installing the fiber spool box

Tài liệu Installing and Routing the Fiber Jumpers docx

Tài liệu Installing and Routing the Fiber Jumpers docx

... cabinet. Route the fiber jumpers through the fiber holes. Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2 show the fiber holes. Fiber hole Fiber hole Figure 1.1 Fiber holes on the top of the cabinet Fiber holeFiber hole Figure ... the subrack. In this case, the fiber spool box is installed above the subrack.  Between the subrack and other devices (for example, SS62COA) in the cabinet. In this case, the fiber spool box ... below the subrack and above the COA. For details of the fiber spool box, refer to Chapter 8 " ;Installing the Fiber Spool Box& quot;. For details of the COA, refer to Chapter 7 "Installing...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 10:20

17 378 0
Installing the Eclipse Web Tools Platform

Installing the Eclipse Web Tools Platform

... 324 APPENDIX ■ INSTALLING THE ECLIPSE WEB TOOLS PLATFORM 305 4. Browse to the directory you unzipped the file into and run the eclipse command (eclipse.exe for the Windows platform). 5. Accept the default ... to reinstall them. Congratulations, you now have Eclipse installed and working, and are ready to install the WTP. Installing WTP The Eclipse WTP and other plugins that are part of the Callisto ... recommend the Tomcat server from the Apache Group. Tomcat is free and open source, and the WTP integrates with it very well. Before you download and install the WTP, take the time to download the latest...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

32 412 1
Installing the S7-200

Installing the S7-200

... relates to the S7-200. In this example, the state of the switch for starting the motor is combined with the states of other inputs. The calculations of these states then determine the state for the ... to the right side of the CPU, forming an I/O chain. The addresses of the points of the module are determined by the type of I/O and the position of the module in the chain, with respect to the ... EEPROM, the S7-200 clears the RAM. 2. The S7-200 copies the contents of the memory cartridge to the RAM. 3. The S7-200 copies the program block, the system block, and the data block to the EEPROM. S7-200...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 08:15

20 502 0
(Ky thuat Radio over fiber). Hoat dong cua 1 tuyen RoF cu the

(Ky thuat Radio over fiber). Hoat dong cua 1 tuyen RoF cu the

... có nhiều phương pháp được đưa ra để cải tiến nó được chia làm 3 loại: RF over Fiber, BB over Fiber và IF over Fiber. Đối với phương pháp thứ nhất, tuy đạt được sự đơn giản trong cấu hình và ... gốc. Nhìn chung 2 phương pháp trên đều là gia tăng độ phức tạp của các BS. Phương pháp IF over Fiber, sóng mm nhận được phải được hạ tần xuống IF rồi mới truyền tiếp về CS trên sợi quang. Do ... nhánh trên được phân cực bởi một điện áp V dc , còn nhánh dưới được nối đất (grounded). Như vậy, theo công thức (1.6.2) thì ta có trường điện từ ngõ ra của bộ điều chế sẽ là (phần thực): 60 Chương...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 17:32

19 410 3


... realized by GVTC due to the unique design of the OmniReach FDH. Because of the way GVTC was taking distribution fiber from the field, having the cabinet stubbed-out at the ADC factory helped splicers ... come was one of the main reasons GVTC decided to implement fiber- to -the- premise (FTTP) for new construction. Riding the steady building boom in their serving areas, GVTC has laid fiber to over ... reside in the OSP enclosure and are connected directly to an OLT in the headend, CO or data center. Each of the four or eight fibers from the splitter are routed to an access terminal near the premise...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 13:15

4 252 0
Shaking a box of sand II – at the jamming limit, when shape matters

Shaking a box of sand II – at the jamming limit, when shape matters

... compaction in the jamming limit, that the most compact configurations should be the most visited; and, on the other, the flatness hypothesis of Edwards, which states that for large enough systems, the macroscopic ... h n and the strict absence of one, the site n ‘looks like’ a point of perfect packing. The grain at depth n then has the freedom to point the ‘wrong’ way; we call such sites excitations, using the thermal ... depends on their depth n within the column (grains at the free surface must clearly be the freest to move!), as well as on the local void space h n available to them. The main extension of the model...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

11 392 0
Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 5: Installing and Configuring the X Window System

Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 5: Installing and Configuring the X Window System

... idea to write these down so that you remember to observe them even after they've scrolled off the screen. Figure 5.14: The selected card definition Next, you must specify the X server ... unused part of the desktop and a pop-up menu will appear. From the menu, select the Exit, Logout, or Quit menu item. X shuts down, returning you to the familiar text-based interface of the Linux ... specify the device file associated with the mouse, as shown in Figure 5.5. The install program should have associated your system's mouse with the device /dev/mouse, which is the default...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

19 386 0
Tài liệu ADC KRONE - Guide - FO - The Key to Unlocking Fiber competitive advantages doc

Tài liệu ADC KRONE - Guide - FO - The Key to Unlocking Fiber competitive advantages doc

... on the fiber network at the same time. For example, if the splicers are in the office splicing the OSP fibers to the pigtails, they will not want the operations group working on the frame at the ... ratio). These fibers are routed in the same sheath as the active fiber, but are used if the connector or the fiber at the far end is damaged. Reconfiguring the network to use the spare fibers ... deformities in the fiber, while macrobends are larger bends in the fiber (see Figure 1). The radius of the fiber around bends has a direct impact on the long-term reliability and performance of the fiber network....

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 02:15

22 492 0

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