new headway intermediate workbook with key pdf 4 edition

oxford new headway intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

oxford new headway intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

... 37 UNIT 6 Trang 43 Questions with how 39 7 Producing Simple or Continuous 48 8 Replying with questions 48 3 Infinitives with or without to 53 4 Which two are possible? 54 5 Reporting verbs ... Trang 2 | Fourth edition Héadway Intermediate Workbook with key John and Liz Soars OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Trang 36 -s at the end ... 9 (J tum off i aword in the dictionary [_] 40 0ml milk 10 (_] get on with j the baby [_} 50 04 flour |_] 40 0m! double cream 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the NS LI 1 orange

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2024, 16:47

105 0 0
oxford new headway pre intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

oxford new headway pre intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

... two people for, since, and ago Time expressions Choosing the correct tense haveto 42 4i 44 45 46 47 47 47 45 45 48 48 49 49 5555 5656 ReadingThe helicopter pilot UsteningThe train driver Yocabulary -make ... with it is to go on hotiday with peopte you love or have Ifyou buy a new car or a designer handbag, you are excited for do with the sixteenth? How many cars Trang 16@ Listen to the interviewwith ... most difEcult part -4 A man, Daniel McCarthY, - and then discovered that he was blind&# 34; He had his f&# 34; fa&# 34; yn Kittburg McCarthy said he only recantlY lost his sight' HelnewtreroadverYwell

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2024, 16:47

106 2 0
oxford new headway upper intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

oxford new headway upper intermediate workbook with key 4th edition

... Compounds with some, any, no, every something, anybody, nowhere, Trang 4 Revision of all modals Which modal? 44 Positive to negative 45 Present probability 45 need 46 Modals review 46 Vocabulary ... Trang 1 with An hecker Je»S:t9)'¡ A ` Assess › Progress Trang 2Hea Workbook with key John and Liz Soars Jo McCaul OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ... Also, he’ has blasted / has been blasted by a wind machine with gusts of up to 44 miles per hour As Nik says, ® ‘We play / We're playing with Mother Nature and Mother Nature has a mind of her own.’

Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2024, 13:36

105 1 0
outcomes upper intermediate workbook with key 2nd edition

outcomes upper intermediate workbook with key 2nd edition

... the news b_ problems in modern society c a different type of news coverage 8 Listen again Are these statements true or false? 1 Adam doesn’t read newspapers any more 2 Talking about the news with ... can’t touch the ball with your hand 4 Newer varieties of wheat might give a higher How much will this year’s crop i 5 Replace the underlined words with an adjective from VB Unit 4 Add any extra ... rival 4 Any mistake is now widely publicised / renewed within hours 5 The changes will have a big impact / outrage on our jobs 6 It was unfortunate | have some sympathy / affection with him 4 Which

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2024, 18:08

134 0 0
grammar spectrum 3 intermediate with key phần 4 pdf

grammar spectrum 3 intermediate with key phần 4 pdf

... sentence with needn’t, where possible If not possible, write a negative sentence with doesn’t/don'’t need to 0 (Jane needs to pay Jim today.) _Jane needn't pay Jim today (The car needs new tyres.) ... car doesn’t need _new tyres 0 1 (Weneed a lot of red paper.) 2 (Mark needs to get everything ready today.) Trang 8 3 4 (Mary needs to leave at six o'clock.) (Ann needs a new bag.) C When ... orange car B: It must be Susan She’s the only person I know with an orange car 3 IMPOSSIBILITY | Shecan’t be poor Look at this example with can’t: Mark studied hard for his exams, but he got poor

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 09:21

11 533 4
New Headway Intermediate Testes Booklet: Intermediate Workbook New English Courses ppt

New Headway Intermediate Testes Booklet: Intermediate Workbook New English Courses ppt

... beginners confidence. • Simple skills work which Elementary, Headway Pre-Intermedia Headway Intermediate, Headway Upp Intermediate, and Headway Advanced, provides a comprehensive language teac series ... Grammar and vocab overloading. Sb ementary, Headway adway Intermediate, mediate, and Headw des a comprehensive series for the g e Hea New Headway Intermediate Tests Oxford University Press ... New Headway English Course Intermediate Student’s Book. • 3 Progress Tests Progress Test 1 revises Units 1? ?4. Progress Test 2 revises Units 5–8. Progress Test 3 revises Units 9–12. • Answer key

