herschel j f w

Báo cáo y học: "Ethnomedicinal uses of Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel. among rural communities of Ethiopia" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Ethnomedicinal uses of Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel. among rural communities of Ethiopia" pps

... dried flowers of Hagenia abyssinica They explained that in the former days it was common to barter for two cups of dried flower with one cup of cereal crops like barley or wheat In general, women, ... people in ‘Dheeraa’ town, Ethiopia, mix a pounded flower of Hagenia abyssinica with the root of Croton macrostachyus Hochst ex Del or leaf of Grewia ferruginea Juss for worm expulsion Respondents ... as before, its medicine is still available in local markets for a low price Dried flowers were commonly found in all markets of the study sites In Bale a quarter of a kilo of dried flowers was...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:21

10 317 0
(Coulson  richardsons chemical engineering) d g peacock, j f  richardson chemical engineering volume 3, third edition  chemical and biochemical reactors  process control butterworth heinemann (1994

(Coulson richardsons chemical engineering) d g peacock, j f richardson chemical engineering volume 3, third edition chemical and biochemical reactors process control butterworth heinemann (1994

... between pressure drop and flowrate 6.2.2 Further methods of measuring volumetric flow 6.2.3 The measurement of mass flow 6.2.4 The measurement of low flowrates 6.2.5 Open channel flow 6.2.6 Flow ... countries www.elscvier.com I www.bookaid.org I www.sahre.org Contents PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION xiii PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION xv PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION xvi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xviii LISTOF CONTRIBUTORS ... Rate of flow of reactant into volume element (1) Rate of flow of Rate of reactant Rate of accumulation = of reactant within within volume element volume element (3) (4) - reactant out of - removal...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2016, 11:18

878 1,5K 1
Matthew j  deluca, nanette f  deluca   24 hours to the perfect interview (2004)

Matthew j deluca, nanette f deluca 24 hours to the perfect interview (2004)

... invited for interview Prepare for interview Ace the interview Follow-up after interview Additional follow-up BINGO! Get job offer Negotiate job offer Accept job offer Start new job Enjoy new job Figure ... funds dwindle down to fumes? Knowing what you want and what you can offer is a huge part of preparing for any interview If you were selling cars, you would be expected to have a wealth of information ... of that effort will lead to employment Effort is needed to find a job, but there is no rule that says for spending X amount of effort you then have a right to expect to be offered a job (See Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 08:42

241 310 0
conte r., magri f., musette m., satsuma j, and winternitz p. direct and inverse methods in nonlinear evolution equations, greco a. m.

conte r., magri f., musette m., satsuma j, and winternitz p. direct and inverse methods in nonlinear evolution equations, greco a. m.

... ∃ f0 (x, t) = : f2 = a2 W −1 f0 , h1 = a2 W −1 f0 , U notation W = e + (2/α)g0,xt , √ : f3 = − a2 W −1 f0 g0,t − f1 g0,x − g0,x + g0,xx , : f1 = Wx /W + 2g0,x , : h2 = Wt /W + 2g0,t − f0 ,t /f0 ... singularity orders of u and E(u), −p the rank at which the series for u stops, and −q the corresponding rank of the series for E −p −q uj Z j+ p , u0 u−p = 0, E = u= j= 0 Ej Z j+ q , (155) j= 0 in which the ... two, then three, then , for the unknown Lax pair, and define one or two (as many as the number of families) scalars f from the component(s) of its wave vector (e.g the scalar wave vector if...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:50

287 805 0
chen f.f., chang j.p. lecture notes on principles of plasma processing

chen f.f., chang j.p. lecture notes on principles of plasma processing

... Mobility, diffusion, ambipolar diffusion (Chen, p.155ff) Now that we know the collision rates, we can see how they affect the motions of the plasma particles If we apply an electric field E (V/m) ... (radio) waves In water, we have sound waves and, well, water waves In a plasma, we have electromagnetic waves and two kinds of sound Part A1 waves, one for each charge species Of course, if the ... being high in the middle and tapering off toward the walls Each species will diffuse toward the wall; more specifically, toward regions of lower density The diffusion velocity is proportional to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:17

249 780 0
cognition and memory  -  f. klix, j. hoffmann (north - holland, 1980)

cognition and memory - f. klix, j. hoffmann (north - holland, 1980)

