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  • MarketingCharts-The-Marketing-Data-Box.pdf

    • MarketingCharts-The-Marketing-Data-Box.pdf

      • MarketingCharts-The-Marketing-Data-Box.pdf

        • Slide Number 1

        • Slide Number 2

        • Slide Number 3

        • Slide Number 4

        • Slide Number 5

        • 2011: $173 Billion in Revenues

        • TV Media Best Y-o-Y Growth

        • Ad Spend for Radio Up 7%

        • Newspapers: Negative and Slow

        • Sunday Mags are Bright Spot

        • Online News Audience Up 17%

        • Online Tops Print as News Source

        • Online Ad Revenue on Top, Too

        • 23% Would Pay for Online News

        • Slide Number 15

        • Slide Number 16

        • Web, Email Lead Day-to-Day Ops

        • 67% Say Email More Important

        • More Use of Practical Email Tools

        • 54% Increase Inbound Budget

        • 29% Think Paid Search is Costly

        • Blogs Tops at Lower Cost Leads

        • 20¢ Separate Google, YaBing CPC

        • Slide Number 24

        • Slide Number 25

        • Slide Number 26

        • Slide Number 27

        • Slide Number 28

        • Slide Number 29

        • Slide Number 30

        • Slide Number 31

        • 179 Million Watch Video Online

        • Slide Number 33

        • 45% of Americans See Video Ads

        • Slide Number 35

        • Slide Number 36

        • Slide Number 37

        • Slide Number 38

        • Slide Number 39

        • TV Will Hold 41% of All Ad Revenue

        • Slide Number 41

        • Trust Meter: Local TV News is Third

        • Slide Number 43

        • Economic Mood … Improving

        • 58% Say 2011 Will be Better

        • 41% Say Economy is “Better”

        • Slide Number 47

        • Online Retail Hits Record $43.4B

        • Double-digit Growth for “eTail”

        • Department Store Advertisers

        • Youth Carry $123.5B “Purse”

        • About $50 Monthly for Tunes, etc.

