reeca4o bo3 3 reecob new material for high temperature

Minerals as advanced material II

Minerals as advanced material II

... 12C2H4þ 16 m/z 32 O2þ or 32 Sþ as fragments from CO, CO2, H2O, SO2 m/z 34 H 232 Sþ, 34 Sþ, 18O16Oþ 35 m/z 35 Clþ 36 m/z 36 Arþ, 12C3þ, H35Clþ 37 m/z 37 Clþ, 12C3Hþ 40 m/z 40 Arþ, 12C3H4þ 12 16 m/z 44 C ... Janka 35 3 REECa4O( BO3) 3 (REECOB) : New Material for High- Temperature piezoelectric applications R Mo¨ckel, M Hengst, J Go¨tze, and G Heide 36 7 ... general formula A(1)3A(2)3A (3) 3A(4)3A(5)3B3–6CD{M6Z3[T24O72]} (O,OH)2–6X2, in which braces enclose a heteropolyhedral framework These include members with space groups R3¯m, R3m and R3, as well...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2016, 23:07

439 979 0
báo cáo hóa học: " In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical analysis of a F(ab’)2 fragment of panitumumab for molecular imaging and therapy of HER1-positive cancers" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical analysis of a F(ab’)2 fragment of panitumumab for molecular imaging and therapy of HER1-positive cancers" pot

... 1992, 3: 342-5 32 Garmestani K, Milenic DE, Plascjak PS, Brechbiel MW: A new and convenient method for purification of Y-86 using a Sr(II) selective resin Page 14 of 15 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ... 0.67 Spleen 5. 43 ± 1.64 3. 61 ± 0.87 3. 96 ± 1.19 2. 63 ± 1.12 2.09 ± 0.80 Kidneys 13. 13 ± 2 .34 8.27 ± 0.84 6.00 ± 1.57 5.22 ± 0.94 2.66 ± 0.46 Lung 4.40 ± 1.14 2. 23 ± 0 .39 1.79 ± 0 .31 1.06 ± 0.21 ... 6.84 ± 2 .30 2.28 ± 0. 53 1.12 ± 0.27 0 .32 ± 0.12 0.08 ± 0.02 Tumor Liver 21.42 ± 7.67 8.01 ± 1. 63 21.12 ± 2.85 4.98 ± 0.98 21.55 ± 6.2 4.66 ± 0.62 16.55 ± 2 .35 3. 55 ± 0.62 8.01 ± 3. 65 3. 38 ± 0.67...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20

15 452 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Novel suppression mechanism operating in early phase of adipogenesis by positive feedback loop for enhancement of cyclooxygenase-2 expression through prostaglandin F2a receptor mediated activation of MEK⁄ ERK-CREB cascade doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Novel suppression mechanism operating in early phase of adipogenesis by positive feedback loop for enhancement of cyclooxygenase-2 expression through prostaglandin F2a receptor mediated activation of MEK⁄ ERK-CREB cascade doc

... ester-inducible DNA element Nature 32 3, 35 3 35 6 43 Klein T, Shephard P, Kleinert H & Komhoff M (2007) Regulation of cyclooxygenase-2 expression by cyclic AMP Biochim Biophys Acta 17 73, 1605–1618 44 Pham H, ... MEK ⁄ ERK signal transduction pathway [34 ] PGF2a stimulates Raf ⁄ MEK ⁄ ERK signaling in luteal [35 ], endometrial [36 ], pulp cells [37 ] and osteoblasts [38 ,39 ] Previously, PGF2a was shown to regulate ... 5¢-GAGCAGAGTCCTGACTGACTC -3 PCR was conducted under the following conditions: initial denaturation at 94 °C for min, followed by 32 cycles of 98 °C for 10 s, 55 °C for 20 s and 60 °C for 20 s The amplified...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20

