generic structure and linguistic features of english geological textbooks



Tôi rất tiếc, nhưng tôi không có quyền truy cập vào nghiên cứu đề cập đến trong yêu cầu của bạn. Tôi chỉ có thể cung cấp thông tin dựa trên kiến thức chung và các nguồn thông tin có sẵn công khai trên Internet.

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2019, 22:47

74 535 1
Đoạn văn giới thiệu được tạo bằng AI
 linguistic features of english terminologies on ear, nose, throat and their vietnamese equivalents

linguistic features of english terminologies on ear, nose, throat and their vietnamese equivalents

... morphological, lexical and syntactic features of medical English The findings suggest that medical English can be characterized as a legitimate register of English with the linguistic features of proportional ... lexical and syntactic features of medical English The procedure was executed manually and by hand The findings suggest that medical English can be characterized as a legitimate register of English ... entitled LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH TERMINOLOGIES ON EAR, NOSE, THROAT AND THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2020, 00:45

72 39 0
Linguistic features of english terminologies on ear, nose, throat and their vietnamese equivalents

Linguistic features of english terminologies on ear, nose, throat and their vietnamese equivalents

... morphological, lexical and syntactic features of medical English The findings suggest that medical English can be characterized as a legitimate register of English with the linguistic features of proportional ... lexical and syntactic features of medical English The procedure was executed manually and by hand The findings suggest that medical English can be characterized as a legitimate register of English ... entitled LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH TERMINOLOGIES ON EAR, NOSE, THROAT AND THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2021, 15:05

72 22 0
Linguistic features of english and vietnamese newspaper headlines in voa news

Linguistic features of english and vietnamese newspaper headlines in voa news

... Frequency of different parts of speech in English and 34 Vietnamese corpora Table 3.2 Frequency of nouns in English and Vietnamese corpora 35 Table 3.3 Frequency of tense and aspect in English and ... Summary 32 Chapter 3: LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 34 NEWSPAPER HEADLINES 3.1 Lexical features of English and Vietnamese newspaper headlines 34 3.1.1 Parts of speech 34 ... Frequency of active and passive voice in English and 37 Vietnamese corpora Table 3.5 Frequency of dynamic and static verbs in English and 38 Vietnamese corpora Table 3.6 Frequency of verb syllables

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2021, 22:13

75 122 2
An investigation into the linguistic features of english and vietnamese riddles

An investigation into the linguistic features of english and vietnamese riddles

... semantic and pragmatic features of English and Vietnamese Riddles A study of conceptual metaphor features of English and Vietnamese Riddles An Investigation into common kinds of riddles in English and ... discover the linguistic features of riddles in English and Vietnamese with the aim of providing an indepth of lexical and phonetic features and then comparing the similarities and differences of the ... Investigation into Linguistic Features of English and Vietnamese Riddles " I hope that the readers and English learners as well would have some useful knowledge of linguistic features in English and Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2022, 07:52

26 3 0
An Investigation into the Linguistic Features of English and Vietnamese Proverbs Containing Foodstuf...

An Investigation into the Linguistic Features of English and Vietnamese Proverbs Containing Foodstuf...

... into the linguistic features of English and Vietnamese proverbs containing foodstuffs terms” I hope that a contrastive analysis of the semantic, syntactic and stylistic features of EPFT (English ... types of sentences such as SVO, SVC, SVA, SVOA and SVOC The syntactic features of EPFT and VPFT are illustrated by Table 4.7 Table 4.7 A summary of syntactic features of EPFT and VPFT Syntactic features ... syntactic, semantic and stylistic features of EPFT and VPFT ? + What are the similarities and differences between EPFT and VPFT in terms of syntactic, semantic and stylistic features? + What are

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2023, 06:03

26 3 0
Syntactic and semantic features of english compound nouns with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

Syntactic and semantic features of english compound nouns with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

... similarities and differences of English compound nouns in both languages and classify the English compound nouns s in the two textbooks into Appendix 1,2 This will help the learners to understand and ... Purposes : : iv LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 English compounds in term of the parts of speech 15 Table 2.2 English compounds in term of semantic 16 Table 2.3 English compounds in term of a phrase or clause ... Back hard cover NGUYỄN THỊ PHƯỢNG ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2014 - 2016 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNVERSITY M.A THESIS SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH COMPOUND NOUNS WITH REFERENCE

