english study materials for bank exams

A study on communicative activities in english reading classes for the 10th from students

A study on communicative activities in english reading classes for the 10th from students

... in English reading classes for the 10 th form students. 5. Design of the Study The study has three main parts. Part I is “INTRODUCTION” which consists of the author’s reasons for choosing the study, ... learning English with a great concern. They not only study English because it is compulsory but also because they are interested in English and they are aware well of the importance of English for ... choose the topic “A Study on Communicative Activities in English Reading Classes for the 10 th Form Students” as the study of her graduation thesis. 2. Aims and Objectives of the Study The aims and

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:03

61 822 12
Teachers’ use of the mother tongue in English language classrooms for young learners at a language center A case study = Điển cứu về việc sử dụng tiếng mẹ đẻ củ

Teachers’ use of the mother tongue in English language classrooms for young learners at a language center A case study = Điển cứu về việc sử dụng tiếng mẹ đẻ củ

... language EFL: English as a foreign language ELT: English Language teaching GTM: Grammar Translation Method SR: Stimulated Recall PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study In the process of foreign ... their practices Methods of the study The study is carried out in form of a qualitative multi case study approach in which three teachers teaching three different levels for young learners will be ... the findings of this study will contribute to the pedagogic methodology, especially in teaching English to young children Aims and objectives of the study The aim of this study is to examine teacher‟s

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

59 825 3


... objectives of the study The aim of this study is to examine teacher’s use of the MT- Vietnamese in English language classroom for young learners at an English centre. 2 The objectives of the study are ... practices. 4. Methods of the study The study is carried out in form of a qualitative multi case study approach in which three teachers teaching three different levels for young learners will be ... qualitative multi-case study research was considered to be the most appropriate approach for the present study. It was believe that the study could contribute somehow for further investigation

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2015, 16:43

15 869 3
Study on application of high k dielectric materials for discrete charge storage memory

Study on application of high k dielectric materials for discrete charge storage memory

... STUDY ON APPLICATION OF HIGH-K DIELECTRIC MATERIALS FOR DISCRETE CHARGE STORAGE MEMORY WANG YING QIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2006 STUDY ON APPLICATION OF HIGH-K DIELECTRIC MATERIALS ... related leakages, therefore providing aggressive scaling capability. In this thesis, the following issues are addressed: formation of NCs, application of high-k dielectric materials for NCs memory and ... at 18 V for 200 µs and the TAHOS and DTL devices were programmed at 17.5 V for 100 µs. The TANOS and TAHOS devices were erased at -18 V for 200 ms and the DTL device was erase at -17 V for 100

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 13:32

156 211 0
Resource materials for the three modalities of english language among sophomore college students of thai nguyen university

Resource materials for the three modalities of english language among sophomore college students of thai nguyen university

... three English language modalities namely; speaking, listening, and oral or speaking to serve as basis for proposed resource materials The descriptive method of research was used in the study ... students’ average performance In relation to student's performance in the three language modality test groups stratified according to profile variables, for gender, the p-value for Listening and ... for the opportunity given to be included in the Ph D English program in partnership with Batangas State University; Dr Matilda H Dimaano, Dissertation Adviser, for providing valuable inputs for

Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2016, 10:52

190 306 0
free study material for bankpo clerk SBI IBPS rbi english language

free study material for bankpo clerk SBI IBPS rbi english language

... (Not For Sale) (For Private Circulation Only) www.bankpo.laqshya.in Descriptive English English Language For IBPS PO / SBI PO / Bank Clerical Exams INDEX Noun 1.1 1.2 1.3 ... a piece of information Page | 6     www.bankpo.laqshya.in | Mumbai For Private Circulation Only | Not For Sale www.bankpo.laqshya.in Descriptive English 1.6 MASCULINE AND FEMININE FORMS OF NOUN ... Page | 7     www.bankpo.laqshya.in | Mumbai For Private Circulation Only | Not For Sale www.bankpo.laqshya.in Descriptive English 1.7 THE POSSESSIVE FORMS OF NOUN Use the possessive form of a noun

