new international express intermediate students book pdf

new international express intermediate student book_part4 pdf

new international express intermediate student book_part4 pdf

... meet the needs of the international business traveller All rooms have air-conditioning, satellite TV, and high-speed Internet access There's also a pool and a spa, and a new fitness centre has ... (extend)? ; a The business centre 7 What/recently/(open}? - fle A new fitness centre Trang 4 @ Read the press release about the new Metropolitan Arts and Leisure Centre Complete the text using ... Metropolitan Arts and Leisure Centre (MALC) is an exciting new w riverside development It * (start) five years ago, and will bring new life to a disused industrial area of the city At the

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 06:20

16 551 2
new international express intermediate student book_part8 pdf

new international express intermediate student book_part8 pdf

... housing, schools, and hospitals [More details .| local news nafional news international news Dreaking ews 1) Read the home page of the news website Complete the sentences in item 1 with a : ... statements, questions, orders, and “Hard news, soft news eae » Politics and current affairs file Collocations > News and views * Social responses Common expressions Saying goodbye Language focus ... Newsandviews ~~~ ®- đc a + @ Discuss the questions 1 How do you find out about news: television, radio, newspapers, the Internet, or any other way? 2 What are the main ‘hard’ or serious news

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 06:20

16 762 2
New inside out intermediate students book

New inside out intermediate students book

... News Paparazzi News stories Crime page 60 o Celebrities and the paparazzi o News stories o Crime (11) Personal news • An interview with a paparazzo o Verb patterns G News in brief ... language • Extra Verb patterns G ed endings: ItJ, Id!, lId! • A news bulletin G An email with personal news Useful phrases: Personal news Passive structures 8(11) Essay Journey Travel Places Holidays ... and giving directions Opinions Stereotypes Books Films page 76 o Men and women o Books, films and music G G Geographical location Describing places Fixed expressions: now or never, take it or leave

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2023, 13:24

160 16 0
New inside out upper intermediate students book

New inside out upper intermediate students book

... meet in a New York coffee shop Answer the questions a) b) c) Where are they from? What are they doing in New York? Why does the conversation stop? is English is on holiday is working in New York ... and gold is used by the bride and groom to set themselves up for their new life together, living in their new house, their new home, to buy things like a fridge, and other things they might need ... conversation stop? is English is on holiday is working in New York works for a bank likes New York has been in New York a long time is an artist is from London was a good student left school in 1989

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2023, 16:23

158 2 0
English for international tourism intermediate teachers book new edition

English for international tourism intermediate teachers book new edition

... INTERMEDIATE TEACHER’S BOOK English for International Tourism NEW EDITION B1–B1+ KAREN ALEXANDER Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh ... environment Private study Workbook: A separate Workbook with a CD provides students with extra tasks for study at home or in class There are two versions of the Workbook – one with the answer key ... longer than the visitors from Australia and New Zealand, but we don’t get as many of them English for International Tourism Intermediate Teacher’s Book VAH OK So what makes people want to come

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2023, 11:31

134 14 0
new english file pre intermediate students book phần 1 ppsx

new english file pre intermediate students book phần 1 ppsx

... you know b “485 Complete the useful expressions with these words Then listen and check example how kind like opposite person place similar somebody thíng Useful expressions explaining a word that ... —thisyour first vist to the US? Yes, itis d In pairs, roleplay the dialogue A (book open) you're the immigration officer, B (book closed) Enjoy your stay in San Francisco ‘Thank you you're Allie, Swap ... which © who Ineed a Workbook —— hasall the answers a what b which © who works _ VOCABULARY a classroom language Complete the sentences with one word Sit down _ and open your books 1 2 What does

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:20

16 1,3K 16
lifelines intermediate students book phần 2 potx

lifelines intermediate students book phần 2 potx

... Write these headings above the correct set of expressions: Saying: ‘That's life." Responding to news or information Expressing surprise d_ Find expressions in tapescript 2.3 which mean the ... you find more attractive? 20 Trang 7 Conversation pieces: Responding to news a Work in pairs Complete these expressions Weill, welll heavens! i sbelieve it! | You know it is That's the ... " could decline, 0Clely ~ crime, drugs, divorce — international balance of power, as the a countrles in these regions demand more control in international organizations like the United Nations:

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20

14 430 3
New headway beginner 4th students book

New headway beginner 4th students book

... questions S computers students What's iH this picture? Listen and repeat Isl Izl iIzI GRAMMAR SPOT books photographs students cars sandwiches houses buses Singular one book one bus computers ... the students in the class lie' from Italy From Rome 14 Unit • Your world Word list !IF UNITl " and con) hcnd/, hm d! bag n ibregl book n Ibukl bus 1J /bAS/ Here is a list of most of the new words ... Ibukl bus 1J /bAS/ Here is a list of most of the new words in the un its of New Headway Beginner fourth edition Studen t's Book adj = adjective adv = adve rb n = noun pi = plural pron = p ronoun

Ngày tải lên: 15/06/2016, 18:59

140 547 0
oxford   new english file beginner students book

oxford new english file beginner students book

... new haircut b I dont like my new haircut 6 a Why not? I like it b Why not? It's fantastic 7 a Where do you want to go? b Where do you want to stop? 8 a I w a n t a n e w c o a t b I want a new ... sistersCNN to pop music a newspaPerFrench foodCokeSpanish a new mobile phonebig cities in a house a cat or a dogMTV to classical musicnovels Mexican foodcoffeeChinese a new haircutfootball \ Do ... walk home 7 a We can come tonight b We cant come tonight 8 a You can write in the book b You cant write in the book.4.16 Listen Circle a or b Practise the dialogues in exercise lawith a partner

