... of eating, drinking sweet food and beverage and beverages each day: - Many times 703 68.8 Oral and dental hygience after eating, drinking sweet food and beverage and beverages - Brushed their ... treatment demand for the people; it still costs a lot of expenses, time of the individuals and society So that the prevention work of oral and dental diseases was very important and essential ... accounted for 30.2% and 32.5% was the scale to change their tooth brush timely ( three months one time) Table 3.23 Oral and dental care after Eating, drinking sweet food and beverage and beverages...
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 13:57
... (each), Max T = 23.03 for Trp84 and 32.22 for Trp279, and Mean T = 16.962 for Trp84 and 19.214 for Trp279) Maximum 2000 minimization cycles (for flexible residues and ligand) along with the maximum ... Compound A, pose energies of the docked compound itself along with the analysis of molecular features and protein- ligand interactions, and the MolDock score [Grid], were selected as filtration criteria ... depiction of key protein- ligand interactions A) Compound A-AChE and B) Compound A-BChE Competing interests The authors report no conflicts of interest and they are responsible for the content and writing...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo y học: " A Dietary Supplement Containing Standardized Phaseolus vulgaris Extract Influences Body Composition of Overweight Men and Women"
... coloring agent Measurements Body weight and impedance measurements, skin echogram, and waist, hip, and thigh circumferences were measured at the beginning and end of the 30-day treatment phase ... and the statistical analysis to be more powerful The differences between pretreatment and 30-day values in each of the two groups were analyzed using the paired Student's t-test (intragroup analysis) ... Soininen H, Nissinen A Obesity and vascular risk factors at midlife and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer disease Arch Neurol 2005; 62:1556-1560 US Dept of Health and Human Services Publication...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 15:12
... ………………………………………………………… …………………………………… Tom is trying to learn English He wants to travel to England ………………………………………………………… …………………………………… My class was happy We won the football match last Saturday ... conservationist arrived ( cleaned/ cleaning/ are cleaning/ were cleaning) …….are used to kill inserts and weeds so as to help crops grow better.( Pesticides / Dynamite/ Treasures / Creatures) III/ Put...
Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2013, 01:28
Microbial Production of Amino Acids in Japan
... produced by microbial methods and used in the fields of medicine and food technology, and in the chemical industry Estimated output and production data in Japan and elsewhere are summarized in ... lactofermentum, and B flavum in the presence of high concentrations of sugar and ammonium ions at neutral pH and under aerobic condition [2] The pathway of biosynthesis of l-lysine and l-threonine ... Amino acid production in Japan and the world in 1996 Amino acid Method Japan Glycine l-Alanine dl-Alanine l-Aspertate l-Aspergine l-Arginine and analogs l-Cysteine and analogs l-Glutamate l-Glutamine...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 02:20
Tài liệu Microsoft PowerPoint - Day 3 Afternoon - Use of charts- V doc
... Đối chiếu Kết quả, tiến độ Giá trị tuyệt đối, tương đối Phạm vi, phần trăm BinhThuan Central Highlands Màu, đen trắng Tài liêu, máy chiếu Biểu đồ phù hợp nhất? 1992-1993 Trích từ báo cáo DEVINFO...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Activity 3.3: Using Perspectives of Information pdf
... Perspectives in Information ! Develop questions from business and user perspectives Work in small groups as assigned by the instructor Review the Time and Billing section in the case study In the space ... topic, and the source(s) that provide information on the category For example, the category might be technology, the topic might be the current Microsoft® Windows NT® network system, and the ... currently present and what additional information you would want to gather for a perspective For example, what information is applicable to the technology category from a user and business perspective?...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu 3 Parameter Setting of Analog Speed Controllers pdf
... ∆ia and to provide the armature current equal to Tref /(kmΦp) The rate of change of the torque Tem and current ia are given in Eq 3.1, where Ra and La stand for the armature winding resistance and ... and bandwidth frequency ωBW (Section 2.1.1) depend on the closed-loop poles and zeros, which, in turn, are functions of the polynomial coefficients b0 bn and a0 am The coefficients of f (s) and ... respectively; km and ke are the torque and electromotive force coefficients of the DC machine, respectively; Φp is the excitation flux; and ω is the rotor speed Given both polarities and sufficient...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 15:20
THÀNH PHẦN hợp CHẤT AXÍT béo và CAROTENOID của gấc fatty acid and carotenoid composition of gac (momordica cochinchinensisspreng) fruit
... 38 and 22.1 ( 15.2 g -carotene/g FW in extracted samples of aril and mesocarp, respectively, and 16 and g/g of zeaxanthin and 35 and g/g of -cryptoxanthin in saponified samples of mesocarp and ... Internal standard (nonadecanoic acid methyl ester) was added, and the extraction took place at 55 °C for 30 with shaking every 10 Extracts were filtered and dried over sodium sulfate, and the solvent ... dried aril and oil, and supporting us with her enthusiasm and encouragement in this project We also thank Glenn E Bartley, Jiann-Tsyh Lin, and Gary Takeoka for reviewing our manuscript and Karen...
