egg young people apos s conceptualisations of sexual knowledge

PILOT’S HANDBOOK of Aeronautical Knowledge

PILOT’S HANDBOOK of Aeronautical Knowledge

... substructure, which consists of bulkheads and/or formers of various sizes and stringers, reinforces the stressed skin by taking some of the bending stress from the fuselage The main section of ... airplane s structure is three times its gross weight Load factors are usually expressed in terms of “G”—that is, a load factor of may be spoken of as G s, or a load factor of as G s It is interesting ... Pressurized Airplanes 5-24 Oxygen Systems .5-26 Masks 5-27 Diluter Demand Oxygen Systems 5-27 Pressure Demand Oxygen Systems 5-27 Continuous Flow Oxygen System 5-27 Servicing of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 13:05

353 256 0


... Professor of Child Health, Institute of Child Health, UCL Sue Sylvester Youth Justice Health Lead, NHS South of England Professor Russell Viner Professor of Adolescent Health, UCL Institute of Child ... Adviser in Children and Young People s Nursing, Royal College of Nursing Roly Squire Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Professor Terence Stephenson Nuffield Professor ... new as well as established organisations within the health system, professionals and practitioners and of course children, young people and their families Why have a Children and Young People s...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 03:20

71 604 0
Tài liệu Improving the quality of reproductive health care for young people doc

Tài liệu Improving the quality of reproductive health care for young people doc

... Pharmacies, Kiosks, and Retail Stores Research suggests that young people in the developing world prefer to use private-sector pharmacies, kiosks, and retail stores when seeking contraceptives because ... disseminating sexual and reproductive health messages and information exists (Brown et al 2001) The use of mass media and entertainment-based campaigns has been very promising Mass media campaigns such as ... girls, must seek permission from a parent or spouse before they can access reproductive health services Parents and family members may be ill-prepared to discuss reproductive health care issues...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 16:20

8 671 0
Tài liệu People’s Republic of China: Financial System Stability Assessment pptx

Tài liệu People’s Republic of China: Financial System Stability Assessment pptx

... Standards and Codes—Assessments of Observance of CPSS Core Principles for Systemically Important Payment Systems: A Summary 108  V Observance of Financial Sector Standards and Codes—Assessment ... Institutions 2009 Total Assets Share of Total Share of GDP (in bln RMB) Assets Number of Institutions 2010 Total Assets Share of Total Share of GDP (in bln RMB) Assets Number of Institutions ... much of the calibration See Table and Appendix I for the methodology 30 Table China: Stress Tests for Banks Solvency Stress Tests Sensitivity Stress Tests Who performed the stress tests Institutions...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20

126 501 0
Tài liệu Commodore Barney''''s Young Spies A Boy''''s Story of the Burning of the City of Washington docx

Tài liệu Commodore Barney''''s Young Spies A Boy''''s Story of the Burning of the City of Washington docx

... Barney 's Young Spies, by James Otis Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK COMMODORE BARNEY 'S YOUNG SPIES *** Produced by David Edwards, Odessa ... was at war with England, and it stands to reason that we lads were eager to know all that was possible concerning this officer, who had been the most successful of the privateers sailing out of ... "He 's of much the same kidney as Elias Macomber, except that he was born in this country A mean native of North Carolina, who starves his slaves, and makes them work twice as many hours as they should...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 08:20

170 747 0
National Strategic Framework on the Health & Development of Adolescents & Young People in Nigeria ppt

National Strategic Framework on the Health & Development of Adolescents & Young People in Nigeria ppt

... incidence Young people are often attracted by processed and refined foods Such foods are often high in fats and sugars, and excessive consumption of these foods results in malnutrition The establishment ... Improving access and equity Efforts to improve access should appropriately address the issues of regional and gender disparities Underlying issues such as socio-cultural and religious concerns in the ... euphoria, boldness and high levels of energy also make them attractive to young people Some of the reasons identified in research reports for the use/abuse of substances by young people in Nigeria...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

128 505 0
Management of invasive meningococcal disease in children and young people pdf

Management of invasive meningococcal disease in children and young people pdf

... applicable RCTs were identified on the use of systemic steroids in children with severe sepsis or septic shock.80 In adults with sepsis, treatment with high-dose steroids over several days is associated ... symptoms suggestive of meningococcal disease, what is the evidence that specific secondary assessment (after 4-6 hours), looking for disease progression, improves diagnosis? include telephone assessment ... prevention of a case of meningococcal disease 1++ A systematic review of retrospective cohort studies, including meta-analysis of three studies addressing cases of meningococcal disease one to 30 days...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

