ielts practice writing task 1 general

12 đề IELTS sample writing task 1 (2018)

12 đề IELTS sample writing task 1 (2018)

... Test 1: You should spend about 20 minutes on this task The charts summarise the weight measurements of people living in Charlestown in 19 55 and 2 015 Summarise the information ... in Charlestown, and there was a general drop of / in the number of underweight people between 19 55 and 2 015 Test 2: You should spend about 20 minutes on this task The charts below show the reasons ... reasons for going to work by car, with 14 % and 11 % respectively, is that people need to carry things to work and that it is safer than cycling to work Finally, 16 % say they prefer driving because

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2018, 23:32

16 370 0


... carrying capacity per year (millions) London 18 63 11 00 548 Paris 18 90 594 850 Tokyo 19 04 14 9 14 34 Washington DC 19 21 114 70 Kyoto 19 80 11 11 Los Angeles 20 01 14 90 Model Answer Band 7: A glance at ... about 10 percent in 19 20 to 15 percent in 19 35 Then it decreased sharply to just percent in the 19 40s IELTS China’s birth rate increased from approximately 10 percent in 19 20 to 15 percent in 19 35, ... markedly to over 15 percent in 19 50 IELTS There was then a marked increase in the US fertility to over 15 percent in 19 50 IELTS The US then saw a marked increase to over 15 percent in 19 50 Academic

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2021, 07:46

111 25 0
ielts actual writing task 1 academic dec 2021 mar 2022

ielts actual writing task 1 academic dec 2021 mar 2022

... Table of Contents IELTS Academic Writing Task Recent Actual test questions & answers Map 1 Report 1 Report Report Report Report Bar Chart Report Report 11 Report 12 Report 13 ... 11 Report 12 Report 13 Report 15 Report 16 Report 18 Report 19 Report 20 Report 10 21 Report 11 22 Report 12 24 Pie Chart 26 Report 26 Report 28 Report 29 Report 31 Table 33 Report 33 Report 34 ... amazing IELTS Writing eBook, you are 10 0% guaranteed to improve IELTS writing skills and boost your IELTS score to Band 7.0 or higher IELTSMaterial |

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2022, 11:59

104 83 0
smith adam ielts journal writing task 1 academic target band

smith adam ielts journal writing task 1 academic target band

... in 2030 IELTS JOURNAL Connecting trends Similar or different trends '000 Dollars Figure (Contrast) '000 Dollars Figure (Addition) 19 60 19 70 19 80 19 90 2000 2 010 19 60 19 70 19 80 19 90 2000 2 010 Figure ... could spend minutes on each paragraph IELTS JOURNAL Points to Apply in Task 1, Report Writing The IELTS writing Task academic is an information transfer task which requires you to write a fairly ... $10 5,000, between 19 60 and 2 010 ✓ GM car sales registered a significant rise between 19 60 and 2 010 ✓ GM car sales reached a peak at $10 5,000 in 2 010 ✓ GM car sales had an enormous climb of $10 0,000

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2022, 08:37

107 16 0
IELTS academic writing task 1 may aug 2022

IELTS academic writing task 1 may aug 2022

... Contents IELTS Academic Writing Task Recent Actual test questions & answers Map 1 Report 1 Report Report Report Report 11 Report 13 Bar Chart 15 Report 15 Report 17 Report 19 Report 21 Report ... Report 28 Report 30 Report 10 31 Report 11 33 Report 12 35 Report 13 37 Report 14 39 Report 15 41 Pie Chart 42 Report 42 Report 44 Report 46 Report 48 Report 50 Table 51 join telegram: ... and 4% female to 12 % male and 15 % female respectively 10 9 join telegram: 11 0 join telegram:

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2022, 21:43

117 32 0


... thirty-year period CONTENTS * * Basic structures of Academic writing task High band scores structures BASIC STRUCTURES OF ACADEMIC WRITING TASK 1 S + V (increased/decreased) + from to Chủ ngữ + Động ... thousand to 10 0 thousand in 2003 * There was a gradual increase from 70 thousand to 10 0 thousand in the number of students in 2003 * The number of female smokers decreased from 15 % in 19 89 to 10 % in ... male smokers, from 25% in 19 89 to 17 % in 19 99 * There was a sharp increase in smart technology use in all categories * There was a minor fluctuation between 19 54 and 19 64 in Madagascar * There

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2022, 23:29

16 2 0
IELTS general writing task 1  complaint letter

IELTS general writing task 1 complaint letter

... IELTS PREPARATION COURSE ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ GENERAL WRITING HANDOUT TASK 1 WRITING A COMPLAINT LETTER ? HANDOUT 4: WRITING A LETTER OF COMPLAINT ... Imagine my horror when I 10 …………… ………………………………… (start/eat) and discovered meat in the dish I 11 …………………… ………………………………………… (consider/leave) immediately, but instead I explained the situation to the waiter I 12 ………………………………………………………………………………………… ... service did not confirm this I intend to deal 10 ……………… the staff member appropriately and I will ensure that she does not repeat this behaviour 11 ……………… sending her on a retraining course next

