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arXiv:quant-ph/0412063 v1 Dec 2004 Quantum Information Theory and The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Christopher Gordon Timpson The Queen’s College A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford Trinity Term 2004 Quantum Information Theory and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Christopher Gordon Timpson, The Queen’s College Oxford University, Trinity Term 2004 Abstract of Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy This thesis is a contribution to the debate on the implications of quantum information theory for the foundational problems of quantum mechanics In Part I an attempt is made to shed some light on the nature of information and quantum information theory It is emphasized that the everyday notion of information is to be firmly distinguished from the technical notions arising in information theory; however it is maintained that in both settings ‘information’ functions as an abstract noun, hence does not refer to a particular or substance The popular claim ‘Information is Physical’ is assessed and it is argued that this proposition faces a destructive dilemma Accordingly, the slogan may not be understood as an ontological claim, but at best, as a methodological one A novel argument is provided against Dretske’s (1981) attempt to base a semantic notion of information on ideas from information theory The function of various measures of information content for quantum systems is explored and the applicability of the Shannon information in the quantum context maintained against the challenge of Brukner and Zeilinger (2001) The phenomenon of quantum teleportation is then explored as a case study serving to emphasize the value of recognising the logical status of ‘information’ as an abstract noun: it is argued that the conceptual puzzles often associated with this phenomenon result from the familiar error of hypostatizing an abstract noun The approach of Deutsch and Hayden (2000) to the questions of locality and information flow in entangled quantum systems is assessed It is suggested that the approach suffers from an equivocation between a conservative and an ontological reading; and the differing implications of each is examined Some results are presented on the characterization of entanglement in the Deutsch-Hayden formalism Part I closes with a discussion of some philosophical aspects of quantum computation In particular, it is argued against Deutsch that the Church-Turing hypothesis is not underwritten by a physical principle, the Turing Principle Some general morals are drawn concerning the nature of quantum information theory In Part II, attention turns to the question of the implications of quantum information theory for our understanding of the meaning of the quantum formalism Following some preliminary remarks, two particular information-theoretic approaches to the foundations of quantum mechanics are assessed in detail It is argued that Zeilinger’s (1999) Foundational Principle is unsuccessful as a foundational principle for quantum mechanics The information-theoretic characterization theorem of Clifton, Bub and Halvorson (2003) is assessed more favourably, but the generality of the approach is questioned and it is argued that the implications of the theorem for the traditional foundational problems in quantum mechanics remains obscure Acknowledgements It is my pleasant duty to thank a large number of people, and more than one institution, for the various forms of help, encouragement and support that they have provided during the time I have been working on this thesis The UK Arts and Humanities Research Board kindly supported my research with a postgraduate studentship for the two years of my BPhil degree and a subsequent two years of doctoral research I should also like to thank the Provost and Fellows of The Queen’s College, Oxford for the many years of support that the College has provided, both material and otherwise Reginae erunt nutrices tuae: no truer words might be said A number of libraries have figured strongly during the time I have been at Oxford: I would like in particular to thank the staff at the Queen’s and Philosophy Faculty libraries for their help over the years On a more personal note, I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to my supervisor Harvey Brown, whose good example over the years has helped shape my approach to foundational questions in physics and who has taught me much of what I know I look forward to having the opportunity in the future to continue working with, and learning from, him Another large debt of thanks is due to John Hyman, my earliest teacher in philosophy, who has continued to offer a great deal of assistance and encouragement over the years; and whose fearsome questioning helped show me what it is to philosophy (and, incidentally, alerted me to the dangers of pernicious theorising) Jon Barrett and I started out on the quest to understand the foundations and philosophy of physics at the same time, just about a decade ago, now Since