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The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Part 10 pdf

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Examples of STS interventions of this kind include the following: Analyses of legal practices: These have ranged from analyses of the ways expert witnesses are identified, selected, and

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such a context, having an administrator who is not a member of a specialist cal community may well be an advantage if the aim is to create a shared definition

techni-of the problem (i.e., boundary object) or to have at least one person who can act as

a go-between for the different specialist groups (i.e., boundary shifter)

To return briefly to the Civil Service, when these issues were, in fact, examined bythe Fulton Committee in the late 1960s, the arguments in favor of generalists andamateurs were not persuasive (Fulton, 1968) Instead, the committee recommendedreforms that integrated specialists and high-level administrators much more closely.What an STS trained person asked to advise the government on a similar problemwould say today is an interesting thought-experiment Ironically, it seems likely thatthe STS purist would find themselves defending the value of the Oxbridge educatedclassicist against the imposition of more technocratic specialist framings The diffi-culty, if there is one, emerges when the STS person is asked to specify more accuratelythe type of generalist that is required—are they to be restricted to the Oxbridge elite

or not? If not, what are the qualities the new entrants should possess? In short, justwhat is the difference between an “acceptable generalist” and someone with “no relevant knowledge or experience”?


Having adequate knowledge upon which to base decisions is also a key concern of theeconomics literature, where markets are typically modeled on the assumption thateconomic agents have access to full information and then make rational choices thatmaximize their returns given a set of clear and unambiguous preferences Althoughmany economists would deny that their models are meant to be taken literally, theseassumptions have provided a model of decision-making that has been generalized to

a wide range of settings.18What is more, because it can be shown mathematically thatdecisions taken this way are optimal (in the sense that they maximize financialreturns), then observed deviations from these assumptions suggest that the way toimprove outcomes is to re-engineer social processes so that the “barriers” to economicefficiency are removed.19

While changing society to match the theory is clearly one response to economictheorizing, others (typically psychologists rather than economists) have tried todevelop approaches that can explain the observed behaviors Perhaps the mostcommon approach to this problem is to try to articulate the heuristics used in making decisions under uncertainty, with the leading contributions coming fromDaniel Kahneman and his collaborator Amos Tversky (Kahneman et al., 1982; Kahneman & Tversky, 1996) Research in this tradition attempts to make explicit the heuristics that people use to make judgments that, in the economic sense of ratio-nal behavior, lead to suboptimal outcomes These rules of thumb include strategiessuch as the “law of small numbers” through which data from small samples are trans-ferred to large samples, the use of “cultural” rather than “statistical” representative-ness in making judgments about individuals, and the tendency to take decisionsindividually rather than over a longer term sequence In each case, the outcome is

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that individuals—both in real life and in experimental conditions—reveal a atic tendency to make decisions in ways that contradict the fundamental principles

system-of probability and, therefore, do not conform to the predictions system-of standard economictheory

It is worth noting, however, that this literature is not without its controversies Thework of Kahneman and Tversky has been extensively critiqued by Gigerenzer (1991,

1993, 1994), who argues that many everyday heuristics work almost as well as formalmathematical models and that many of the apparently suboptimal results proposed

by Kahneman and Tversky can be seen as rational if the question posed is interpreted

in a different but equally legitimate way In essence, Gigerenezer’s claim is that Kahneman and Tversky overemphasize the logical structure of the problem and over-look the importance of its content These criticisms are rejected by Kahneman andTversky.20STS is not forced to take a stand on this issue, but it is clear that the empha-sis on context suggests that many will be sympathetic to Gigerenezer’s critique, even

if they also accept that heuristics, in the sense of some rule of thumb or judgment bywhich to simply complex information, are likely to be essential in both mundane andspecialist domains.21

Low Information Rationality and the Miserly Citizen

If heuristics provide a way of simplifying complex information, how are we to stand decision-making in the absence of information? This problem is particularlyacute for the political science literature that deals with voting behavior, in which thesituation seems very different from the standard STS case study, where the focus isoften the exclusion of informed or expert citizens by established interest groups Inthe case of elections and other democratic processes, the danger is that a disinterested

under-or uninfunder-ormed public will undermine the legitimacy of institutions based on mass participation In short, if democracy is about the exercise of informed choice, then is

a process still a democratic one when the choices are made on the basis of little or

no information?

Although many see the outcome of this info-rich/info-poor divide as a dystopianfuture of increasing stratification and inequality, there are those who question thisconclusion In this more positive interpretation, the negative consequences of not

having full information are offset by the ability of individuals to make good decisions

on the basis of simple and widely available information Thus, for example, in the case

of electoral choices, Kuklinksi and Hurley (1994: 730) argue that, rather than ing encyclopedic knowledge of complex issues, problems, and debates, “ordinary cit-izens can make good political judgements even when they lack general politicalacumen or information about the issues at hand by taking cues from political actors.”Similarly, Lupia and McCubbins (1998: 9) argue that “by forming simple and effectivestrategies about what information to use and how to use it, people can make the samedecisions they otherwise would if they were expert.” Thus, to give a simple example,

requir-it has been found that accurate inferences about academic standards and school safetycan be made by parents on the basis of simple indicators like how clean a school is,

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whether there is graffiti on the walls, and whether or not there are broken windows(Schneider et al., 1999) In these situations, access to specialist or technical expertise

is not a barrier to good decision-making, implying that the need for expertise to beeverywhere has, perhaps, been overstated

In many ways these ideas of “low information” rationality (Popkin, 1991) resonatewith the much older idea of “satisficing” put forward by Herbert Simon Simon arguedthat rather than constantly seeking to maximize their returns, organizations must (anddo) settle for less Because they have limited amount of information about the future,and acquiring more is costly, organizations must act on the basis of uncertain andincomplete data As a result, their decisions are based on what Simon called a

“bounded rationality” in which organizations “satisfice” rather than “maximize” bysetting targets that are acceptable if achieved but that are adjusted if they are not Inthis way, although the outcome is, in some sense suboptimal, in the context of thefirm it is also a rational choice in the sense that acquiring the extra information toreach the optimal decision is too costly.22

Finally, it is worth noting that, although low information rationality theories soundlike a defense of the citizen found in the STS literature in which local and personalknowledge provides the basis of informed critique, there is a difference The STS view

is that there is some expertise being displayed—even if it is in something like “folksociology”—whereas the low information route highlights the short cuts being taken.23This is particularly apparent in the approaches to political preference formation that take their lead from Mary Douglas’s cultural theory, in which an individual’s position in the grid-group typology provides an over-arching framework throughwhich events are filtered and preferences formed As a result, people who possess only “inches of facts” are able to “generate miles of preferences” because “they don’t actually have to work all that hard” (Wildavsky, 1987: 8) This is not to say that these preferences are always correct, or that they cannot be changed throughdeliberation.24 It does, however, reinforce the STS tendency noted above to see technical matters as political and cultural, with trust in institutions thus emerging as

a key dimension More negatively it also suggests that, by appealing to cultural values,those in power have the potential to frame debates and position themselves in ways that polarize debate rather than promote dialogue If this is the case, then theoptimism of those who think there are easy ways to make good decisions may turnout to be misplaced


The previous section discussed a number of alternative approaches to expertise drawnfrom across the social sciences In each case the distinction was made between havingexpertise and not having expertise In some cases this was seen as having negativeconsequences and in others as a less serious problem, but in all the distinction so oftenblurred in STS, between knowing and not knowing, was central In these final sec-

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tions, we return to the field of STS and the challenge raised at the beginning of thechapter, namely, how to construct STS as a critical discipline.

