teachers feedback and its effectiveness on improving students oral presentation skills

the types of feedback used by teachers of english at vietnam university of commerce and their effectiveness on improving oral presentation skills of the second year – english major students

the types of feedback used by teachers of english at vietnam university of commerce and their effectiveness on improving oral presentation skills of the second year – english major students

... presentation. ………… … ……….20 iv 3.1.2 Effectiveness of teacher feedback on students oral presentation skills …… 23 3.2 Discussions 3.2.1 Students attitude toward oral presentation skills and teacher feedback …… ... questionnaire about students perception of oral presentation skills and teachers feedback Questions 1, 2, 3, are designed to find out students attitude towards oral presentation skills Questions ... Effectiveness of teachers corrective feedback on improving students oral presentation skills The table above presents the effectiveness of teacher corrective feedback on oral presentation skills...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:24

48 601 2
A study on the effect of teachers' oral feedback on students' interesr in English speaking lessons at An Lao High School

A study on the effect of teachers' oral feedback on students' interesr in English speaking lessons at An Lao High School

... Thirdly, teachers oral feedback should be clear and concrete to assist students with revision Sometimes, the teachers give feedback but students not understand at all Teachers should give simple feedback ... often give oral feedback on students in speaking lessons? How you often give oral feedback on students in speaking lessons? What you think about the effects of teacher‟s oral feedback to students ... description of the study and the preliminary results This chapter presents the findings from interviews with teachers and the surveys for students about the teachers' oral feedback and its effect on students' ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:31

50 955 0
Factors affecting the students’ English oral presentation skills at Hanoi Tourism College = Những yếu tố ảnh đến kỹ năng thuyết trình tiếng Anh của sinh viên tr

Factors affecting the students’ English oral presentation skills at Hanoi Tourism College = Những yếu tố ảnh đến kỹ năng thuyết trình tiếng Anh của sinh viên tr

... definition of oral presentation, tour guides’ oral presentation, oral presentations as part of oral communication, the role of presentation in tour guiding job, the structure of an oral presentation, ... students oral presentation skill Factors concerning students oral presentation skill came from students themselves, teachers and institutions The major factor affecting students oral presentation ... terms of its importance, history, politics, cultures, fauna and flora to the participants of the tours 1.2 Oral presentation as a component of oral communication Oral presentation belongs to oral...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:39

23 1,3K 5
Factors affecting the students’ English oral presentation skills at Hanoi Tourism College = Những yếu tố ảnh đến kỹ năng thuyết trình tiếng Anh của sinh viên tr20150227

Factors affecting the students’ English oral presentation skills at Hanoi Tourism College = Những yếu tố ảnh đến kỹ năng thuyết trình tiếng Anh của sinh viên tr20150227

... common oral presentation and tour guides’ oral presentation, and the factors affecting oral presentation 1.1 Definition of terminology 1.1.1 Oral presentation Gufta (2008) defines an oral presentation ... This chapter consists of five parts: definition of oral presentation, tour guides’ oral presentation, oral presentation as part of oral communication, the role of oral presentation skill in tour ... and teaching oral presentation skill However, to improve the students oral presentations demands the efforts and patience of both teachers and students Limitations of the study and suggestions...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:41

63 1,6K 6
Effect of teachers' feedback on freshmen's motivation to learn writing skill - a survey research at Hanoi University of business and technology

Effect of teachers' feedback on freshmen's motivation to learn writing skill - a survey research at Hanoi University of business and technology

... feedback on content/meaning; feedback on form/errors/surface errors; feedback on writing style, and integrated feedback (combining both form and content feedback) The feedback could be direct (teachers ... of both teacher and students to have the highest effectiveness Magno & Amarles (2011), on the other hand, divide feedback into three categories: feedback on form, on content and on writing style ... written feedback in classroom and their influence on students motivation to write Part 2: & The frequency of oral feedback types which teachers Oral use in classroom and their influence on students ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 07:57

89 794 2
Effectiveness of jigsaw, think-pair-share and numbered heads together on students' oral participation in speaking lessons Nghiên cứu hiệu quả của các hoạt

Effectiveness of jigsaw, think-pair-share and numbered heads together on students' oral participation in speaking lessons Nghiên cứu hiệu quả của các hoạt

