators(55yearsandolder)had the lowestHIV prevalence(3.1%).However,differenceswereobservedwhen the analysiswasrestricted towomenandmenaged25–34years,withwomenhavinghigherHIVprevalence. WomenweregenerallymorevulnerabletoHIVinfectionbecause of theirbiological makeupaswellastheirlowsocio-economicstatus. ...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 10:20
The foundations of celestial mechanics g w collins
... called it a measure of the "swirliness" of the field. If in the vicinity of some point in the field, the vectors tend to veer to the left rather than to the right, then the curl will be ... minute as the earth is "running slow". Of course determination of the difference between the dynamical time of theory and the observed time dictated by the rotation of the earth ... minor axis, which then forms the axis of the coordinate system. The plane swept out by the major axis of the ellipse is then its equator. This approximation to the actual shape of the earth is...
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Quantum information theory and the foundations of quantum mechanics c timpson
... introduces the concept of the bit as a measure of informa tion, the quantum noiseless coding theorem introduces the concept of the qubit as a measure of quantum information, characterising the quantum source. By ... quantum resources, mind) required to transmit what is produced by our quantum source. The von Neumann entropy provides a measure, in q ubits, of the amount by which the output of our source may ... measure of the amount of quantum information the source produces 18 . The use of entanglement as a communication resource is a centrally impor- tant feature o f q uantum information theor y. The...
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A Philosophical Inquiry Into The Origin Of Our Ideas Of The Sublime And Beautiful
... scorneth the multitude of the city, neither regardeth he the voice of the driver. The range of the mountains is his pasture. The magnificent description of the unicorn and of leviathan, in the ... in the names they give them, and in their reasonings about them. Many are of the opinion, that pain arises necessarily from the removal of some pleasure; as they think pleasure does from the ... with the language. I should never have presumed the least alteration in our words, if the nature of the language, framed for the purposes of business rather than those of philosophy, and the...
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The design of mat foundations
... pcf Example 4. Design the steel lying in the East-West direction of the mat shown below with external dimensions of 42 feet by 74 feet. The columns are all 15”by 15”, the LF = 1.6, f c ’ = 3 ... in the x and y values, which these values are found by using the x-y coordinate system off the mat foundation. Determine the average soil reaction. (92.34(78.8)69.8) 79 6 avg qpsf ++ ∆== Therefore, ... contaminated soils below. The average pressure increase in the clay layer is, Using Boussinesq’s modified curves for L/B ≠ 1 (on the next slide), 1) At the top of the clay layer, z/B = 18 ft...
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Tài liệu Reading Our Lips: The History of Lipstick Regulation in Western Seats ... doc
... part of the war effort; they turned lipstick into a symbol of resilient femininity in the face of danger, a symbol that would boost the morale of both the women wearing the lipstick and the male ... or devices, or cosmetics because of the use of the additive, (ii) the cumulative effect. . .of such additive in the diet of man or animals, taking into account the same or any chemically or pharmacologically ... (explaining that: “often the public toilette was a carefully staged replay of the dressing of the hair and applying of make-up to a woman w ho had already been through the expert hands of her maids...
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Tài liệu Health Education in Schools – The Importance of Establishing Healthy Behaviors in our Nation’s Youth pptx
... behaviors into our young people to prevent or delay the onset of the leading causes of death in our country. 30 New evaluation of health education research shows promise of having a positive ... year. 29 These statistics are alarming and disturbing for the health of the nation. The good news is that research has revealed that health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of ... Medicare & Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group; U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; and U.S. Bureau of the Census. 11 Soni A. Personal...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20
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