By emphasizing the underdetermination of interpretation by data, STS shows howdifferent expert positions can be consistent with the available evidence yet incom-mensurable with each other The problem is what follows from this To the extent thatSTS shows that each position is equally reasonable or potentially open to challenge itintervenes indirectly by making evidence of disagreement more public A more directform of this intervention, however, would be to try to create the circumstances inwhich the kind of deconstruction and dialogue that STS carries out can be incorpo-rated more routinely in the institutions and procedures through which such contro-versies are played out.25 This work may be very public or operate behind the scenes,but the aim is usually to show how the aims of the process would be better met if STS advice was acted upon Examples of STS interventions of this kind include the following:

 Analyses of legal practices: These have ranged from analyses of the ways expert witnesses are identified, selected, and their expert credibility established or challenged

in cross examination to direct participation in legal proceedings, either as an expert

witness or through the provision of amicus curiae briefs setting out key issues or


 Contributions to the Public Understanding of Science (PUS) or Public Engagementwith Science and Technology (PEST): While not challenging the fundamental idea that science has a duty to communicate with the wider society, STS studies have hadquite a bit to say about how this should be done In particular, STS has been highlycritical of the deficit model and has championed a more dialogical approach Theeffects can be seen in the gradual shift away from dissemination as the provision ofsimplified research summaries to consultation and more deliberative and participatoryforums.27

 Contributions to the regulation, planning and management of science and nology: As with its contributions to PUS and PEST, STS contributions to debates aboutrisk assessment and management have not challenged the basic idea that there arerisks associated with science and technology Instead the aim has been to show howcurrent practices must be reformed so as to include new classes of risk identified bySTS.28

tech-Although this is a coherent and intellectually defensible position, it does raise someproblems when applied in practice.29 For example, in the case of debates about thereality of climate change, the scientific status of intelligent design, or the safety of vac-cines such as MMR, what role does symmetrical STS have to play? In one sense it isalready involved, because those involved in the arguments are making claims aboutthe nature of sound science and expertise In another sense, however, it cannot beinvolved because it sees all parties as essentially similar STS research may describewhat is going on, making visible what has traditionally been invisible, but the

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conclusions that follow from this remain a matter for others to resolve In some waysthis follows from the diffidence inherent in the constructivist agenda, which makes

it difficult to assert that STS knowledge about knowledge can be seen as more thanone account among many, but it is not inevitable As noted earlier, there is a range ofpolicy initiatives drawing on STS research, and STS researchers, seeking to promotenew and more inclusive ways of managing controversial technological innovation Inthese initiatives, STS is clearly being put into action and, in doing so, is opening upthe domain of participatory and deliberative methods as a new site for STS researchand theorizing


In the final section of this chapter, we set out a more prescriptive or normativeapproach to the burgeoning area of STS research that aims to reform the ways in whichdecisions about science and technology get made In these cases, STS seems to have alot to offer, with the sociological conception of knowledge in particular providing

a way of analyzing the qualities that different participants might bring to more inclusive decision-making

The basic idea is simple—knowledge is acquired by socialization, so expertise isacquired through a prolonged period of interaction within the relevant communityand is revealed through the quality of those interactions.30One consequence is thatacquiring expertise is neither all attribution nor a flip-flop process It is possible tothink of a continuum of knowledge states, ranging from ignorance to complete exper-tise and of individuals moving between these states over time It is also possible todistinguish between the ways different kinds of expertise are distributed Thus, forexample, some sorts of expertise (e.g., speaking and writing a natural language) will

be so widely distributed as to be ubiquitous Others, like milking cows or growing stemcells, will be restricted to such small groups that they are seen as esoteric expertises.Similarly, while some expertise will be about substantive domains, other kinds ofexpertise might operate at a meta level, providing the criteria and skills needed tomake judgments about the expertise held by others All these distinctions, and thecategories they give rise to, are summarized in the table that we have referred to as

“the periodic table of expertises” (figure 25.1) and explained at length elsewhere(Collins & Evans, 2002, 2007; Collins, 2004a,b; Evans, 2004) Here we concentrate onsome main points

In the row labeled specialist expertises (i.e., expertise in some substantive domainsuch as carpentry or chemistry), an individual’s expertise can range from “beer-matexpertise,” which corresponds to knowing the kinds of facts that might be put on thecoasters provided in bars, to contributory expertise, which corresponds to being able

to contribute fully to the work of the relevant community.31Within this scheme, thetwo most important distinctions are the distinction between primary source knowl-edge and interactional expertise and between interactional expertise and contributoryexpertise

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 The distinction between primary source knowledge and interactional expertise marksthe transition from expertises that rely on widely distributed tacit knowledge to exper-tises that rest on tacit knowledge specific to the group in question Thus, someonewith interactional expertise would be able to pass in conversational settings as a fullyfledged member of the group, whereas someone whose knowledge consisted only ofthat which was made explicit in written works—e.g., primary source knowledge—would not It should be noted, however, that because interactional expertise isacquired over time, prolonged and sustained interaction within the expert commu-nity is required before an individual can pass as a native member of the communityunder determined interrogation.

 The distinction between interactional and contributory expertise corresponds to thedistinction between being able to talk fluently about a domain of expertise and beingable to contribute to it In other words, while someone with maximum interactionalexpertise would be able to talk like a native member of the community, he or shewould have no proficiency in practical tasks Contributory expertise signifies that aperson has both the conceptual and practical expertise held by the group, whereassomeone with interactional expertise possesses only the former

The second row of the table describes the meta-expertises needed to make judgmentsabout the substantive expertise of others There is an important distinction betweenmeta-expertises that are “internal” and those which are “external”:

 Internal meta-expertise denotes those judgments that require some kind of ization within the community Thus, the judgments labeled technical connoisseur-ship, downward discrimination, and referred expertise all require the person who

Ubiquitous tacit knowledge Specialist tacit knowledge

Interactive ability

Beer-mat knowledge

Primary source knowledge

Popular understanding

Interactional expertise

Contributory expertise

Ubiquitous discrimination

Local discrimination

Downward discrimination Technical


Referred expertise

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exercises them to have some experience that allows them to appreciate the criteriaused by those they judge Thus, for example, a connoisseur of wine or art would typ-ically be familiar with the conventions and techniques of wine-making or paintingwithout necessarily being a wine-maker or artist.

 External meta-expertise denotes those judgments that are possible even if the vidual has no socialization within the relevant expert community In effect, these refer

indi-to the application of more or less ubiquiindi-tous standards indi-to specific substantive domains.The idea of local discrimination highlights the case in which some communities willhave experiences that will shape their views about the trustworthiness or credibility

of specific experts that are not widely shared even though the criteria invoked draw

on general rather than substantive knowledge

The usefulness of distinguishing between different kinds of experts lies in the morenuanced response it offers to the apparent trade-off between expertise and participa-tion If it is accepted that it is impossible for everyone to be an expert about every-thing, then some form of categorization is needed Similarly, if STS is to continue tocontribute to debates about participation and regulation, then separating the expertfrom the nonexpert will be crucial, not to exclude the latter but to explain why thenonexpert lay citizen may be more valuable than is generally thought For example,

if deliberative or participatory models are to include ordinary citizens in the oversightand regulation of science, this cannot be justified on the basis of their specialist exper-tise (by definition, the typical citizen must know very little about any esoteric field).Instead, lay participation is warranted via the idea of meta-expertise, particularly ubiq-uitous and local discrimination, which use more generic social knowledge and skills

to put political and moral preferences into action (Evans and Plows, 2007)

If this is the case, then our categorization of expertise suggests three lines of researchthan can be pursued in addition to the traditional STS case studies documenting theresolution of technoscientific controversy

1 The categorization of expertise itself: While the basic structure of figure 25.1 seems

to fit with core STS commitments, the distinctions need to be tested more fully Wehave already adapted the Turing test methodology, in which hidden participants try

to convince a judge that they possess a particular expertise, to test the idea of interactional expertise and the importance of socialization in its acquisition Initialresults based on color-blindness show that individuals with interactional expertise are indistinguishable from those with contributory expertise, whereas those withoutinteractional expertise are easy to spot.32

2 Case studies in participation: Deliberative and participatory methods are becomingincreasingly common in the regulation, funding, and oversight of science, but what

do they achieve? Given that participatory decision-making and consultation exercisesare now taking place in many countries and encompassing many different topics, there

is an emerging data set in participatory practice that can be used to evaluate and testthe adequacy of the different approaches For example, how do deliberative and par-ticipatory methods differ, do different processes suit different kinds or combinations

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of expertise, how much participation is necessary, what are the practical implications

of making such events routine, and how might they be evaluated?

3 Experiments in expertise and participation: Finally, and perhaps most ambitiously,

it is possible to design experiments in participatory decision-making and consultationthat will test these and other ideas of expertise directly In some respects, the litera-ture of constructive technology assessment, consensus conferences, and interactivetechnology assessment all represent attempts to use STS to rethink and reshape deci-sion-making In terms of figure 25.1, the experiments we would most like to see arethose which examine the capacity of nonexpert citizens to evaluate complex scienceand the kinds of interventions that are most helpful in promoting this behavior Exper-iments need not be limited to this domain, however It should also be possible toinvestigate how experts judge other experts, how experts judge citizens, and howelected decision-makers evaluate and combine competing forms of evidence from different expert communities


The idea of expertise is central to modern life and to contemporary STS ing expertise as the product of socialization into a community demonstrates both theutility of expertise and its weakness Experts may be the best people to decide certainmatters of fact, but they are not necessarily the best people to make value judgmentsabout the utilization of that knowledge Conversely, lay citizens are not experts, butthis is also their weakness and their strength While they are not best placed to answerthose questions that belong more properly within esoteric expert communities, pre-cisely because they lack such membership, they are, paradoxically, the best placed tomake the crucial judgments about what should be done with such knowledge Under-standing and contributing to the interplay between these expert and citizen concernsprovides one STS (Science and Technology Studies) with a key role in the future devel-opment of the other STS—(Science, Technology and Society)


1 Source for both definitions: Collins English Dictionary The Mirriam-Webster on-line dictionary vides the following definitions for the same two words:

pro-Expert: one with the special skill or knowledge representing mastery of a particular subject

Layman/woman: a person who does not belong to a particular profession or who is not expert in some field

2 Examples of such early sociology of science include Mannheim (1936) and the essays reprinted in Merton (1973) Contemporary science studies can be seen as a reaction to, and rejection of, this view- point, with prominent early critiques given by Bloor (1973, 1976) and Mulkey (1979) That said, however, is should be noted that the idea of science as a special kind of knowledge has not gone away, with many of the contributions to the so-called science wars (e.g., Gross & Levitt, 1994; Koertge, 2000) essentially re-making this claim.

