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This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.

0.00 Student's Book Kathy Gude & Michael Duckworth OXFORD Unit l:o",,,,unk~/on Reading and Vocabulary Grammar Thel~l\~ The present Slmple aoo R: M.tciling h""dio&5: «)mprehen'>ion quesllon~ Ex2Im training: Matej]jng h"adin~ 10 parllgrilphs V, Verb', ,ay.,olt.l(J the presenl Conlln~ IListening and Speaking iHllgrdphs Insttild, think aboul the meaning of [he whole paragraph Match headings a-f to paragraphs 1-6 of the article a b c d What communities can _6_ fhe number of langudges in danger _ _ Thr IClst speaker Df his languilgt _ _ TIle most important reason why languages are dyinRoul _ _ e language~ and natural distlsler) _ f What happens when languagcs die _ Read the article again and answer the questions, using your own words What does Maluenndi \hinkwe can about hiS loneliness) Whal is going to happen in Ihe nexl 100 years? ) Why languages dre? WhalLOn people to ') nexl 100 years sentence~ using soy, talk, speak or tell means '10 know a language' means 'ID have a conversation with', is used 10 Rivc information to someone is used to describe someone's actual words, Complete the _ _ _ _ Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences He said / £Old 'I wanl to dance.' I said / told him thal it was loo late What did she soy / lell to him? He speaks / talks three languages She likes 10 50eak / talk about herself luerindi (T"nicate ote55 ~ce - C.cPr;;~~5 ~'" *,."d I q= ~ :c ,; : ._ _ »-~ c ~,c- -~ "rTbolo$ s/ [tJ) the feeling 01 being unhappy bCG1U e ~'(lll are not wilh Olher peopl~ or h~\'e no friends ,uIJlrllvl' loncl\' message f'me:>mJ [cl a cc>llcn;on of songs on ant: CO, G1SSCIIC etC' Tilt! bor.t} qre about 10 relCtJi{ J1Uif It/IIJ olbum_ am ilion 1.~rn'brl'nl [cl Ith that you very much w~nl III 11av~ or do, It Iw} alwoys blXrl !le-r ambi/iof1 to win all Olcor_ He has ochieved h/.I ambition oj beUim,ng film 1UJ'- application 1,:l:ph'keJJIl! (C,U) :3n:, Jpp!l[,1lion'lo sb) ~for sth' a lonnal written requrn, t"'lpecially for a job: ApplicoliOll5lor che job should be modr «J release lr:ilr.sI (Cl the act of making a book, film record piect' of news ctc aY' comedian {k;,'mi:di(lnl (e) a pmon whose job is 10 entertain people and make lhem la~h, lor example by lelling lhem jokes comedy I'kom;l(!il ICl [pI c0r11edlt,) a "'m,lllay ~'l( that makes you laugh and lhat has a happy ending concert halll'kon5' 10 formally suggest (hal sblsth should be gh'en a job role prize, ete.: The nO\l'(1 h05 been nomilloled lo! che &JoUr ptiu receive In'si:v/lo gel or accept Sllllhal sb sends 01 gives 10 you: co receive pnollt' coli op POSIlt" ~I',i' record Ir;, b;d/lO put mu~i(, a !ilrn, a programme, ete onlO a (0 or casscnC' so that il can be listened to or watched again laler: rht: band hos rccencly recorded new ol&um spot !spor( (p, "pOlled pp ,POtllOg) 10 see or nolice sb/slh: I\'t' spoiled" corlple 01 spelling misrakfl succ:;eed Is;lk'~i:dl '"(,e'"tJ 111 ~[hiin doing sth, (0 manage to achieve whal you wanl; 10 well: $he succeeded ia pos.sing tN e:xom opposile' f:dl ored "'dth srh feeling tired and perhaps sligh1ly annoyed because sth is not interesling or because you not have anylhlng 10 do: "m bored with coting rhe some tiling every day boring I'b:>:fll:J! not a\ all inlCl'('sting: d\11I brilliant /'bnhQnt/1 very u.f::>nll (;lU~llg slrong feelings: He gave on emorional speech enjoyable /1Jl'd3JI~bll giving pleasu.c: Thonk! for cJlhausled /lg '7,.:1:~lIdl vtry lired eJlhausling hg'~,:I:~tIlJI making sb very lirfd: Teaching young children is allall.ltillg wOlt fantastic men 'tt\;~\II(/ (i"lormo~ very good: excclll'II1 lasdn ted /'rlll~lllcl\ldl very irlleres\ed i'l 5th: Ht was foscinaled by make.' freezing f'fri:wJI litlfofmn0 very cold fresh !freSI (used especially about food) produced or piohl '",:>:m'l)l [siO!!1 the inerease In llle temperature of fhe earih's atmosphere, caused by the inerc.sc in c~rt.in &ascs the greenhouse eUect i'gri:nhnus lfekl/lsin&) the warming 01 thee.Hlh·\ atmosphere as a re~,,11 01 halmlul gases, etc in tile air ., '-'" ', -~ -~ - greenhouse gas I,gn:nhaus '9&sl [Cl all)' Clr lhe gases