teacher s interpretation of task based language teaching



... designs for focused tasks: comprehension tasks, consciousness-raising tasks, and structure -based production tasks Elsewhere (Ellis, 2003a) presents a sequence of tasks for helping learners become more ... production of language A task usually requires the teacher to specify what will be regarded as successful completion of the task The use of variety of different kinds of tasks in language teaching is said ... viii LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS TBU: Tay Bac University TBLL: Task- Based Language Learning TBLT: Task- Based Language Teaching TST/ TSI: Task- Supported Teaching/ Instruction ELT: English Language Teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

105 569 1
Application of task-based language teaching in teaching writing to non-major English students at Namdinh industrial college = Áp dụng phương pháp dạy học theo đ

Application of task-based language teaching in teaching writing to non-major English students at Namdinh industrial college = Áp dụng phương pháp dạy học theo đ

... the study Based on the teachers’ views, it can be suggested that lack of time, big size of classes, students’ low motivation were issue raised by teachers during the interviews, classroom observations ... “asking students to discuss after reading” employed usually or always by 80% of the teachers However, less popular strategy is “assigning students tasks to using the information in the text” (30% of ... popular strategy is “doing assigned tasks using the information in the text” The results of the questionnaires reveal that the teachers made less use of the post-reading strategies; this may be...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:07

82 749 0
The Implementation of Task-based Language Teaching A case study of the upper-secondary school = Việc thực hiện phương pháp giảng dạy ngoại ngữ dựa vào các nhiệm

The Implementation of Task-based Language Teaching A case study of the upper-secondary school = Việc thực hiện phương pháp giảng dạy ngoại ngữ dựa vào các nhiệm

... exercises given to Ss to perform in skills lessons whereas exercises were made use of in grammatical lessons or Language Focus part” (Anh) “ Tasks are types of exercises, but they not focus on ... three teachers differed in their views: “ A task- based lesson follows at least two stages: first, teachers present language materials and then students make use of them to the tasks There is no ... dangers of one-off display lessons not typical of regular teaching Thus, it was suggested that observing successive lessons at different stages of the academic year minimise this danger 40 Suggestions...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:34

56 909 0
Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

... Frequency of using tasks in ESP class 4&5 Students’ perceptions of tasks and features of tasks 6&7 Frequency of types of tasks in class and students’ preferable types of tasks Organization of task steps ... advantage of as a means in teaching ESP 3.2.2 Types of tasks in ESP class Frequency of task types used in ESP class Table 4: Frequency of task types used ESP class Ss’ answer Teachers’ answer ... teacher exploits tasks in ESP lessons 5&6 Definition and features of tasks 7&8 Frequency of types of tasks in class preferable types of tasks among students in teachers’ beliefs Task cycle organization...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

73 872 2
Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

... Conclusion This part summarizes the main issues discussed in the paper, the contribution as well as the limitations of the research, suggestions for successful TBLT application in ESP course and some ... perceptions of TBLT in ESP? How is TBLT realized in ESP class? What are teachers and students’ suggestions for TBLT to teach ESP course? III Scope of the study First, although TBLT is generally set as ... analysis is incorporated after learners have performed a task TBLT focuses on using the tasks which are suitable for or meet students’ needs The reasons are TBLT seems to bring meaningful use of language...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:39

3 445 0


... lesson is assessed on whether the teacher has successfully and accurately presented the content of the lesson to students The teacher is also assessed by their own colleagues on a regular basis, ... Principles of task- based language teaching 48 Tasks, activities, and exercises 53 3.2 Definitions of tasks 45 Dimensions of task characteristics 57 Teachers’ ... examinations each last 90 minutes (see Appendix L) These assessment systems have put much pressure on the teachers and students In addition to learning English in schools, students take extra classes...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2015, 21:19

394 600 0
applicability of tasked-based language teaching to the teaching context in thai hoa upper secondary school = khả năng áp dụng phương pháp dạy học ngôn ngữ dựa vào nhiệm vụ trong bối cảnh trường thpt thái hòa

applicability of tasked-based language teaching to the teaching context in thai hoa upper secondary school = khả năng áp dụng phương pháp dạy học ngôn ngữ dựa vào nhiệm vụ trong bối cảnh trường thpt thái hòa

... Examples of Task TBLTM Task - Based Language Teaching Model TGTBLT Teaching Grammar in TaskBased Language Teaching TBLT vs OTM TaskBased Language Teaching versus Other Teaching Methods T Teachers ... Overall, the purpose of classifying tasks is to generate a variety of tasks on whatever topic is selected Simple tasks may consist of one type such as listing while complex types of tasks may incorporate ... research questions are raised: What are students‟ attitudes towards theoretical issues of task- based language learning? What are teachers‟ perceptions of task- based language learning? 1.4 Scope...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2015, 16:34

131 419 0
Reading skills for the first-year students at Vietnam Maritime University by implementing task-based language teaching = Nâng cao kỹ năng đọc cho sinh viên năm

Reading skills for the first-year students at Vietnam Maritime University by implementing task-based language teaching = Nâng cao kỹ năng đọc cho sinh viên năm