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 00:08
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Chemical composition of essential oil of Machilus Japonica Siebold & Zucc. (Lauraceae) from Vietnam " pptx
... and included 18 components (table 1) As it is shown in table 1, the leaf essential oil of investigated species from Vietnam was characterized by large amount of α- and βphellandrene (70.7%) and ... Results and discussion The essential oil was light yellow and the total yield of 1.23% The chemical composition of the leaf essential oils of investigated species collected in October 1991 and 2007 ... was characterized by large amount of α- and βphellandrene (70.7%) and the ratio of αphellandrene and β-phellandrene was 5.73 Table The composition of leaf essential oil of Machilus japonica Siebold...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Composition of bird species in Huu Lien Nature Reserve, Lang Son province " pdf
... additional routes, which were the route from the commune center to Lan Giang and Ba Mo and the route from Tan Lai to Lan Dai and Nong Dung mountain creek on purposes of collecting additional data on ... VR and AFS teleconverter TC-20 EII connector N.L.H Son et al / VNU Journal of Science, Earth Sciences 27 (2011) 13-22 The mist-nets four hands kindly were put to use, being 12 meters long and ... bushes and difficult to detect For rapidly detecting birds in the field study, we made references to a number of publications on instructions and guidance on identifying birds in Southeast Asia and...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Importance of the amino-acid composition of the shutter region of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 for its transitions to latent and substrate forms pdf
... Gly56, and Gln334; grey, Asn186 in b strand 3A; yellow, Lys335; purple, potential interaction partners for Lys335, i.e Glu294 in b strand 6A and the backbone of Asn171 in the a helix F/b strand ... stressed and the relaxed conformations [15] The network involves the side chains of the amino acids in positions 53 and 56 in a helix B, 186 in b strand 3A, and position 334 in b strand 5A (Fig ... number of substitutions in the shutter region and b strand 5A of PAI-1 and studied their effect on the transition to latent and substrate forms and on the stabilizing effect of vitronectin, a...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 07:20
Chemical Composition of Vehicle-Related Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in Central California pdf
... the data of Zielinska and Fung (1994) and Kirchstetter et al (1999) for 1991 and 1994-97 presented previously, new data from 1999 and 2001 are presented here to permit analysis of emission trends ... also thank Daniel Grosjean and Eric Grosjean for their help with sampling and analysis of tunnel carbonyl concentrations; Gary Kendall, Daniel Zucker, Robert Franicevich and Michelle Traverse of ... organic compounds are important precursors to ozone and secondary particulate matter, which affect both human health and global climate (Seinfeld and Pandis, 1997; IPCC, 2001) The main anthropogenic...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20
Color Atlas of Dental Medicine: Aesthetic Dentistry pdf
... Direct Anterior Restorations- Aesthetics and Function For their help with the development and content of the chapter Metal-Ceramic and All-Ceramic Restorations and for providing technical support, ... All-Ceramic Crown and Ceramic Inlays Dr Roger Naef, senior assistant, Nicola Pietrobon, chief dental technician, and Dr Peter Scharer, Professor and Director, all at the clinic for Crown and Bridge ... Dentin Adhesives and Pulp -Dentin Adhesives-The Ideal Therapy for Deep Caries Lesions -Prevention of Root and Secondary Caries -Desensitization of Dentin and Dental Necks Cements and Cementation...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:21
Báo cáo khoa học: Subunit composition of the glycyl radical enzyme p-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase doc
... noninduced (NI) and induced (I) cells and partially purified enzyme from the Resource-Q column (R) are shown for comparison Molecular masses of standard proteins (S) and the positions of HpdB and HpdC ... host cells as a soluble protein, HpdB and HpdA were synthesized only in RosettaTM (DE3)pLysS and BL21TM(DE3) Codon Plus-RIL cells These hosts produce additional rare tRNAs and therefore support ... presence of both HpdB and HpdC in these preparations was demonstrated both on SDS/PAGE and by MALDI-TOF MS (see below) and < 10% of the initial activity was lost in the first step Gel filtration, however,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20
Extent of Dental Disease in Children Has Not Decreased, and Millions Are Estimated to Have Untreated Tooth Decay pptx
... 18 19 Appendix I NHANES Analysis 21 Appendix II MEPS Background and Analysis 28 Appendix III Comments from the Department of Health and Human Services 33 GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments ... Research and Quality Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Department of Health and Human ... Appendixes I and II contain more information on our NHANES and MEPS analyses Finally, we obtained information on oral health and the Medicaid population from CDC and from dental associations and experts...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Fatty acid composition of chylomicron remnant-like particles influences their uptake and induction of lipid accumulation in macrophages pot
... PAGE The gels were stained with Coomassie blue and the bands were quantified by absorbance volume analysis Cell protein content was measured by the method of Lowry et al [44] with BSA as standard ... at 13 h (P < 0.01) and 24 h (P < 0.01) Corn and fish CRLPs were taken up at very similar rates, and there were also no significant differences in the rates of uptake of palm and olive CRLPs Fig ... (cholesterol + cholesteryl ester) and TG in CRLPs and in cells was determined by enzymatic analysis using commercial enzymatic reagent kits (Alpha Laboratories, Eastleigh, UK) For analysis of the fatty acid...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo " Chemical composition of the leaf oil of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C. B. Rob. from Ha Tinh province " pptx
... Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 26 (2010) 161-164 negative bacteria The results justify the reported uses in diarrhea and dysentery [9] The BuOH extract of the leaves and twigs of Litsea glutinosa ... in some cases substances identified from oils known composition and also with standard substances [12-17] Experimental Results and discussion Source- Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C B Rob (Lauraceae), ... n-eicosane, nheneicosane, n-docosane and n-heptacosane 164 N.T Hien et al / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 26 (2010) 161-164 References [1] W Zhengyi and P.H Raven (Eds.), Flora...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20