        • Slide Number 53

        • Slide Number 54

        • Slide Number 55

        • Slide Number 56

        • 26% Used Cell Phone for Politics

        • Slide Number 58

        • Slide Number 59

        • Slide Number 60

        • Slide Number 61

        • Lives “Overall” a Little Better

        • Slide Number 63

        • Slide Number 64

        • Slide Number 65

      • The Marketing Data Box - HubSpot Interior Ad

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The Marketing Data Box A Q U A R T E R LY C O L L E C T I O N O F P R AC T I C A L M A R K E T I N G TO O L S R E A DY F O R PROFESSIONAL USE trends • insights • analysis • charts • ready to use • easy to share SPONSORED BY: D ATA I N S I G H T S The Marketing Data Box “The Marketing Data Box” is part of Watershed Publishing’s Data Insights series featuring news, data and research The quarterly collection supplies the busy marketing professional with a time-saving collection of research and facts, in the form of charts and Excel documents, in order to make the knowledge demands of daily marketing an easier task Our data comes from major data partners and captures essential marketing data over the short term for a fast, easy glance at trends The charts in this collection are ready to use, download, format, and otherwise support your marketing goals Feel free to share the whole presentation or any slide, with your colleagues and business partners, but please preserve credits to our sponsor, HubSpot, our research partners who provide the source data, and our links to MarketingCharts.com D ATA I N S I G H T S By many accounts, the economy is on an upswing: Major advertisers increased spending by about 6%, but perhaps more importantly, roughly 40% of Americans indicated that the economy is “getting better.” This is important news for marketers of all stripes, since it impacts the way they will approach their marketing efforts But that’s just one of many practical marketing facts that have been collected in “The Marketing Data Box.” In this issue here are just a few facts you’ll discover: •The benefits and consequences of social media to US Adults •Whether Americans are willing or not to pay for online news •The average cost per lead for outbound vs inbound marketing •The percentage of mobile users that own smartphones •What activity dominates mobile internet time (and it’s not social networking) •Ecommerce growth rates •What percent of US population search online for health information, and where they are most likely to go •The TV programming that will make your ads more likely to be thought of as trustworthy There are 65 charts on 54 data slides in this issue – as well as insightful analysis you can share with your blog or newsletter subscribers, and fellow marketing and sales team members As a marketer, how can you resist? Enjoy, The HubSpot Team http://www.hubspot.com Charts inside… Media & Advertising Google & Facebook Use Department Store Advertisers Top 10 Advertisers Spend Trend Benefits of Social Media Youth Influence and Purchases Ad Spend for Television Media Consequences of Social Media Number of Online Content Buys Ad Spend for Radio Media Top 10 Social Network Sites Ad Spend for Newspaper Media Lifestyle & Community Ad Spend for Magazine Media Online Video & Mobile Health Research by Age News Sources, 2001-2010 Top 10 Video Multimedia Sites Health Information Sites News Audience Top 10 Video Sites by Ads Viewed Top 10 Politics Sites Revenue by News Source Smartphone Penetration Perception of Year Ahead Top 10 Print Media Websites SMS Sent/Received per Month Top 10 Real Estate Sites Mobile Internet Time by Category Community-based Organizations Spending & Channels Top 10 Mobile Phone Sites Marketing Media, B2B v B2C Top 10 Television Sites Marketing Metrics, B2B v B2C TV Programs for Ad-based Purchases Types of Email Sent, B2B v B2C About HubSpot Our Data Partners Sponsorship Information Average Cost per Lead Retail & Consumer Goods Above Average Cost per Lead Economic Confidence Index Below Average Cost per Lead Outlook for Economy in 2011 Cost per Click: Yahoo-Bing, Google Top Investment/Finance Sites Top 10 Ad Focus Properties Online Retail Spending Media & Advertising Top 10 Advertisers Spend Trend News Audience Ad Spend for Television Media Revenue by News Source Ad Spend for Radio Media Top 10 Print Media Websites Ad Spend for Newspaper Media Ad Spend for Magazine Media News Sources, 2001-2010 2011: $173 Billion in Revenues Top 10 Advertisers Spend Trend 2009 v 2010, US$ Millions Source: Kantar Media Large advertisers back to spending in 2010 Spending among the 10 largest advertisers increased 5.9% to $11.91 billion in the first nine months of 2010 However, total advertising levels remain below those observed in the recent $3,123.9 peak (pre-recession) year of 2006, with researchers projecting the industry’s size likely to equate to $173 billion in $2,130.7 revenues this year $2,092.8 $1,823.2 $1,368.4 $1,228.7 $2,653.8 Procter & Gamble $2,157.9 General Motors $1,867.0 AT&T $2,149.7 Verizon $1,238.8 News Corp $1,391.5 Pfizer Inc 2009 The Marketing Data Box $1,193.6 2010 $1,139.7 $1,200.0 Time Warner $1,132.2 $1,232.6 Johnson & Johnson $1,112.4 $1,019.0 Ford Motor Co $852.0 L'Oreal TV Media Best Y-o-Y Growth Ad Spend for Television Media 2009 v 2010, % change Source: Kantar Media Strong growth in television media How did the spending flow? According to Kantar Media reports, of the major media channels, the 24.2% TV sector reported the best year-over-year ad expenditure growth rate in 2010 (10.3%) Within the sector, extremely strong spot TV growth (24.2%) and impressive growth in Spanish 10.3% 10.7% 9.8% language cushioned enough for the 2.8% contraction in large-scale national syndicated 5.3% campaigns -2.8% Television media total Network TV Cable TV Spot TV Spanish Syndication – Language TV National The Marketing Data Box Ad Spend for Radio Up 7% Ad Spend for Radio Media 2009 v 2010, % change Source: Kantar Media Strong showing for radio Radio has been hanging tough in these years, 18.6% holding audience, and attracting advertising Radio media spending increased 7.6% led by national spot radio, with an 18.6% increase Radio has fared well overall in terms of listenership, too Network radio maintained its reach to about 189.7 million listeners, or nearly 7.6% 74% of Americans age 12 and up, according to 4.9% Arbitron RADAR 107 2.2% Radio media total Local radio National spot radio Network radio The Marketing Data Box Newspapers: Negative and Slow Ad Spend for Newspaper Media 2009 v 2010, % change Source: Kantar Media Newspapers lose audience, revenue There is not much good news for print Newspaper media total advertising revenue stream MagnaGlobal -3.5% analysis indicates reported totals are held back Local newspapers by deep structural weakness in printed media, -4.6% which weakens with every passing quarter National newspapers 2.7% MagnaGlobal predicts newspapers, magazines, directories and direct mail will likely decline by Spanish-language newspapers 2.0% 2.9% during 2011 The Marketing Data Box Sunday Mags are Bright Spot Ad Spend for Magazine Media 2009 v 2010, % change Source: Kantar Media Sunday magazines show some growth Data from The Nielsen Company, also found that in terms of ad spending, print media 0.90% overall (national and local magazines, newspapers, Sunday supplements and B2B) Sunday Magazines 4.60% was flat, not picking up on the energy of other media However, national Sunday supplements B-to-B Magazines -1.20% received a significant uptick with 20.5% growth from last year (Local Sunday supplements fell Consumer Magazines about 13%.) National magazines were also up 3.30% 7.4% Magazine media total 2.90% The Marketing Data Box 10 Youth Carry $123.5B “Purse” Youth Influence and Purchases December 2010, (buy or influence others to buy) % of US youths aged 8-21 Source: Harris Interactive Hand-held video games 21% Digital media player 20% 17% Computer 12% TV 10% 7% 13% 29% 24% 24% 28% 17% 20% 18% 35% 45% 43% declining earlier in the current recession Total spending among 8-to-21-year-olds was at $132.2 billion in 2007, which dipped to 31% 27% 24% 22% Cell phone/ Smart phone Camcorder or video camera 20% 17% Video game system Camera Youth spending may be on the rebound after 40% Entertainment/ Sports tickets Youth regain hold on purse strings $112.8 billion by 2009, reports Harris Interactive However, this year it is projected 30% Ages 8-12 to reach $123.5 billion, a roughly 9% increase Roughly four in 10 US consumers Ages 13-17 Ages 18-24 20% 14% The Marketing Data Box 51 ages 8-24 will personally buy or influence the purchase of entertainment/sporting event tickets in the next month About $50 Monthly for Tunes, etc Number of Online Content Buys December 2010, Percent (%) of US adults Source: Pew Research Users average about $47 for online content Nearly two-thirds of internet users (65%) have paid to download or access some kind of “intangible” 25.0% online content Music, software, and apps are the 21.0% most popular content for pay-to-access or download according to a Pew study Of them, 15.0% nearly half (46%) have purchased only one or two of the types of content The average expense for 12.0% 11.0% online content was approximately $47 per month, 7.0% including both subscriptions (an average of $12 per month) and individual file access (an average of 4.0% 1.5% 1.4% 0.5% 0.9% 0.6% 0.4% 10 11 12 No. of  different types of online content purchased by internet users The Marketing Data Box 52 13 $22 per month) Lifestyle & Community Health Research by Age Health Information Sites Top 10 Politics Sites Perception of Year Ahead Top 10 Real Estate Sites Community-based Organizations in 10 Research Health Online Health Research by Age February 2011, Percent (%) of US adults Source: Pew Research 80% research online Eight in 10 US internet