main categories of fisheries in the region

Skkn tiếng anh an investigation into the sub categories of attitude in the book the world is flat by thomas l  friedman from the perspective of appraisal theory

Skkn tiếng anh an investigation into the sub categories of attitude in the book the world is flat by thomas l friedman from the perspective of appraisal theory

... its readers’ insights to the reality of the world in the era of digital technology The study makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the sub -categories of Attitude in the book and ... realizations of Attitude sub -categories in terms of syntax and semantics to obtain the setting goals The finding of the research demonstrate that Attitude sub -categories can be recognized in various ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DANANG LÊ THỊ VÂN HỒNG AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE SUB -CATEGORIES OF “ATTITUDE” IN THE BOOK THE WORLD IS FLAT BY THOMAS L FRIEDMAN FROM THE PERSPECTIVE

Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2017, 11:32

122 610 1
An Investigation into the Sub-categories of “Attitude” in the Book The World Is Flat by Thomas  L. F...

An Investigation into the Sub-categories of “Attitude” in the Book The World Is Flat by Thomas L. F...

... inaugural Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award in 2005 It also became one of the international best-selling books in the years 2005 and 2006 In The New York Times reviewing The ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG LÊ THỊ VÂN HỒNG AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE SUBCATEGORIES OF “ATTITUDE” IN THE BOOK THE WORLD IS FLAT BY THOMAS L FRIEDMAN FROM THE ... aims at investigating the syntactic and semantic realizations of the three sub -categories of Attitude namely Affect, Judgement, and Appreciation in the book TWF The findings of the study, then,

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2023, 06:04

26 0 0
The challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response pptx

The challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response pptx

... south and from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. The European pro- gramme of WHO supports all countries in the Region in developing and sustaining their own health ... also the maintenance level, aesthetic... prevalence was in the Russian Federation during the economic crisis that followed the dissolution of the USSR The annual increase in the ... to achieving the Organization’s principal objective – the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health. Printing of this publication was supported by the Ministry of Social

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 14:20

76 486 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the isolated FAD domain of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase altered in the region of the FAD shielding residue Phe1395 docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the isolated FAD domain of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase altered in the region of the FAD shielding residue Phe1395 docx

... coenzyme-binding site in nNOS FAD domain and sequence alignments around the conserved aromatic residue in this domain (A) The nicotinamide-binding site of nNOS FAD domain showing the position of Phe1395 ... studying the isolated FAD domain of nNOS has enabled us to analyse in detail the effects of these mutations in the absence of other in? ??uences (most notably those induced by CaM binding and by interflavin ... deconvolution of the contributions of individual flavin cofactors to the overall absorption changes observed in the intact enzymes; (b) determination of the relative tendencies of individual flavin cofactors

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 14:20

13 365 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Results of a phenological study of the tree layer of a mixed stand in the region of the Drahanská vrchovina Upland" ppt

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Results of a phenological study of the tree layer of a mixed stand in the region of the Drahanská vrchovina Upland" ppt

... (Figs. 2 to 9) The earlier beginning of this stage can be explained by the fast onset of high spring temperatures in 2006 and by very mild winter and extraordinarily warm spring in 2007 The beginning of ... conclusion The paper evaluates the results of phenological monitoring of the tree layer in a mixed stand in the region of the Drahanská vrchovina Upland in 2004–2007 The onset and duration of particular ... reported the highest correlation of the onset of the phenological stage of budbreak in spruce with air temperature in February to May They also evaluated the beginning of flowering in Norway

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 03:22

12 386 0
impacts of foreign direct investment (fdi) on restructure of exports in the northern coastal region of vietnam

impacts of foreign direct investment (fdi) on restructure of exports in the northern coastal region of vietnam

... Impacts of FDI on restructuring exports in the Northern Coastal Region in the period 2005 - 2012 4.3.1 Exports of the Northern Coastal Region: In the period 2005-2012, the export value of the region ... highly increasing value Thirdly, FDI increases the proportion of new export commodities Fourthly, input FDI increases the number of items in investing sector in the basket of export goods; since then, ... exports structure in the northern coastal region in terms of quantity, including: Data of export value of the northern coastal region, and d ata of Vietnam's export under the standard of international

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2014, 08:14

25 555 0
impacts of foreign direct investment onrestructure of exports in the northerncoastal region of vietnam

impacts of foreign direct investment onrestructure of exports in the northerncoastal region of vietnam

... value in the Northern Coastal Region in the period 2005-2012 79 4.5b The total export value of provinces in the Northern Coastal Region in the period 2005-2012 79 4.6 Export value of 10 main ... largest proportion of the total export in the Northern Coastal Region in the period of 2005-2012 81 4.7 The Export structure of the Northern Coastal Region in the period of 2005- 2012 82 ... PROPY indicator of primary exports of the Northern Coastal Region in the period of 2006-2012. 86 4.10 EXPY of the Northern Coastal Region in the period 2006- 2012 (For primary goods of the