... assertive functions as well as procedural functions since we are clearly equipped with both factual know-how (assertive knowledge) and performance know-how (procedural knowledge) The way in which we ... simple example of assertive functions can be found in the following “Production System for Meaning of Traffic Lights at a Crosswald”: Production : bLTraffic light is green” + Signalfor “ Walk” Production ... comprehension of meaning, regardless of whether recognition of an object or recognition of a sign or symbol for an object is concerned Hence it follows: The volume of information bearers of a memory which...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 17:34

307 197 0
Nghiên cứu khoa học " Loài nấm Phaeophleospora destructans (M.J. Wingf. & Crous) Crous, F.A. Ferreira & B. Sutton gây bệnh đốm đen lá bạch đàn lần đầu tiên được phát hiện ở Việt Nam " docx

Nghiên cứu khoa học " Loài nấm Phaeophleospora destructans (M.J. Wingf. & Crous) Crous, F.A. Ferreira & B. Sutton gây bệnh đốm đen lá bạch đàn lần đầu tiên được phát hiện ở Việt Nam " docx

... khiết Dựa vào khoá phân loại Crous, P .W. , Ferreira, F. A Sutton B 1997, nấm gây bệnh xác định loài: Phaeophleospora destructans (M .J Wingf & Crous) Crous, F. A Ferreira & B Sutton Cây chủ phân bố: ... theo hướng dẫn Ken Old P.Q Thu, 1999 Giám định nấm bệnh dựa khoá định loại mô tả Crous, P .W. , Ferreira, F. A Sutton B 1997 Phân lập nấm: phân lập nấm từ tổ chức bị bệnh áp dụng phương pháp nuôi ... Đông Thái Lan gây nên dịch đốm đen rụng hết số dòng Bạch đàn trắng E Camaldulensis (Ken Old, M Wingf., Pongpanich, 2003) Loài nấm gây bệnh bắt đầu xuất Việt Nam từ cuối năm 2002, gây bệnh cho rừng...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

5 387 2
Collision Avoidance Rules A N Cockcroft and J N F pot

Collision Avoidance Rules A N Cockcroft and J N F pot

... 20th February, 1962, the certificates of both masters were suspended for a period of twelve months An action for damages was brought by the owners of the Crystal Jewel against the owners of the ... like aircraft, but are not aircraft and therefore the definition of ‘seaplane’ is not applicable to WIG craft WIG craft are classified as dynamical support craft The weight of a WIG craft in operation ... thus performing a jump to overcome and overfly obstacles on the earth surface However increasing the altitude of flight of a WIG craft to perform a jump will significantly enlarge its fuel consumption...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20

282 325 0
Ship Construction Fifth edition D. J. Eyres M.Sc., F.R.I.N.A pptx

Ship Construction Fifth edition D. J. Eyres M.Sc., F.R.I.N.A pptx

... Multi-hulls Including wave piercers Small waterplane area, twin-hull (SWATH) Surface effect ship (SES) and Hovercraft Hydrofoil Wing in ground effect craft (WIG) Off shore oil vessels Fishing vessels ... water system Deadweight is the difference between the lightweight and loaded displacement, i.e it is the weight of cargo plus weights of fuel, stores, water ballast, fresh water, crew and passengers, ... techniques without neglecting basic principles Shipbuilding covers a wide field of crafts and, with new developments occurring regularly, it would be difficult to cover every facet fully within the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 18:20

366 924 0
Project Gutenberg''''s Researches on Cellulose, by C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan pptx

Project Gutenberg''''s Researches on Cellulose, by C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan pptx

... gives a brief account of researches which have been subsequently published, as well as of certain of our own investigations, the results of which are now for the first time recorded We have not ... of starch This unique product of plant life has a literature of its own, and how little of this is fully known to what we may term the 'average chemist' is seen by the methods he will employ for ... of facts and welldefined probabilities, it is clear that the further investigation of the furfuroid group will take its stand upon a much more adequate basis than heretofore On the view of 'furfural-yielding'...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

580 483 0
radiosity and realistic image synthesis cohen m.f., wallace j.r. (ap, 1995)(412s)

radiosity and realistic image synthesis cohen m.f., wallace j.r. (ap, 1995)(412s)