... participation? 36 4.2.1 Students' on- task behavior from lesson to lesson 12 37 4.2.2 Students' interaction in CL groupwork from lesson to lesson 12 38 4.2.3 Students' opinions and self-evaluation ... 4: Students interaction in lesson 31 Table 5: Students interaction in lesson 31 Table 6: Students interaction in lesson 10 31 Table 7: Students interaction in lesson ... 8: Students interaction in lesson 12 32 Graph 1: Students on- task behavior 37 Graph 2: Students interaction in CL group-work 38 ix PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Rationale and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:08

89 667 1
Investigating how to improve oral presentation skills for the second - year english majors of the department of foreign languages at hung yen university of technology and education

Investigating how to improve oral presentation skills for the second - year english majors of the department of foreign languages at hung yen university of technology and education

... necessity of oral presentation skills …………15 The second- year students difficulties in learning presentation skills … 17 Current methods used in teaching oral presentation skills ... Oral presentations- Teacher evaluation sheet Appendix 5: Oral presentations- Student evaluation sheet Appendix 6: Model language for oral presentations Appendix 7: Sample of model presentations ... (1992) Giving Presentations Hong Kong: Longman Emden, J & Becker, L (2004) Presentation Skills for Students New York: Palgrave Macmillan Ha, Nguyen Thi Van (2007) A Study on Oral Presentation Difficulties...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:39

10 1,4K 35
A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school

A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school

... relationships such as students to their teacher, students to students, and students to materials It is considered that the relationship between students and their teacher is very important Once students have ... (Seliger and Shohamy, 1990) which consist of a number of specific and defined questions determined beforehand, and allow some elaboration in questions and answers After the questionnaires and class ... communication and require the use of such communicative processes as information sharing, negotiation of meaning, and interaction” (Richard and Rodgers, 1986: 165) In conclusion, speaking skill is one...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

44 844 0
A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

... 1996) studied teachers' beliefs and attitudes towards CLT and found misconceptions and misinterpretation of CLT among them Thompson (1996) sets out four of the main misconceptions Talking to ... on the one hand, a clear understanding and widespread endorsement of CLT and its effectiveness (part 1) and on the other hand, a universal recognition of problems with implementation (part 31 ... 2.8: Teachers solutions to students low communicative motivation Question 13 was intended to elicit teachers solution to the students low communicative motivation Responses to this question...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

44 1,6K 9
feedback on esl writing teachers’ practices and students’ preferences = hoạt động thực tế của giảng viên và mong muốn của sinh viên đối với phản hồi trên bài viết tiếng anh

feedback on esl writing teachers’ practices and students’ preferences = hoạt động thực tế của giảng viên và mong muốn của sinh viên đối với phản hồi trên bài viết tiếng anh

... immediate feedback on content and organization for revision (Lee, 2009) When comparing the reactions of students to handwritten and electronic feedback using Electronic Feedback, Denton (2008) ... with feedback and their revised versions in one writing task The presentation and analysis of the feedback on students writing were carried out to obtain the most truthful information concerning ... activities of the teachers and students in dealing with feedback, and the preferences of students to four different types of feedback It was conducted with the participation of teachers and students at...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:31

60 746 2
Teachers' corrective feedback on the 11th form students' writing at Ngo Gia Tu high school Nghiên cứu thực trạng việc phản hồi chữa lỗi của giáo viên trên bài v

Teachers' corrective feedback on the 11th form students' writing at Ngo Gia Tu high school Nghiên cứu thực trạng việc phản hồi chữa lỗi của giáo viên trên bài v

... what students think of the importance of their teachers written feedback Question to question and question 11 work out the students opinions on teachers responding practice in terms of the feedback ... who receive feedback on content only or combination of both content and grammar (Ferris and Hedgcock, 1998) This finding suggests that feedback needs to focus more on content 12 than on form, or ... types, feedback focus and the evaluation of the feedback forms Questions and 10 are expected to find out factors affecting students comprehension of teachers feedback and what strategies students...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

73 729 3
A cross-cultural study of using the Sandwich feedback by Vietnamese and American teachers and its effects on students’ uptake

A cross-cultural study of using the Sandwich feedback by Vietnamese and American teachers and its effects on students’ uptake