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2016, 14:35

121 566 0
natural english intermediate students book

natural english intermediate students book

... check your partner’s poveling on the Orient Express because 2 _ He works as 3 _and he’s answers Trang 19 ® create a new identity 5 Think! Decide on your new identity and complete a profile of ... /your own life Trang 3 in unit four joke the kangaroo natural English expressing a preference asking for repetition expressing interest saying how much you know phone greetings grammar & ... clothes: tune in, listen carefully, listening challenge instructions for working in a newsagent’s listening booklet listening and pronunciation exercises reading & writing Best behaviour:

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2017, 14:54

176 410 0
natural english pre intermediate students book

natural english pre intermediate students book

... resource book complements the natural English reading and writing syllabuses —an extra reading and writing lesson for every unit of the student’s book — material related to the student's book by ... Close your books and tell Jim’s story to your partner 3 Don’t open your books With a partner, write the story, using the link words Then compare your story with the tapescript (listening booklet ... professor like? What was the meal like? What was the room like after the party? What's New York like? What's that book like? ONAuURWrRH Trang 26 tick Y when you know this (J the best / worst thing

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2017, 14:55

177 463 0
natural english upper intermediate students book

natural english upper intermediate students book

... listening joke: good news, bad news people describe TV news in different countries: tune in, listen carefully, listening challenge Vox pops: street interviews radio news listening booklet listening ... territory write a radio news report extended speaking radio news report Listen to a radio news report, collect ideas, update the stories, prepare a bulletin, and read the news Then conduct vox ... five in unit six Joke good news, bad news natural English worth / value talking about needs you get apparently, it appears / seems that getting attention passives in news reporting grammar &

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2017, 14:55

176 566 0
New matrix pre  intermediate student book

New matrix pre intermediate student book

... ApplicoliOll5lor che job should be modr «J release lr:ilr.sI (Cl the act of making a book, film record piect' of news ctc aY' comedian {k;,'mi:di(lnl (e) a pmon whose job is 10 entertain people and ... 0.00 Student's Book Kathy Gude & Michael Duckworth OXFORD Unit l:o",,,,unk~/on Reading and Vocabulary Grammar Thel~l\~ ... casscnC' so that il can be listened to or watched again laler: rht: band hos rccencly recorded new ol&um spot !spor( (p, "pOlled pp ,POtllOg) 10 see or nolice sb/slh: I\'t' spoiled" corlple 01

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:34

153 219 0
New matrix upper intermediate teacher book

New matrix upper intermediate teacher book

... йNafrlx сomprisеs: Stшdеnt's Book Ш'оrkbook Теасhеr's Book [л,ursеТеsts ]Пшo СIаssСassеttеs / CDs 's Book units.A typiсaI Mv Mаtriхlhеrеaretenthеmе-rе|atеd in thе studеnt'sbookсonsistsof thеfol|owing: ... New О Upper-lntermediate Ш Teacher'sBook АnneConybeare, SimonBetterton - i:ry Gudeand JayneWildman oхFoRD IJNIYЕRsITY PRЕss lntroduсtion Bookсontеnts Student,s T Povyrrfurit*lаgrеs ... Теасhеr's Booki nс|udеs: Studеnt,s BookсontentsIist t]lеr,s Book in thе Studеnt's tо аll еxеrсisеs ]xrапsсripts оf all rесordings rоrkbоok kеy detaiIеdsuggеstions on howto approaсhthе Studеnt's Bookaсtivities

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:40

115 464 0
Business result pre intermediate   students book   reduced kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

Business result pre intermediate students book reduced kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

... Pre-intermediate I Interactive Workbook Available from September 2012 Business Result Interactive Workbook content is also available online You can access the material from your Interactive Workbook ... to the key expressions from the Student's Book • learn new phrases for telephoning, exchanging information, socializing, travel, presenting, and meetings • create your personal phrasebook Email ... Ulises paid for a new system providing water for the village instead of buying a fa st new car Since then he's set up a medical centre, and he's provided the school with books and a new roof He pays

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2019, 15:24

164 800 0
Compass   time to talk b1+ intermediate students book

Compass time to talk b1+ intermediate students book

... 60 - 63 Listen to and leave voicemail messages 16 Stereotypes 64 - 67 Discuss stereotypes 17 A New Project 68 - 71 Talk about a project 18 Looking Good 72 - 75 Exchange information and opinions ... Extended reading and speaking Vocabulary Phrasal verbs: come, go, bring, and take, with back Function Expressing difficulty and giving advice Grammar If, when, and unless with the zero conditional and ... talking about stereotypes Grammar Present continuous and going to for plans and intentions Vocabulary Expressions with look Function Giving credit and blaming Skills Extended reading and speaking 11

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2020, 09:54

83 132 0
Compass   time to talk b1+ intermediate students book

Compass time to talk b1+ intermediate students book

... 60 - 63 Listen to and leave voicemail messages 16 Stereotypes 64 - 67 Discuss stereotypes 17 A New Project 68 - 71 Talk about a project 18 Looking Good 72 - 75 Exchange information and opinions ... Extended reading and speaking Vocabulary Phrasal verbs: come, go, bring, and take, with back Function Expressing difficulty and giving advice Grammar If, when, and unless with the zero conditional and ... talking about stereotypes Grammar Present continuous and going to for plans and intentions Vocabulary Expressions with look Function Giving credit and blaming Skills Extended reading and speaking 11

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2020, 23:38

83 146 0

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