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2014, 23:20

47 850 0
new grammar practice pre int with key phần 4 ppt

new grammar practice pre int with key phần 4 ppt

... (go) anywhere by plane until now. 14 (You hear) their new record? It's the best they've ever made. 15 I (not know) about the disco last night. 50 Verbs 43 Present Perfect + for/since USE ... bought a new car. - describing something that happened recently, often when giving 'news': Two men have escaped from prison in London. The prime minister has arrived in Australia. - with ... them both... (eat) 4 They 5 I to Manchester tomorrow morning, (drive) my teeth, have a wash, and go to bed (brush) 6 Be careful with that plate! You 7 My parents 8 Who's with us for the weekend,

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 11:21

15 255 0
new cutting edge upper intermediate workbook phần 8 pdf

new cutting edge upper intermediate workbook phần 8 pdf

... Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Simpo PDF Merge and Split ... Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Simpo PDF Merge and Split ... Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:20

11 508 2
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 3 doc

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 3 doc

... 3) n breaking news (para 3) n a 'must see' resource (para 4) n news junkie (para 4) ! thjngs that are happering now someone who wants to know the latest news allthe time ... sheets. 4 We need to incrFase rh" onounl we ptodutc. 4 [4y brorhe forgers sompt nec hi9 P.N nunoe = ; . 5 Being hoppy is morc importdnt than wealrh. 6 l'm notverypleased with ... than two hours The Great Pyramid 40 0O years ag0, about was de{ayed by the traffcsowhen got to the gollcourse lfound my friends without rne. Across 4 What is the _ dress ol your

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 976 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 5 pot

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 5 pot

... become Familiar with the new computer. (used) David _ (repair) his computer after he had spoken to the technician. When lwas a young child - (play) football for hours without getting ... they need to be. n 4 The fiidge was more expensive than the cooker. n 5 ls it as expersive as the morning clqss? n I With the latest technological developments, new rollercoaster ndes ... (play) football for hours without getting dred. The children (not come) on holiday with us next summer, l\4y husband is really (cook) but he's hopeLess at cleaning. (you/find) their

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 846 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

... ifdlrcs with the reportingverbs in the box. Vocabulary I adjectives and intensifiers 2 Complete the sentences using intensifiers. Use dbsolutely with non-gradable adiectives and redllywith ... to the party with heL A willi s iilwould cthatlwould He sard already bought the tickets A rne he had B he had C to me he had The sales assistant sLrggested _ a new /\4pl player A ... (x2) with (x4) I ie's my hero. I rea y up _ h m. 2 ifyou want to los€ weight, you'llhave to down _ allthose sweets ard cal(es! 3 | hear you've got a new car;

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 857 1
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 8 potx

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 8 potx

... they are the only ones with keys to the safe. 3 The thief been a srnok€r b€cause there was a cigarette end on the floor. 4 t - been I\4r Briggs because h€ was at home with his w fe allnight ... opera srnger. 1 l!4ircnda's boyrriend s a doctor 2 The house is over a hundred years old. 3 Arthur Conan Doyle was born in 1859. 4 The government has introduced a new tax, 5 our ... Baskervilte's uncle n 4 Henry Baskeruille comes to see Sherlock Holmes. ! 5 Dr Mortimer is a friend of Sherlock Holmes. n 6 Dr l\4ortimer has sorae shocklng new evidence about the

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 484 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 9 pps

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 9 pps

... 4 tdid askth€ Doss rcr permission. 5 we do knowwhatwe arc talkingabout SlreaLLy 2so 3much 4such 5very 5 just /su Unit 4 Risk Lesson 4. 1 neaaling 1^3 brF 2T 3F 4r cr 2e 3d 4h ... prlced 2 .ompLetely.u ned 3 recently 4 hard 5 weLl 6 probably 7 neany 3 uhLikeLy 9 late t t Voca,br ary: verb phrases with take 47 C 2C jA 44 5c 6B 7C sA Review and consolidation ... 3f 4l 5g 5a 7c aj9d lob Vocabulaxy: noises Z r bafk 2 sceamed 3ring 4 creak 5 banged 6lhud Gxanunax: present/future nxodals of possibility Alb 2e 3l4a 5c 6d 4aB 2A ) B 4A 5A

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 709 0
Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 1