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2014, 01:41

158 319 0
Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows  2

Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 2

... features in the local wave heights around the downstream cylinder are diminished Correspondingly, the differentials in the flow velocities over the sides of the downstream cylinder are reduced From the ... frequency and the Strouhal frequency Mapping of the kinematics at the various locations in the wake of the bluff cylinder from x = D to ½ D and y = to 1.1 D reveal that modulation in the velocity ... It is seen from the plots that the differential in the velocities over the sides of the downstream cylinder corresponds to the differentials in wave heights at the downstream cylinder location

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54

108 275 0
Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 1

Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 1

... Downstream Cylinder in PIV and CFD. In the preceding sections, it is determined that one of the factors contributing to the beat phenomenon on the forces on a slice of downstream cylinder is the existence ... reflected in the kinematics at selected points in the wake region, both in experiments and CFD simulations. To validate this observation in CFD, the flow around the downstream cylinder in the PIV ... 6.6.1 Kinematics in the Wake of the Bluff Upstream Cylinder 153 Forces on Downstream Cylinder in the Wake of a Bluff Cylinder 159 Flow Vector Visualization around Downstream Cylinder in PIV

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54

195 474 0
Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 3

Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 3

... 0.6 D offset, at spacing of (a) ½ D, (b) D, and (c) ½ D for wave only run, T = 0.7 s, H = 25 mm. 332 Plots of Kinematics in the Wake of Upstream Cylinder from CFD simulation (Single Cylinder) ... increments of T / 10 Figure C5 PIV images of a single cylinder in currents only flow C=50 mm/s, at time increments of T/10 Figure C6 PIV images of a single cylinder in currents ... Plots of Kinematics in the Wake of Upstream Cylinder from CFD simulation (Single Cylinder) Currents C = mm/s Waves T = 0.7 s Wave Height H = 25 mm X direction Kinematics measured at y = 100 mm offset,

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54

64 231 0
Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 4

Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 4

... each of the four dimensionless parameters has the same value in both model and prototype. Using a scale ratio N, where N is the ratio of a parameter in the prototype to the same parameter in the ... Since there are seven basic parameters, the dimensions of these can be characterized into the three basic measures of mass (M), length (L) and time (T). Buckingham π – theorem states that the ... force. 𝑉 , is the Froude number (Fr), characterizing the ratio of the inertia force to the �𝑔𝐿 The second parameter, force to pressure force. The third parameter, 𝜌𝑉 ∆𝑃 𝜌𝑉𝐿 𝜇 , is the Euler

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54

57 228 0
Impacts of foreign direct invesment on restructure of exports in the northern coastal region of Viet Nam

Impacts of foreign direct invesment on restructure of exports in the northern coastal region of Viet Nam

... Calculation of PRODY of The value of Aquatic product exports of the Northern Coast Region in 2008 The value of Aquatic product exports in 2008 (1000 USD) The value of exports of the province in 2008 ... 2012 90 The Total Export Value of Provinces in the Region from 2005 to 2012 91 Export Value of the Ten Main Items with Largest Proportion of the Total Export in the Northern Coastal Region from ... Processed Products in the Northern Coastal Region from 2005 to 2012 96 PROPY Indicator of Primary Exports of the Northern Coastal Region From 2005 to 2012 98 EXPY of the Northern Coastal Region from

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2017, 15:44

181 246 0
DSpace at VNU: The use of medications in the secondary prevention of coronary artery disease in the Asian region

DSpace at VNU: The use of medications in the secondary prevention of coronary artery disease in the Asian region

... 49% in China to 99% in Singapore, ACE-inhibitor/ARB prescription rates ranged from 28% in China to 96% in Singapore, and lipid-lowering therapy rates ranged from 47% in China to 97% in Singapore ... corrected in the final print and final online version of the article Any use of the Just Accepted articles is subject to the express understanding that the papers have not yet gone through the full ... and fibrinogen.7 In addition, lifestyle factors including obesity, smoking, and diet and exercise habit can affect the level of atherogenic risk Findings of the global INTERHEART and INTERSTROKE

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 06:45

38 120 0
Between system maker and privileges taker The role of China in the Greater Mekong sub region

Between system maker and privileges taker The role of China in the Greater Mekong sub region

... Actually, since 2002, there have been some predictions about the prospects of Chinese participation In the Joint Committee meeting and the following Dialogue meeting in 2004, the chairman of the Joint ... about the role of China as a rising power in the forming order of the region and the world? Regarding lesser states’ perspective (both in GMS and the SEA), the prerequisite to keep accepting China ... trade”14 The second one can be seen as an access of China to the Indian Ocean, based on examining the connecting points of the railway system offered by China (such as the road connecting Yannan

