studies part one the post war years

gendering world politics issues and approaches in the post-cold war era

gendering world politics issues and approaches in the post-cold war era

... understanding them The end of the Cold War and the consequent decline in the predominance of military-security issues, defined in terms of the nuclear arms race between the United States and the former ... tr o d u c ti o n therefore, that feminist perspectives on world politics entered the discipline at about the same time as the end of the Cold War; over the last ten years, they have been given ... feminist theory, historical sociology, critical theory, and postmodernism He stresses that they are too different from each other to be added together and presented as one theory to rival the neo-neo...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:14

212 524 0
the university of north carolina press opium war 1840-1842 barbarians in the celestial empire in the early part of the nineteenth century and the war by which they forced her gates mar 1998

the university of north carolina press opium war 1840-1842 barbarians in the celestial empire in the early part of the nineteenth century and the war by which they forced her gates mar 1998

... draw upon the original prefacewesterners in China in the early decades of the nineteenth century and the war, the Opium War, that they brought on The war is the centerpiece, And at the time I ... rectangular stone vats standing side by side in a warehouse The smell is the smell of new-mown hay, but the look is the look of tar Later, in the dry weather before the rains come and in the dry weather ... and almost blew them, much larger though they were, out of the water Was this the beginning of the war, the Opium War? In those days, formality and habit required at the start of a war a declaration...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 14:18

502 512 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 2 pptx

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 2 pptx

... the other the object known In this positioning of the problem of knowledge, the key question is to decide whether we move forward—toward the unmoving target of the object to be known—or backward—in ... trying to jump in one step to the “Horse Evolution” out there Not because there is no “out” and no “there,” but because the “out” and the “there” are not facing the mind: “out” and “there” are designating ... horses in their evolution and the interpretations of horses in the paleontologists’ time, even though the scale and rhythm is different—millions of years in one line, hundreds of years in the other...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22

70 527 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 3 pps

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 3 pps

... falls to those who would claim the generality of the theory Nonetheless, despite the absence of such evidence, the results reported in the book were treated by the cognitive science research ... expert As the metaphors suggest, the project of the intelligent machine from the point of view of the AI prac- Feminist STS and the Sciences of the Artificial 145 titioners studied by Forsythe is ... reward The moves that Haraway encourages, toward recognition of the material consequences of the figural and the figural grounds of the material, and toward a different kind of positioning for the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22

70 426 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 4 pptx

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 4 pptx

... laboratory studies from the “inside,” asking to what extent such studies met the goals set by their authors The most fundamental claim of early laboratory studies was the assertion that the process ... models for their own work These social-historical studies generally follow Kuhn in his attempt to grasp the dynamics of theory change from the perspective of the historical participants themselves, ... he speaks, and someone addressed, and the objective [telos] of the speech relates to the last [I mean the hearer] Now, it is necessary for the hearer to be either a spectator [theoros] or a judge...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22

70 680 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 5 pot

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 5 pot

... just these four cards: If any of these cards has an A on one side, then it has a on the other side The correct answer is to select the card with the A on front and the card with the on front If the ... 2002), the subject is presented with four cards turned one side up and told that one side shows either the letter A or some other letter while the other side shows either the number or some other ... propositions If one were trying to falsify the stated law, one would insist on turning over the card with the facing up to determine whether or not it has an A on the back Others have drawn the more...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 340 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 6 doc

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 6 doc

... few years, and students usually conduct their postdoctoral research neither at the institutions at which they earned their doctorates nor at the institutions in which they will establish their ... from “awkward” misreadings by replicators There is always room for disagreement about whether one experimenter has awkwardly or faithfully replicated the technique of another The Awkward Student ... thought they were up to, the evaluation of their activities by those who then (and later) had greater power to solidify the boundaries of science put them on the outside—not just because of their...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 393 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 7 pdf

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 7 pdf

... drastically revised, with the result that the slaughter and sale of sheep was banned in the area for two years The farmers for their part had been worried from the outset, because they had direct knowledge ... axes, one defined by intensity of interaction, or how deeply the public can shape the content of science and the organization of scientific work, the other by spontaneity, or the degree to which the ... about their specialized bits of the world but to the right thing? The scientist is not a priest.” That’s another way of identifying the limited authority of the modern scientist, and the nonpriestly...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 443 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 8 ppt

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 8 ppt

... ways—indeed, there is probably a complex interaction between the spread of analytical categories, on the one hand, and of the selfdescriptions mobilized by the groups and movements, on the other Rather ... reflects the more general movement of biomedical topics from the relative periphery to the very center of attention within STS over the past fifteen years On the other hand, during those same years, ... Against the Future: The Luddites and their War on the Industrial Revolution— Lessons for the Computer Age (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley) Scalmer, Sean (2002) Dissent Events: Protest, the Media, and the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 439 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 9 doc

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 9 doc

... engineers must recognize the values that influence their work, the ways their work influences values, and the other actors involved in this process Recognizing these aspects of their work allows engineers ... down or reinforce the conventional boundaries between the human and the nonhuman, the political and the scientific, government and the public, the EEA concept is to be open to the transgression ... has linked what he termed the democratic impulse” within STS to the political upheaval of the 1960s, including the social impact of the Vietnam War and the rise of the civil rights, feminist,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 483 1
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 10 pdf

