the coldwar and the social construction of awaxing roman catholic menace

Between fathers and fetuses - the social construction of male reproduction and the politics of fetal harm

Between fathers and fetuses - the social construction of male reproduction and the politics of fetal harm

... discussion of the rise of the concept of fetal rights and fetal protectionism can be found in Daniels, 1993.) After a brief discussion of the social construction of maternity and paternity, I analyse the ... diVerence generated by the politics of fetal risks, and the problematic nature of the idea of individual causality in discussions of fetal harm Social constructions of maternity and paternity In Western ... baby’, ‘pregnant addict’ and ‘absent father’ emerged at the center of debate over fetal hazards (A more detailed analysis of the social and political construction of these concepts can be found...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

18 862 0
the cultural construction of gender and representation of ide

the cultural construction of gender and representation of ide

... cultural construction of gender and representations of identity The video suggests a set of images to the viewer and usually these are a blurring of gender and identity Music videos predicate on the ... interrogate the construction of gender and the representation of identity They not seem to cross any boundaries People watch soaps to relax and somehow relate, so if they were to experiment with the theatre ... dominating; the other is chained to a bed "It is evident in this video that she interrogates the cultural construction of gender and representations of identity."Justify My Love" is the same The banned...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:53

4 301 0
open university press the social psychology of exercise and sport jun 2005

open university press the social psychology of exercise and sport jun 2005

... interpretation of the meaning they attribute to themself and others on the basis of these broad social influences Sociological social psychology tends to be predominant in Europe and adopts a relativist rather ... parts: the social psychology of exercise (Part I) and the social psychology of sport behaviour (Part II) Part I consists of four chapters and will focus on the application of social psychological theory ... shown that the theory of planned behaviour is superior to other models of social cognition such as the health belief model, protection motivation theory, and the theory of reasoned action Social...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:50

280 365 0
state university of new york press the social authority of reason kants critique radical evil and the destiny of humankind apr 2005

state university of new york press the social authority of reason kants critique radical evil and the destiny of humankind apr 2005

... notably in the Critique of the Power of Judgment While the ultimate end of the pure use of reason is the explicit topic of the first two sections of the “Canon of Pure Reason,” in the second of these ... articulation of the social dimensions of the critical project, particularly in terms of the development of the notion of the highest good.” Before proceeding further with the main discussion of this ... affirmations of the importance of the concepts of freedom and of nature—or even, for that matter, his affirmations of the importance of the relationship between freedom and nature as a problem within the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:57

219 1,1K 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Fly-By medical care: Conceptualizing the global and local social responsibilities of medical tourists and physician voluntourists" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: "Fly-By medical care: Conceptualizing the global and local social responsibilities of medical tourists and physician voluntourists" pdf

... health and the responsibility of communities for the health of their individual members There is, however, some discussion of the responsibilities of patients to their domestic communities and to their ... of the discussion and edited throughout SD wrote the social responsibility and voluntourism sections of the background and Page 12 of 14 discussion VC contributed to the background section, and ... basis for their social responsibility and the targets of this responsibility We then offer a discussion that compares these two groups, looking for overlaps and distinctive elements in their social...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21

14 257 0
The cultural construction of nanyang chinese community in late qing and early republican china discovery of a cultural space

The cultural construction of nanyang chinese community in late qing and early republican china discovery of a cultural space

... onl y the cultural el em ents of thems elves and migrants from di fferent p arts of China, but als o the el em ents of modern and traditi o nal, West ern and t he col onial local cultures The ... iss ues in the formation of th e cultu ral id ent it y of the Nan yang or Sout heast Asi an Chines e throu gh anal yzi n g cultural space of and in the Nan yang First of all, t his thesis est ... ercepti on of the Nan yang C hinese as the “Other”, const ru cted befo re t he y arriving the place, was tested, reconstructed and mix ed with th e knowl edge and experi ence derived from thei r...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:56

272 1,7K 0
The social control of personal finance  the emergence and evolution of the central provident fund (CPF) system