53 467 0
Elderly people´s definition of quality of life potx

Elderly people´s definition of quality of life potx

... subjects subjects 15/53 (28%) subjects 10 subjects subject subject subject 13/53 (24%) subjects subjects 10/53 (19%) subjects subjects subject subject subjects subjects 7/53 (13%) subjects subject subjects ... dos idosos Xavier FMF et al Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2003;25(1):31-9 satisfeitos, os insatisfeitos tinham mais problemas de saúde pela CIRS e mais sintomas depressivos quando avaliados pela GDS Os satisfeitos ... makes me forget that I’m old leisure / praying 23/53 (43%) subjects 17 subjects subjects subject subject subjects 17/53 (32%) subject subjects subject subjects subjects subject subject subjects subjects...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

9 558 0
Capability of the People’s Republic of China to Conduct Cyber Warfare and Computer Network Exploitation potx

Capability of the People’s Republic of China to Conduct Cyber Warfare and Computer Network Exploitation potx

... analysts, reviews of Western scholarship on these subjects, and forensic analysis of intrusions into US networks assessed to have Chinese origins The research draws heavily from journals and ... to supply delays or shortages These assessments in aggregate not seem to suggest that defeating the logistics systems will lead to a de facto US military defeat (PLA professionals likely assume ... tradecraft observed in intrusions attributed to China are the result of extensive forensic analysis and discussions with information security professionals who follow these issues closely A review of Chinese...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

88 495 0
A naturalist in Brazil; the record of a year''''s observation of her flora, her fauna, and her people pptx

A naturalist in Brazil; the record of a year''''s observation of her flora, her fauna, and her people pptx

... trees reflect flashes of light from their smooth upper surfaces, and not a month goes by but some species of tree puts on a shining garment of blossoms These latitudes know nothing of the blackand-white ... parrots, also, I regret to say, boxes of the skins of humming-birds Over the see and and sea, in the dissolves into white meanwhile, the sky begins to clear; the mist diaphanous clouds the slanting ... slanting rays of the sun ; pour down upon sea and coast The city yonder takes plastic shape as we look above the house-fronts rises a forest of towers and steeples to the right gleams the dome of the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

472 368 0
Child-friendly health care: the views and experiences of children and young people in Council of Europe member States doc

Child-friendly health care: the views and experiences of children and young people in Council of Europe member States doc

... 7 Last visit to a health care professional The next series of questions asked about children s last visit to see a health professional Which professional did you last visit? Question asked which ... process Most questions were phrased with closed, multiple choice or tick-box answers, because despite the richness that openended questions produce, the resources necessary to translate comments ... debt of gratitude for her endless dedication and professionalism The processing of the surveys would not have been possible without research assistants John Lombard (who provided technical support...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:20

22 412 0
Addressing the Reproductive Health Needs and Rights of Young People since ICPD – The Contribution of UNFPA and IPPF doc

Addressing the Reproductive Health Needs and Rights of Young People since ICPD – The Contribution of UNFPA and IPPF doc

... discussion among unmarried people The National Survey of Adolescents (ASCE) survey did not collect information on the sexuality of adolescents because of the “obvious sensitivities in discussing ... documented, it is not possible to assess the outcomes of these interventions in terms of attitudes and behaviours changed among youth as a result of exposure Given the sensitive nature of RH topics in the ... attitudes of parents and community members to young people' s utilisation of services Distinguishing between the needs of sub-groups within the population of young people based on their circumstances,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

77 505 0
Presentation References The Time Is Now: Invest in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Young People docx

Presentation References The Time Is Now: Invest in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Young People docx

... S Mensch, “Marriage and Childbirth As Factors in Dropping Out From School: An Analysis of DHS Data from SSA,” Population Studies 62, no (2008): 1-13 Cynthia B Lloyd and Juliet Young, New Lessons: ... Reproductive Health: Lessons, Research, and Programmatic Challenge, accessed at pdfs/AYSRH/6.pdf THE TIME IS NOW: INVEST IN SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH FOR YOUNG PEOPLE ... Guttmacher Institute, 2010), accessed at FB-Adolescents-SRH.pdf, on Feb 1, 2012 UNFPA, Facts About Safe Motherhood, accessed at

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

6 391 0
Parent-young people communication about sexual and reproductive health in E/Wollega zone, West Ethiopia: Implications for interventions doc

Parent-young people communication about sexual and reproductive health in E/Wollega zone, West Ethiopia: Implications for interventions doc

... HIV/AIDS (Table 4) People involved in the discussions about SRH In this study, same sex discussion was observed Female young people reported to discussed with mothers (20.4%) and sisters (15.7%) ... peers to discuss on such topics (male 21 yrs, OSY) Parents not discuss sexual and reproductive health issues with their young people The problem is our social norm that defines it [sexual matters] ... discussants, the level of parents’ knowledge was also questionable These issues were pointed out as: Now days, some parents started to discuss and advise their children about HIV/AIDS It is not...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

13 648 0
Truth, lies and the internet a report into young people’s digital fluency docx