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3 The denial of expert status is clearly illustrated in the chapter on courtroom science in Barnes and Edge (1982) and in the more recent experience of Simon Cole as he attempted to defend his own status

as expert (Lynch & Cole, 2005) In a similar way, the status of expert is conferred when such tions are seen as legitimate, with the concept of boundary work being used to highlight the constructed nature of such categorizations See, for example, Gieryn (1983, 1999) or Eriksson (2004) for a more contemporary case study.

attribu-4 An indicative, but by no means complete, list of relevant studies would include Arksey (1998), Epstein (1996), Gieryn (1999), Irwin and Wynne (1996), Welsh (2000), Jasanoff (1990, 1995), and Wynne (1982).

5 This is particularly clear in educational settings such as universities, where the aim of degree grams is to train students in the skills and knowledge associated with a particular discipline and the assessments and marking criteria used operationalize what displaying expertise means.

pro-6 This is the argument from Wittgenstein’s philosophy that, even though we cannot articulate the rules by which we know how to carry on a sequence in the correct way or follow a rule properly, the fact that we can tell when we have made a mistake shows that there are rules involved Socialization into a group provides the mechanism through which these rules are internalized, but the size of the group itself can vary enormously For example, when considering natural languages, the relevant form- of-life might be all English- or Chinese-speaking people In contrast, when considering a specialized form of expertise, then the relevant form-of-life might be the members of two or three research labo- ratories, the residents of a small village, or the workers in a factory The idea of expertise as social fluency is the same in each case, however.

7 For other examples, see note 4.

8 This is a particular concern in regulatory disputes, where specific standards of accuracy or sion have to be maintained if the risk assessment is to be valid Examples include the attempts to prevent the spread of BSE by removing all traces of potentially infected tissue in the abattoir (some- thing that was seen as impractical by the workers) and the difficulties created through the cull of farm animals in response to foot-and-mouth disease (the armed forces were eventually required to provide logistical expertise, and the effects of the policy on tourism and hence the local economy was over- looked) Other examples are nuclear power and GM foods For a wide range of academic perspectives

supervi-on the social science approach to risk, see Krimsky and Golding (1992), Irwin and Wynne (1996), and Yearley (2000).

9 Rather asymmetrically, however, the citizen status of scientists is not usually invoked Clearly, entists are citizens too, but this seems to be swamped by their role as scientist/expert Thus, interests, ambitions, and desires of scientists (government or industry) are mapped onto those of the state/capital while nonscientist interests get mapped onto the “people.”

sci-10 All these concerns are routinely raised by civil society groups critical of developments in medical genetics.

11 A recent example is the area of nanotechnology, in which the “21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act,” which was signed by President Bush in December 2003, requires

“public input and outreach to be integrated into the Program by the convening of regular and ongoing public discussions, through mechanisms such as citizens’ panels, consensus conferences, and educa- tional events.” Available at: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong _public_laws&docid=f:publ153.108.

12 The controversies over genetically modified crops have key sites for both practical efforts to “do” public participation in a wide range of countries and for STS research For example, public consulta- tions have been held in (at least) the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, India, and

New Zealand A review of these events was recently published in Science, Technology & Human Values

(see Rowe & Frewer, 2005).

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13 There are many examples of these approaches, which vary in scale, duration, the importance attached to reaching a “unanimous” verdict, and the opportunities given to the citizen panel to influ- ence the selection of the topic and the recruitment of experts A summary of these participatory events can be found in Rowe and Frewer (2005).

14 This is, of course, the standard way of thinking about social science field work—to go native is to lose the ability to see any other point of view, whereas to retain one’s academic identity is to retain the ability to put the participants’ actions into a different context.

15 Abridged from Fulton, 1968: 58.

16 There are also some parallels with the idea of “weak ties,” since civil servants less tied to one ment or perspective might be more receptive to ideas or knowledge from outside the Departmental network.

depart-17 The paradigm case is Starr and Griesemer (1989) Similar issues arise in the context “trading zones” developed by Galison (1997) although here expertise is partially shared as a new language or pidgin develops For more on trading zones and collaboration, see Gorman (2002) and Ribeiro (2007).

18 These include, for example, the prisoners’ dilemma and game theory as well as microeconomic studies of academic career paths, marriage, labor markets, and criminal behavior, most notably in the work of Nobel Laureate Gary Becker See, for example, Becker (1976) or the collection of Becker’s essays edited by Febrero and Schwartz (1996).

19 By far the best example from within the STS literature is Donald MacKenzie’s analysis of the rise and fall of long-term capital management and the Black-Scholes equation that transformed financial markets (see MacKenzie 2006).

20 The exchange can be found in Psychological Review See Kahneman and Tversky (1996) and

Gigerenzer (1996).

21 Examples of the use of heuristics in specialist domains such as the invention of the airplane can

be found in Bradshaw (1992) while the simulation of such heuristics is described in Kulkarni and Simon (1988).

22 Available at: http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/profiles/simon.htm See also Simon (1979).

23 There is some overlap here with Shapin’s (1995) argument about the evaluation of proxies.

24 Examples of cases where deliberation appears to move opinions away from those originally informed by grid-group positions, if only for the course of the process, are given in Lindeman (2002) and Gastil and Levine (2005).

25 Examples of the suggestions for reconfiguring the relationship between science and society can be found in Wilsdon and Willis (2004), Rip et al., (1995), Functowicz and Ravetz (1993), Hajer (1995), Beck (1992), Giddens (1990), and Nowotny et al (2001).

26 The role of expertise and science in the legal system is analyzed in Smith and Wynne (1989) and Jasanoff (1992) Simon Cole’s experiences as an expert witness are analyzed in Lynch and Cole (2005).

For another example of a direct intervention, see the amicus curiae brief to the WTO filed by Jasanoff

et al Available at: http://csec.lancs.ac.uk/wtoamicus/index.htm [accessed 28 February, 2007].

27 See, for example, policy documents such as Gerold and Liberatore (2001), House of Lords (2000), and Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (2001) A review of one such attempt in the U.K.— the GM Nation Debate—is available as Horlick-Jones et al (2004).

28 See, for example, Wynne (1995), Rip et al (1995), and Renn et al (1993).

29 These issues are addressed in the special issue of Science, Technology & Human Values (Winter 2005)

on demarcation socialized; see Lahsen (2005) in particular.

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30 Note that there are no guarantees here—interaction is a necessary but not sufficient condition.

31 In the United Kingdom, beer mats were produced as part of the campaign against the single European currency Each beer mat reproduced six “facts” about the Euro that were intended to put the campaign message in a clear and concise manner Examples of the statements made on the beer mats include “Unemployment in the euro countries is double ours” and “The euro countries pay £1,900 per household more than us in tax every year.”

32 In practice the methodology is quite complex For a description of our own work on this topic, see refs to working paper and Artificial Experts For more details of our own work on this topic, including both a discussion of the Turing Test and descriptions of our experiments based on this idea, see Collins (1990) and Collins et al (2006) Further applications of this approach can be found in Collins (2008).