Ebook new grammar practice for pre intermediate students with key part 1

... 71- 74 PHRASAL VERBS 138- 144 Verb formations used to imperative 75-77 77-78 TESTS 1-3 145 -153 ANSWER KEY 1 54- 168 CONDITIONALS first conditional second conditional zero conditional 79-80 81-82 84- 85 ... your answers, you will need to use the edition of Grammar Practice for Pre -Intermediate Students with Answer key We hope that Grammar Practice for Pre -Intermediate Students helps you to improve ... photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers ISBN 582 41 710 Fifth impression 20 04 Set in Slimbach Printed in Malaysia, LSP

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2023, 14:57

20 5 0
New headway intermediate 3rd edition workbook

New headway intermediate 3rd edition workbook

... many has she 43 Choosing the correct tense Conversations 44 been or gone? 45 Time expressions Talking about you 44 45 46 AuRwD 7 Correcting mistakes 46 Tense review 8 Curriculum vitae 46 Present ... disclaims any responsibility for the content IsBN-13: 978 0.19 43 87 545 International edition ISBN-13: 978 0.19 43 90 04 0 German edition Printed and bound in China ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors ... Present Perfect passive 9 Active or passive? 47 10 Two newspaper stories 48 Vocabulary 11 Words with more than one meaning 49 Pronunciation 12 Word stress 49 Prepositions 13 Noun + preposition UNIT

Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 08:25

99 2,3K 0
New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_1 docx

New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_1 docx

... talking a A Good morning Can I have (1) 41 47, please? B Hold the (2) , please I’m putting you (3) C Hello A Is that John Newton? C (4) A Oh, hello (5) is Daniel Ellis ... have elected/have been elected a new representative (2 points for each correct answer) 20 Complete the sentences with a word from the box All the words are to with the world of work Not all of ... rest of the time at home with you A Who are you looking at? A Have you found a new job yet? B That baby over there He doesn’t look very B Yes, I’ll/I’m going to work for a new marketing happy I

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 575 1
New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_2 doc

New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_2 doc

... and within fifteen minutes my neighbours were knocking on the door hot cold rainy chilly ‘We can’t (4) the noise any longer,’ they Rainy is different because all the other words are to with ... police think you did it! That’s it! The people of the region have chosen a new mayor B What are you doing with the phone? A new mayor A I (13) (speak) to that police officer ... to the new Chinese place Everyone is looking forward to Rewrite part B of these dialogues Make them definite arrangements Example I was very happy when they invited me to stay (stay) with them

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 580 0
New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_3 potx

New Headway Intermediate Audio Units1-6.tsl_3 potx

... note: These tests are designed to accompany the New Headway English Course MATERIALS FOR PHOTOCOPYING ISBN 0-19 -47 0239-1 Oxford English 7801 94 702393 ... answer) 10 ‘Our luggage has been damaged,’ they said Complete the sentences with words from question All the words are to with birth, marriage, and death They are not all used Example They said ... you run? I’ve been completing/I’ve completed half the work Complete the sentences with a compound noun formed with air, sun, or shopping Example up to now The children are in the garden They have

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

11 739 0
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_2 docx

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_2 docx

... MATERIAL Workbook Unit 3 Exercise 1 Adverb collocations Exercise 2 Adverbs with two forms Exercise 3 just Exercise 6 Describing trends Trang 11 34 LISTENING (58 p 34) An interview with Anita ... some adverbs have two forms, and a common adverb with many meanings, just There are three key areas to consider with adverbs: meaning, collocation with adjectives and verbs, and the position they ... Students listen and complete column B with words with the same sound as those in column A, Answers and tapescript (23) hadn’t been particularly impressed, to me he ( 24) ‘d A B seemed just a bit plastic,

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 708 1
New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_3 docx

New Headway Intermediate The Third Edition Student''''s Book_3 docx

... ideas 46 Unit 4 + Celebrity DON’T FORGET! Writing Unit 4 Expressing a personal opinion (SB p122) Workbook Unit 4 Exercise 2 Tags and replies Exercise 3 Intonation in question tags Exercise 4 Listening ... other people e able to lead without alienating people with different opinions ¢ not afraid to make tough decisions and get it wrong LISTENING (s8 p 44) An interview with a Hollywood star This is ... number Anyway, there isn’t much | can do about it = ow wo ~4 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Workbook Unit 4 Exercise 1 Discourse markers SPEAKING (58 p 44) How to become an A-list celebrity This is a reading

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 16:20

12 499 1

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