users look online for health information making it, overall, the third most popular online pursuit among all those tracked by Pew 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Since one-quarter of adults not go online, the percentage of online health information seekers is 59% among the total US adult population 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Millennials Go online Email Gen X Young Boomers Use search engine Old Boomers Look for health info Silent Gen Get news The Marketing Data Box 54 G.I Gen Buy a product 65% of Women Research Online Top 10 Health Information Sites by U.S Market Share of Visits (%), March 2011 Source: Experian Hitwise WebMD 8.0% Yahoo! Health 6.9% Righthealth.com 6.0% MedicineNet 3.9% Drugs.com 3.8% MayoClinic.com 3.6% AOL Health HealthGrades HealthLine MedlinePlus Online health research by age, gender, race 3.0% 2.4% 1.8% 1.6% The study also found that women, non-Hispanic whites, younger adults, and those with higher levels of education and income are more likely to gather health information online For example, 65% of women but 53% of men look up online health Non-Hispanic whites (63%) have a higher rate than African-Americans (47%) or Latinos (45%) Also, 71% of 18to-29-year-olds but only 29% of those 65 and older look up health information online Pew says there are two forces at play in the data: simple access to the internet and general interest in health information For example, women and men are equally likely to have access to the internet, but women are more likely than men to report gathering health information online The Marketing Data Box 55 44% of Adults Hope to Lose Lbs Top 10 Health Information Sites by U.S Market Share of Visits (%), Jan & Feb 2011 Source: Experian Hitwise WebMD 8.02 Yahoo! Health 5.89 Righthealth.com 5.54 Drugs.com 3.65 MedicineNet 3.52 MayoClinic.com Everyday Health 3.38 2.37 WebMD 7.83 Yahoo! Health 7.82 Righthealth.com Drugs.com 3.64 MedicineNet 3.57 MayoClinic.com 2.23 HealthGrades HealthGrades 2.21 MSN Health 1.92 3.38 AOL Health AOL Health MSN Health 5.13 Everyday Health January 2011 3.04 2.26 2.05 1.81 February 2011 The Marketing Data Box 56 Results of a Harris  Poll indicate that  forty‐four percent  of US adults have  made losing  weight one of their  resolutions for  2011 26% Used Cell Phone for Politics Top 10 Politics Sites by U.S Market Share of Visits (%), Jan & Feb 2011 Source: Experian Hitwise 31.9% The Huffington Post Political News - FOXNews.com Politico Politics goes mobile More than a quarter of American adults (26%) used their cell phones to learn about or participate in the 2010 mid- 8.0% term election campaign, according to findings from the 3.8% Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project CNN Political Ticker 2.6% Free Republic 2.1% female, young than old, better off financially than less Townhall.com 2.0% well-off, and better educated than less well-educated Infowars.com 2.0% JibJab 1.8% Real Clear Politics 1.7% Politics Daily 1.4% The mobile political user group is more male than African-Americans are also more likely than whites or Hispanics to be in this group The Marketing Data Box 57 71% of Cell Phone Owners Votes Top 10 Politics Sites by U.S Market Share of Visits (%), Jan & Feb 2011 Source: Experian Hitwise 25.6 The Huffington Post Politics Daily 8.9 Political News FOXNews.com 8.3 Politico The Huffington Post Political News FOXNews.com Politics Daily Politico 3.6 CNN Political Ticker 24.8 7.9 5.7 3.9 JibJab 2.9 2.9 2.7 Free Republic 2.3 CNN Political Ticker Infowars.com 2.1 Free Republic 2.3 Townhall.com 2.1 Real Clear Politics 2.2 JibJab 2.0 Townhall.com First Read : The Day in Politics 2.0 Infowars.com January 2011 2.1 1.9 February 2011 The Marketing Data Box 58 14% of all  American adults  used their cell  phones to tell  others that they  had voted. Some  71% of cell owners  voted in the  election, so that  amounts to 27% of  the mobile phone  users who voted Dems: 67% Upbeat (83% in 2010) Perception of Year Ahead 2010 v 2011, Percent (%) saying year ahead will be better Source: Pew Research Looking ahead to next year, most Americans (55%) say that 2011 will be 83% 67% better than 2010, while 31% say the coming year will be worse But there 67% was even more optimism at the start of 60% 55% 55% 54% this year: In January, 67% said that 2010 would be a better year than 41% 2009 Considering a Democrat is currently president, it is not surprising that a much higher percentage of Democrats (67%) think 2011 will be Total Republican 2010 Democrat Independent better than 2010, compared to 41% of Republicans and 54% of 2011 Independents The Marketing Data Box 59 Still 22% Have Mortgage Issues Top 10 Real Estate Sites by U.S Market Share of Visits (%), March 2011 Source: Experian Hitwise Realtor.com 6.5% Yahoo! Real Estate 6.0% Zillow 5.4% Trulia.com 4.6% Rent.com Homes.com 2.6% 2.3% 22% of homeowners, down from 29%, have troubles A Harris Poll finds