... and Physical and Virtual Memory 11 3 11 3 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 6 11 7 11 8 11 8 11 8 12 0 12 0 7.4 7.5 7.6 xi 12 1 12 1 12 2 12 2 12 3 12 3 12 4 12 5 12 6 12 7 12 8 12 8 12 8 xii Contents ... 10 .2.3 Reals and the F Format 10 .2.4 Reals and the E Format 13 1 13 1 13 2 13 3 13 4 13 5 13 6 13 7 13 8 13 8 13 9 13 9 14 0 14 0 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 2 14 2 14 3 14 5 14 6 14 7 14 8 14 9 14 9 15 0 15 1 15 3 15 3 ... 10 .13 Summary 10 .14 Problems 16 1 16 1 16 2 16 3 16 4 16 4 16 5 16 7 16 8 16 8 16 9 17 0 11 Files 11 .1 Introduction 11 .2 Data Files in Fortran 11 .3 Summary...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 02:20
... 67.242 1. 86 19 92 68.45 1. 80 19 93 69.645 1. 74 19 94 70.825 1. 69 19 95 71. 996 1. 65 19 96 73 .15 7 1. 61 1997 74.307 1. 57 19 98 75.456 1. 55 19 99 76.597 1. 51 2000 77.635 1. 36 20 01 78.686 1. 35 2002 79.727 1. 32 ... GWh 5368.7 6 316 .7 7227.9 7965.4 9242.7 10 5 81. 8 12 008.4 11 656.8 11 092 .1 13774.2 14 550.7 18 209.6 18 197.7 18 986.0 20042 .1 218 11. 2 61. 86 68.59 74.48 74. 41 75.22 72.24 70.88 60.96 53 .12 62.02 58.38 ... 56744 5.09 19 91 139634 42 917 35783 60934 5. 81 1992 15 1782 45869 40359 65554 8.70 19 93 16 4034 47373 45454 712 16 08 19 94 17 8534 48968 515 40 78026 8.83 19 95 19 5567 513 19 58550 85698 9.54 19 96 213 833...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:09
Tài liệu Build Your Own E-mail Usage Policy docx
... more apparent than the subject line Message handling is vastly improved when subject lines are to the point and encompass the major thrust of the e-mail message This will ensure the message is not ... combination thereof A comparison to other forms of written communication and the company’s expectation of standards for email should be presented Most E-mail Usage Policy introductions reinforce the ... with the performance of work responsibilities The following are other guidelines typically seen in e-mail usage policies in the authorized use section: Subscribing to distribution lists and other...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Build your own: E-mail usage policy docx
... Wednesdays, and Thursdays Check out all of TechRepublic's newsletter offerings • 10 things you should know about Sender Policy Framework (Download) • TechRepublic's Internet and E-mail Usage Lunch and ... looking for ways to improve the usefulness of these tools, we need your feedback Please take a minute to drop us a line and tell us how well this download worked for you and offer your suggestions ... (Article) Version history Version: 1. 0 Published: June 21, 2005 Tell us what you think TechRepublic downloads are designed to help you get your job done as painlessly and effectively as possible Because...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20
book of exercises to accompany e. friedrich richter's manual of simple and double counterpoint (1888)
... causes the former great difficulty The fact is that with them the sense of harmony is, by reason of the nature of their instrument, little or not at all developed Hence, too, in their case, with the ... no other name leads to nothing, and they who such things simply not know why they study counterpoint Counterpoint is for the composer what technique is for the pianist or the violinist, and, ... The statements as to the origin and the composers of these melodies lay no claim whatever to absolute correctness The statements of investigators in this department differ considerably, and the...