12 366 0
Chương IV: PHƯƠNG PHÁP LAGRANGE (Phần 2) pptx

Chương IV: PHƯƠNG PHÁP LAGRANGE (Phần 2) pptx

... + m2l sin ϕ = C3 Y nghia co hoc cua cac bieu thuc tren m1 x0 + m2 x B m1 x0 + m2 (l sin ϕ + x0 ) xC = = =0 m1 + m2 m1 + m2 m2l sin ϕ x0 = − m1 + m2 m2l sin ϕ x=− , m1 + m2 , C3 = (m1 + m2 ) x0 ... trí cần đủ vị trí tổng công tất lực hoạt động di chuyển không N   ∑ Fk δrk = k =1 Các ví dụ 3 Các ví dụ   Ví dụ Xác định quan hệ lực ép Q P lực quay đòn máy ép Biết a, h - Cơ hệ khảo sát: ... δsC = ) δ = ( δϕ = 0, δψ ≠ 0, δsC = 0) δ = ( δϕ = 0, δψ = 0, δsC ≠ ) δA2 = − Mδψ + X Al.tgϕδψ = δA3 = ( X A cos ϕ − P sin ϕ )δs A = X A = Ptgϕ , M = Pltg 2ϕ ϕ ψ C  XA KM K  P A  Q Các ví dụ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 07:20

29 805 14
Chương III, IV Hóa học đại cương 2 chương trình cao đẳng - Cân bằng hoá học ppt

Chương III, IV Hóa học đại cương 2 chương trình cao đẳng - Cân bằng hoá học ppt

... (4 -3) : lg 1, 0 13 2 ,30 3.8 ,31 4 37 3, 36 3, Bài tập: Bài Tính nhiệt hoá trung bình CH khoảng nhiệt độ từ 88,2K đến 112,2K, biết áp suất CH hai nhiệt độ 8,0. 13 1.00 13. 105 Pa Giải P ∆H 1 hh lg P = 2 ,30 3R ... = 3, 9.10−4 =5,7.10-7 (0, 082 .32 0) Để tạo 1,0 mol CO2 1,0 mol H2O cần 2,0 mol NaHCO3 Vậy số mol NaHCO3 cần có là: n=PV/RT =30 .22,4/760.0,082 .32 0 =3, 4.10-2 mol c ∆ G0 = -RT ln Kp = -8 ,31 4 32 0 ln 3, 9.10-4 ... 130 ,58; 186,19 J/mol.K Giải ∆ S0 = 186,19 – 2. 130 ,58 – 5,69=-80,66 J/K 0 ∆ GT = ∆ H T - T ∆ ST = -74848 – 298.(- 80,66) = -50811 J lgKp = −∆G 50811 = = 8,91 => Kp = 8,0.108 2 ,30 3.RT 2 ,30 3.8 ,31 4.298...

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 01:20

30 1,3K 12
báo cáo khoa học: "Sustained complete remission of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive metastatic breast cancer in the liver during long-term trastuzumab (Herceptin) maintenance therapy in a woman: a case report" docx

báo cáo khoa học: "Sustained complete remission of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive metastatic breast cancer in the liver during long-term trastuzumab (Herceptin) maintenance therapy in a woman: a case report" docx

... investigation Consent Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and accompanying images A copy of the written consent is available for review from the Editor-in-Chief ... after being informed about the possible risks Figure Computed tomography scan of metastatic lesion in the liver taken in 2002 Page of Figure Magnetic resonance imaging scan taken in 20 03 The hepatic ... February 2002 for four months The chemotherapy regimen was then changed to 40 mg/m2 vinorelbine plus 600 mg/m2 gemcitabine on days one and eight in a 21-day cycle and continued until April 20 03 Reevaluation...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:22

