the ball starts rolling a potted history of football

the nothing that is, a natural history of zero - robert kaplan

the nothing that is, a natural history of zero - robert kaplan

... Gautama answers: ayuta, niyuta, karikara, vivara, achobya, vivaha, utsanga, bahula, nagabala, titilambha, vyavaithanaprajnapti (! that's 1031), and so through the alluring samaptalambha (1037) and ... estimate wasn't all that bad This is a spectacular application of the Greek insight that the world afar can be grasped by analogy to the world at hand But it is made much more spectacular when ... Charles Napier, Lena Nekludova, David Nelson, Katsumi Nomizu, Yori Oda, Larry Pfaff, Donald Ranee, Andrew Ranicki, Aamir Rehman, Abdulhamid Sabra, Brian A Sullivan, Daniel Tenney III, Alf van...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:23

238 5,2K 0
Tài liệu A Short History of Financial Deregulation in the United States docx

Tài liệu A Short History of Financial Deregulation in the United States docx

... contributing factor was the passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 Reagan’s tax cuts eliminated many of the tax shelters that had made real estate an attractive investment in the first place, and deposits ... options, there was no clearinghouse for trades in most of the 21 Barth, James R., R Dan Brumbaugh Jr and James A Wilcox, The Repeal of Glass-Steagall and the Advent of Broad Banking,” Journal of Economic ... industry The repeal of GlassSteagall was a monumental piece of deregulation, but in many ways it ratified the status quo of the time.21 Hands-Off Regulation Many argued that consolidation in banking...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20

17 633 0
A Brief History of the United States pot

A Brief History of the United States pot

... that America was probably not a part of Asia, and changed the geographical ideas of the time [12] THE COAST OF FLORIDA EXPLORED. What meantime had happened along the coast of North America? In ... Mas'sasoit, chief of the Wam-pano'ags, and of Canon'icus, chief of the Narragansetts, and learned their language In 1633 he returned to Salem, and was again made pastor of a church [8] The fate ... Spain) to the Strait of Magellan The Pacific coast of America was explored (1513-1542) for Spain by Balboa part of Panama Magellan part of the southwest coast Pizarro (note, p 23) from Panama to Peru...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20

214 642 0
Guy Fawkes or A Complete History Of The Gunpowder Treason, A.D. 1605 pot

Guy Fawkes or A Complete History Of The Gunpowder Treason, A.D. 1605 pot

... by almost all the papal sovereigns of Europe A remarkable circumstance is related of the hopes and intentions of the Spaniards, in the event of success in the Armada A Spanish officer, who was ... gentleman At this stage of the examination, the lord chamberlain saw a man standing in a corner of the cellar, who stated that he was Percy's servant, and that he was left by his master in charge of ... merely to an attempt, on the part of the Romanists, at the commencement of the session, to obtain a toleration for their worship, and the relaxation of some of the penal laws Various attempts have...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:20

74 422 0


... date of January 2002 had both advantages and disadvantages The peak period for banknote use is at the end of the year: circulation is around 10% higher than average because of the Christmas season ... incorporate, as a background, a map of Europe without borders, a feature which would harmonise the appearance of the series. This theme was broader than the “Ages and styles” theme as it allowed ... date, marking the start of the calendar year and being the date expected by national public administrations The Madrid European Council also decided that the euro should circulate alongside the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

94 527 0
A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 doc

A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 doc

... letters of the Greek alphabet, which are called alpha, beta There are languages that have never been put upon paper at all, such as many of the African languages, many in the South Sea Islands, and ... Toddy CHAPTER V 41 HUNGARIAN Hussar Sabre Shako Tokay MALAY Amuck Bamboo Bantam Caddy Cassowary Cockatoo Dugong Gamboge Gong Gutta-percha Mandarin Mango Orang-outang Rattan Sago Upas PERSIAN Awning ... Llama Mahogany Maize Manioc Moccasin Mustang Opossum Pampas Pemmican Potato Racoon Skunk Squaw Tapioca Tobacco Tomahawk Tomato Wigwam ARABIC (The word al means the Thus alcohol = the spirit.) Admiral...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20

127 957 0
Confronting Images: Questioning the Ends of a Certain History of Art

Confronting Images: Questioning the Ends of a Certain History of Art

... approximation to renounce the humanism of the history of art: death Resemblance as drama Two medieval treatises facing Vasari: the rent subject facing the man of humanism The history of art is a history ... of Vasarian academicism: triumphant ri` nascita recast in a certain notion of the history of art as rationalist humanism; the famous imitazione recast in a hierarchical table of the relations between ... mousetraps in the Merode Altarpiece.2 Thanks to Panofsky, we are aware that the very transparence of a window, in the context of an Annunciation, can serve as a vehicle for the most resistant of theological...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 09:15

337 427 0


... Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, the Canadas and Acadia [Footnote: As we shall see hereafter, the English at this time clung to a narrow strip along the Atlantic coast.] In 1688 it had a population ... fifteen tons—and ascended the St Lawrence on an exploring tour At Hochelaga all was changed The Indian town had vanished, and not a trace remained of the savage population which Cartier saw there seventy ... Florida, and a map of Henry II gives that name to all North America.] The Spanish explorers had traversed a large portion of the present Southern States, and of the Pacific coast All this vast...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20

350 529 0
A Brief History of the Internet docx

A Brief History of the Internet docx

... don't." [Nyah nyah naa naa naa!] *** *** Now that ownership of the basic library of human thoughts is potentially available to every human being on Earth I have been watching the various attempts ... with ALL of such graphics and markup proposals is LIMITED DISTRIBUTION as a way of life The purpose of each on of these is and always has been to keep knowledge in the hands of the few and away ... concept was nuts, but the files didn't take a whole lot of space, and the 200th Anniversary of the Revolution [of the United States against England] was coming up, and parchment replicas of all the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20

