... MALC project Appoint the architects @ Work in pairs, Student A and Student B StudentA Read Datafile À below Write the questions you need to ask Student B to complete the missing information on the ... (extend)? ; a The business centre 7 What/recently/(open}? - fle A new fitness centre Trang 4 @ Read the press release about the new Metropolitan Arts and Leisure Centre Complete the text using ... Metropolitan Arts and Leisure Centre (MALC) is an exciting new w riverside development It * (start) five years ago, and will bring new life to a disused industrial area of the city At the
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 06:20
... housing, schools, and hospitals [More details .| local news nafional news international news Dreaking ews 1) Read the home page of the news website Complete the sentences in item 1 with a : ... statements, questions, orders, and “Hard news, soft news eae » Politics and current affairs file Collocations > News and views * Social responses Common expressions Saying goodbye Language focus ... Newsandviews ~~~ ®- đc a + @ Discuss the questions 1 How do you find out about news: television, radio, newspapers, the Internet, or any other way? 2 What are the main ‘hard’ or serious news
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 06:20
American english file 3b student book workbook 2nd edition full kho tài liệu học tiếng anh
... 3B SECOND EDITION American ENGLISH FILE Online Practice Multi-Pack Student Book Workbook Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden OXFORD American ... ro d u ctio n C o o rd in ato r: B rad T u ck er ISBN: O 7 MULTI-PACK B (PACK) ISBN: 9 7 STUDENT BOOK/WORKBOOK B (p a c k co m ponent) ISBN: o 7 ICHECKER CD-ROM (PACK COMPONENT) ISBN: O 9 ONLINE ... Good Sam aritan" fro m BBC News a t bbc co.uk/news, D ecem ber ,2 Reproduced by perm ission p.9 Extract fro m "Your Good Sam aritan stories" from BBC News at bbc.co.uk/ news, January' ,2 1 Reproduced
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2019, 12:45
American english file 3a student book workbook 2nd edition full kho tài liệu học tiếng anh
... kidding. 1 don’t believe it. something interesting Really? some good news How fantastic! That’s great news! What a great idea! some bad news Oh, no! What a pity Never mind. O How + adjective, What ... _ (not need) a new one The old one 10 (work) just fine. D But 111 (need) the new model. K Well, 112 _ (need) some new shoes. Trang 186 R E ... had just won a brand new car! A local TV news station was so amazed by Bill's story that they sent a crew to do a human interest story on Bill and his lucky streak The news crew thought it
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2019, 12:45
English for international tourism intermediate teachers book new edition
... environment Private study Workbook: A separate Workbook with a CD provides students with extra tasks for study at home or in class There are two versions of the Workbook – one with the answer ... INTERMEDIATE TEACHER’S BOOK English for International Tourism NEW EDITION B1–B1+ KAREN ALEXANDER Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh ... the activity, students count the cards they have The winner is the student with the most cards Procedure: • Put students into pairs and give one a Student A card and the other a Student B card
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2023, 11:31
New headway intermediate student book
... WRITING Books and films Work in groups Do you have a favourite book or film? Why do you like it? Tell your group Look at the list of books and films Which do you know? Which are both book and ... Information gap ~‘An amazing thing happened!’ p25 Describing a book or a film you like p28 Books and films ~ people talk about their favourite books and films p28 A narrative (1) p106 ‘A world ... in B Keeping vocabulary records 6 Do you have a vocabulary notebook? Discuss with your teacher and other students how you record new vocabulary Which of these do you use? « the translation «
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2017, 12:44
New matrix pre intermediate student book
... 0.00 Student's Book Kathy Gude & Michael Duckworth OXFORD Unit l:o",,,,unk~/on Reading and Vocabulary Grammar ... ApplicoliOll5lor che job should be modr «J release lr:ilr.sI (Cl the act of making a book, film record piect' of news ctc aY' comedian {k;,'mi:di(lnl (e) a pmon whose job is 10 entertain people and ... casscnC' so that il can be listened to or watched again laler: rht: band hos rccencly recorded new ol&um spot !spor( (p, "pOlled pp ,POtllOg) 10 see or nolice sb/slh: I\'t' spoiled" corlple 01
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:34
New matrix intermediate student book
... 0 Student's Book Kathy Gude with Jayne Wildman OXFORD New Intermediate Student's Book Kathy Gude with Jayne Wildman OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ... ~he book club recommends a new book (to us) every week The Reading pen helps students learn English It allows them to read texts without using a dictionary and build up their vocabulary Students ... thinking of yourself in terms of having a talk / are talking in his new flat in New York Leon is British but lives / is living in New York for a national identity', says Leon Davies We year, while
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:40
Oxford solutions 2nd edition intermediate student book
... Give some information about your new school and your new class • Describe who you have met and how you have been welcomed into your new school • Describe a new friend you have made • Descr ... strategy about time expressions in a narrative Which expressions are in Liam's narrative? Narrative time expressions • We often start a narrative with a non·specific time expression: a few weeks ... introduce the new rules? 2 What has the school banned students from doing during lunch break? 3 Why are the two mothers unhappy about the new rules? 4 What did the mothers do after the new rules
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2016, 23:26
Matura success pre intermediate student book
... and make dialogues Take turns Student A † I’ve got 2 My parents come from 3 I’m getting much better at 4] can these days 5 There’s a fantastic new in town Student B Student C Have you? How interesting! ... the effects of sleep on _ university students They found out that students who had at least four hours of sleep did better in exams It also turned out that the students who had a lot of sleep had ... then perform it for the class Student A You are Mr Jordan, Jay’s boss at the restaurant You are very unhappy with Jay because you are having problems with him at work Student B You are Nick, Jay’s
Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2018, 03:33
Matura success intermediate student book
... laI'd1 lau'dl player lower tired flower ~ I - matura cess Intermediate Students' Book Innowacyjny Matura Success Testing and Evaluation Book zawiera: • placement test, • testy leksykalnogramatyczne ... about the delay of your flight Student A starts the conversation Unit 12, Grammar and Speaking, Exercise 9, page 105 Student B Follow the instructions You are a foreign student in London You are waiting ... Speaking, Exercise 9, page 105 Student A Follow the instructions Youare a foreign student in London You're waiting in a queue to buy theatre tickets Youhave a newspaper The person in front of
Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2018, 03:45
Enjoy english 4 workbook new edition
... he write a new fairy tale? Miss Chatter: No, he write it He was very busy But he gave me a nice book of fairy tales for you Alex: It's greatl I_— ——— to the country next week I the book Miss Chatter: ... wall 1) There are a lot from / of /on books on the shelf 2) There are chairs next to/in/on the fireplace 3) There is a computer at/on/in the desk 4) There is a new carpet at /on/of the floor 5) There ... the house Sam’s room isn’t big There is a a AE al A _ “Py — and a new computer in his room There is a funny te on the bookshelf There aaa is a big box with toys next to the sÌ\ Sam likes
Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2018, 15:08
Matrix intermediate student book
... our memory? a_ make an effort to learn something new bread anything, even boring books ẹ spend more time in bookshops or libraries d buy as many books as possible Vocabulary 4 Modifying adverbs ... famous $ ỞỞ changing the way 5 soung student Wo think " ỔAt first EinsteinỖs ideas that many people couldn't w students who specialise * Ổscience were so new and strange caderstand them However, ... Ở eer ed Tomorrows classroom [Tstening and speaking p50] G sing dete atices Reading paz New York New York Ve nouns, verbs and adjectives Contusng vets in cores, Readingan Speaking: simulusbosed
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 11:39
Lifelines intermediate student book
... English-English dictionary ® an English-mother-tongue dictionary a grammar reference book a vocabulary notebook a workbook a cassette recorder 8 Look through Lifelines @ What sections does each unit ... good film ® missed an appointment * booked a holiday ® been to the dentist « read an interesting book ® heard some good news Write your answers Talk to other students Try and find someone who has ... news a Work in pairs Complete these expressions You know it is That's the it goes Yes, / you must be, 2,3 Listen again and check your ideas, C Write these headings above the correct set of expressions:
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2018, 12:57
Solutions intermediate student book b
... will have disappeared * one new job that people will be doing * one new gadget that people will be using * one new item of clothing that people will be wearing * one new place where people will ... wouldn’t give us so much homework ZN) Work in pairs Student A: Make comments using / wish and the ideas below or your own ideas Student B: Ask why Student A: Say how life would be different Swap ... parts of a car or a washing machine ww, we will be able fo grow new Five years from no fingers, and, a few years after that, new arms and legs Within fifty years, replacing your whole body
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2018, 18:26
Solutions intermediate student book a
... Choose how you view words from the Intermediate Student’s Book and Workbook: by unit, by topic, or as a dictionary Over 1000 words included 2n9 edition P Define: Choose a word and tap on the ... 2" edition , Intermediate Words app Words on the go! Look up, listen to and practise words from Solutions 2" edition anytime, anywhere P Look it up: Choose how you view words from the Intermediate ... ¢ Give some information about your new school and your new class Describe who you have met and how you have been welcomed into your new school Describe a new friend you have made Describe the
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2018, 18:27
Solutions intermediate student book c
... pairs Take turns to answer the speaking 1 task below Student A: Use posters 1 and 2 from exercise 1 Student B: Use posters 3 and 4 Try to include expressions from exercises 2 and 3 1 @ 3.28 Look ... usually has a negative meaning Compare: Luckily, I’ve made a few friends at my new school Sadly, I’ve made few friends at my new school Read the Look out! box Complete the sentences with few, a few, ... different determiners with nouns 1 Look at the book cover Then read the text and find out what happened to the author after he had finished writing the books NATURAL BORN Me = 2 Lookat the determiners
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2018, 18:27
American english file 3b student book workbook full
... are theoriginal co-authors of English File 1 (pub 1996) and English File 2 (pub 1997) Trang 3Student Book ContentsEl Back to school, age 15 first conditional and future time clauses + when, until, ... high school? 3 Most students have lunch in the cafeteria Interview your partner using the questionnaire. Ask for more information. Your education / you like it? How many students / there in each ... discipline very strict? / students behave well? Which subjects / you good and bad at? technology tr tr I fl Trang 6Look at the photo above V\4rat's unusual about one of the students? Read the introduction
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2018, 13:10
American english file 4a student book workbook full
... are well. Responding to newsSorry 5"- hear about your exam results.Glad 6- hear that you're all well. Good luck 7 the new job Hope you 8- better soon. Closing expressions Hope to hear ... hit by a bomb Since I'm terrible at organizing, I bought a new book, Key to Organizing Your Life.I fell so proud. I started cleaning the bookcase Five minutes later I couldn't believe c T-* -****-_l ... at the qad,edACd time expressions in Useful language and correct one word in each Useful languageTime expressions ' blbglgglgg$, the door opened 'AgSggg1bg! I saw him, I knew something was wrong.
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2018, 13:12
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