4 211 0
C Sharp 2.0 Practical Guide For Programmers

C Sharp 2.0 Practical Guide For Programmers

... Accessing Fields 32 3. 1 .3 Declaring Constructors 32 3. 1.4 Declaring Destructors 36 3. 2 Parameter Passing 37 3. 2.1 Passing Arguments by Value 37 3. 2.2 Passing Arguments by Reference 38 3. 2 .3 Passing ... 41 3. 2.4 Using the this Reference 42 3. 2.5 Overloading Methods 45 3. 3 Class Reuse 45 3. 3.1 Using Aggregation 46 3. 3.2 Using Inheritance 46 3. 3 .3 Comparing Aggregation and Inheritance 50 3. 3.4 ... A.2 .3 Variables 232 A.2.4 Expressions 232 A.2.5 Statements 233 A.2.6 Namespaces 235 A.2.7 Classes 235 A.2.8 Structs 237 A.2.9 Arrays 237 A.2.10 Interfaces 237 A.2.11 Enums 238 A.2.12 Delegates 238 ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 11:57

273 618 2
Longman-Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency (2)

Longman-Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency (2)

... 76 Exam practice Entrv test 33 SECTION I Agents and objects with the passive 34 Infinitives and -ing form passives 36 Structures with get and have 38 ~ n i five t '80 32 OVERVIEW 78 SECTION SECTION ... excerpts from original texts: Oxford Today (passage, page 29); The Independent, from article by William Hartson, 13. 12.97 (passage o n global warming, page 133 ); Newsweek 23. 11.1987 (passage o n twins, ... day should spoil things for people like her who (1 3) going to Glastonbury for the first time She suspected the forrner would be ' (1 4) like rnad for rniddle-aged has-beens'...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:51

288 1,8K 23


... Hối phiếu Anh 1882  Luật thương mại thống Mỹ 1962 (UCC – Uniform commercial code)  Công ước Geneva 1 930 – ULB 1 930 (Uniform law for Bill of Exchange)  Luật công cụ chuyển nhượng Việt Nam, ... PA  10 000 000 , 00 (1  ,05 )   % 10 000 000 ,00 PA = 2.760.000,00 + 600.000,00 = 3. 360.000 USD = 33 ,6% 9/29/2010 ThS Nguyễn T Thanh Phương 50 25 ĐIỀU KIỆN VỀ THỜI GIAN THANH TOÁN TRẢ TIỀN ... THỨC THANH TOÁN NHỜ THU (COLLECTION) 9/29/2010 Slide 4-60 30 PHƯƠNG THỨC THANH TOÁN NHỜ THU (COLLECTION) 3. 1 Giới thiệu URC (Uniform Rules for Collection - Nguyên tác thống nhờ thu) - Văn quốc tế...

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2012, 00:03

45 744 2
ASP NET 2 0 everyday apps for dummies

ASP NET 2 0 everyday apps for dummies

... page .33 2 The Messages page 33 2 The New Thread page 33 4 The Post Reply page 33 4 Designing the Database .33 5 The Forums table .33 5 The Topics ... page 35 9 Building the New Thread Page 36 0 The NewThread.aspx page 36 1 The code-behind file for the New Thread page 36 3 Building the New Message Page .36 7 The NewMessage.aspx ... 33 6 The Threads table 33 7 The Messages table 33 8 Creating the Database 33 8 Adding Test Data 34 0 SQL statements for working with the database .34 1...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 18:15

509 444 0


... 0, 634 µm λδ = 0,210µm B λβ = 0,486µm , λγ = 0, 434 µm λδ = 0,410µm C λβ = 0 ,38 6µm , λγ = 0, 134 µm λδ = 0,410µm D λβ = 0,286µm , λγ = 0 ,33 4µm λδ = 0 ,31 0µm Câu 45: Hạt nhân nguyên tử ZA X có cấu tạo ... môi trường có chiết suất n = tia khúc xạ tia phản xạ vuông góc Góc tới tia sáng A 60o B 30 o C 45o D 35 o Câu 33 : Gọi n1 n2 chiết suất môi trường tới môi trường khúc xạ; i, igh r góc tới, góc tới ... tiêu  π π (2k + 1) +  (s) 100π  3   π π (2k + 1) −  (s) B t = 100π  3  1 π π C t =  (2k + 1) +  (s) π 3 1 π π D t =  (2k + 1) −  (s) π 3 A t = Câu 15: Hai cuộn cảm L1 L2...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2013, 08:12

