the god of metaphysics jun 2006
... Relates to its Essence I shall now try to explain the relation between something and its essence Modes have essences, and so substances (for Spinoza, the one substance) An essence is a possible ... expressions, such as attributes, properties, states, modes, etc Spinoza uses the expression ‘modes’ (He gives a quite different meaning to ‘attribute’; see below.) Those whose existence does not ... the notions of substance, essence, and mode Many philosophers understand by a thing s ‘essence’ a set of properties which the thing must possess if it is to be itself, so to speak That is, they...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 06:08
... of this item is that an individual 's self-assessment of overall health provides a valid representation of the individual 's health status [1] Despite the widespread use of self-assessments of overall ... beneficiaries and to target specific health issues For instance, the Health Care Survey of DoD Beneficiaries [8] assesses a broad range of healthcare issues such as the use of preventive services while ... [] Accessed Sep 04 Centers for Disease Control: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2004 [] Accessed Sep 2004 Idler E, Russell L, Davis D: Survival,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20
... Agency-Circumstances Figure 2.1 Estimated regression lines for sadness regressed onto agencycircumstances across low and high levels of personal importance (Experiment 2) 35 The simple slopes analysis showed ... across low and high levels of agency-others (Experiment 1) Sadness The same moderated multiple regression was used to test the hypotheses for sadness Similar to the analysis for anger, personal ... iv SUMARRY Past research on appraisal theories has shown that the appraisal of agencyothers is associated with anger and the appraisal of agency-circumstances is associated with sadness Research...
Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:33
Lab Linux phan I, II Installing Linux as a Server
... /home/userb: - Kiểm tra userb /etc/passwd: - Thay userb thuộc group users : - Kiểm tra userb /etc/passwd: 4/ Khoá mở khoá tài khoản người dùng: - Khoá usera : passwd –l usera (hay dùng lệnh usermod ... /etc/shadow usera active password mã hoá Chú ý: - Khi user, ta không thay đổi password cho user đó, user tạm thời bị khoá chưa s dụng - Khi tạo user mà không userID hệ thống tự đặt userID ... đăng nhập vào usera: su usera - Từ usera đăng nhập vào userc: su userc - Thoát khoài userc: exit - Thoát khoải usera: exit - Từ root đăng nhập vào userc: su userc - Thoát khoi userc: exit #: người...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:21
Please purchase a personal license.
... kh h tr s sinh trư ng c a th c v t ph c v môi trư ng sinh s ng c a d ng s s ng ng v t t vi sinh v t n ng v t nh Trong Hi n pháp, t (territory) tài nguyên qu c gia vô quý giá, tư li u s n xu t ... cách chi m h u s d ng V lý thuy t có th l p lu n r ng: tr nên có giá tr , m t s n ph m ph i chi m h u m t s lư ng nh t nh thu hút ngư i mua ngư i s d ng t o mơ c cho s s h u Các s lư ng v y c ... nh ng ngư i s d ng nh ng ngư i u tư có nh ng m c ích khác Giá tr s d ng: M i m t tài s n có m t giá tr ch quan i v i m t ngư i ó ang n m quy n s h u s d ng tài s n Giá tr c a m t tài s n i v i...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 11:22
Please purchase a personal license
... có quy ch rõ ràng r ng s h u ngo i t c a dân cư s h u ngo i t h p pháp chuy n t nư c vào; không cho phép s h u s ngo i t có c s trao i lòng vòng ch en, r i bi n s ó thành s h u riêng LOGO 1.Nh ... m c k l c vào năm 2001 (USD Index lúc ó t g n 122 i m), USD b t u gi m giá so lo i ti n t m nh khác c a th gi i vào u năm 2002 T th i i m ó n USD ã m t giá c s u năm (USD Index th p nh t tháng ... ký (Tri u ô la M ) (*) Năm Trong ó: V n i u l S d án 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 S b 2007 Chia T ng s T ng s Nư c góp Vi t Nam góp T ng s v n th c hi n (Tri u ô la M ) 391 2838.9 1312.0...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 15:52
Báo cáo y học: " Self-reported sickness absence as a risk marker of future disability pension. Prospective findings from the DWECS/DREAM study 1990-2004"
... test was performed in order to test if a gradual increase in sickness absence was associated with increase in risk of disability pension The SAS procedure PROC GENMOD (SAS version 9.1) was used ... population Disability pensions are rare events, therefore sample size in some previous studies may be too small or a detailed analysis of the association between sickness absence and pension risk For ... workers, and V: semi-skilled or unskilled workers Health behaviour Smoking status was divided into three categories: current smokers, previous smokers and never-smokers Body Mass Index (BMI) was...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 10:03
Báo cáo y học: "An Avian Connection as a Catalyst to the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic"
... system is concerned Type A infects pigs, horses, seals, whales, and many types of birds as well as humans This can be a trans-species virus Type B infects only humans [8] Animals act as reservoirs ... Model System for Studying the CrossSpecies Transfer and Evolution of the SARS Coronal Virus Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2004; 359(1447):1067-73 17 Scholtissek C Pigs as ‘Mixing Vessels’ for ... History s Most Lethal Virus ASM News Issues 1999; 65:7 Oldstone MBA Viruses, Plaques and History NY, NY: Oxford University Press 1998 Koen JS A Practical Method for Field Diagnosis of Swine Disease...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:12
Life as a Ghost