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IV Institutions and Economics

Olga Amsterdamska

In his famous 1962 essay on “The Republic of Science,” Michael Polanyi appealed to

a model of the free market as a metaphor for relations among scientists Like AdamSmith’s entrepreneurs, scientists were best able to contribute to the efficient growth

of scientific knowledge when, working as individuals and unconstrained by extrinsicdemands or regulations, they competed with each other in seeking solutions to themost important scientific problems Polanyi’s model of science as a form of economicexchange was meant to be understood metaphorically and not literally He envisionedthe competition and trade in scientific findings as taking place only among scientiststhemselves, not between science and other social institutions such as industry or thestate In his view, scientists alone were best able to judge the importance of a scien-tific problem or the excellence of its solution Using the metaphor of a free market,Polanyi defended science’s (need for) autonomy

Robert Merton’s 1942 conceptualization of science as an institution governed by adistinct set of norms was based more on the ideals of a democratic state with a liberalconstitution than on those of a market where agents advance collective goals by pur-suing individual interests Just as a well-functioning democracy depends on its citi-zens having equal rights before the law and freedom of speech, so also, according toMerton, the institution of science requires that new knowledge claims be made public,open to criticism, and subject to disinterested judgment in terms of impersonal, uni-versalistic criteria Freedom of expression, openness of the public realm, and univer-salism are shared values in both institutional spheres Both Polanyi’s and Merton’sinstitutional accounts claimed a profound cultural or ideological affinity betweenscience and a major modern social institution In both cases this affinity was invoked

to define the historical essence of science as an institution, and the analogy involved

an implicit claim for the cultural superiority of science, which was seen not only ascognitively superior because of its method but also as a socially or culturally superiorinstantiation of the best—liberal and democratic—political and economic values andprinciples In both cases, this social and cultural superiority of science translated into

a justification for its need to maintain cognitive and social independence

As the essays in this section of the Handbook illustrate, institutional analysis ofscience is still a central concern to STS Macro-scale, structural analyses of the orga-

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nization of science underpin policy studies, work on the economics of science, andstudies of relations between science and other social institutions And yet, the assump-tions underlying these more recent institutional attempts are quite different fromthose of Merton or Polanyi The chapters that follow examine the institution of science

as historically changeable rather than as an expression of a single dominant structure

or ethos assuring the proper fulfillment of its functions; they regard relations betweenscience and other institutions in terms of evolving cultural, epistemic, or social dif-ferences, power inequalities, and potential conflicts; and rather than establishing theconditions for science’s autonomy, they examine the links between the organizationand location of scientific practices and the nature of science’s outputs They are alsomotivated by a different set of social and political concerns than those underlying theclassical analyses of Merton or Polanyi

Having abandoned the idea that the proper functioning of science depends on thedistinctive and unique social organization of the scientific community, institutionalanalyses of science have turned to the history of relations between science, the state,corporations, and universities But while few would quarrel with the identification ofthese institutions as key forces in shaping the functioning of science since the latenineteenth century, how the history of these interactions is to be written and whatare the relevant aspects of today’s configuration remain a matter of an ideological aswell as scholarly debate As Philip Mirowski and Esther-Mirjam Sent show in theirchapter, historiography is often shaped by the authors’ attitude toward contemporarychanges in the political economy of science

The nature of and consequences of the profound transformations of the tion of science that began in the 1980s and accelerated after the end of the Cold Warhave been discussed in the literature in terms of the transition from Mode I to Mode

organiza-II of the organization of research, or as a change from the Cold War to a tiveness regime, or in terms of the increasing commercialization and globalization ofscience These changes are addressed here directly in two chapters: one by JenniferCroissant and Laurel Smith-Doerr and the other by Mirowski and Sent Croissant andSmith-Doerr point to the need to study the history of university–industry relations inthe United States in the context of changing state involvement in funding as well asregulation of science, and they pay close attention to legislation governing statefunding of universities and research and that governing intellectual property Theythen show that the intended and unintended consequences of this legislation struc-tured the intensity and form of university–industry relations

competi-Mirowski and Sent’s history of the economics of science is more inclusive, guishing among three successive regimes of scientific organization in the United States

distin-in terms of the structure of corporations, government policies toward distin-industry andtoward science, the funding of science, the history of higher education institutions,changes in how research is conducted, and pivotal scientific problems and concerns

In Mirowski and Sent’s view, the novelty of the most recent post–Cold War regimeconsists not of the emergence of commercialization or the globalization of research assuch, but of the changed meanings and forms that these processes have assumedtoday For example, under the current regime, commercialization and globalization

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involve the weakening of in-house corporate labs and the outsourcing and ing of research—a change that is more specific than the simple establishment of closerties between science and commercial activities that is sometimes described as charac-teristic of the post–Cold War period At the same time, Mirowski and Sent insist thatthese changes in the organization of science are deeply consequential for the kind ofscientific knowledge that is produced Concern with relations between the institu-tional or organizational settings and the character of the knowledge or artifacts created

privatiz-in these settprivatiz-ings is one of the distprivatiz-inguishprivatiz-ing features of the new privatiz-institutional sis in STS

analy-For instance, the consequences of large-scale changes in international relations

or the geopolitical situation and the perceptions of threat for the development of military technologies (as well as for their reconstruction as objects of STS) play acentral role in Brian Rappert, Brian Balmer, and John Stone’s review of STS work

in this area Arguing that these geopolitical considerations are mediated by localbureaucratic arrangements, competition among different services, and domestic politics, Rappert, Balmer, and Stone show how constructivist approaches in the socialshaping of technology tradition have helped to illuminate the development of newweapons and their production, testing, uses, and evaluation, and suggest how varioustechnologies co-construct our understanding of risks, security threats, and politicaldangers

A process of co-construction is also at the heart of Andrew Lakoff’s study of the maceutical industry Lakoff locates the production of drugs at the intersection of thepharmaceutical industry, markets, professional groups, government regulatory agen-cies, and patient organizations, and shows how these various institutions and groupsparticipate in simultaneously reconfiguring knowledge about medications, their effectsand uses, and knowledge about disorders and diseases For example, in the case of psy-choactive medications, changes in the regulatory system, such as the introduction of

phar-a requirement thphar-at new drugs be shown to be phar-active phar-agphar-ainst specific conditions, work

in tandem with moves toward new classificatory systems and diagnostic practices inpsychiatry requiring new descriptions and specifications of disorders and diseases Adrug’s action, its safety, and its effects are then constructed simultaneously with thedisease and a pharmaceutical firm’s business strategy

Lakoff’s analysis brings out the fact that understanding the production and use ofscience and technology requires us to follow their paths through multiple institutions,groups, and settings In the cases he examines, however, collaboration between theseinstitutions and groups appears to be largely harmonious and interests convergent Inher analysis of the interactions of law and science, Sheila Jasanoff reminds us that this

is by no means always the case On the one hand, interactions between science andlaw (like relations between other institutions, whether medical, legal, or political) arebecoming ever more complex and multifaceted, while on the other hand, the twoinstitutions are culturally and epistemologically different and their claims to author-ity can sometimes clash or compete Jasanoff’s chapter unites many of the features ofthe new forms of institutional analysis discussed here: she reviews work on the history

of encounters between science and technology and law, describes how their cultural

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and epistemological authority is reflected and legitimated in their different fact- andorder-making practices and discourses, and examines the ways in which interactionsbetween science and law take shape in different settings and arenas Focusing on howfacts and concepts (such as evidence, proof, and reason, but also justice, identity, orlegitimacy) are (co-)constituted in law and science (and through their encounters),Jasanoff insists on the normative consequences of knowledge-making practices andthe need for STS better to examine these “hidden normativities.”

Concern with the normative consequences of conceptual choices is also paramount

in Susan Cozzens, Sonia Gatchair, Kyung-Sup Kim, Gonzalo Ordóñez, and AnupitSupnithadnaporn’s review of recent work on science and development They showthat different disciplinary understandings of “development” and of its goals andmethods can have profound social, political, and economic consequences AdoptingAmartya Sen’s definition of development as freedom, Cozzens and her colleagues dis-tinguish between what they call the human development project and the competi-tiveness project, and show how different perspectives on development conceptualizethe role of science and technology The authors examine (a) the current STSapproaches that emphasize the cultural clash between Western science and localknowledges; (b) studies stemming from the new growth theory that emphasize therole of the state in promoting appropriate economic policies; and (c) work relying oninnovation systems approaches that emphasizes learning in individual firms working

in a global environment Each of these approaches highlights the role of differentinstitutions, relies on a different political or economic philosophy, and sees differentroles for science and technology in the development project Each also offers a some-

what different understanding of the goals and not just the means of development.

Jasanoff’s and Cozzens and colleagues’ reflections suggest how the normative cerns and implications of science and technology’s institutional engagements make it

con-no longer possible to focus only on science’s institutional autocon-nomy as it was stood at the time of Merton or Polanyi Having found normativity embedded in theconcepts and practices through which science and technology engage with other socialinstitutions, contemporary STS has opened up a difficult new research agenda for theinstitutional analysis of science’s engagements with politics, culture, economy, andsociety

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Claims about the proper method for writing the history of science are simultaneously claimsabout the relations between the producers and consumers of scientific knowledge.1