that fully 22% of people with mortgages are having difficulty meeting their mortgage payments, including 7% who are having “a great deal of difficulty” Furthermore, 21% of those with mortgages are “underwater.” However, these numbers are somewhat lower than they were in March 2010 Those having difficulty paying off their mortgages have declined 24%, from 29% to 22% Those having a great deal of MSN Real Estate 1.7% difficulty are down 36%, from 11% to 7% Furthermore, at this AOL Real Estate 1.7% time last year, 24% of those with mortgages thought they were ZipRealty 1.6% Apartment Guide underwater, 12.5% higher than the number now 1.5% The Marketing Data Box 60 Top 10 Real Estate Sites Top 10 Real Estate Sites by U.S Market Share of Visits (%), Jan & Feb 2011 Source: Experian Hitwise Yahoo! Real Estate 6.58 Yahoo! Real Estate FrontDoor Real Estate 5.78 Realtor.com Realtor.com 5.71 6.24 Zillow Zillow Homes.com ZipRealty 4.49 Trulia.com 3.65 Rent.com 4.94 FrontDoor Real Estate 4.21 Trulia.com 5.87 4.12 Rent.com 2.57 2.52 MSN Real Estate 2.19 Homes.com 1.81 MSN Real Estate 1.62 ZipRealty Apartment Guide 1.57 Apartment Guide January 2011 2.37 2.19 1.66 1.39 February 2011 The Marketing Data Box 61 Lives “Overall” a Little Better Top 10 Community-based Organizations by U.S Market Share of Visits (%), March 2011 Source: Experian Hitwise The Animal Rescue Site average of 66.8 in 2010 from 65.9 in 2009 and 2008, 17.0% according to Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index data 5.7% We-Care.com - ASPCA Khan Academy Americans’ Well-Being Index score improved to an 19.0% AARP Care2 Well-Being Index improves for 2010 This year-over-year increase in overall wellbeing reflects increases across five of the six key areas of wellbeing, 4.6% with the largest gains in how Americans evaluate their 1.8% lives overall Although overall Well-Being Index scores AVERT 1.7% ASPCA 1.5% American Red Cross 1.4% mostly show improvement between 2009 and 2010, monthly scores reveal that Americans’ higher level of well-being in 2010 resulted from relatively better scores in the first half of the year Angel Food Ministries 1.4% Idealist.org 1.2% The Marketing Data Box 62 Community-based Organizations The top 100th of 1% Top 10 Community-based Organizations by U.S Market Share of Visits (%), Jan & Feb 2011 Source: Experian Hitwise The Animal Rescue Site 18.6 of the wealthiest Americans, now make The Animal Rescue Site 19.5 an average of $27 million per household, AARP AARP 16.4 16.6 according to Mother Jones analysis In Care2 We-Care.com - ASPCA Care2 5.2 We-Care.com - ASPCA 3.9 Wikimedia Foundation 5.8 4.9 income for the bottom 90% of the US ASPCA 3.4 1.7 AVERT 1.7 AVERT 1.7 ASPCA 1.7 Angel Food Ministries 1.3 Angel Food Ministries 1.5 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 1.3 Idealist.org 1.3 Idealist.org 1.2 Goodwill Industries International 1.1 my freecycle contrast, the average 1.3 January 2011 February 2011 The Marketing Data Box 63 population is $31,244 T ealno e h li-n mak t gs f aepafr fr rei ot r lt m o n w o s l a dme im-i db sn s e mal n du sz e u ie s s Smpea ditgae t h l y u c mp n : i l n ne rtd o ep o r o a y G to n o l eb moeq aie vstr e fu d ni y r u lid ii s n f o C n e t r vstr it la s n c so r o v r moe ii s no e d a d u tmes o N ruea dco eto ela s fce t u tr n ls h s e d ef inl i y Ma es r mak t giv sme t k ma t rei n e t ns n Fn o t o +c mp ne u eH b p t id u h w 0 o a is s u S o t g n rt o e 00 0la s e mo t o e eae v r ,0 e d p r nh T s d i H b p trefr 0d y ! et r e u S o f v e o as ht:www h b p t o f et a t / p/ u s o m/e - il c r r Our Data Partners Our data partners for the April 2011 The Marketing Data Box are The Nielsen Company, Harris Interactive, Pew Research, Kantar Media, Compete, comScore, Experian Hitwise and Mediaguide At MarketingCharts, we consistently follow and locate new data sets from our partners in order to publish the most relevant resources for our readers MarketingCharts.com is part of the Watershed Publishing network of business-to-business online trade publications The Marketing Data Box is from Watershed Publishing’s Data Insights series Please contact Sarah Roberts at sarah@watershed-publishing.com to become a sponsor of a Data Insights package 65 .. .The Marketing Data Box ? ?The Marketing Data Box? ?? is part of Watershed Publishing’s Data Insights series featuring news, data and research The quarterly collection supplies the busy marketing professional. .. from major data partners and captures essential marketing data over the short term for a fast, easy glance at trends The charts in this collection are ready to use, download, format, and otherwise... ‐20 -2 2 -2 6 -2 9 -3 0 ‐30 -2 7 ‐50 -2 3 -2 5 -2 7 -2 4 -2 8 -2 7 -3 3 -3 0 -3 4 ‐40 ‐60 -2 4 -2 9 -3 3 -3 2 July Aug Sept -3 0 -3 1 Oct Nov Dec -3 3 -4 9 -5 4 Jan -5 8 Feb March April May June 2009 2010 The Marketing

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