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 19:34

104 551 5
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english“go” idioms with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english“go” idioms with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... Syntactic and Semantic Features of English? ??Go‖ idioms with reference to the Vietnamese Equivalents submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English Language ... Language is an effective and irreplaceable tool of expressing mind, thought, saying, etc English is a very rich language and when people want to be proficient in English, all the linguistic phenomena ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS AN INVESTIGATION INTO SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH “GO” IDIOMS WITH REFERENCE TO

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:31

123 439 3
A contrastive study of structural and semantic features of english yes no questions and their vietnamese equivalents

A contrastive study of structural and semantic features of english yes no questions and their vietnamese equivalents

... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS A CONTRASTIVE STUDY OF STRUCTURAL AND SEMANTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH YES-NO QUESTIONS AND THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS ... CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled :“A contrastive study of structural and semantic features of English Yes-No questions and ... questions by many English and Vietnamese linguists In the study, English and Vietnamese Yes- No questions are analyzed in terms of its form and features to find out the similarities and differences

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:31

84 654 5
A study on syntactic and semantic features of english weather proverbs and idioms denoting weather with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on syntactic and semantic features of english weather proverbs and idioms denoting weather with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... THESIS Field: English Language Code: 60220201 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY NGUYỄN THỊ BÍCH HUỆ A STUDY ON SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH PROVERBS AND IDIOMS ... form of short, easy memorable phrases, the proverbs and idioms contain a great treasure of folk wisdom, and through the use of proverbs and idioms, it is often easier to express an idea better and ... dictionaries and websites The key target of the investigation is to discover the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese weather proverbs and idioms in terms of syntactics and semantics

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:33

81 680 2
The syntactic and sematic features of english expressions containing the verb “take” and “bring” and their vietnamese equivalents

The syntactic and sematic features of english expressions containing the verb “take” and “bring” and their vietnamese equivalents

... students of English with aim of finding out their perception of learning speaking English idioms, learning style, attitude and motivation and level of English proficiency Analyzing data and generating ... Syntactic and semantic features of English expressions containing the verbs “Take” and “Bring” and their Vietnamese equivalents submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ... welcome for more perfection of the thesis vi ABSTRACT The title of my thesis is Syntactic and semantic features of English expressions containing the verbs “Take” and “Bring” and their Vietnamese equivalents

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2019, 23:57

118 241 2


... expressions of existence in English and their Vietnamese equivalents.Firstly, learners should read English grammar books to first understand the structures and meanings of expressions of existence in English ... notions of existence and communicative commitment can and perhaps should be pursued independently of the linguistic form of the relevant sentences, the linguistic form of statements of existence ... 20 CHAPTER 21 FEATURES OF EXPRESSIONS OF EXISTENCE IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS 21 3.1 Syntactic features of expressions of existence in English with reference totheir

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2019, 22:47

66 239 1
A study on syntactic and semantic features of english idioms denoting richness and poverty with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on syntactic and semantic features of english idioms denoting richness and poverty with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... Prepositional phrase structures of English and Vietnamese IdR&P 26 27 Table 3.5 Adverbial phrase structures of English and Vietnamese IdR&P 27 Table 3.6 Comparative structures of English and Vietnamese ... and semantics of idioms denoting richness and poverty in English and Vietnamese This thesis also contributes to the general understanding of syntactic and semantic features of English idioms ... summary of English and Vietnamese idioms denoting Richness and Poverty in grammatical patterns 29 Table 3.8 Frequency of Syntactic Features of Idioms denoting Richness and Poverty in English and

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2019, 22:47

79 411 2
A study on linguistic features of english competition law and vietnamese competition law

A study on linguistic features of english competition law and vietnamese competition law

... that binomial and similarities and differences between ECL and VCL in terms of multinomial in both ECL and VCL are formed by nouns This is lexical features and syntactic features is of significance ... number of main and subordinate clauses, the complexity of sentence structure became apparent On syntactic features, ECL and VCL share both similarities and differences The first, both ECL and VCL ... for us to explore some linguistic features From the above reasons, I recognize that exploring into in terms of lexical features and syntactic features in English language of competition law, therefore,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:18

13 810 0
A study of semantic and syntactic features of english famous love sayings and their vietnamese translation