Ihat are Ihoughllo (ause Ihe greenhouse effect especially CJrbrl!l dio\ldr Ihe ground 19 raond/lsing) the solid surface 01 the earth: We sot on the ground 10 eol Ollr picnic heatwave /'hi:twerv! (q a period 01 unusually hot weather hill 11111{ le] iI high Mea of land lhal is nOl 01\ h.gh as a mounlain: We Jive at the top of hill hurricane /'hto.rok:m/l(] a violent ~(Qrm wilh vel)' slrong winds ice cap I'als k:ep! [C) a layer 01 iI':'I:'plal! (pr~ port apph ins: Jrd pas sing prel ,ippllcs; Pt pp pphc apph 'I 51) l'lr s ~ to ask !or sth in wriling: I've opplitd for l!l(}t job, build Ibtldl Ipr pp I)Jllllbllt/J to make Slh by PtJlling piecet rnaleriJls, el( togelher: 10 build a (J word in dic/ioomy lake sth up 10 Slart dOing slh rf~IJ lariy, for example as hobb\' I've token lip yoga leeenlly 10 sl~rl or be&in Slh such as a new jail: He llikes up his dunes ner.1 week, Idioms lI""sc contilct /,konl:ekU 10 leleohone or wrile 10 sI> earn 13:n110 gel money by working: How m()£h does take part (in sth] to join Wil11 other J\euple in an aaivilY: EVCtyorlt look PO" in the dfswS£]on {} tkmiS/ earn? e.nclose fm'klJuz) to puI Hh in an envelope package, et' with Sill elSt: I ~ndos~ my CV, filil/fellt to nOI be successful in Slh: CD foil an e:wm u~p >11 Unit P3" graduate f'grn:d3\lcrtl !!.I, dualC for moving a small boal through water player /'pleUlI [Cl a person who plays it game or spon ritual I'rnJu:)1! Iq an aClion, ceremony or process which is alway~ done inChe same way: He olwoyS follows the some riruol rollercoaster /'r~ubbust:>! (e) a narrow metal Irack lhal goes up and down sl having a beliel that cannOI be C'xpl~ined by reason or science: Hc's super1lirious about che trainer! he WeDrs on the day oJ a big ma/ch unlucky 1I\I1'!"kil (unhltkr\·r unluckie51) having or ('dusing bad luck: Thirrcen is ojtel1lliolJgllt 10 ~( all vnlucky number, Adverbs extremely /Ik'stn:mlil very: Lis/cn care/ully /1ecaU5m'pi:tl LOl1lprtr 111'1111 I'.(dllhl ,b; 10 If\' 10 win or achieve Sill or 10 try to 00 better than anyone e~: The warlds bese atl1l~'les com~(£ in lile Ol)'mpics concentrate I'konsJlIrelt/ 11llll,'l\lrdte'on 'lhiLllllllj\ ,'h 10 give all your attention 01 effon 10 5th: tneed «mCCmrOle on passing lIlis exom_ convince Ibn'vTUs!1 l'Jl1IlOCe 5bof 'lh'rh,lt 110 succeed in mJking sI> believe Slh: I couldn convince her (hal / wos righe lOl1IlIke sb h1 d" Slh 10 pe~uJde sb 10 ';Ih: The solcsmo/l convillced rhem train !lrernf 10 prepare yourself, especially lor a spons event by practising; to help a peISQn to this: I'm training for lhe I.tindon morallwn !O buy new ol'cn hit /bn/ Ipres por/Illltln: in(OTI< - Ida:kI 'used a00 ' :.;: th n wI1 ile di~tur Jed Id " L3: lx! dar~ bla(~ moll I'm ,kj;>L,f hJ n ltl make sth lip 10 invenl qll, of1en '>l.h th.1 [, nOI true' to make liP Siory ru n "Wily 10 =pi: Ir()ln lorrewh~re; H,' 'l Flf' llWi1Y from home run sblsth ayerlo hit person er iJl1 nimal w,\h )Our v hicle: Tlu: r:J;,1d I'IIdS fun ()W'I os 1)( lI'OJ amsing Ih{ fOOd Idioms Ilhe sll il li'110 uHer d fre-e- on bo.rd I]Il ;hip or dn were snjffy un board, "',j" in ~ I:ilf, etl ~ir((~ll: Ail/hI' I'0s.(( UI( past bUI JbOul a per5IJn 0' 11lS'he( I.cd having ,kill Ihal is light in W!Oll' often oc(au~ of kM or illn ,s:) jelt mW:lj go/turn Jiol~ \\Ii/17 f~r, I"u n !pl."npl (used "bool J peI"llen?II'~Il((j elderly !'cld:lliJ (Used about a pcr~J)II) old: all eI(iI:II}' lady elegant l'ehg;lfIr! having a gocd or an aetroetiltt !'lIe: Sht looktd very elcgrml in het new 01C$S emb,nrassi ng rim 'boer~~UJf making YOU leeI lall gm) 1\ woman (~lr"JIldy lIuI\lal or unexpe(r~d:" ;lltJIIgc riO/Si ,L tre 1'lu:n/ e]" 131ge ba!tt/Orl ll1'ld~o' m.leri~llhat i, Iille~ with g()~ or hot air so 111.1 it (a" (I) InrouS" tile ~ky, Qrryi"g ~f>npl(~ i'l ~ bask~t undemealh il lied and breakfa't ,lx:11 'hrekr;>sU (dlso Ili'fl) [C,U\ a ~",i( Ih,tl p(ovi(l~ A rOOIll fr)/ lh~' tllKhl and a me.l1 Ihe 111:\1 I olnin& ill (lrival(· Ilou,es or smClIl hOlds: Cl pi:l,e ,ha' provide~ rhl) ~i.lo ferry i'reril re] (pJ ferries) a bOill1 at (alli - p~ople, vchi(1 r goods across d river or Gage 1'l.'9,d:f rIJ! bagl, suite, ,

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2018, 11:34