then, we have shared much camaraderie and many conversations, several of which have found their way into this thesis at one point or another And Jon is still good enough to check my reasoning and offer expert advice I would like to thank Jeremy Butterfield, Jeff Bub, Chris Fuchs and Antony Valentini, all of whom have been greatly encouraging and who have offered useful comments on and discussion of my work In particular, I should single out Jos Uffink for his unstinting help in sharing his expertise in quantum mechanics, uncertainty and probability; and for providing me with a copy of his unpublished PhD dissertation on measures of uncertainty and the uncertainty principle My understanding of measures of information has been heavily influenced by Jos’s work The (rest of the) Oxford philosophy of physics mob are also due a great big thankyou: one couldn’t hope for a more stimulating intellectual environment to work in So thanks especially to Katharine Brading, Guido Bacciagaluppi, Peter Morgan, Justin Pniower, Oliver Pooley, Simon Saunders and David Wallace for much fun, support and discussion (occasionally of the late-night variety) A little further afield, I would like to thank Marcus Appleby, Ari Duwell, Doreen Fraser, Hans Halvorson, Michael Hall, Leah Henderson, Clare Hewitt-Horsman (in particular on the topic of Chapter 5), Richard Jozsa, James Ladyman, Owen Maroney, Michael Seevink, Mauricio Suarez, Rob Spekkens and Alastair Rae, amongst others, for stimulating conversations on information theory, quantum mechanics and physics Finally I should like to thank my parents, Mary and Chris Timpson, sine qua non, bien sˆ r; and my wife Jane for all her loving support, and her inordinate patience u during the somewhat extended temporal interval over which this thesis was finally run to ground (Oh, and she made most of the pictures too!) Contents Introduction iii I What is Information? Concepts of Information 1.1 How to talk about information: Some simple ways 1.2 The Shannon Information and related concepts 1.2.1 Interpretation of the Shannon Information 1.2.2 More on communication channels 1.2.3 Interlude: Abstract/concrete; technical, everyday 1.3 Aspects of Quantum Information 1.4 Information is Physical: The Dilemma 1.5 Alternative approaches: Dretske 1.6 Summary 3 10 10 16 20 22 29 34 39 Inadequacy of Shannon Information in QM? 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Two arguments against the Shannon information 2.2.1 Are pre-existing bit-values required? 2.2.2 The grouping axiom 2.3 Brukner and Zeilinger’s ‘Total information content’ 2.3.1 Some Different Notions of Information Content 2.3.2 The Relation between Total Information Content 2.4 Conclusion and I(p) 41 41 43 43 47 54 56 59 63 64 64 65 67 69 71 73 76 77 78 80 86 Case Study: Teleportation 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The quantum teleportation protocol 3.2.1 Some information-theoretic aspects of teleportation 3.3 The puzzles of teleportation 3.4 Resolving (dissolving) the problem 3.4.1 The simulation fallacy 3.5 The teleportation process under different interpretations 3.5.1 Collapse interpretations: Dirac/von Neumann, GRW 3.5.2 No collapse and no extra values: Everett 3.5.3 No collapse, but extra values: Bohm 3.5.4 Ensemble and statistical viewpoints i ii CONTENTS 3.6 Concluding remarks 87 The Deutsch-Hayden Approach 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The Deutsch-Hayden Picture 4.2.1 Locality claim (2): Contiguity 4.3 Assessing the Claims to Locality 4.3.1 The Conservative Interpretation 4.3.2 The Ontological Interpretation 4.4 Information and Information Flow 4.4.1 Whereabouts of information 4.4.2 Explaining information flow in teleportation: Locally 4.4.3 Assessing the claims for information flow 4.5 Conclusion accessible Entanglement in Deutsch-Hayden 5.1 Background 5.1.1 Entanglement witnesses and the Horodecki’s PPT condition 5.1.2 The majorization condition 5.1.3 The tetrahedron of Bell-diagonal states 5.2 Characterizations in the Deutsch-Hayden representation 5.2.1 Some sufficient conditions for entanglement 5.2.2 The PPT and reduction criteria 5.3 Summary 92 92 94 99 102 103 107 111 112 and inaccessible information114 117 123 126 128 129 134 136 139 141 143 149 Quantum Computation and the C-T Hypothesis 151 6.1 Introduction 151 6.2 Quantum computation and containing information 153 6.3 The Turing Principle versus the Church-Turing Hypothesis 154 6.3.1 Non-Turing computability? The example of Malament-Hogarth spacetimes163 6.3.2 Lessons 166 6.4 The Church-Turing Hypothesis as a constraint on physics? 