It is not hard nowadays to find people who harbor strong opinions about the temporary commercialization of science, primed and willing with very little prompt-ing to recount some anecdote about the travails or triumphs of Viridiana Jones in theTemple of Mammon First off, there are the motley ranks of Cassandras, who, signif-icantly enough, tend to have a soft spot for the Good Old Virtues of the Mertoniannorms and bewail the prospect of expulsion from the prelapsarian Garden.2 Theylament that once there may have been an invisible college, chorused sweetly in concert

con-in the quest for truth, but now there are only feckless con-individual entrepreneurs bling for the next short-term contract “Who will now defend the virtue and purity

scrab-of science?” they wail By contrast, there also stand the massed phalanx scrab-of cal economists, science policy specialists, and their bureaucratic allies, who by andlarge tend to reverse the valences but nevertheless engage in much the same forms ofdiscourse For them, most scientists in the “bad old days” had been operating withoutsufficient guidance from their ultimate patrons, the corporate pillars of the economy;but luckily, with a bit of prodding from the government, a friendly nudge from theiruniversity’s intellectual property officer, plus a few dollars more waved in their direc-tions, scientists have been ushered into an era that appreciates the compelling logic

neoclassi-of “technology transfer.” At the risk neoclassi-of caricature, one might summarize their centraltask as the gathering of empirical data in order to argue that the expanding moderncommercialization of scientific research has turned out to be “inevitable,” with thecorollary that little evidence exists that it has “significantly changed the allocation ofuniversity research efforts” (Nelson, 2001: 14).3Admittedly, many of these purveyors

of glad tidings would still regard themselves as defending the preservation of an

“optimal” sphere of research reserved for open public science and pure unfocusedcuriosity (a “separate but equal” doctrine applied to unspecified portions of the uni-versity), however much they would also avow that the economy must constitute the

26 The Commercialization of Science and the Response of STS

Philip Mirowski and Esther-Mirjam Sent

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ultimate arbiter of scientific success in this more rational regime of organization Thehistory of science for them is simply divided into an Age of Confusion when “openscience” had unaccountably been mistakenly conflated with the whole of science, fos-tering a lack of understanding of the efficient organization of systems of innovation,and our own current Age of Free Enterprise, when we see the true situation of perva-sive ownership with clarity This kind of crude “before and after” discourse has alsocome to dominate much of the contemporary science policy literature, which is filledwith euphemisms like “technology transfer” and “democratically responsive science,”which seek to reconcile the harsh authority of the almighty dollar with the delicatesensibilities of those otherwise inclined to resist the advent of the End of History Ithas become fashionable of late to pillory Vannevar Bush for his invention of thenotion of the pipeline “linear model” that situated “applied science” as the down-stream result of “basic science”; now we are all supposed to know better.4

This rather superficial stage 1/stage 2 narrative, be it upbeat or downbeat, has little

to do with the actual histories of the sciences Sometimes this has become a problem

in some sectors of STS as well, as we discuss below in the section “Alternative MarketModels of the Conduct of Scientific Research.” Part of the problem arises because STShas only very recently begun to come to grips with the phenomenon of commercial-ization, lagging behind the Cassandras and the science policy bureaucrats by perhaps

a decade or more The “commercialization of science” turns out to be a heterogeneousphenomenon, resisting simple definition Consequently, many contemporary discus-sions of the commercialization of science have proved deeply unsatisfying, tethered

as they are to totemic monolithic abstractions of Science and The Market pushingeach other around in Platonic hyperspace Indeed, some historians have long sought

to remind their readers of what one collection (Gaudilliere & Lowy, 1998) calls “TheInvisible Industrialist” who occupied the interstices of numerous laboratories and fre-quented the hallways of universities since the middle of the nineteenth century Yet,

in rejecting the false polarities of the neo-Mertonians on the one hand and the nomic apologists for the modern era on the other, it would appear that the denizens

eco-of science studies have eco-of late run a very different risk eco-of denying that there has beenany significant change whatsoever in scientific protocols; hence, important structuraldifferences are overlooked that might be traced to alterations in the ways in whichscience has been paid for and accommodated within the economy over long stretches

of time One recent instance of this sort of attitude has been expressed by StevenShapin (2003: 19):

Throughout history, all sorts of universities have “served society” in all sorts of ways, and, whilemarket opportunities are relatively novel, they do not compromise academic freedom in a waythat is qualitatively distinct from the religious and political obligations that the ivory tower uni-versities of the past owed to the powers in their societies

A cruder version of this orientation was captured in interview transcripts with thechair of an electrical engineering department (in Slaughter et al., 2004: 135):

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You have to accept the fact that it [research] is going to be driven by the people who give you the money [If] the state gives us money, they tell us what to do [If] NSF gives us the money, they tell us what research they want done [If] DoD gives us the money, [its] the government Why is it any different with industry? I see no difference whatsoever.

Yet another manifestation is the attempt by the Paris school of Bruno Latour andMichel Callon to reduce the economy to just another instance of the laboratory, as aprelude to erasing all ontological differences between scientific and economic activ-ity, while chanting, “we have never been modern!”5Strangely, this widespread ahis-torical insistence on “the way things have always been” in science in its coexistencewith the economy dates back to the supposed godfather of social studies of science,Thomas Kuhn.6In a little-read set of comments on a pivotal conference on the rela-tionship of industrial R&D to science held at Minnesota in 1960, he insisted that “thetwo activities, science and technology, have very often been almost entirely distinct,”and indeed, that “historically, science and technology have been relatively indepen-dent enterprises,” going back as far as classical Greece and Imperial Rome! As a his-torian, Kuhn felt impelled to admit that,

Since 1860 one finds that characteristic twentieth century institution, the industrial researchlaboratory Nevertheless, I see no reason to suppose that the entanglements, which haveevolved over the last hundred years, have at all done away with the differences between the sci-entific and technological enterprises or with their potential conflicts.7

The indisputable fact that scientists and their institutions have always and where been compelled to “sing the prince’s tune when taking the prince’s coin” inone form or another does not imply that the evident modern trend toward the esca-lated and enhanced commercialization of science need not or will not alter themakeup of the supposedly invariant “scientific community,” not to mention thenature of the “outputs” of the research process Furthermore, the underappreciatedfact that the political economy of the sciences in America has been transformed fromtop to bottom at least twice over the past century has yet to be correlated with thetypes of science that have been performed in the manner that has become the trade-mark of science studies —that is, fine-grained studies of the interaction of forms oforganization with the stabilization of knowledge claims—or indeed, the ways we tend

every-to think about the successful operation (or conversely, the pathologies) of the tific community.” This sort of agenda was called for in the perceptive paper of MichaelAaron Dennis in 1987, but his entreaty has yet to be sufficiently heeded

“scien-Close on the heels of the enunciation of the Hessen thesis in the 1930s8and thesubsequent Cold War anti-Marxian backlash against it, most appeals to economicstructures as conditioning factors in the production of science simply dropped out ofpostwar theoretical discourse within science studies As Dennis has written aboutAmerican historians, the manner of “solving the problem of providing for the support

of the material foundations of science—salaries, labs, instruments—effectively eviscerated the possibility of anything even remotely resembling the materialist

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historiographies of science that had developed between the wars” (1997: 16) thing similar seems to have happened in Europe as well The postwar political shift

Some-in the philosophy of science also played a part Some-in repressSome-ing such questions (Mirowski,2004a,b) Consequently, as the next great transformation of research was taking place

in the 1980s, science studies was instead turning its attention to micro-scale studies

of laboratory life, ignoring how the laboratory’s macro-scale relationship to societywas being reengineered all around, not to mention the shift in those paying for allthose DNA sequencers and inscription devices.9The qualitative effects of the panoply

of market activities on scientific research thus remain an open issue

Curiously, expressions of concern over the potential impact of economic incentives

on science have instead become the province of groups who have tended to set selves up in opposition to STS Predictably, they frequently wind up their exercises byconcluding that commercialization has not drastically changed contemporary science.Positing the invariance of the end-state from the mode of production of knowledgehas become a veritable industry among those anxious to provide reassurance that their

them-“social epistemology” underwrites an invisible hand story in the sphere of scientificresearch: as they phrase it, that epistemically sullied motives (which are then abruptlyconflated with “social influences”) do not threaten the goals of science.10 These atti-tudes have taken root in the science policy community and a segment of the philo-sophy of science (Mirowski, 2004b, 2005) and pervade discussion of commercialresearch in business schools.11

A different approach to the “new economics of science” explores the possibility thatalternative forms of the commercialization of science actually have indelibly shapedboth the practice of research and the contours of whatever it is that we encounter atthe end of the process (Mirowski & Sent, 2002) A key variable turns out to be theways in which that protean entity “the laboratory” was appropriated and recon-structed by higher education, corporations, and the government over the twentiethcentury, a point first made by Dennis (1987) and recently propounded by Pickering(2005) In addition, the modern phenomenon of globalization tends to undermineearlier nationalist and parochial approaches to the problem of the economics ofscience and the notion that there might persist “national systems of innovation”(Drahos & Braithwaite, 2002; Drori et al., 2003) These issues will be the topic of thesection “Three Regimes of Twentieth Century Science Organization.” Another crucialvariable is the way in which the divide between “public” and “private” conceptions

of knowledge has shifted in the recent past and how that has fed back on the nales for various actors in their exercise of the governance of science (Slaughter &Rhoades, 2004) The section “Alternative Market Models of the Conduct of ScientificResearch” is an overview of this problem

ratio-Many different groups have entered the fray in asserting their expertise to framediscussions of the modern commercialization of science Examples can be found insuch far-flung enterprises as literary criticism (Newfield, 2003; Miyoshi, 2000), medicalschools (Angell, 2004), library science (Scheiding, unpublished), education schools(Apple, 2005; Slaughter & Rhoades, 2004), and popular journalism (Press & Washburn,