9 414 0


... vôn kế giá trị cực đại tăng dần tần số là: A V3, V1, V2 B V1, V3,V2 C V1, V2, V3 D V3, V2, V1 Câu 44: Mức lượng trạng thái dừng nguyên tử hiđrô En = - 13, 6/n2 (eV); với n = 1, 2, Một electron có ... 2T tỉ lệ là: A 4k +3 B 4k C k + D 4k /3 Câu 40: Bước sóng dài ba dãy phổ Hiđrô là: Dãy Lai man: λ1; dãy ban me λ2; dãy Pasen 3 Bước sóng ngắn tìm từ ba xạ là: λ1λ λ λ + λ2 + 3 λλ λ1λ λ A λ = B ... thấu kính có tiêu cự f1 = 50cm Tiêu cự thấu kính ứng với bước sóng λ A 0,53cm B 0,53m C 0,50m D 0 ,35 m Trang 2/6 - Mã đề thi 35 7 Câu 20: Trong thí nghiệm tượng quang điện, người ta cho electron quang...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 13:52

6 722 19


... Arn(ciia"i3^i,l.r0s m/s Tan sdcira m6t song dien tir, c6 cirng bu6c eict toc 6nh s6ng ch6n khong fi;: 3. id A.0,8 A s6ng voi s6ng s-i€u Am n6i tr€n, t6 gtu"tli rHz' ,r B 3. 10'Fiz c B A .3. 10'Hz I t'+ 3' 10e ... hiQu dgng nhung lQch pha ix'Jil:ffi3r?1?l**u"n l 3" thq diQn cira doan m4ch bing 34 7 W EiQn 6p hiQu dpng giira hai dAu do4n m4ch bing D' 200 v' c 1 73, 5 V B 100 A .34 7 Y Cf,u 50 M6t lic lo xo aao ... Hz Hz' 8.200,H2' "r mm mm' mm' 32 Qvitcimkh6ng24f2.C6ngsuAtdoc6ctiiti6uthlrld c' 32 2'6 W ' B 961,7 W ' A 29 03 w TRuoNG rHpr cHUYeN orisp HA NQI t"illy'#al - ' D' 32 67 W ' HQC LAN 2-(2012) - M6n...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 13:52

7 484 2


Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2013, 18:10

2 296 0
Module 2: Analyzing Active Directory for Exchange 2000

Module 2: Analyzing Active Directory for Exchange 2000

... Visible in all domains in a forest Visible in all domains in a forest Permissions Permissions for for Global Group $ $ $ $ All domains in a forest All domains in a forest Universal groups are ... calendar information between forests This means that if a user in one forest is attempting to schedule a meeting with a user in another forest, the first user will not be able to view calendar information ... calendar information for the second user Module 2: Analyzing Active Directory for Exchange 2000 11 Preparing the Forest by Using /forestprep Topic Objective First server in the forest To discuss...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15

70 333 0
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 2

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 2

... or adjectives For example: She has a talent / a @ft / a feeling / an aptitude / a Jlair for languages He has a head forfigures / a nose for a deal / a n ear for accents / a n eye for a n opening ... done for you Dear Marie, Thank you for arranging this fortnight here for me I know how busy you've been with the day- h (O)-day running of the office (1) usual, your choice of course for ... MODAL VERBS OVERVIEW For basic grammar information for modals, see Unit 3, Overview MAlN USES OF MODALS Here is a list of uses dealt with in this Unit with examples For other uses, see Unit...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

18 625 5
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Verb complamentation 2

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Verb complamentation 2

... before war Delete the before governrnent lnsert The before First World War Delete the before society lnsert the before nature Delete the before violence check (1) time (5) lives (2) were (3) ... a The before war takes over Delete Delete the before society does Delete the before mankind Delete the before history shows is at an end not are any war is not are information for informations ... (4) that (5) It (3) fact (1) what (2) how (3) to (4) whether (5) whetherl if (1) To (2) for (3) to (4) have (5) saying / insisting etc (1) been (4) such (2) those (5) such b (3) These d e SECTION...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

49 465 1