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2018, 22:16

12 338 3
ielts writing task 1 8 practice tests for maps processes band 9 answer key online support ielts writing task 1 1

ielts writing task 1 8 practice tests for maps processes band 9 answer key online support ielts writing task 1 1

... 8To get the most out of this book, you can watch videos that show you how towrite task 1 and task 2 at band 9 on the author’s website Go to for more information There is no betterwebsite for IELTS writing on the Internet ... 11 Comparing 2 Maps Changes to Chesham & Melbury UK (19 75 - 2 015 ) You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The maps show changes to the areas of Chesham and Melbury in England from1975 to 2 015 ... answer written by the teacher from chart 1 videos (step 4) What are thesimilarities or differences in your writing? Try to remember 2 or 3 new ideasfrom my writing to improve your task 1 writing technique Now write a detailed second paragraph using other main features identifiedin step 3.

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2024, 23:52

157 0 0
Writing Practice for task 1

Writing Practice for task 1

... H100 H 111 10 1 010 01 22 6 | Comparison - no trends 7, Looking at data with more complex presenfatiOn chia 26 8 Label the diagram 9 Following the char, e2 HH 012 110 102 214 0 010 100 mm 29 10 ... Trang 1 Academic Writing Practice for IELTS Writing Practice for Task 1 Trang 3 — _ ye eee vom es " ty z mm ÔỎ Academic Writing Practice for IELTS CONTENTS ` „ Page Section 1 Writing ... town ˆ Forecasts for population growth Number of people 2007 2008 2009 2 010 2 011 2 012 2 013 2 014 2 015 2 016 2 017 2 018 Local Authority OF 4casts Lid Below is the first sentence of'a description

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 07:20

40 528 1
IELTS writing task 1   thay vinh IELTS (public version)

IELTS writing task 1 thay vinh IELTS (public version)

... Writing task (BAR CHART) A detail instruction on how to write a sound report By Thầy Vinh IELTS 16 14 12 10 2 013 2 014 2 015 Teacher A Teacher B Mr Vinh's class ... female students in an IELTS class in Hanoi 2 015 LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Kỳ thi IELTS có hai phần, Task (chiếm 1/ 3 điểm số) Task (chiếm 2/3 điểm số) Thường thí sinh dự thi e ngại Task Task 1, phần điểm số cao ...” để thể tôn trọng ghi nhận nỗ lực tác giả Chúc bạn học tốt! Hà Nội, ngày 25 tháng 04 năm 2 015 - Thầy Vinh IELTS - IELTS Writing Task – Chiến lược chung viết Cũng giống Task 2, bố cục Task

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2016, 21:24

18 966 11
Simons task 1 samples ( IELTS Writing task 1 )

Simons task 1 samples ( IELTS Writing task 1 )

... between 2002 and 2 012 , from 12 % to 21% outside London, and from around 15 % to a peak of 25% in the capital By contrast, the proportions of all adults without work remained below 10 %, both in London ... Britain from 19 71 to 2007 The graph shows changes in the number of cars per household in Great Britain over a period of 36 cars years Overall, car ownership in Britain increased between 19 71 and 2007 ... groups of adults were consistently higher in London than in the rest of England In 19 93, around 18 % of English 16 to 24-year-olds living outside London were unemployed, but the 24 olds figure for

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2016, 17:35

68 654 0
Hướng dẫn chi tiết giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 1 ( DC IELTS )

Hướng dẫn chi tiết giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 1 ( DC IELTS )

... in task writing 50 IELTS Writing Task 1: Hướng dẫn luyện tập hàng ngày 54 Tài nguyên Task – The Economist 54 Task 1: Lỗi kết hợp từ 55 Bài mẫu Task ... IELTS Writing Task T 2 016 May Contents Bạn cần làm với IELTS Writing Task | Understand what you need to in task Tổng quan Task The chart ... 11 Bar charts 12 Phân tích thông tin bật | Analysing the key details 12 Tìm điểm giống khác | Ask yourself if the lines look similar, different or the same 13

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2016, 13:11

76 879 3
Jump IELTS  Writing task 1 and 2

Jump IELTS Writing task 1 and 2

... ? ?11 5  Apposition  ? ?11 5  Result  ? ?11 6  nference  ? ?11 6  In Reformulation  ? ?11 6  Replacement  ? ?11 6  Co ... pressions and give your opinion?  ? ?11 2  App pendix  .? ?11 3  Ap ppendix? ?1? ? con nnectives  ? ?11 4  Addition  ? ?11 4  Tr ransition  ? ?11 4  Su ummation  ... ? ?11 7  Co oncession    ? ?11 7  Appendix 2 Structure and Vo ocabulary Aid ? ?11 8  Lo ocation  ? ?11 8  Co omposition  ? ?11 9  Approximation