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2000; Shreeve, 2004; Dillon, 2004; Judson, 2004; Washburn, 2005) Some political orists have attempted to adapt the “social contract” literature in politics to discussions

the-of regime change (Guston & Kenniston, 1994; Hart, 1998) Some fields (e.g., edge management” specialists in business schools, intellectual property lawyers in lawschools, and political economists in science policy units) highlight certain facts aboutthe changing status of science but neglect other equally salient facts, say, from legalhistory, the politics of education, the annals of military procurement, or internationaltrade policy Other scholars, by suggesting that advanced economies were becomingincreasingly “weightless,” would graduate to a third stage of capitalism consistingalmost exclusively of the service sector, or indeed disengage from gross physical pro-duction processes altogether Of course, most people recognized that much of that talkbordered on delusional, but it nevertheless managed to appear sensible (or at leastfashionable) by engaging in locutions such as the “Information Society” or the “NewKnowledge Economy.”12Frequently, appeal to this supposed novel entity served as aprelude to subsumption of science under a more general theory of the “marketplace

“knowl-of ideas” (Foray, 2004; Feldman et al., 2002; Mirowski, forthcomingB)

One might justifiably wonder if the cacophony of voices adds up to much morethan a generalized atmosphere of anxiety If STS is to claim to stake out a distinctiveapproach to the phenomenon of the modern commercialization of science, then itwill need to make a fateful choice between casting the “constructivist” stance as onetreating the entirety of science as just another form of marketing (Woolgar, 2004) andstressing the essential historical instability of the commercial/communal binary asinstantiated in actual concrete practice In this chapter, we stand as advocates of the

latter position Hence, we outline one version of an STS approach to commercialization

in the section “Three Regimes of Twentieth Century Science Organization” and thencontrast it to some other versions in the section “Alternative Market Models of theConduct of Scientific Research.”

Once the ground has been prepared in the former section by an analytical scheme

of temporal periodization (albeit one grounded primarily in the American context),

we then point out the differing meanings of the commercialization of science undereach individual regime Although market considerations were never absent from thelaboratory or the classroom, the modern commercialization movement can in no way

be considered a “return” to anything like the interwar science promoted by Jazz Agecaptains of industry.13 Modern science has turned out to be a qualitatively differentphenomenon because it has been grounded in profound historical transformations inthe corporation, the university, and government, with consequences for their respec-tive initiatives to exercise control in the organization and funding of science We offerthe limited exercise of this chapter more as a preliminary exemplar than a definitivetemplate for research into other countries in other eras; a future task of STS might be

to report similar species of watersheds in other disparate culture areas.14Whether ornot that comes to pass, the other question raised by this chapter is, will the multi-plicity of social trajectories of the provisioning of science tend to converge to a single,worldwide model of commercialized, globalized science in the twenty-first century? If

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the response is posed in the affirmative, then should we also expect the intellectualrationales for a particular mode of commercialized science to similarly be winnowed

to a few simplified narratives of “scientific success”? Supposing that turns out to bethe case, then one begins to appreciate the challenge that a neoliberal “new economics

of science” poses to the future of STS If broad generalizations about the commercialcharacter of science start to attain plausibility, then they will exist because corpora-tions and governments and INGOs have been engaged in a concerted project of stan-dardization spanning national and cultural and disciplinary boundaries


STS scholars have been wary of reifying the concept of “science” as a transculturaltranshistorical category, and for good reason The more we learn about scientists andtheir livelihoods, the more we come to appreciate the sheer diversity of their activi-ties, the vast compass of their societal locations, and the multitude of ways their find-ings have become stabilized and accredited as knowledge What keeps this dauntingmultiplicity from defeating analysis for STS scholars is the dominance of certain iden-tifiable institutional structures involved in organizing scientific inquiry in the modernperiod Scientists have not subsisted as a purely self-organized discourse community,contrary to the rhetoric dominant during the Cold War era Rather, they have alwaysbeen enmeshed in complicated alliances with and exclusions from some of the dom-inants institutions of our era: primarily, the commercial corporation, the state, andthe university.15

The story of the quotidian activities of the scientist always presumes some socialscaffolding of material support, which in the modern epoch has been most frequentlybuilt up from corporate, governmental, and educational (CGE) elements Furthermore,various individual scientific fields will be experiencing relative growth or stagnation,depending on the particular historical configurations of their own intellectual trajec-tories, in combination with the levels of encouragement provided by the CGE sectors

To render this set of propositions more concrete, we provide in table 26.1 a schematicoutline of the three regimes of science funding and organization in the United States

in the twentieth century, based on our reading of the relevant economic and socialhistory as well as the contributions of historians of science To keep the historicalsketch from becoming unwieldy, we have restricted the table to indications of CGEdevelopments that would have direct bearing on the constitution of the “laboratory”

in scientific research; considerations of length preclude extension of the CGE sis to, say, clinical medicine, field sciences, or purely abstract mathematical endeav-ors (although we believe these would be amenable to similar periodization) Thepurpose is to elevate to consciousness the fact that the corporation, the legal frame-work, and the university have not been static over time, and that their alterations can

analy-be directly related to the ways in which scientists have made their livelihoods andpursued research agendas promoted by their immediate patrons Thus, contrary to the prognostications of social scientists, no single “market” governed the evolution of

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The Commercialization of Science and the Response of STS 641

T American Regimes of Science Organization in the T

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science in America; rather, there have been multiple formats of provisioning, ded within larger structures.

embed-The designations provided in the table for the various regimes are predicated onpopular characterizations found in the existing historical literature The “captains oferudition” regime is so designated in honor of Thorstein Veblen (1918), who wroteone of the earliest descriptions of the American research university as becomingsubject to specific corporate organizational principles; it also bows in the direction ofthe dominant American school of business history based on the work of Alfred Chan-dler.16The label indicates an elitist and closed corporate model of the organization ofscience The Cold War regime is a label regularly used to designate what many nowportray as a fleeting interlude of military dominance over science management in theperiod beginning in World War II.17The terminology of “globalization” is not so much

an appeal to a fashionable concept in contemporary social theory as it is an insistence

on a set of factors indispensable for an understanding of the forces that drive thecurrent wave of commercialization of science

The Genealogy of the American Laboratory

Laboratories were not something that just naturally appeared in the American scape: they had to be built, and to be able to subsist as more than ephemeral entities,they had to be integrated into some sector of the economic infrastructure Unlike thesituation in Europe, large-scale laboratory science did not originate in the universitysector in America Rather, from the outset, it was very much a commercial initiative.The broad outlines of the rise of the industrial research laboratory are now wellknown.18 Everyone concedes that its origins are to be found in continental Europe,primarily but not exclusively in Germany, and that it was initially located in largefirms engaged predominantly in what has become known as the “second industrialrevolution”: chemicals, electrical machinery, railways, and pharmaceuticals An earliervintage of historiography tended to assert that the “science-based industries” simplysummoned an implicit exigency to incorporate research activities within their ambit,

land-in both Germany and the United States, but modern historians have sland-ince grown morecautious, realizing that the ingredients to explain the appropriation of what had pre-viously been a specialized pedagogical device for industrial purposes would be found

in a strange brew of state policy toward advanced education; ideologies of ing and political rectitude; the rise of various notions of intellectual property; the con-ditions that gave rise to large and powerful corporations in particular political settings;and the ambition to exert control over burgeoning transnational mass markets inclothing, transport, and communications, electrical equipment, and patent medicines.Whereas most manufacturing firms had long made provisions for internal qualitycontrol, routine testing, and incremental process improvement, an innovation arosearound the 1870s to expand the purview of these specialized corporate arms intopatent protection, the bureaucratization of trade secrets and the generation of novelprocesses and products It resembled a phase transition between the periodic use ofthe sciences for corporate purposes to something approaching the institution of

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bureaus dedicated to doing science for corporate purposes The distinction was not

always sharp, the results were not often that immediately striking, and the transitionwas not always conscious