... difference between two sources of light with different mixtures of wavelengths is that they appear to have different colors However, an equally important feature is that different mixtures of ... many difficult problems need to be solved such as the effect of illumination by direct and diffuse lighting, atmospheric diffusion, back reflection, the effect of surface texture, tonal specification ... determined with the inverse square law Bouguer founded the field of photometry well before the mechanisms of human vision were understood It is now known that different spectra have different brightnesses...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 07:54

412 214 0
20- Matching J Stuart & F Simón, 2005T Grein, 2006

20- Matching J Stuart & F Simón, 2005T Grein, 2006

... Useful technique if employed wisely – Balanced data sets, increased precision, prevention of confounding – Can control for complex factors which would be difficult to measure otherwise • Do not match ... will bias OR towards • Complicates statistical analysis • Residual confounding by poor definition of strata • Sometimes difficult to identify appropriate controls 25 Take-home messages • Useful ... again … confounding Exposure Outcome Third variable Be associated with exposure - without being consequence of exposure Be associated with outcome - independent of exposure Control of confounders...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2015, 17:33

27 482 0
Some observations of the effects of time on the capacity of piles driven in sand R. J. JARDINE, J. R. STANDING and F. C. CHOW†

Some observations of the effects of time on the capacity of piles driven in sand R. J. JARDINE, J. R. STANDING and F. C. CHOW†

... Jardine, R J. , Standing, J R & Chow, F C (2006) Geotechnique 56, No 4, 227244 Some observations of the effects of time on the capacity of piles driven in sand R J JA R D I N E * , J R ... at Dunkirk, north-west France Surprisingly strong effects of time were found, which were reported by Chow et al (1997) along with a database of comparable measurements made elsewhere, and a tentative ... restrike following partial removal of the sand plug inside the pile The CLAROM group found only minor differences between the pairs of tests performed in 1989, giving no indication of any strong effect...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 10:38

19 449 0
Organic chemistry Students guide to success in organic chemistry (2005)  R.F. Daley, S.J. Daley

Organic chemistry Students guide to success in organic chemistry (2005) R.F. Daley, S.J. Daley

... of the work of Felix Hoffmann Hoffmann learned how to prepare aspirin from natural salicylic acid For hundreds of years, people had chewed the bark of the willow tree to relieve minor pain Willow ... turning out differently than you had expected? Do you just junk the project, or you find yourself trying to figure out what went wrong or how you can use the project some other way? Many of the great ... tank open, he found it filled with a waxy white powder The molecules of www.ochem4free.com July 2005 Organic Chemistry - Ch 14 Daley & Daley tetrafluoroethylene had reacted together to form a polymer,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/05/2016, 15:31

414 712 0
Ben j , ph d  whalley, kate e , ph d  fletcher, sam e  weston, rachel l , ph d  howard, calre f , ph d  rawlinson foundation in pharmacy practice pharmaceutical press (2008)

Ben j , ph d whalley, kate e , ph d fletcher, sam e weston, rachel l , ph d howard, calre f , ph d rawlinson foundation in pharmacy practice pharmaceutical press (2008)

... Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education – www.cppe.manchester.ac.uk Crown Report (1999) Review of Prescribing, Supply and Administration of Medicines Final report www.jcn.co.uk/pdf/crownreport2.pdf ... whole, and for individual members of staff • financial strategy and planning – an essential component for running any business successfully, both for review of past performance and also for future ... improvements in quality of care Further information on the QOF can be found at www.ic.nhs.uk/services/qof and www.primarycarecontracting.nhs.uk Pharmacist roles within the NHS provision of healthcare services,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2016, 15:48

225 559 0
2009-04 f.doc

2009-04 f.doc

... 20-Part : finish within 22 minutes Dar Pfeiffer Reports Strong Q2 Profit On Wednesday, Dar Pfeiffer, one of the largest brokerage firms in the world, reported a second-quarter profit that was 53% ... What is Dar Pfeiffer? (a) A brokerage firm (b) An accounting firm (c) A market analyst firm (d) An investment banking firm 154 What did Dar Pfeiffer report? (a) That it plans to offer new services ... the deal with Tapcourt, Dar Pfeiffer would have reported a profit 23% larger than expected Either way, Dar Pfeiffer topped market predictions for performance by at least $1.58 a share 153 What is...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2012, 11:01

25 1,6K 3