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 17:19

17 168 0
Effect of income on nutrient intake case of households in the southeast region of vietnam 2000

Effect of income on nutrient intake case of households in the southeast region of vietnam 2000

... choice The thesis examines the effect of income on nutrient intake of households in the Southeast region of Vietnam in 2000 All the data is taken from The National Food and Nutrition Survey of the ... HOUSEHOLDS IN THE SOUTHEAST REGION OF VIETNAM- 2000 A thesis presented by Nguyen Phuong Chi In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Obtaining the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN ECONOMICS OF DEVELOPMENT ... composition in the Southeast region and the whole country 60 Table 5.4: Highest diploma obtained by gender in the Southeast region in 2000 64 Table 5.5: Percentage of female per household who gets the

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2018, 21:40

95 116 0
Petrogenesis, geochemistry, and tectonic setting of a basaltic body within the Gercus Formation of northern Iraq: First record for Eocene anorogenic volcanic activity in the region

Petrogenesis, geochemistry, and tectonic setting of a basaltic body within the Gercus Formation of northern Iraq: First record for Eocene anorogenic volcanic activity in the region

... of northeastern Iraq bordering Iran, there are only two other small-scale volcanic occurrences, some ~300–320 km southeast of the study area and ~100 km northeast of Baghdad, within the southern ... double-plunging NW-SE trending Bekhair Anticline to the north of Duhok city, northern Iraq This is the first discovery of such a volcanic body within the widely exposed Gercus Formation in northern Iraq, ... geochemistry, and tectonic setting of a basaltic body within the Gercus Formation of northern Iraq: first record for Eocene anorogenic volcanic activity in the region 1,2, Yawooz A KETTANAH *,

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 20:23

32 34 0
Nâng cao chất lượng đội ngũ báo cáo viên ở các binh đoàn chủ lực trong quân đội nhân dân việt nam hiện nay  (improving the quality of the contingent of rapporteurs in the main corps of the vietnam peoples army today

Nâng cao chất lượng đội ngũ báo cáo viên ở các binh đoàn chủ lực trong quân đội nhân dân việt nam hiện nay (improving the quality of the contingent of rapporteurs in the main corps of the vietnam peoples army today

... 30 05 12 255 25 Binh đoàn Tây Nguyên 05 15 285 32 Binh đoàn Cửu Long 05 14 270 30 Nguồn: Cục Chính trị Binh đoàn Quyết Thắng, Binh đoàn Hương Giang, Binh đoàn Tây Nguyên, Binh đoàn Cửu Long ... 5,22 năm Hương Giang Binh đoàn Tây Nguyên Binh đồn Cửu Long Cộng Nguồn: Cục Chính trị Binh đoàn Quyết Thắng, Binh đoàn Hương Giang, Binh đoàn Tây Nguyên, Binh đoàn Cửu Long (tháng 12/2020) 193 Phụ ... CỦA ĐỘI NGŨ BÁO CÁO VIÊN Ở CÁC BINH ĐOÀN CHỦ LỰC (2016-2020) Đơn vị Binh đoàn Quyết Thắng (lần) 203 Binh đoàn Hương Giang (lần) 198 Binh đoàn Tây Nguyên (lần) 220 Binh đoàn Cửu Long (lần) 221 1.989

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2021, 08:23

205 24 0

... generate these values, could be contained. The emotional intensity of the backlash against the intrusions of these subaltern groups suggests the importance of reading these developments in ways ... . In such circumstances, they certainly do honour to the liberality and taste of those who are at the expence of preserving them: but they are of little service in adorning and fertilizing the ... reproducing the Romantic myth of the originality of the creative act. The point of concluding with one of the most established Romantic poets is to dispel an either/ or approach that simply inverts...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00

316 973 2
A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

... teaching. The findings of the study demarcate that the teachers were following both the traditional and CLT approach in their practice. While addressing the issues regarding the Indonesian ministry ... know how to do is to compose in the act of writing, comprehend in the act of reading, and learn techniques of reading by writing and techniques of writing by reading.” Students can only learn ... chapter has presented the data analysis and the major findings of the study. From the findings of the two survey questionnaires, it appears that: Unlike the teachers reported in the previous related...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

44 1,6K 9
The Art of Building in the Classical World

The Art of Building in the Classical World

... of the mind’s contemplation, moves one toward a confrontation with the divine. Geometry in the sacred space of the temple, theater, or (in the writing of Plato) the architectural product of the cosmos ... conception of the canons of its methods of production. Nonetheless, in the face of each of these pitfalls and several others, the biggest challenge of interpretation may be the challenge to interpret. ... conceive of buildings in terms of parti, or the geometrical underpinnings that inform one’s composition as a whole and the interrelationships of its parts. This 2 ᪉ The Art of Building in the Classical...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:32

263 489 1

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