... 3.4 Discussion CHAPTER 4: PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSION 41 43 4.1 Pedagogical implication 43 4.2 Limitation of study and the suggestion for further researches 44 4.3 Conclusion REFERENCE ... BACKGROUND 2.1 Definition of feedback 2.2 Definition of criticism 2.3 Definition of sandwich feedback communication (SFC) 11 2.4 Pragmatics and significance of SFC in communication 13 2.4.1 What is ... Birds" University of Languages and International Studies, Hanoi Pennington, R (2011) The Feedback Sandwich Resource International, Seamon's, R (2001) The Routledge Companion of Aesthetics Retrieved...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:46

6 552 2
Providing Feedback on ESL Students.doc

Providing Feedback on ESL Students.doc

... positive and some negative impact on student writing skills They can lead to feelings of confusion and frustration as well as passive action and indifference on behalf of the students Teachers ... training students in how to properly use the feedback to improve Teachers should consistently use a standard set of clear and direct comments and questions to indicate place and type of content feedback ... reactions by students including confusion, frustration and neglect of the comments Leki reports that when presented with written feedback on content, students react in three main ways The students...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10

5 442 1
A study on oral presentation difficulties of second year english majors of phuong dong university in the speaking lessons and solutions

A study on oral presentation difficulties of second year english majors of phuong dong university in the speaking lessons and solutions

... 1.4 Oral Presentations 10 1.4.1 Definition and Characteristics 10 1.4.2 The Importance of Oral Presentations 11 1.4.3 Oral presentation Composition ... 3.2.1 Improving students nonlinguistic skills 46 3.2.2 Building up students confidence 47 3.3 For the Institution: Conducting oral presentation- oriented testing 49 Part 3: Conclusion ... study confirm the fact that the infrequent and inadequate feedback and assessment from teacher(s) and the institution’s lack of conductive facilities also contributed to these students poor presentation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:02

5 3,6K 101


... skills The oral skills, however, are dependent on the knowledge of language they learn such as grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary In addition, students rely on common conventional expressions for ... discussion II Data analysis and discussion Questionnaires 1.1 Questionnaire for teachers Questionnaire for teachers consisting of ten questions is designed to find out the information concerning ... form student respondents and the teacher-respondents at Gia Phu High School, Son La province Two questionnaires, one for students and the other for teachers, and an interview of teachers are going...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

44 1,5K 1
A study on oral presentation difficulties of second year english majors of phuong dong university in the speaking lessons and solutions

A study on oral presentation difficulties of second year english majors of phuong dong university in the speaking lessons and solutions

... to have an investigation of the second-year majors' difficulties when giving oral presentations and give possible suggestions on how to teach and learn oral presentation skills efficiently I hope ... preparation 9 1.4 Oral Presentations 1.4.1 Definition and Characteristics Ohio Wesleyan University, in their Guidelines for Oral Presentations define oral presentations as brief discussions of ... elicit the students evaluations of the importance of oral presentation skills in their future work and their evaluations of their presentation skills It comprised three questions, one of which...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:43

45 3,3K 33
an american and vietnamese cross-cultural study on teachers' criticisms to students' presentations = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa việt mỹ về cách thức phê bình của giáo viên đối với các bài thuyết trình của sinh viên

an american and vietnamese cross-cultural study on teachers' criticisms to students' presentations = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa việt mỹ về cách thức phê bình của giáo viên đối với các bài thuyết trình của sinh viên

... direct and indirect strategies of American and Vietnamese teachers in their criticisms to students presentations Situations Situation Situation Situation Situation Situation Situation Situation ... forms, one of which is training form or class presentations (Templeton and FitzGerald, 1999: 4) Each class presentation normally consists of three sections, namely, presentation, question -and- answer ... kept simple and made meaningful to support the content  Handling questions In Templeton and FiztGerald’s (1999) opinion, it is important to be honest, in control, and confident Mandel (1987)...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25

52 863 0
A study on students' motivation in reading skills at Quang Lower secondary school = Nghiên cứu về động lực học kỹ năng đọc hiểu của học sinh trường THCS Quảng Đ

A study on students' motivation in reading skills at Quang Lower secondary school = Nghiên cứu về động lực học kỹ năng đọc hiểu của học sinh trường THCS Quảng Đ

... motivation among the students, main factors effecting students motivation in learning reading comprehension, activities and techniques employed by the teachers, teachers and students opinions on ... were to access teachers preparation, presentation, techniques, personality, teacher and students interaction in the classroom The classroom observation was conducted with only one teacher who ... While a considerable amount of research has been conducted to study the motivation and its effects on second language acquisition, little has been particularly taken on students' motivation in learning...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:14

54 1,1K 2