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 21:00
work the system the simple mechanics of making more and working less 3rd edit
... world these guys worked together in an office One predicted the total messages would be 15 0, another, 250 The young man on the receiving end of the jest was robust and confident He smiled at the ... muddied and neither aspect turns out so well And I take issue with the presumption that the road to freedom and rosperity begins with the elimination of personal emotional hang-ups Work the System ... most, and the events of the past are just that—in the past and gone forever unless we insist on swirling them back into the present moment The cognitive approach is more practical than the Freudian...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 22:38
Báo cáo toán học: "A simple algorithm for constructing Szemer´di’s Regularity Partition e" pps
... |C| = q and ||W||∞ ≤ and γ be a positive real (a) If there exist S ⊆ R, T ⊆ C such that |S| ≥ γp, |T | ≥ γq and |W(S, T )| ≥ √ γ|S| |T | then 1 (W) ≥ γ pq √ (b) If 1 (W) ≥ γ pq then there exist ... of the 37th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computing, (19 96) 12 -20 the electronic journal of combinatorics (19 99), #R17 [4] A.M.Frieze and R.Kannan, Quick approximations to matrices and ... this procedure on hand using the above lemma 1. 2 Singular Values An m × n matrix A has a Singular Value Decomposition into the sum of rank one matrices, see for example Golub and Van Loan [5] It...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20
Bài tập lai hóa - Nhiệt phản ứng - Bảo toàn e.doc
... N K + O 2K → 2NOK , ∆ H1 (KJ) 1 NOK → N2 + O2 , ∆ H2 (KJ) 2 Trị số ∆ H1 , ∆ H2 : a + 90 ,19 - 45,095 b + 18 0,38 - 90 ,19 c + 18 0,38 + 90 ,19 d - 18 0,38 + 90 ,19 ∆ H = - 5 71, 66 KJ H 2K + O 2K → 2H2OL ... cháy 11 2 l H2 (ĐKC) a 14 29 ,15 b 15 30,4 c 14 00 d 15 00 O 2K → H2OK , ∆ H = - 24,83KJ Câu 23 : H 2K + H 2K + O 2K → H2OL , ∆ H = - 285,83KJ → H2OL , ∆ H = x (KJ) Trị số x : H2OK a - 41 b + 41 c - ... +5, +3, +2, +1 B -3, +3, +5, +1, +2 C - 3; +5, +2, +1, +3 D + 5, -3, +2, +1, +3 Câu 26 Số oxi hố lưu huỳnh chất: H2S, S, SO3, SO2, Na2SO4, FeS, FeS2 là: A -2, 0, +6, +4, +6, -2, -1 B -2, 0, +6,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 10:01
Bài tập cấu hình e và bảng tuần hoàn.doc
... tố A 2,4 .10 (C) A thuộc nhóm a VIIA b VIA c VA d IVA 2+ 2 Câu 30 : R X Y có cấu hình : 1S 2S 2P R , X , Y có số hiệu nguyên tử : a , 11 , 10 b 12 , , 10 c 11 , , 10 d 12 , , 10 Câu 31 : Cation ... nguyên tử M X 19 Số hiệu nguyên tử M X : a 10 , b , 10 c 11 , d , 11 Câu 32 : Cấu hình e nguyên tử nguyên tố : A : 1S22S22P63S2 B 1S22S22P63S23P64S2 2 6 C : 1S 2S 2P 3S 3P 3d 4S D : 1S22S22P63S23P2 ... Cấu hình e phân lớp M : a 3S1 b 3S2 c 3P1 d 3P5 Câu 34 : Tổng số hạt p , n , e ion X2- 27 Trong MĐ lớn không MĐ Ký hiệu X2- : 16 − 17 − 18 − 17 − a 18 O b 18 O c 10 O d 18 O Câu 35 ; Nguyên tử nguyên...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2012, 10:10
2009-04 e.doc
... A 11 8 B 12 8 C 13 8 D 14 8 A 10 9 B 11 9 B 12 9 A 13 9 C 14 9 D 11 0 D 12 0 C 13 0 B 14 0 B 15 0 B 23 15 1 A 16 1 C 17 1 A 18 1 A 19 1 D 15 2 D 16 2 A 17 2 C 18 2 B 19 2 C 15 3 D 16 3 C 17 3 C 18 3 B 19 3 C 15 4 B 16 4 A 17 4 ... A 14 1 C 10 2 B 11 2 C 12 2 A 13 2 D 14 2 A 10 3 A 11 3 A 12 3 B 13 3 B 14 3 A 10 4 B 11 4 B 12 4 C 13 4 A 14 4 D 10 5 D 11 5 D 12 5 A 13 5 D 14 5 C 10 6 B 11 6 B 12 6 C 13 6 C 14 6 C 10 7 B 11 7 C 12 7 B 13 7 D 14 7 C 10 8 ... 17 4 D 18 4 C 19 4 B 15 5 D 16 5 B 17 5 B 18 5 C 19 5 B 15 6 C 16 6 D 17 6 C 18 6 B 19 6 C 15 7 D 16 7 B 17 7 A 18 7 A 19 7 B 15 8 B 16 8 B 17 8 B 18 8 D 19 8 D 15 9 B 16 9 C 17 9 C 18 9 A 19 9 A 16 0 C 17 0 B 18 0 D 19 0 D...
Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2012, 11:01
Lap trinh Bien Dich CPP Trong Edit Plus
... Tools/Configure user tools • Click chọn Add Tool / Program • Đặt cấu hình: o Menu text: Bien dich C++ o Command: Tcc.exe o Argument: click chọn “File Name” o Initial directory: click chọn “File Directory”...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 09:17
Một số giải pháp giảm chi phí kinh doanh tại Công ty Cổ phần Công nghiệp E-Nhất.DOC
... 2007 lệch 1. 214 .928 36. 816 61, 92 61, 64 - 0,28 487.000 507. 912 20. 912 25,59 25,76 0 ,17 307.800 III Chênh 320 .11 2 12 . 312 16 ,18 16 ,24 0,06 13 .000 90.000 16 .000 25.200 35.000 1. 665 .11 2 13 1.448 10 3.448 ... 92,04 1. 214 .928 61, 64 20,52 15 .600 7.000 31. 000 18 .000 4.900 33.400 320 .11 2 14 .000 93.000 18 .000 29.400 33.400 1. 722.840 16 ,24 0, 71 4,72 0, 91 1,49 1, 69 87,4 10 2.334 27.600 11 8.252 1. 9 71. 026 m2 ... 0, 91 1,49 1, 69 87,4 6, 61 5 ,19 1, 42 0,03 - 0, 01 0,07 0 ,17 - 0 ,15 - 0 ,11 - 0,3 - 0,25 - 0,05 10 6.206 11 8.252 12 .046 5,58 5,99 0, 41 1.902.766 1. 9 71. 026 68.260 2006 2007 Qua bảng 10 , 11 12 ta thấy:...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 15:34
Web Mining and Knowledge Discovery of Usage Patterns
... interests of the users and the accessed information, the other concerning the way of accessing the information The first aspect is solved by techniques for the construct of user profiles and is not ... group of users The business analysts want to have tools to learn the users/consumers’ needs All of them are expecting tools or techniques to help them satisfy their demands and/ or solve the problems ... discover and analyze the useful information from the Web data The authors of [10 ] claims the Web involves three types of data: data on the Web (content), Web log data (usage) and Web structure data The...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 16:46
Đời sống và văn hóa dân tộc Ê Đê.DOC
... .……………………………….7 Kiến trúc .11 Tôn giáo .14 Chế độ gia đình 15 Chữ viết – Ngôn ngữ 15 Lễ hội 16 Kết luận…………………………………………………………………… ... trúc 2 .1 Nhà cửa – Vật dụng Nhà sàn người Ê Đê 10 Website: http://www.docs.vn Email : lienhe@docs.vn Tel (: 0 918 .775.368 Nhà người Ê Đê thuộc loại hình nhà dài sàn thấp, thường dài từ 15 đến 10 0 ... dựng nhà theo hướng Bắc - Nam buôn làng Êđê truyền thống bố trí theo hướng Đông - Tây Vật liệu chủ yếu dùng để dựng nhà gỗ, 11 Website: http://www.docs.vn Email : lienhe@docs.vn Tel (: 0 918 .775.368...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 11:59