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 21:08

70 312 0
free study material for bankpo clerk SBI IBPS rbi introduction to bank PO

free study material for bankpo clerk SBI IBPS rbi introduction to bank PO

... 19 20 Allahabad Bank, Andhra Bank, Bank of India, Bank of Maharashtra, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Corporation Bank, Central Bank of India, Dena Bank, Indian Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, ... Overseas Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank, Punjab National Bank, Uco Bank, United Bank of India, Syndicate Bank, Union Bank of India and Vijaya Bank Bharatiya Mahila Bank Other Public Sector Bank (Total: Bank) ... own exams The major recruiters in private sector include the ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, Federal Bank, Centurion Bank of Punjab, Indusind Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Yes Bank, ING Vysya Bank,

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 21:09

12 276 0
A study on the construction of a marking scheme for end of semester english oral tests for 10th grade students at cam giang high school in hai duong

A study on the construction of a marking scheme for end of semester english oral tests for 10th grade students at cam giang high school in hai duong

... objectives of the study Research question Scope of the study Significance of the study Method of the study Design of the study ... OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ OANH A STUDY ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MARKING SCHEME FOR END-OF-SEMESTER ENGLISH ORAL TESTS FOR 10TH GRADE STUDENTS AT CAM GIANG HIGH SCHOOL IN HAI ... construction of a marking scheme for the end-of-semester English oral tests for 10th grade students at Cam Giang High School in Hai Duong” is my own research for the Degree of Master of Arts

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2017, 19:25

90 466 0
A study of english politeness strategies for expressing annoyance with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study of english politeness strategies for expressing annoyance with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... acquisition English informants with excellent knowledge of foreign language would like to use “Hedging” strategy while 100% Vietnamese informants use “Joking” strategy English informants with ... while 22% of English informants who work in scientific field and 13.5% of English informants who work in social choose it, the figures just stand at 7.5% and 9% of Vietnamese informants Language ... Differences: English informants with excellent knowledge of foreign language would like to use “Hedging” (80%) and “Joking” (20%) strategies while 100% Vietnamese informants use “Joking” strategy English

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:32

78 281 2
A study on english politeness strategies for declining invitations with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on english politeness strategies for declining invitations with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... and declining invitations in American English and Vietnamese (2008)” The thesis helped the author a lot in the study and without this, the data for the study would certainly not be analyzed and ... Summary of distribution of the informants under study? ??……………………………………………………….… Table 3.3 51 The total number & frequency of NPS in declining by the VietNamese and English informants………………… 52 Table 3.4 ... Secondly, I am deeply grateful to some foreign and Vienamese authors for their theoretical discussions and fundamental advice for the study, especially PH.D Duong Bach Nhat with the thesis on “ the

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:32

91 514 3
A study on english politeness strategies for gift offers with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on english politeness strategies for gift offers with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... 1 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY AIMS OF THE STUDY OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY SCOPE OF THE STUDY SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY .2 STRUCTURE OF THE STUDY: CHAPTER ... entitled A STUDY ON ENGLISH POLITENESS STRATEGIES FOR GIFT OFFERS WITH REFERENCE TO THE VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English ... chị “Asking for This is the least frequently used permission to strategy by both informants of offer a gift.” English and Vietnamese One thing special in English is their offer in the form of questions

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:32

79 270 1
A study on english politeness strategies for refusals with reference to vietnamese equivalents

A study on english politeness strategies for refusals with reference to vietnamese equivalents

... in English 5.2 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further study 5.2.1 Limitations of the study Participants In fact, participants in this study were all volunteers Therefore, ... from English speaking countries It is important for the reason that teachers themselves are making every attempt to qualify our students for using English for communication To successfully perform ... Rationale of the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Objectives of the study 1.4 Scope of study 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Design of the study

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:33

88 456 3
A study on metaphors in english advertising slogans for food and beverage