167 Morals II 171 Information and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics174 Preliminaries 176 8.1 Information Talk in Quantum Mechanics 176 Some Information-Theoretic Approaches 9.1 Zeilinger’s Foundational Principle 9.1.1 Word and world: Semantic ascent 9.1.2 Shannon information and the Foundational Principle 9.2 The Clifton-Bub-Halvorson characterization theorem 9.2.1 The setting 9.2.2 Some queries regarding the C ∗ -algebraic starting point 9.2.3 Questions of Interpretation 183 184 190 193 196 197 205 213 Introduction Much is currently made of the concept of information in physics, following the rapid growth of the fields of quantum information theory and quantum computation These are new and exciting fields of physics whose interests for those concerned with the foundations and conceptual status of quantum mechanics are manifold On the experimental side, the focus on the ability to manipulate and control individual quantum systems, both for computational and cryptographic purposes, has led not only to detailed realisation of many of the gedanken-experiments familiar from foundational discussions (see e.g Zeilinger (1999a)), but also to wholly new demonstrations of the oddity of the quantum world (Boschi et al., 1998; Bouwmeester et al., 1997; Furusawa et al., 1998) Developments on the theoretical side are no less important and interesting Concentration on the possible ways of using the distinctively quantum mechanical properties of systems for the purposes of carrying and processing information has led to considerable deepening of our understanding of quantum theory The study of the phenomenon of entanglement, for example, has come on in leaps and bounds under the aegis of quantum information (see e.g Bruss (2002) for a review of recent developments) The excitement surrounding these fields is not solely due to the advances in the physics, however It is due also to the seductive power of some more overtly philosophical (indeed, controversial) theses There is a feeling that the advent of quantum information theory heralds a new way of doing physics and supports the view that information should play a more central rˆle in our world picture In its extreme form, the thought is that o information is perhaps the fundamental category from which all else flows (a view with obvious affinities to idealism)1 , and that the new task of physics is to discover and Consider, for example, Wheeler’s infamous ‘It from Bit’ proposal, the idea that every physical thing (every ‘it’) derives its existence from the answer to yes-no questions posed by measuring devices: ‘No iii INTRODUCTION iv describe how this information evolves, manifests itself and can be manipulated Less extravagantly, we have the ubiquitous, but baffling, claim that ‘Information is Physical’ (Landauer, 1996) and the widespread hope that quantum information theory will have something to tell us about the still vexed questions of the interpretation of quantum mechanics These claims are ripe for philosophical analysis To begin with, it seems that the seductiveness of such thoughts appears to stem, at least in part, from a confusion between two senses of the term ‘information’ which must be distinguished: ‘information’ as a technical term which can have a legitimate place in a purely physical language, and the everyday concept of information associated with knowledge, language and meaning, which is completely distinct and about which, I shall suggest, physics has nothing to say The claim that information is physical is baffling, because the everyday concept of information is reliant on that of a person who might read or understand it, encode or decode it, and makes sense only within a framework of language and language users; yet it is by no means clear that such a setting may be reduced to purely physical terms; while the mere claim that some physically defined quantity (information in the technical sense) is physical would seem of little interest The conviction that quantum information theory will have something to tell us about the interpretation of quantum mechanics seems natural when we consider that the measurement problem is in many ways the central interpretive problem in quantum mechanics and that measurement is a transfer of information, an attempt to gain knowledge But this seeming naturalness only rests on a confusion between the two meanings of ‘information’ My aim in this thesis is to clarify some of the issues raised here In Part I, I attempt to shed some light on the question of the nature of information and quantum information theory, emphasising in particular the distinction between the technical and non-technical notions of information; in Part II, I turn to consider, in light of the preceding discussion, the question of what rˆle the concept of information, and quantum information theory o element in the description of physics shows itself as closer to primordial than the elementary quantum phenomenon in brief, the elementary act of observer participancy It from bit symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom—at a very deep bottom, in most instances—an immaterial source and explanation; that which we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions that are the registering of equipment evoked responses; in short that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and this is a participatory universe.’ (Wheeler, 1990, p.3,5) INTRODUCTION v in particular, might have to play in the foundations of quantum mechanics What foundational implications might quantum information theory have? In Chapter I begin by describing some features of the everyday notion of information and indicate the lines of distinction from the technical notion of information deriving from the work of Shannon (1948); I also highlight the important point that ‘information’ is an abstract noun Some of the distinctive ideas of quantum information theory are then introduced, before I turn to consider the dilemma that faces the slogan ‘Information is Physical’ The claim that the everyday and information-theoretic notions of information are to be kept distinct is defended against the view of Dretske (1981), who sought to base a semantic notion of information on Shannon’s theory I present a novel argument against Dretske’s position One of the more prominent proposals that seeks to establish a link between information and the foundations of quantum mechanics is due to Zeilinger (1999b), who puts forward an information-theoretic foundational principle for quantum mechanics As a part of this project, Brukner and Zeilinger (2001) have criticised Shannon’s measure of information, the quantity fundamental to the discussion of information in both classical and quantum information theory I address these arguments in Chapter and show their worries to be groundless En passant the function of various notions of information content and total information content for quantum systems, including measures of mixedness, is investigated Chapter is a case study whose purpose is to illustrate the value of recognising clearly the logico-grammatical status of the term ‘information’ as an abstract noun: in this chapter I investigate the phenomenon of quantum teleportation While teleportation is a straightforward consequence of the formalism of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, it has nonetheless given rise to a good deal of conceptual puzzlement I illustrate how these puzzles generally arise from neglecting the fact that ‘information’ is an abstract noun When one recognises that ‘the information’ does not refer to a particular or to some sort of pseudo-substance, any puzzles are quickly dispelled One should not be seeking, in an information-theoretic protocol—quantum or otherwise—for some particular ‘the information’, whose path one is to follow, but rather concentrating on the physical INTRODUCTION vi processes by which the information is transmitted, that is, by which the end result of the protocol is brought about When we bear this in mind for teleportation, we see that the only remaining source for dispute over the protocol is the quotidian one regarding what interpretation of quantum mechanics one wishes to adopt Chapter continues some of the themes from the preceding chapter In it I discuss the important paper of Deutsch and Hayden (2000), which would appear to have significant implications for the nature and location of quantum information: Deutsch and Hayden claim to have provided an account of quantum mechanics which is particularly local, and which finally clarifies the nature of information flow in entangled quantum systems I provide a perspicuous description of their formalism and assess these claims It proves essential to distinguish, as Deutsch and Hayden not, between two ways of interpreting their formalism On the first, conservative, interpretation, no benefits with respect to locality accrue that are not already available on either an Everettian or a statistical interpretation; and the conclusions regarding information flow are equivocal The second, ontological interpretation, offers a framework with the novel feature that global properties of quantum systems are reduced to local ones; but no conclusions follow concerning information flow in more standard quantum mechanics In Chapter I investigate the characterization of bi-partite entanglement in the Deutsch-Hayden formalism The case of pure state entanglement is, as one would expect, straightforward; more interesting is mixed state entanglement The Horodecki’s positive partial transpose condition (Horodecki et al., 1996a) provides necessary and sufficient conditions in this case for ⊗ and ⊗ dimensional systems, but it remains an interesting question how their condition may be understood in the geometrical setting of the Deutsch-Hayden formalism I provide some sufficient conditions for mixed state entanglement which may be formulated in a simple geometrical way and provide some concrete illustrations of how the partial transpose operation can be seen to function from the point of view of the Deutsch-Hayden formalism Chapter is a discussion of some of the philosophical questions raised by the theory of quantum computation First I consider whether the possibility of exponential speed-up in quantum computation provides an argument for a more substantive notion of quantum ENVOI 225 take one particular interpretive stance and see whether this leads us to a perspicuous axiomatisation Now Fuchs’ direct arguments for the non-objective view of the quantum state are not, we may note, logically compelling (e.g Fuchs, 2002a, §3); 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