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2016, 21:52

140 742 0


... the following pages: pp. 21, 33, 39, 40, 55, 58, 61, 72, 76, 89, 90, 91, 92, 97, 10 1, 10 3, 10 8, 10 9, 11 0, 1I1, 11 5, 12 0, 12 2, 12 3, 12 5, 12 6, 12 7, 12 8, 12 9, 13 2, 13 3, 13 5, 17 2 Trang 9 Getting ... $ a5 3 2 4 6 ø 3 : be Be = Š 2 —Daily Mail tà ———The Guardial 1 —The Times 0 19 89 19 90 19 91 1992 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 Trang 36 If you don’t notice the information telling you ... before writing the introduction Trang 28 Exercise D WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task US I 2 2 China 2 I 1 Russia 3 4 4 Japan 12 4 13 5 12 0) 5 India i 5 18 3

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2016, 10:03

174 692 0
Writing Task 1  IELTS

Writing Task 1 IELTS

... 22% in 19 71 to 43% in 20 01 Besides, the rate of restaurants also doubled within the period In addition, the percentage of computers went up quickly from 2% to 12 % However, from 19 71 to 20 01, there ... people in UK in two years including 19 71 and 20 01 As can be seen from the pie charts, food and cars occupied nearly a half of expenditures in 19 71 and 20 01 respectively It is obvious that the ... million in 19 85 and then rose significantly to over 50 million in 19 99 As regards foreigners visiting the UK, there was a slight growth from 10 million in 19 79 to around 12 million in 19 85 and

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2016, 12:12

20 549 0
Vocabulary for academic IELTS writing task 1 (part 1)

Vocabulary for academic IELTS writing task 1 (part 1)

... 2 014 The structure of the IELTS Academic Writing Task (Report Writing) : http://www .ielts- -ielts- vocabulary/vocabulary-…sk -1/ 528-vocabulary-for-academic -ielts- writing- task- 1- part -1 ... statement + overall trend/ general http://www .ielts- -ielts- vocabulary/vocabulary-…sk -1/ 528-vocabulary-for-academic -ielts- writing- task- 1- part -1 4/4 /17 , 11 D46 AM Page of 51 trend) should have ... situation like http://www .ielts- -ielts- vocabulary/vocabulary-…sk -1/ 528-vocabulary-for-academic -ielts- writing- task- 1- part -1 4/4 /17 , 11 D46 AM Page 10 of 51 'higher' while comparing

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2017, 11:42

51 732 0
Trích đoạn   IELTS writing task 1

Trích đoạn IELTS writing task 1

... peak at $10 5,000 in 2 010  GM car sales had an enormous climb of $10 0,000 between 19 60 and 2 010 Lưu ý: Tại câu lại dùng ‘thì khứ’ nhỉ? Website: http:/ /ielts- 10 Fanpage: /ielts. fighter/ ... biết thi Viết (IELTS Writing) Bài thi IELTS Writing học thuật (IELTS Academic Writing Test) diễn 60 phút Thí sinh yêu cầu phải hoàn thành hai phần Viết, là: Phần viết (Task 1)  Bạn có 20 phút ... Khi đấy, bạn lại dành phút để viết đoạn Website: http:/ /ielts- Fanpage: /ielts. fighter/ Các lưu ý Writing task Task IELTS Writing hiểu dạng truyền đạt lại thông tin từ đề Cụ thể

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2017, 16:02

14 484 0
IELTS writing task 1   bài viết mẫu hay  IELTS fighter

IELTS writing task 1 bài viết mẫu hay IELTS fighter

... per week Male(%) Female(%) 31+ 82 10 to 30 16 22 Under 10 73 Global water use by sector 3000 2000 Agriculture Industrial use Domestic use km3 10 00 19 00 19 20 19 40 19 60 19 80 2000 Country Population ... million in 19 85, the next stage has experienced the dramatic climb until 19 90 when the figure more than doubled to 11 million, followed by the comparably stable period between 19 90 and 19 93, before ... five major cities around the world changed from 19 89 to the period between 19 90 and 2002 According to the chart, during the period from 19 90 to 19 95 the average prices of houses in both Tokyo

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2017, 16:06

81 696 0
IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph - Sample 2

IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph - Sample 2

... VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph - Sample Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause ... implications for dental health »You should spend about 20 minutes on this task »You should write at least 15 0 words Sample answer 1: The provided line graph illustrates the acid level in the mouth which ... cane sugar does (Approximately 2 71 words) ( These model answers can be followed as examples of standard answers However, please note there are other good ways of writing a possible good answer.)

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2017, 21:02

11 544 0

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