A study on metaphors in english advertising slogans for food and beverage

... the study project report entitled “A study on metaphors in English advertising slogans for food and beverage” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English ... Suggestions for a further study This study is carried out to identify and analyze metaphorical expressions used in English advertisising slogans for food and beverage in hope of providing useful information ... implications for teaching and learning English as foreign language as well as in advertising field + Remarks: The knowledge of metaphor is very useful for learning and teaching foreign language

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:33

72 641 1
A study on how to improve english speaking skill for rural highschoolers in hai phong

A study on how to improve english speaking skill for rural highschoolers in hai phong

... and learning English speaking skill in HP Page 40 5.4 Suggestions for the further study Because of the limitation, this study could not cover all of aspects of the study Besides, the study only ... and developing English speaking skill of highschoolers in HP Page 35 5.2.2 Recommendation of the study Suggestions for improving English speaking skill Solutions for factors relating ... findings, contribution, limitations of the study and some suggestions for further studies 5.1 Summary of the study To reach what the author aimed at this study, the study was divided into five chapters

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2018, 09:55

56 353 0
ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study system F8AA pilot paper

ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study system F8AA pilot paper

... 0.5 only for stating the type and 0.5 for explanation Maximum marks for simply providing a list of types of evidence Inspection Observation Inquiry Confirmation Recalculation Reperformance ... marks 1 17 Marks (a) Audit risks 10 marks 0.5 for identifying risk area, for explanation of risk and for stating how to resolve Maximum 2.5 for each area Rotation of audit partner Preparation ... been an audit client for five years and you have been audit manager for the past three years while the audit partner has remained unchanged You are now planning the audit for the year ending

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2018, 09:56

20 18 0
ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session01 j08

ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session01 j08

... include: The rapid expansion of information available, the changing information needs of businesses and consumers and the increase in demand for relevant information for decision-makers Developments ... responsible for expressing an opinion on the financial statements based on their audit The scope of their work is described within the report They are not responsible for the financial statement’s form ... audit process e.g.: for the auditor to reduce the possibility of marginalising a critical element of risk to the business during their risk assessment; for the auditor to be alert for audit evidence

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2018, 09:57

18 42 0
ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session02 j08

ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session02 j08

... professional bodies began to issue formal auditing standards in the mid 1970s (eg 1976 in the UK) to ensure a uniform approach to all audits carried out by their members Before the issue of national ... considered by the appropriate IFAC committees Provide a forum to discuss “best practices” in audit and assurance procedures Act as a formal conduit for interaction among transnational firms and international ... and international regulators and financial institutions 2.3.6 The Forum of Firms The Forum of Firms brings together firms which perform transnational audits in order to involve them more closely

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2018, 09:57

18 42 0
ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session03 j08

ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session03 j08

... information (so that the board and non-executive directors can constructively challenge the executive); a requirement for the board to have formal and rigorous annual evaluations of their performance ... another company; and a formal, transparent and independent appointment process for new directors and with all directors (including non-exec) submitting themselves regularly for reelection 0310 SESSION ... contracts and compensation, procedures for developing remuneration policies There should be appropriate levels of remuneration with a formal and transparent process for fixing that remuneration (i.e

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2018, 09:57

18 44 0
ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session04 j08

ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session04 j08

... they believe that the information: contains materially false or misleading statements; contains statements or information furnished recklessly; or omits or obscures information required to be ... or the way in which financial and performance information is to be reported; a dominant personality attempting to influence the decision-making process, for example with regard to the awarding ... asked for a second opinion must: seek the client’s permission to contact the current accountant and/or auditor; obtain all relevant information by contacting the accountant/auditor and asking for

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2018, 09:57

38 57 0
ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session05 j08

ATC f8 materials for jun08 session study systemf8 AA (int)session05 j08

... Any information supplied by existing auditors should be considered carefully before deciding to accept or reject the appointment Prospective auditors should try to find out the reason for the ... work they have been asked to undertake, before accepting such work In doing so, the existing auditor will be able to provide any relevant information needed for the proper conduct of the work 0504 ... auditor with any information other than stating the reason why (eg client has not informed current auditor) 2.2 Transfer of books and papers 2.2.1 Documents belonging to the client The former auditor

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2018, 09:57

16 66 0