... afterwards? I suddenly realized I could sense his thoughts, somehow, or perhaps just his moods In any case I suddenly felt something of what he was probably feeling It was indistinct, but it was there ... a superposition of two states Does this also mean that as long as you don’t look into the box, the cat is both alive and dead at the same time, in some kind of superposition of both these states? ... love (it s just another of those instinctual programs that survives because it bolsters its own survival) But deep down, of course, all women are interchangeable, and all relationships evolve...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 09:08
Vcd as a stimulating factor to increase the young learners’ time-on-task
... their school Most of schools are provided with cassette-players rather than VCDs devices This explains why audiocassettes dominate in most classroom lessons The purpose of using VCDs Although VCDs ... teachers sometimes use VCDs in teaching English This shows that a lot of teachers in primary school still not use the technology because of some reasons Q10 This question showed the subjects of VCDs ... The reason why some teachers use or not use VCDs during teaching English will be shown in following questions, tables and charts * Specific questions for those who say they use cassettes:( from...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44
Flavor enhancement as a tool for increasing pleasantness and intakeof a snack product among the elderly
... addition to the tasting sessions, the subjects participated in a six-day home-use test Subjects received a small food reward after the last evaluation session Samples The sample material was a fermented ... sample The scales used were the same as in the tasting sessions Subjects were also asked to evaluate the amount of eaten snack product using a 5-point visual scale with simple boxes black and ... and successful Science, 237, 143–149 Schiffman, S S (1994) Changes in taste and smell: Drug interactions and food preferences Nutrition Reviews, 52(8), S1 1 S1 4 Schiffman, S S (1997) Taste and smell...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 21:06
Stability and in vivo evaluation of pullulan acetate as a drug nanocarrier
... Holland) The stability of PANs in water In order to study the stability of PANs, the above dispersions were stored for months at 4°C Macroscopic characteristics of NPs dispersions such as opalescence ... are presented as a mean value with its standard deviation indicated (mean ± SD) Statistical analysis was conducted using the Student s t-test Differences were considered to be statistically significant ... pharmacokinetics was also assessed in rats to compare to the free drug Methods Materials Pullulan (Mw = 200,000) was purchased from Hayashibara (Tokyo, Japan) Epirubicin·HCl (EPI·HCl) was purchased from Hisun...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 21:38
grey water reuse as a sustainable alternative resouree
... Greywater reuse within the home addresses the issue of water conservation particularly in water stressed areas and broadly addresses the sustainability of an alternative water resource for the household ... contains soaps but of very low concentrations that makes the moisture easier to move around the soil particles The dead skin cells and little body wastes from sweat and other organs contains nitrates ... which feed directly the roots of the plant The water shall not be sprayed or otherwise applied so as not to form airborne aerosols Overflows and bypass systems must be installed for the greywater...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:20
Love was as clear as a mirror
... her finish the first articles Lucky me, she was a very serious person in her work I showed her the way to go ahead, but I made her have a sense of responsibility Her steps was akward at first, but ... fast, and when I realized it, we had been knowing each other for three years At that time, there were forty female students of all fifty students in my Press class, and she was the most mischievous ... her sad eyes I knew that she was sad but not because me, just because of the unsure future After that, the fate took action and it tied both of us with an invisible rope I had some chances to...
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 19:10
Evaluation of Dredged Sediment as a Silt and Clay Source for Artificial Tidal Flats
... the mixture MS/PS-DS When UT-DS was used, the value was consistent at 9.9 x 10-6 cm /s This suggests the possible diffusion of PAC and PS during the experimental period Passage mass percentage ... 603-610 JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) (2000a) Test method for ignition loss of soils, A 1226:2000, Japanese Standards Association JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) (2000b) Test method ... that in MS, whereas a lower shell length increase was observed at 10% silt and clay One possible reason for this might be chemical constituents such as sulfides present in DS, although these were...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38
Screening of PHA-Producing Bacteria Using Biodiesel- Derived Waste Glycerol as a Sole Carbon Source
... Alissara Reungsang Different sources of microorganisms from domestic wastewater, biodiesel-contaminated wastewater, sewage and biodiesel-contaminated soil were designated as WW1, WW2, WW3 and Soil, ... Considering only the effect of substrate cost, we see that the PHA production cost could be significantly reduced by using WG as the substrate as compared to glucose The PHA production process ... decrease the overall economics of PHA production CONCLUSIONS Waste glycerol from the biodiesel process is an excellent carbon source for PHA production It is a byproduct from sustainable process,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15