The social control of personal finance the emergence and evolution of the central provident fund (CPF) system

... 1953, the date of the enactment of the Ordinance.”9 With these rushed amendments passed, the CPF came into implementation on the July 1955, and the state had a foot in the door for the social ... genesis of thinking about social security and the social control of personal finance in Singapore began when in 1946, the newly formed Department of Social Welfare undertook the Social Survey of Singapore ... utilized for the housing expenditures, and the social control of personal finance was consolidated within the hands the State The first section of this chapter examines the question of why such...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:36

122 335 0


... develop social networks among their typically developing peers and, in the end, contribute to the social isolation they endure Purpose of the Study The role that the teacher plays in creating the social ... comfortable in their inclusive classroom when their teacher treats them as an equal member of the classroom culture rather than segregating them by, for example, placing them in the back of the classroom ... as these can also be seen in other childhood tales such as Beauty and the Beast, The Frog Prince and The Ugly Duckling The consequences of such beliefs result in segregation and avoidance of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2013, 11:26

144 403 0
The social dimension of service workers’ job satisfaction   the perspective of flight attendants

The social dimension of service workers’ job satisfaction the perspective of flight attendants

... accountability of these three factors was 63.08%, and the result of Bartlett test of sphericity showed the p-value of 0.000 with the KMO value of 0.90 Table shows the result of the exploratory ... characteristic, and social dimension of three research models The values of GFI, AGFI, and NFI were mostly over 0.9 and the values of RMR were under 0.05 As for the social dimension, the first alternative ... organizational reputation, and corporate social responsibility as three factors of the social dimension of the occupation The occupational prestige is about the status of an occupation in the occupational...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2013, 11:44

12 569 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The social life of ribosomal proteins doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The social life of ribosomal proteins doc

... factors The S4, L6, L14 and L11 proteins and the stalk proteins L10 and L7 ⁄ L12 form the factor-binding site at 2103 The social life of ribosomal proteins the edge of the intersubunit cleft of the ... recognition and decoding The ribosome contains three binding sites for tRNA, termed the A, P and E sites (Fig 1) Of these, the A site (where the aminoacyl tRNA initially binds and is selected) and the ... ribosomal subunit proteins S9 and S13 that are otherwise located at the top of the 30S, make their way down through the head of the subunit and come very close to the P site tRNA [40] This might...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

11 563 0
The Social History of Smoking potx

The Social History of Smoking potx

... pipes and tobacco, but his The Social History of Smoking 10 knowledge of prices and their fluctuations, of the apothecaries' and other shops where the herb was sold, and of the latest and most ... drawn and brought from all parts of the body, to the stomach, and from thence rising up to the mouth of the Tobacconist, as to the helme of a Sublimatory, are voided and The Social History of Smoking ... by displaying the beautiful whiteness of the hand, and the splendour of the rings upon the fingers The curled darlings of the late seventeenth century and the "pretty fellows" of Queen Anne's...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

105 536 0
The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits pot

The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits pot

... not the stockholders fire him? (Either the present ones or those who take over when his actions in the name of social responsibility have reduced the corporation's profits and the price of its ... the assessment of taxes and to determine through a political process the objectives to be served This is the basic reason why the doctrine of "social responsibility" involves the acceptance of ... representation" was one of the battle cries of the American Revolution We have a system of checks and balances to separate the legislative function of imposing taxes and enacting expenditures from the executive...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

6 460 0
AHUMANE ECONOMY The Social Framework of the Free Market pdf

AHUMANE ECONOMY The Social Framework of the Free Market pdf

... freedom, the rule of law, the distribution of power, and international co-operation These are the facts, and they demand the adoption of a firm position against the socialist and for the liberal ... for the liberal kind of economic order The history of the last fifteen years, which is that of the failure of the socialist technique all along the line and of the triumph of the market economy, ... comprehend it all the better, in so far as they understand their own situation and the problems of their epoch To further such understanding is the purpose of this hook, as it was the aim of its predecessors...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