The rise of the industrial laboratory was the consequence of an American pincersmovement: on the one hand, a push to bureaucratize and industrialize (or verticallyintegrate backward, as economists might say) something that heretofore had been con-ceived as the ineffable capacity of the individual genius, and on the other, a pull toadapt a purpose-built academic social formation to corporate imperatives that itselfhad only recently been stabilized in specialized educational settings for pedagogicalpurposes Michael Dennis correctly points out that when later nineteenth centuryAmerican figures made their pleas for “pure science,” they did not refer to some notion

of disembodied science carried on for its own sake, nor to an imaginary autarkic entific community defending its prerogatives, but rather to a pedagogical ideal for aspecies of hands-on higher education where teaching and research were combined in

sci-a setting relsci-atively sheltered from commercisci-al considersci-ations Psci-ace Bruno Lsci-atour, the

issue was not whether the denizens of laboratories or their proxies “circulated” in thewider world but rather whether laboratories themselves were a robust phenomenonthat could be severed from the nascent research university and successfully graftedonto the multidivisional corporation The wrenching estrangement of the laboratoryfrom its teaching functions constituted so dramatic a departure from its conceptualorigins in the later nineteenth century that it was not hard to find any number of academics expressing scorn for the newfangled industrial laboratories and their spiri-tually debased inhabitants, disparaging the public confusion of untutored tinkerer-inventors with real “scientists.” Yet it would be an anachronism to read these asindicative of some transcendental incompatibility of science and commerce, as Kuhndid Rather, it makes more sense to approach them as symptoms of conflicts atten-dant on institutional innovations in the construction of both the public and privatespheres, artifacts still in their early stages

The Captains of Erudition Regime One of the most salient differences between theGerman situation and its American counterpart circa 1900 was that, by and large, theacademic research laboratory did not substantially predate the rise of the industriallaboratory in the United States.19 Higher education in the natural sciences and thesocial sciences was acknowledged to have been superior in the German setting at thebeginning of the twentieth century; it was also recognized as having attained anunprecedented level of state-sponsored centralization The German university hadpioneered the research seminar and the research laboratory; by contrast, the peda-gogical research laboratory had not yet become solidly established in American uni-versities, which were predominantly devoted to moral uplift and liberal arts educationfor a narrow elite, although the forms this assumed were widely decentralized anddiverse.20As David Noble put it, in the nineteenth century “shop culture” was deemedopposed to “school culture” (1979: 27); if anything, the universities lagged behindfirms when it came to building and staffing labs Indeed, far from being transplanted

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bodily from an academic to a corporate context in the United States as it had been inGermany, the American scientific laboratory was built up almost from scratch, modulosome Germanic inspiration, more or less simultaneously at both sites For instance, asearly as 1881, American Bell Telephone experimented with the location of a newphysics laboratory, offering Harvard University the money to build it, as long as “pro-fessors could use university laboratories in work for private companies” (Guralnick inReingold, 1979: 133) MIT’s fabled Research Lab for Applied Chemistry, originallyintended to carry out industrial research, dated from 1908 Since dedicated universitylaboratories were rare, the academic/commercial distinction was less than distinct Yetthe siting of industrial research on college campuses often proved less than satisfac-tory for its patrons, mostly owing to perceived insufficiency of corporate control(Lecuyer, 1995: 64), redoubling the formation of in-house laboratories This made for

an unusual political economy of science in early twentieth-century America, goingsome distance toward explaining a certain impression of “exceptionalism” in theculture of science that one encounters among many commentators (Wright, 1999) andone that contributed to the fact that American scientific research achieved anadvanced level of one kind of commercialization far more quickly than did any othercountry by the 1930s It also coincided with the successful elevation of a subset of thenatural sciences to world-class status for the first time in the United States, therebyraising the intriguing prospect of the existence of multiple institutional paths to thefortification of a research base in the course of economic development of nationalsystems of research

Science in the American university system had gained a foothold comparatively late,around the beginning of the Erudition regime.21The highly decentralized character ofthe American higher education sector at first posed an obstacle to the development

of a scientific curriculum, although it would later prove a boon While later ans might point with pride to the earlier founding of Harvard’s Lawrence School, theYale Sheffield School, or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the impact of theseand other educational institutions on actual practices of research and the shape ofAmerican science were slim to negligible prior to the 1890s The impetus for thechange in regimes originated instead mostly from within the corporate sector, initially

histori-in the creation of a new khistori-ind of histori-in-house laboratory for commercialized science, butlater in the export of corporate protocols and funding structures to some handpickedresearch universities, by way of the instrumentality of a few activist foundations.Hence, our brief overview necessarily begins with a fly-over of the relevant backgroundhistory of the corporation

American historians of technology have tended to lean on the work of Alfred

Chan-dler, and in particular his book The Visible Hand (1977), to provide the framework

within which they situate their understandings of the rise of commercialized science.This turn of events has been slightly incongruous, partly because Chandler devotesvery little explicit discussion to the role of industrial laboratories in his history, butalso because it is sometimes predicated on a fairly old-fashioned technological deter-minism (Chandler, 2005a) Set against an earlier literature that approached the

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corporation as a nexus of power growing dangerously out of control, Chandler trayed the rise of the large American corporation around 1900 as a rational organiza-tional response to technological imperatives of high-throughput capital-intensivepatterns of production, found primarily in the newer science-based industries, whichcould only be made viable through the parallel construction and organization of massmarkets on an unprecedented scale Chandler praised the Jazz Age mega-corporationfor adopting centralized bureaucratic managerial structures and vertically integratingbackward into inputs and forward into sales, advertising, and market research.Although he did lightly touch on the rise of the industrial laboratory (e.g., 1977:425–33), it is treated as just another exemplar of the line-and-division managerialstructure to which Chandler sought to attribute the success of firms such as StandardOil, General Electric, and DuPont Hence, Chandler did not so much proffer an expla-nation of the rise of the industrial research laboratory as mutely point to one neces-sary bureaucratic prerequisite for its coming into existence Some industries could havesought to “integrate backward” into research, except for the inconvenient fact that inmost cases there were no preexistent stable structures for them to integrate backwardinto.

por-The Chandlerian narrative as manifest in science studies (Smith, 1990) should fore be supplemented by legal and political considerations, which Chandler largelyshunned The limited liability corporation, far from being an established fixture onthe American scene, had just undergone a period of substantial judicial fortification

there-at the end of the nineteenth century owing to the infamous Santa Clara nondecisionextending Fourteenth Amendment rights to corporations (Nace, 2003), the race to thebottom of states to liberalize corporate charters, and the unprecedented merger move-ment of 1895–1904 This sudden arrogation and consolidation of power had not goneunnoticed and had begun to provoke a countermovement beginning with theSherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and continuing with the Clayton Act of 1914, and itprovoked political movements hostile to corporate dominance of the economy in theProgressive Era The rise of the American industrial laboratory should be situated inthis context to appreciate some of its more distinctive characteristics as well as itsimpact on academic science

The standard popular account portrays the fin de siècle industrial lab as a sort of

factory of innovation, churning out gadgets that became new products or improvedproduction processes on demand for the corporate hierarchy This was the image pro-moted by the Scripps Science News Service, the very first corporate-backed “publicrelations of science” initiative, which began in 1921 (Tobey, 1971: chapter 3) But themore recent literature resists this tendency to frame the lab either as a straightforwardinvention factory or as some university-science-department-in-exile,22 and for goodreasons The prime directive behind many of the innovations growing out of the largecorporation was the drive to control markets, render unforeseen events manageable,and stifle external competition As the government began to block direct attempts atmarket control such as explicit cartels, pools, and other tied arrangements through itsinitiatives, such as antitrust prosecutions, the locus of corporate control began to shift

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to indirect arenas such as intellectual property, the imposition of technical standards,and the like One primary reason that large corporations turned their attention tobringing scientific research within their walls in this period is that “invention andinnovation were effective defenses against antitrust suits” (Hart, 2001: 926) and thatpatents in particular but intellectual property in general were conceived as the bestand most effective means of controlling competition in the early twentieth century(Noble, 1979: 89) This trend was actively promoted by certain U.S government policymoves, such as the seizure by the Alien Property Administration of German patents

in 1919 and their licensure to American firms under highly favorable terms (Mowery,1981: 52; Steen, 2001) As both case law and legislation were slanted in the direction

of integrated corporate organization instead of interfirm cartels (or other features ofthe German model23),

legal doctrine inadvertently spurred corporate consolidation, and the consolidated corporations

in turn, enhanced their investments in R&D The birth of the central corporate laboratories

in this period [is] therefore in part the product of antitrust law” (Hart, 2001: 927)

Legal redefinitions of intellectual property and clearer stipulations as to who mightassert claims over the fruits of scientific research were heavily conditioned by the shift-ing needs of the fortified corporation In a move with untold consequences for thefuture organization of science, corporations managed to have the case law with respect

to employee inventions shifted away from older labor–theoretic notions of the fruits

of individual genius and toward a presumption of employers’ ownership of anything

an employee might do or invent Prior to the 1880s, the standard default rule was thatrights to inventions were vested in employees; but first, through the creation of thedoctrine of “shop right” in the 1880s to 1910s, and afterward, through a series of judi-cial decisions that made direct reference to corporate research laboratories, the pre-sumption of ownership was shifted decisively to the firm itself (Fish, 1998) Corporateinitiatives then fed back on general cultural images: by the early 1920s, American courtdecisions began appealing to the apparently commonly accepted notion that inven-tion and science was a “collective” and not an individual phenomenon.24As a sign ofthe times, Nobelist Robert Millikan began to complain in the 1920s that the Germanresearch university did not sufficiently respect the collective character of scientificresearch (Tobey, 1971: 219) However, the convenient notion of the “collectivity” wasnot to be allowed to exude too far outside the firm’s boundaries (as in the writings ofThorstein Veblen) for that might bring back the dreaded world of cartels, patent pools,plunderbunds, and trusts The legal bias against cross-firm combinations and jointventures bore direct consequences for the existence and viability of corporate labs thatmight try to escape from the tentacles of corporate bureaucracy While free-standingindependent industrial labs were also founded in this period, they never caught on orexpanded to the extent that in-house industrial research did; unlike some of the largestin-house labs, they never conducted any world-class science; moreover, they under-took contract work that did not mimic that of the big corporate labs but was mostoften subordinate and supplementary to them.25 Thus, even though the research

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process was clearly becoming commercialized, it was not rendered so thoroughly fungible to the extent of being freely outsourced by its corporate sponsors (Themodular “marketplace of ideas” turns out to be a much more recent phenomenon.)Hence, the particular form assumed by contract research in America was (and continued to be) heavily conditioned by industrial policy and intellectual propertyconventions.