... forms 2.2 Types of tasks There are many ways by which tasks are categorized Nunan (1989) classifies tasks into real world tasks and pedagogic tasks The former refers to the tasks that students ... classes with the implementation of text- based task lessons in replacement of the traditional ways of teaching English • Phase 3: the researcher gives the second test to assess students‟ progress ... is divided into three phases: pre -task activities, task cycle, and post task activities Question 3, 4, and are reserved for pre -task activities Question asks for students‟ assessment on the usefulness...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:01

74 669 1
Reading skills for the first-year students at Vietnam Maritime University by implementing task-based language teaching

Reading skills for the first-year students at Vietnam Maritime University by implementing task-based language teaching

... measure the effectiveness of the experimental lessons Besides, during the experimental lessons, the researcher also observed and took note on the progress of the lessons, the students’ response ... of reading comprehension, task- based language learning and teaching such as the task definitions, task types, task- based framework and pointing out the key issues in designing communicative tasks ... repetitive, mostly are question- and - answers tasks As a result, many reading lessons makes the learners bored while taking part in the reading process and their reading skills still keep stable For...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40

4 824 4
Task based language teaching

Task based language teaching

... Conclusion 135 References 136 Chapter viii 128 Assessing task- based language teaching Introduction and overview 138 Key concepts in assessment 138 The purposes of assessment 147 Self-assessment ... pedagogical tasks: target tasks, as the name implies, refer to uses of language in the world beyond the classroom; pedagogical tasks are those that occur in the classroom What is task- based language teaching? ... of successful second language acquisition This ‘strong’ interpretation has it that language acquisition is a subconscious process in which the conscious teaching of grammar is unnecessary: ‘Language...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2016, 09:26

238 412 0
ellis task based language teaching korea 20064016

ellis task based language teaching korea 20064016

... difficulty Specify language/ skills/ text types required to perform the task The Methodology of Task- Based Teaching Three phases in a task- based lesson: Pre -task phase Main task phase Post -task phase ... Approaches to Using Tasks Use tasks to support a Type A approach - task- supported teaching (Type A) - weak form of communicative language teaching Use tasks as the basis for teaching - task- based teaching ... Types of Task Unfocussed tasks a Pedagogic b Real world Focused tasks An Example of a Pedagogic Task Four students – each has one picture and describes it to the rest of the class Students from...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2016, 15:55

29 263 0
Ellis 2009 task based language teaching

Ellis 2009 task based language teaching

... syllabus consisting of focused tasks A third type of task- based syllabus is also possible – a hybrid one that consists of a mixture of focused and unfocused tasks In each of these syllabuses, however, ... aspects of language Also, studies of focused tasks have shown that in at least some cases it is possible to design tasks that will result in the required use of the target structure (see Ellis ... has used tasks to successfully elicit the use of question forms Seedhouse is also wrong for another reason His claim about the unsuitability of task as a unit for designing a course is based...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 19:55

26 174 0
A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non -English major students at H

A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non -English major students at H

... 1.1 Task- based language teaching 1.1.1 What is a task? .4 1.1.2 Task types 1.1.3 What is TBLT? 1.1.4 A framework for designing TB lessons ... THE STUDY 12 2.1 The context of the study 12 2.1.1 English language teaching at HaUI 12 2.1.2 The teaching materials and assessment 13 2.1.3 Teachers and students ... application in speaking skill 1.3.1 Teachers .9 Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs v Teachers’ qualities and personalities 1.3.2 Learners ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:56

4 952 6
A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non-English major students at Ha

A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non-English major students at Ha

... of teaching speaking based on tasks, Teachers’ advantages and disadvantages in teaching speaking based on tasks and Teachers’ suggestions Teachers’ awareness of speaking skill When asked ... answers of students were notetaken The interview for students consists of questions with categories: Students’ awareness of speaking skill, Students’ opinions of learning speaking based on tasks, Students’ ... approach All the teachers used tasks following the framework for taskbased instruction That includes pre -task, task cycle and language focus Teachers applied some kinds of tasks in teaching speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:56

62 1,4K 2
Teacher’s Perception of A good English Language Teacher

Teacher’s Perception of A good English Language Teacher

... article summarizes the results of a study on the perception of secondary school teachers in Hanoi about “a good English language teacher and necessary competences of English language teachers Theoretical ... perspectives on English teacher competence framework, then makes analysis of the competence frameworks, caregorizes them into groups, so that readers easily find the strengths and weaknesses of the model ... practitioners: Toward a practice -based theory of professional education, In L DarlingHammond & G Sykes (Eds.), Teaching as the learning profession: Handbook of policy and practice (pp 3-32), San Francisco:...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2017, 23:03

12 215 1
A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 1

A study on the techniques for the improvement to the teaching of oral skills in light of communicative english language teaching for junior high school teachers in quang ngai province part 1

... most of the techniques suggested in this study are found interesting by JHS teachers, other techniques not presented in this study are also necessary for the teaching of oral skills in JHSs This ... junior high schools and 2.832 JHS classes of 114.068 JHS students JHS students are required to study 11 subjects and English is one of them There are 594 JHS teachers Quang Ngai is a poor province ... answer questions? 4) Teacher s personality Does the teacher smile often? Does the teacher seem interested in the lesson? Does the T praise the Ss when they work well? 5) Command of English Does...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:41

48 1,3K 7