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 10 pdf

... driven by the people who give you the money [If] the state gives us money, they tell us what to [If] NSF gives us the money, they tell us what research they want done [If] DoD gives us the money, ... Cold War The Cold War is now regarded as the golden age of the Chandlerian firm The lineand-division mode of management had proven its mettle during the war; through the 1970s the roster of the ... middle of the nineteenth century Yet, in rejecting the false polarities of the neo-Mertonians on the one hand and the economic apologists for the modern era on the other, it would appear that the denizens...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 415 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 11 ppt

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 11 ppt

... 1970s, in addition to the state of the study of science and technology at the time The chapter was written during the Cold War, when the dynamics of the competition between the United 720 Brian ... microelectronics, the life of the technology is far shorter than even the time spent to secure the patent, let alone the life of the patent, so trade secrets and speed to market are the best guarantors ... belies the intimate connections and interface zones built up between the two sectors in the course of the Cold War (Cloud, 2001; Dennis, 1994) The organization of military institutions in war and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 401 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 12 pptx

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 12 pptx

... cogently argued, are the divides that consistently separate the weak from the strong, the rich from the poor, the disabled from the competent, and the socially marginal from the powerful and privileged ... in the 1950s noted that the combination of these three did not explain Knowledge and Development 791 all the variance in growth, and Solow added the hypothesis that the rest of the variation (the ... practice they seldom appear in the stories innovation systems researchers tell (their “case studies ) Nonetheless, firms are at the center of the networks, and a healthy innovation system is one in...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 349 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 13 ppt

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 13 ppt

... how the deaf resisted the designation of “disabled,” claiming that theirs is a community identity based on a variance from other parts of the population and should be left alone The deaf felt the ... 895–913 Featherstone, Mike (1991) The Body in Consumer Culture,” in M Featherstone, M Hepworth, & B Turner (eds), The Body: Social Process and Cultural Theory (London: Sage): 170–96 Forsythe, Diana ... at genomics The richness of debate, variety of case studies, and rigor of research in this area stems in part from the existence of these different ways of seeing the same material Rather, we would...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 425 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 14 pot

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 14 pot

... another one grounded in the tradition of laboratory studies and centered on field work in the trading room I expect that further empirical studies and theoretical contribution will deepen the ... together with the introduction of new financial products, narrowed the gap between theoretical predictions and actual prices At the same time, the use of the option pricing formula changed the ... that the rats fared worse on the GM lectin-producing potatoes than on either of the other samples, possibly implying that it was not the lectins that were causing the problem but some aspect of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 310 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 15 ppt

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 15 ppt

... senior lecturer in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London He studies the theory and history of military strategy and is the author of The Tank Debate: Armour and the Anglo-American ... during the twentieth century, focusing in particular on pedagogical changes and their effects on the discipline He is the author of Drawing Theories Apart: The Dispersion of Feynman Diagrams in Postwar ... objectives, the politics of the laboratory, and the prospects for progressive alteration of the research agenda and its anticipated outcomes The responsibilities of the participant-observer, whether...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

70 363 0
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 16 ppsx

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 16 ppsx

... Roy, 844 Porter, Theodore, 16, 38, 65, 297, 778, 779, 905 Posey, D., 799 Posner, Richard, 772, 773 Post, Stephen, 857 Poster, M., 336, 341, 964 Postigo, Hector, 487 Postman, N., 949 Postol, Ted, ... Stoler, Ann L., 766 Stoller, Nancy, 481 Stone, A R., 958, 964 Stone, John, 633, 732 Stone, P., 925 Stone, Sandy, 150 Storey, J., 194, 552 Storr, Brenda, 594 Strathern, Marilyn, 182, 195, 308, 853, ... for, 440 in the modern world, 439–444 money as an index of, 435 pseudo-science and the, 439 public belief in, 429 scientific method and, 440–441 visualizations and the, 208, 299 awkward newcomer...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:23

32 572 0
Báo cáo y học: "Agitation in the ICU: part one Anatomical and physiologic basis for the agitated state" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Agitation in the ICU: part one Anatomical and physiologic basis for the agitated state" ppt

... into the blood stream from the adrenal medulla The more intense the stimuli, the more pronounced the response The levels of norepinephrine generally increase about that of epinephrine and the ... titration of both analgesia and sedation at the same time in the same patient When separation of theraputic effect is desired, start with one and then add the other The doses of both must be reduced Usually ... Agitation in the ICU: part one Crippen opiates in the brain stem [43] This analgesic effect can be blocked by naloxone and shows cross tolerance to morphine [44] It is unknown whether the effects...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:20

12 392 0
A genealogy of japanese solidarity discourse on philippine history war with america and area studies in the cold war

A genealogy of japanese solidarity discourse on philippine history war with america and area studies in the cold war

... how postwar Japanese historians resurrected their studies on Southeast Asia from the wartime “wrongly-used” history Particularly focusing on essays by Tatsuro Yamamoto, founder of postwar Southeast ... attitude toward the Philippines as a country that already had the experience of learning these Western ideas in the prewar period, but failed to implement it properly in the postwar period 10    The ... distancing themselves from the wartime and thus Japan-centered perspective of previous imperial studies Postwar Japanese pioneering scholars of the region also locate the beginning of Japanese studies...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:11

243 386 0