328 354 0
The Social Direction of Evolution pdf

The Social Direction of Evolution pdf

... out of extreme positions has a very marked effect upon the character of the total group and upon the average In the life of the State the character of the general average of the citizens is of the ... reduce the curses of alcoholism, poverty, and crime, to take the children out of the factory and their mothers out of the sweatshop and put them into schools or under humane conditions of labor And ... old story in the history of nations and has been the prelude to the ruin of states and the decline and fall of empires." The ultimate aim of Sociology is doubtless the working out of the laws according...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20

67 321 0
the social history of art[electronic resource]

the social history of art[electronic resource]

... origins of domestic drama 75 The drama in the service of the class struggle 75 The social character of the dramatic hero 77 The significance of the milieu in the domestic drama 79 The problem of tragic ... 131 David 133 The art programme of the Revolution 135 The renewal of the ceremonial and the historical picture 137 Art and political propaganda 138 The preparation of romanticism by the Revolution ... as social instrument of authority and propaganda of one sort or another the Church, the State—into an expensive plaything of the cultured bourgeoisie and philosophical rebus of the academic and...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 21:58

290 341 0
the symbolic construction of community [electronic resource]

the symbolic construction of community [electronic resource]

... from the Edinburghian; the Shetlander from the Orcadian; the inhabitants of one Shetland island from those of another; the members of one township of a Shetland island from the members of another ... skippers themselves organized their own performance of their skipperhood in the light of their assumed public personae and of the history of their wider social relations with the members of their ... expression of the integrity of the community It is the presentation to the outside world of the common interests of the members of the community As such, it bears the characteristic hallmark of communication...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 02:00

129 394 0
the emotional construction of morals jan 2008

the emotional construction of morals jan 2008

... Understanding’’, ‘ Of the Passions’’, andOf Morals’’ One might wonder how these disparate topics are related, other than by virtue of the fact that they have something to with the mind But the ... become clear on reading the text Hume develops a theory of concepts (or ‘‘ideas’’) in the first book and a theory of emotions in the second book, and then he integrates these in the third by arguing ... structure, and the culminating moral theory can be read as the resolution of an apparent counter-example to his theory of concepts, or as the payoff for those who take the time to understand how the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 02:11

347 173 0
its complicated the social lives of networked teens

its complicated the social lives of networked teens

... they were, they were holding hands The teens who swarmed below and to the right of the stands represented a different part of the school Unlike their peers in the stands, most of the students ... By and large, the students were cordoned off in their own section on the sides of the stands while parents and more “serious” fans occupied the seats in the center Most of the students in the ... phones in the hands of the white students were often more expensive or of more elite brands than those in the hands of the black students The pervasiveness of cell phones in the stands isn’t that...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 20:20

172 289 1
The Social impact of the Computer

The Social impact of the Computer

... • 1950s - the emergence of the HACKER • 1960s - the identification of the user – The computer replaces the slide rule – The job of the “future” – The era of job swapping • 1970s - the connected ... • 1970s - The microcomputer for enthusiasts 1975 - Computers in the office 1980 - The IBM PC 1984 - The Macintosh The period of the “HOME” computer And since then … The INTERNET For the Millions ... instead." • And so Bill Lampton then an employee of a large hospital dashed off the rest of his note on some trivial office matter and hit the send button • Betty never got past the greeting...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2014, 07:10

30 323 0
The discursive construction of identity in chinese english bilingual advertising a critical inquiry 1

The discursive construction of identity in chinese english bilingual advertising a critical inquiry 1

... up the question about whether the use 14 of English has led to the production of new images for Chinese men and women, and the transformation and change of gender relations between these two social ... to the complexity of meaning construction within the particular genre of advertising texts That leads to the reinterpretation of the notion “code-mixing” and the complexity of identity in the ... examining the construction of identity and answering the research questions listed above The subject of Chapter 5, then, is concerned with data and research methodology It addresses the sources of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:56

15 255 0