98 517 0


... Mayer actually attempted the analysis, but without result On the 13th of August, 1596, David Fabricius, an unprofessional astronomer in East Friesland, saw in the neck of the Whale a star of the ... an idea of the arduous nature of this task It involved the formation of a theory of the errors of each of Bradley's instruments, and a difficult and delicate inquiry into the true value of each ... parallax, however, the case was very different The search for it had already led Bradley to the important discoveries of the aberration of light and the nutation of the earth's axis; it was now about...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 15:20

663 438 1
Earth Science A Scientific History of the Solid Earth pot

Earth Science A Scientific History of the Solid Earth pot

... map covered the area from the southeastern tip of England and the Pyrenees to India, Sri Lanka (called Insula Trapobane), and China and the coast of the imagined eastern ocean in the east, as ... really he had lost the argument Picard was right: The Earth is oblate ANAXIMANDER—AND THE FIRST MAP Mapmakers usually draw their maps on paper or animal skin These are perishable materials that ... Mapping the Earth The Hecataeus map is clearly derived from the map of Anaximander, but Hecataeus had corrected the earlier map and added more detail The illustration shows what the Hecataeus...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 04:21

241 454 1


... Juglar himself states that a commercial panic is always a financial panic, as a falling away of the metallic reserve indicates its breaking out; and I have only translated that portion dealing ... from the changes inaugurated The panic of 1857 was caused by over-activity in trade speculation, and over-banking, and the tariff of the same year was really passed to help avert the panic threatening ... the enactment of laws to raise the price of farm products, and to lower the price of all that the farmer has to buy But the farmers vote as the manufacturers and other active classes of the minority...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20

172 500 0
the transformation of the world  a global history of the nineteenth century - jrgen osterhammel

the transformation of the world a global history of the nineteenth century - jrgen osterhammel

... elements: the idea of the autonomy of art, first formulated by Johann Joachim Winckelmann; the value of the artwork over and above its material craft character; and the ideal of an aesthetic community ... important was the founding of Al-Ahram in 1876 by two brothers of Catholic Lebanese origin, Salim and Bishara Taqla A daily since 1881, Al-Ahram made reliable and up-to-date information available ... chapters of Part Two then unfurl a panorama of eight spheres of reality The term panorama refers to the fact that although no pedantic claim is made to represent all parts of the world equally,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2014, 09:07

991 1,6K 0
a brief history of the paradox philosophy and the labyrinths of the mind dec 2003

a brief history of the paradox philosophy and the labyrinths of the mind dec 2003

... with the unacceptable conclusion of an argument that has acceptable premises and an acceptable inference pattern J L Mackie says the paradox is the whole argument The remaining philosophers say a ... Is the moon closer to the earth when near the earth’s horizon? Aristotle’s eyes said yes, but his astronomical theory said no After gazing at a waterfall, Aristotle saw the bank of a river apparently ... lengths of the sides of the base of the pyramid and n is the height of the pyramid Yet the Rhind Papyrus also makes it evident that the Egyptians relied heavily on trial and error in their calculations...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:31

415 4,1K 0
philosophy in the modern world a new history of western philosophy volume 4 jun 2007

philosophy in the modern world a new history of western philosophy volume 4 jun 2007

... other children, but was educated at home by his demanding father He began to learn Greek at the age of three and by the age of twelve had read much of Plato in the original At that age he began ... Ireland, and published a pamphlet advocating a radical reform of the landholding system He advocated proportional representation in parliamentary elections, as a safeguard against the exercise of ... but Abraham breaks a moral law in obedience to an individual command of God This is what Kierkegaard calls the teleological suspension of the ethical’—Abraham’s act transgresses the ethical order...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:25

364 423 0
the rise of modern philosophy a new history of western philosophy volume 3 sep 2006

the rise of modern philosophy a new history of western philosophy volume 3 sep 2006

... in the army of the Protestant Prince of Orange; later he served in the army of the Catholic Duke Maximilian of Bavaria, who was then at war with the Palatine Elector Frederick, son-in-law of ... 1511 can well be regarded as the high point of the Renaissance In the Vatican Raphael was frescoing the walls of the papal apartments, while Michelangelo covered the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ... cats and cabbages—did at least have the advantage of undoubted existence in the everyday world, unlike unknowable substrata, monads, noumena, and the Absolute On the other hand, thinkers of a more...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:31

371 469 0
a world history of nineteenth-century archaeology nationalism colonialism and the past jan 2008

a world history of nineteenth-century archaeology nationalism colonialism and the past jan 2008

... appropriation of America and parts of Africa, Asia, and Australia The subjugation of many areas of the world led to the imposition of economic and social values in vogue in Europe, although their ... fostered by the formation of the Wrst academies created to encourage the discussion and exchange of scholarly ideas Following the example of the ancient Plato’s Academia, the Academia Platonica was founded ... medieval archaeology is only taught in departments of history or the history of art, and classical archaeology in those teaching classics and ancient history The study of the material remains of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:40

501 474 0
university of calgary press how skeptics do ethics a brief history of the late modern linguistic turn apr 2007

university of calgary press how skeptics do ethics a brief history of the late modern linguistic turn apr 2007

... matters of apparent fact Add all the facts up in as great a detail as you like and you still will not reach a qualitative total that adds up to interpersonal regard and moral concern The sum of the ... about Marx How can a materialist have moral indignation? Kant’s approach provides a relatively simple answer Marx can be angry at the bourgeoisie because, arguably, they commit the fundamental ... indignation is a paradox A materialist has no standard of comparison for how things could be other than the way they are Logically, a materialist is a well-adjusted realist S/he has no measure...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:49

330 297 0