A study of semantic and syntactic features of english famous love sayings and their vietnamese translation

... are the semantic and syntactic features of EFLSs and Vietnamese translation of EFLSs ? - What are the similarities and differences in the semantic and syntactic features of EFLSs and their Vietnamese ... learners of the two languages 1.3 AIMS OF THE STUDY The study is aimed at: - Finding out the semantic and syntactic features of EFLSs and their Vietnamese translation 5 - Helping users of English and ... and syntactic features of EFLSs and their Vietnamese translation 1.4 OBJECTIVES The thesis is intended: - To describe the semantic and syntactic features of EFLSs and Vietnamese translation of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

26 1,2K 3
Structural and semantic features of english idioms referring to head and a contrastive analysis with vietnamese idioms

Structural and semantic features of english idioms referring to head and a contrastive analysis with vietnamese idioms

... language in general and in idioms in particular 15 Chapter structural and semantic features of English and Vietnamese idioms referring to head 2.1 Structural features 2.1.1 Structures of English Idioms ... Some suggestions for learning and teaching English idioms The aim of the thesis in to make learners of English understand the semantic and structural features of English idioms referring to "Head" ... of meanings of the separate components - The meaning of idioms expresses and reflects objects and concepts - The meaning of idioms is expressive, figurative 24 2.2.4 The meanings of English and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:33

54 1,8K 13
the syntactic and lexical features of english and vietnamese newspaper headlines a contrastive analysis = phân tích đối chiếu các đặc điểm cú pháp và từ vựng của các tiêu đề bài báo tiếng anh và tiếng việt

the syntactic and lexical features of english and vietnamese newspaper headlines a contrastive analysis = phân tích đối chiếu các đặc điểm cú pháp và từ vựng của các tiêu đề bài báo tiếng anh và tiếng việt

... Frequency of different parts of speech in English and Vietnamese headlines Table 3.13: Frequency of nouns in English and Vietnamese corpora Table 3.14: Frequency of dynamic and static verbs in English ... of a range of English newspapers She identifies the following linguistic features as typical of headlines in English newspapers: the omission of articles; the omission of verbs and of auxiliaries ... internal levels of syntax are at phrases and sentences In order to get an overall picture of the structure of English and Vietnamese headlines, a description of syntactic features of headlines including...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

58 1,8K 22
An investigation into the socio linguistic features of english loanwords used in vietnamese newspapers published in the 2000s

An investigation into the socio linguistic features of english loanwords used in vietnamese newspapers published in the 2000s

... further understand the process of linguistic transfer between English and Vietnamese, the importance of English lexical resources as the “giver” language and be aware of the lexical gaps in Vietnamese ... natural result of language contact and exerts a profound impact on both vocabulary enrichment and mutual understanding of cultures It helps people of different nations to better understand each other, ... in the time of global communication In Vietnam, since the implementation of Open Door Policy in 1986, and the breakthrough of mass media such as TV, Internet, and cable…the number of English words...

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2016, 14:25

13 398 0
A study on structural and semantic features of english idioms denoting anger with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on structural and semantic features of english idioms denoting anger with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1: English and Vietnamese idioms denoting “anger” in terms of structural features 32 Table 2.Comparison of English and Vietnamese idioms denoting “anger” in terms of semantic ... the overview of the previous researches related to the thesis topic and covers a series of idiomrelated concepts such as: definitions of idioms, features of English idioms, types of English idioms, ... 1: phrases The rough field of vocabulary Features of English Idioms a) Structural features Jennifer Seidl and W McMordie (1978:5) give some special features of English idioms as follows:...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:18

82 1,1K 6
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english collocations with the verb make with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english collocations with the verb make with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... TABLES AND FIGURES Table 2.1 Examples of Lexical Collocations of Hill (2000) 28 Table 2.2 A List of Types of Verbs 29 Table 2.3 Verb Patterns of the Verb MAKE 31 Table 2.4 Other Structures of MAKE ... to comprehend and make use of them more effectively 1.2 Aims of the Research This research is conducted to achieve the targets of finding out syntactic and semantic features of English collocations ... Pointing outsyntacticfeatures of English collocations of the verb MAKE with reference to the Vietnamese equivalents (ii) Figuring out semantic features of English collocations of the verb MAKE with...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:22

83 742 14