After the first generation of the captains of industry had built or consolidated theirmassive industrial corporations and retired, or otherwise cashed out some of theirgains, they or their family members decided to devote some funds to philanthropy(or perhaps merely engage in tax avoidance) through the creation of various founda-tions: the Russell Sage Foundation (1907), the Carnegie Corporation (1911), and theRockefeller Foundation (1913) are some of the better known Assistance to higher edu-cation had become part of their agenda, but serious questions arose as to the mostappropriate way to pursue this goal At first, grants were patterned on other philan-thropic practices, and when it came to academic recipients, they were pitched to essen-tially provide temporary individual outdoor relief to indigent or otherwise needyscholars However, just as in the case of intellectual property, by the 1920s the focus

on the isolated individual as the monad of science funding had gone out of fashion,and attention turned to the targeted application of funds to provide research endow-ments for continuing programs, reorient whole disciplines, and build new institutions

It was consistent with this vision that the grants were overwhelmingly channeled toprivate universities and structured to concentrate “excellence” in a few powerful insti-tutions As Robert Kohler put it most succinctly, “The large foundations were car-rying business methods and managerial values from the world of large corporationsinto academic science” (1991: 396) In everything from recasting the research grant

as a contract that imposed certain standards of bureaucratic accountability, to ing the line-and-division managerial structure on university administrations anddepartments, to encouraging the creation of teams of researchers, the corporate offi-cers who staffed the large foundations tended to foster the standards and practices ofthe large American corporation within their targeted flagship research universities As

impos-E B Croft of Bell Labs put it,

It might appear that it would tend to destroy the initiative of the individual; that it would make

it difficult to properly assign the credit and give the reward to the individual worker These areall problems of administration that have had to be worked out First of all we must establish inthe individuals a state of mind, which leads them to really believe that their best results areattained through cooperation with others (Noble, 1979: 119)

Harvard and Chicago would be coaxed and inspired to become the AT&T and dard Oil of American higher education, surrounded by smaller and relatively insignif-icant rivals who had not learned the lessons of building a permanent and successfulmanagerial hierarchy, and not inconsequentially, a strong research capacity Collegeswould face the choice of emphasizing liberal-arts pedagogy or aspiring to technicalexpertise in research Consequently, the scientific research laboratory was propagated

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throughout the academic landscape as the necessary accessory to the mature rate business plan.

corpo-Foundation managers allied themselves with the small but growing numbers of academics who realized that [corporate] organization and management were good ways to keep ahead

of the pack in the increasingly crowded and competitive world of basic research (Kohler, 1991:400)

The fact that much of the structure of the American academic science laboratory wasinspired by that of the industrial research lab did not imply that academic scientistsuniformly sought to mimic their industrial brethren, however Even as the social struc-ture of laboratories was becoming patterned on corporate social structures, the acad-emic scientists still lauded the university laboratory as a pedagogical ideal existingseparate and apart from commercial pressures, but also from government subsidy Yetthis quest for “purity” only exacerbated the problem of who precisely would fund andmanage the research carried on under that banner The nagging tension betweenscience beholden to special interests versus science in pursuit of the public interestproved a challenge to those who apprehended the “erudition” dynamic as a danger

to democracy, such as Walter Lippmann, Thorstein Veblen, and John Dewey(Mirowski, 2004b) The foundations were increasingly targeting their funds to supportspecific research projects in a limited portfolio, or else professionalized arenas of highereducation such as medical schools, and could not be expected to bear the burden ofthe health of the whole gamut of sciences, much less the careers of the next genera-tion of scientists The National Research Council (NRC), established in 1916 as a sort

of trade association to lobby for the support of the natural sciences, actually opposeddirect government subvention of researchers (Noble, 1979: 155) The NRC-backeddrive to institute a National Research Fund, which would derive its endowment fromcorporate subscriptions, failed miserably in the period 1926–1932 (Tobey, 1971:chapter 7) Robert Millikan was denouncing federal support for the sciences at privateuniversities as late as 1937 (Lowen, 1997: 33); it remained minuscule Outside of a fewprivate universities favored by the foundations, the problem of sustained privatizedcare and maintenance of a diversified academic research capacity was not solved bythe supposedly collectivized community of researchers or by its corporate patrons Itwould not be solved until World War II

Nevertheless, American laboratories for the first time in their history were able toproduce some world-class science under the erudition regime Whether the NobelPrizes were for work originated in the academic sector, as Theodore Richards’s chem-istry prize in 1914 or Robert Millikan’s physics prize of 1923, or from within the bur-geoning industrial sector, as that of Irwin Langmuir of GE in 1932 or C J Davisson

of Bell Labs in 1937, there was a certain American style of research that traced a part

of its lineage to the corporate inspiration of the laboratories European commentatorsnoted a certain empiricist temper regnant, a kind of phenomenological explorationwell suited to teams of researchers, infused with an experimental and accounting men-tality as contrasted with a rationalist orientation German world dominance in both

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physics and chemistry were still widely acknowledged in this period Electrical neering, however, found its center of gravity shifting westward by the 1930s Never-theless, America’s deficiencies with regard to theoretical imagination were a commontheme of opprobrium emanating from the older and cultured precincts of Continen-tal Europe Chemistry, probably the most lavishly supported of the natural sciences

engi-in America engi-in this era, itself produced no radical changes engi-in fundamental doctrengi-ines(Mowery, 1981: 104) One might therefore conclude that the corporate orientation ofAmerican science did indeed influence the types of research performed in this era aswell as some of the results produced More to the point, when larger cultural move-ments felt impelled to come to terms with the world-historical significance of theadvancement of science, most frequently it was European science that served as theirreference point.26

The Cold War Regime The fact that American science was utterly transformed in WorldWar II, and then persisted in that novel economic format throughout the Cold War,

is a widespread conviction hardly requiring defense at this late date,27but it does tend

to get confused with another notion—that mostly this was due to the rise of “bigscience”—the idea that postwar science organization was driven by scale effects, inmuch the same way that Chandler asserted that the structure of the modern corpo-ration has also been driven by scale effects.28 But concentration on abstract size andits quantification, a tendency often associated with Derek de Solla Price and the sci-entometric movement, serves in a way conformable with Cold War trends to lenditself to technological determinism There is no doubt that the constitution of hugeteams devoted to the production of a particular weapon or device, such as the MITRadiation Lab, the Manhattan Project, or Lawrence’s cyclotron, could not help butprovoke revisions in the way American culture would apprehend the nature of the

“laboratory” in the postwar period Science seemed increasingly to be organizedaround “gadgets,” as the denizens of Los Alamos called the Bomb, and the deviceswere Big along almost any dimension one would care to assess: reactors, accelerators,space vehicles, von Neumann’s room-sized computers, and so forth

Yet, before we become blinded by the shiny surfaces, blinking lights, and phalanxes

of bench scientists, it becomes necessary to direct our attention to some rather morepedestrian aspects of the quotidian prosecution of postwar science, namely, the myriad

of ways in which the government, primarily but not exclusively in the guise of themilitary, transposed and inverted the previous understanding of the relationshipbetween science and industry characteristic of the interwar period The military,responding to a relative vacuum in science policy in the immediate wake of WorldWar II, moved to retain access to the scientists who had done so much in helpingthem win the last conflict; then when other governmental agencies were eventuallybrought into play, the political situation dictated that military innovations and mili-tary funding would remain the dominant consideration in science organization TheAmerican government had destabilized the presumptions that ruled prior to 1940, and

in altering its stance toward both industrial and science policy, it compelled both the

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