Truth, lies and the internet a report into young people’s digital fluency docx

... 97)`7)(#)%?%6#)%94!@&%:;)%4:8!F;&!?9**9@%4:!a>&7)%947!(&a>%(&=!(&` @&%:;)%4:I!sZ!K-Cm1821[Lb !s8 [#!K-Cm182Z2Lb !s[ 6!K-Cm1802Lb !s[ =! K-Cm18TTULb !s] #!K-Cm1822ULb !s] =!K-Cm182T0Lb!#4= !s\ 6! K-Cm181YL8!F;&!.&(6&4)#:&7!7;9@4!%4!);&!.#.&(!#(&!.97)`@&%:;)&=8! ... L/"27).18%T8%*I'$%a,(&"./%j$95/"&,51%!!X5)5 %S1 &$(1$&,2"#h48%SS1B! 2\!R&/!0121B!@@@8//68698>AO/*9:7O=%:%)#*(&)%948! L$1&V75:8%Z8%.1+%K'.>,(58%WZ8% *S+ $5/5-,2./%K$-($-.&,51%@1/,1$%.1+% @00/,1$48%R256')+5#7!1&58"3/ !S/ /#&!J8&//$!/9 !S* +52'++B!K,#(6;! ... $.2'%#"6E$2&^%*T,-,&./%/,&$(.23%1$$+#%&5%6$%$)6$++$+%,1%.//%.($.#%50% &'$%2"((,2"/")%63%&$.2'$(#%.1+%#$1,5(%).1.-$(#f4AL$5-(.>'38%SRI% #4=!PWB!C&.>)D !S& #=L8!! 57!# !S& #=!9?!C&.#()$&4)!69$$&4)&=I!! G'"8&')+!@2''(A!#/!)'8/325+'!#&'!5B=/)#"28'!/9!(535#"$!$5#')"87!"2(!...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

59 359 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Older People’s Quality of Life (OPQOL) scores and adverse health outcomes at a one-year follow-up. A prospective cohort study on older outpatients living in the community in Italy" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Older People’s Quality of Life (OPQOL) scores and adverse health outcomes at a one-year follow-up. A prospective cohort study on older outpatients living in the community in Italy" docx

... nutritional status but also generic QOL [44] It must be emphasised that a poor QOL is associated with several acknowledged predictors of ED admissions such as depressive symptoms, lack of social support, ... This latter finding suggests that a greater use of the ED by elders is associated with dimensions of the QOL other than the HRQOL, such as dissatisfaction with social support, personal relationships ... outcome, comparisons between subjects scoring in the lowest quartiles of these indices and the rest of the sample were performed by means of the chi-squared test or Fisher s exact test Furthermore,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 694 0
Báo cáo y học: " Avoiding the ‘twilight zone’: Recommendations for the transition of services from adolescence to adulthood for young people with ADHD" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Avoiding the ‘twilight zone’: Recommendations for the transition of services from adolescence to adulthood for young people with ADHD" pot

... transfer After transition a comprehensive assessment should be carried out and patients should also be assessed for any coexisting conditions Trusts should ensure that specialist ADHD teams for ... referral patterns to different services or differences in the skills, approaches, training or philosophy of different professional Page of groups and regions It is essential that these issues are taken ... commissioners and providers of healthcare services on the transition of young people from child to adult services These are summarised as follows: ADHD often continues into adulthood A significant...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:20

8 578 0
Báo cáo y học: " Experiences of treatment decision making for young people diagnosed with depressive disorders: a qualitative study in primary care and specialist mental health settings BMC Psychiatry " pps

Báo cáo y học: " Experiences of treatment decision making for young people diagnosed with depressive disorders: a qualitative study in primary care and specialist mental health settings BMC Psychiatry " pps

... these data support a focus on involvement in decision-making processes for young people with depressive disorders The provision of information was also variable across clinicians and services, ... financial costs and losses seen with untreated depression The results from these studies offer insight into the effects of CCMs, yet it is difficult to tease apart the contribution of the patient-centered ... barriers were discussed by clients, both in terms of access to services at all and also in terms of being involved in the decision-making process once gaining access to a service There are several...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21

49 297 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Highs and lows: patterns of use, positive and negative effects of benzylpiperazine-containing party pills (BZP-party pills) amongst young people in New Zealand" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " Highs and lows: patterns of use, positive and negative effects of benzylpiperazine-containing party pills (BZP-party pills) amongst young people in New Zealand" doc

... Conclusion This study is the first to explore issues around young people' s use of BZP-party pills Our findings suggest that young people in this study were not suffering excessive or dangerous adverse ... BZP-party pills, it is perhaps not surprising that the substances are being used in similar ways to those seen amongst users of ecstasy in other countries; for example, prolonged periods of dancing ... of first use of BZP-party pills was 17.4 years (youngest 14 and oldest 22; data missing on one case) Some had used illicit substances prior to BZPparty pills, whereas for others (alcohol aside)...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

10 376 0