organization of the human body lab report

anatomy of the human body - henry gray

anatomy of the human body - henry gray

... VII. The Veins 1. Introduction 2. The Pulmonary Veins 3. The Systemic Veins a. The Veins of the Heart b. The Veins of the Head and Neck 1. The Veins of the Exterior of the Head and Face 2. The ... Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918. 7. The Notochord The notochord (Fig. 19) consists of a rod of cells situated on the ventral aspect of the neural tube; it constitutes the foundation of the axial ... of the Neck 3. The Diploic Veins 4. The Veins of the Brain 5. The Sinuses of the Dura Mater. Ophthalmic Veins and Emissary Veins c. The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax d. The Veins of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:35

852 504 0
 Báo cáo y học: "Expression of hMSH2 protein of the human DNA mismatch repair system in oral lichen planus"

Báo cáo y học: "Expression of hMSH2 protein of the human DNA mismatch repair system in oral lichen planus"

... Negative controls consisted of omission of the primary or the secondary antibody or primary incubation in the presence of non-immunized rabbit serum instead of the primary antibody. Cell quantification ... all of the OLP epithelium. The count was performed by two investigators without knowledge of whether the samples were control or experimental. The total number of basal and suprabasal epithelial ... by the lack of hMSH2 protein expression [15]. Moreover, Lo Muzio et al. [29] reported that 5% of the cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma show diminished expression of hMSH2 protein. In the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 09:54

6 461 0
Organization of the study

Organization of the study

... minimization of the risk of loss, the maximization of the chance of gain, or the minimization of the regret the decision maker may suffer from having not chosen the outcome the turned out to be the ... requiring a sequence of interrelated decisions to be made over a certain period of time. The more complex the chain, the more essential becomes the use of such technique. The concept of the network ... 21.71% Commercial profitability of the project can also be indicated through internal rate of return (IRR). In the case of WLR project, cash outflow occurred only at the beginning of 29 The development of capital...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:32

76 518 1


... ear 39. beard The Eye - D 44. eyebrow 45. eyelid 46. eyelashes 47. iris 48. pupil The Foot - E 49. ankle 53. big toe 50. heel 54. toe 51. instep 55. little toe 52. ball 56. toenail The Internal ... vein 61. esophagus 69. artery 62. muscle 70. kidney 63. lung 71. pancreas 64. heart 72. bladder The Human Body February 28th, 2009 Goto comments Leave a comment ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2013, 01:10

3 251 0
Words Related to the Human Body

Words Related to the Human Body

... around the Sun in the same way as it has in the past and will bring the summer to ripen the mangoes. Patterns are good, too—most of the time. They help us find our shoes easily among an array of other ... actually the name of a muscle. Its claim to fame is that it’s the largest muscle in the human body. Can you guess where one can find it? Hint: you sit on it. An incredible machine, the human body ... is one of the plumbers. Mr. Underhill makes his living watching homo emptor the king and queen of retail, otherwise known as the shopper: you and me. One of his findings: ‘Men are buying their...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 16:20

17 484 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and functional studies of the human phosphoribosyltransferase domain containing protein 1 docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and functional studies of the human phosphoribosyltransferase domain containing protein 1 docx

... strength [20]. In the present study, we report the structural and functional characterization of the human HPRT homolog PRTFDC1. To shed light on the potential function of PRTFDC1, the protein was ... respectively, of that of HPRT. This low activity could be explained by the fact that PRTFDC1 has a Gly in the position of the proposed catalytic Asp of HPRT. In PRTFDC1, a water molecule at the position of ... activity [10]. The structural characterization of numerous com- plexes of the human HPRT and several bacterial and protozoan HPRTs have been undertaken [13–17]. The structure of human HPRT can...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 01:20

11 770 0
Tài liệu Actions Against Abuse of the Global Financial System: Report from G7 Finance Ministers to the Heads of State and Government docx

Tài liệu Actions Against Abuse of the Global Financial System: Report from G7 Finance Ministers to the Heads of State and Government docx

... ongoing initiatives in the FATF and the OECD, the Report of the OFCs Working Group of the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) has made recommendations to enhance OFCs’ observance of international standards ... characterized by the high mobility of funds and the rapid development of new payment tools. To secure the benefits of the international financial system, we, the Finance Ministers of the G-7 countries, ... access to the financial system. If there is obscurity about their ownership, banks and other financial institutions may not be able to discover the identity of the beneficiary of the account...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

8 485 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Roles of the human Rad51 L1 and L2 loops in DNA binding doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Roles of the human Rad51 L1 and L2 loops in DNA binding doc

... per monomer of poly(dT), showing that the changes were mainly due to the binding of the first DNA, while the binding of the second DNA had less influence (Fig. 5A). To ensure that the estimation of the ... by mutations on the DNA-binding site of Rad51, suggest- ing that the L2 loop of Rad51 is not far from the DNA-binding site. Consistent with this idea, the fluor- escence of the tryptophan inserted in the ... 1). These results confirm that the residues are close to the DNA-binding site. We then examined if these fluorescence changes occurred by the binding of the first or second DNA, by titrating these...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 06:20

12 662 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Multiple promoters regulate tissue-specific alternative splicing of the human kallikrein gene, KLK11⁄hippostasin ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Multiple promoters regulate tissue-specific alternative splicing of the human kallikrein gene, KLK11⁄hippostasin ppt

... with an antibody raised against KLK11 was the same size as that of the translational product by isoform 2 mRNA (Fig. 4B). The product by isoform 1 mRNA was smaller than the isoform 2 product. The multiple bands ... encoded another type of KLK11, isoform 2, despite the presence of exon 1c. The secretory path- ways of KLK11 isoforms appeared to differ, although both isoforms were secreted from cells. Hence, the ... mechan- ism of KLK11 gene expression. Results Three different primary transcripts are derived from the human KLK11 gene We determined the nucleotide sequences of 15 clones of the PCR products from the human...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 06:20

9 544 0
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