earth s resources including fossil fuels

earth''s resources chater 5

earth''s resources chater 5

... study the fossils to find out more about what life was like in the past Paleontologists find more than just dinosaur fossils These scientists have found fossils of fish, plants, and insects They ... Lesson Natural Resources Page 214 Lesson Plant and Animal Resources Page 224 Lesson Resources of California Page 234 ES Earth is made of materials that have distinct properties and provide resources ... This is called ES 3.e 248 Which of these things come from plants? Which come from animals? What are some natural resources? ES 3.e ES 3.e Discuss three items you use that come from natural resources...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2015, 14:50

45 157 0
earth''s resources science

earth''s resources science

... 15 How are fossil fuels formed and used? Types of Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource because they take millions of years to form Fossil fuels formed from organisms that lived ... businesses 17 Using Fossil Fuels How Coal Forms When fossil fuels are burned, they produce gases These gases can trap heat in the atmosphere, which can make Earth warmer This warming of Earth is called ... quickly as it is used Minerals and fossil fuels can be used quickly, but they take millions of years to form Before using resources it is important to consider the cost and benefits When trees are...

Ngày tải lên: 28/01/2015, 17:53

14 168 0
earth''s natural resources

earth''s natural resources

... other energy sources But there are many problems with fossil fuels All fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources One day we will run out of fossil fuels Also, burning coal and oil causes a lot of ... some way Oil rigs, such as this one, are used to drill for oil beneath the ocean Oil spills can be very dangerous to ocean plants and animals Advantages and Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels Fossil ... Details Explain the problems with our heavy use of fossil fuels for energy Use details from the reading to support your answer Nonrenewable Energy Resources Two Types of Resources A resource is...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2015, 15:41

14 429 0


... 0.220 x SSU - 135/SSU, for SSU > 100 kin vise in centistokes = 2.24 X SSF - 184/SSF, for SSF 25-40 kin vise in centistokes - 2.16 X SSF - 60/SSF, for SSF > 40 centistoke (cSt) = 0.000001 m2/sec Unlike ... viscous oils, a larger (Furol) orifice is used, and the results are reported as SSF (seconds, Saybolt Furol) kin vise in Centistokes = 0.226 X SSU - 195/SSU, for SSU 32-100 kin vise in centistokes ... gaseous fossil fuels Residual fuel oils that result after crude petroleum is topped; or viscous residuums from refining operations Blended fuel oils, mixtures of the above The distillate fuels...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 07:20

17 433 0


... emphysema can result, as well as increased general susceptibility to respiratory diseases To make things worse, these particles may carry along small amounts of hazardous trace FOSSIL FUELS: ENVIRONMENTAL ... also reduces the emissions of unburned hydrocarbons to some extent Since the largest source of CO emissions is the automobile exhaust, use of oxygenated fuels substantially reduces the emissions ... above For this reason, it is much more difficult to reduce NOx emissions than SOx emissions This is seen in Figure 11-3: for the last five years, not much progress has been made This issue will be...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

28 249 0
From the Earth’s Core to Outer Space docx

From the Earth’s Core to Outer Space docx

... the Solar System, Risto Pellinen discusses physical conditions on Mars The latest measurements conducted by Mars rovers show that there indeed is water ice on the surface of Mars Thus there has ... points, usually explosions, are at intervals of few tens of kilometers The largest distances between sources and receivers can be several hundreds of kilometers In this way it is possible to see ... however subtle) chance for development of Earth- like life forms also on Mars The article also highlights the difficulties associated with space research: successes and failures alternate in missions...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 10:20

331 4.9K 0
Water is for life:How the Water Framework Directive helps safeguard Europe’s resources doc

Water is for life:How the Water Framework Directive helps safeguard Europe’s resources doc

... issues such as industrial pollution, major accidents, and impact assessments Case study: the Danube River The Danube river basin district illustrates the variety of waters within one river basin ... on issues such as river basin planning, pressures and measures, monitoring and assessment, information management, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and economics, as well as on floods Key water ... legislation dates back to the latter half of the 197 0s, when the first ‘wave’ of laws set standards and targets for discharges of dangerous substances, drinking water, fishing waters, shellfish waters,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

28 272 0


... pyrolysates 18 Geochemistry – Earth' s System Processes Values of the most used sterane maturation parameters based on the ratios of C29 sterane isomers, C29αββ(R)/C29(αββ(R)+ααα(R)) and C29ααα (S) /C29ααα (S+ R) ... knowledge, as it is known that transition metal ions acting as 20 Geochemistry – Earth' s System Processes Lewis acids show an affinity for aromatic systems, and that they form stable complexes with ... 16 Geochemistry – Earth' s System Processes Sample S4 00 SPt400 SRu400 Sample S4 00 SPt400 SRu400 Yield of liquid pyrolysates** (ppm) 1700 2700 2700 po 4.5 4.5 4.3 Yields of hydrocarbons (HC)** (ppm)...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 03:20

512 301 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 1 pot

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 1 pot

... of Sciences Research Center of Ecological Safety Korpusnaya ul 18 197110 St Petersburg Russian Federation Dr Alexander V Vasilyev St Petersburg State University Institute of Physics Ulyanovskaya ... observed values The analysis of the database convinces us that solar radiation absorption in the dust and cloudy atmosphere is more significant than has been considered Many authors have classified ... terminology and the scattering cross-section is called “integral scattering cross-section” The sense of these names is evident from (1.12)–(1.15) 12 Solar Radiation in the Atmosphere The substitution...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 358 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 2 ppsx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 2 ppsx

... level are Alto-stratus (As), Alto-cumulus (Ac); the high stratiform clouds are Cirrus-stratus (Cs); and also the Frontal cloud systems are Ns-As, As-Cs, Ns-As-Cs (Feigelson 1981; Matveev et al ... classification of the stratiform clouds: the stratiform clouds of the lower level are Stratus (St), Stratus-cumulus (Sc), Nimbus stratus (Ns); the stratiform clouds of the medium level are Alto-stratus ... atmosphere Reference book Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad (in Russian) 44 References Penner SS (1959) Quantitative molecular spectroscopy and gas emissivities AddisonWesley, Massachusetts Rothman LS,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 347 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 3 doc

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 3 doc

... 2002, St Petersburg Chemistry Institute, St Petersburg University Press, St Petersburg Yanovitskij EG (1972) Spherical albedo of planet atmosphere Astronomical J 49:844–849 (in Russian) Yanovitskij ... Thickness The optical thickness of certain cloud layers is not sufficient in some cases for making use of the above-presented equations and their application leads to significant errors and it causes ... the standard calculations of the radiative characteristics of the atmosphere Besides, the Monte-Carlo method makes possible the simulation of the processes of the real radiation measurements,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 321 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 4 potx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 4 potx

... Thus, the new algorithm has been elaborated for processing the results of soundings accomplished in the years 1983–1985 It is also based on certain assumptions but not so severe as before Let us ... Characteristics of Ground Surface 111 evidently has a sense of the spectra density in this class Hence, the spectrum providing the maximal spectra density in the class has been chosen as starting ... classification has to be followed by a stage of hand analysis At this stage, the information concerning measuring factors is analyzed for every class Some classes are united after this analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 318 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 5 pptx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 5 pptx

... (in Russian) Sobolev VV (1972) The light scattering in the planet atmospheres Nauka Moscow (in Russian) STANDARDS 4401–81 Standard atmosphere USSR state standard (1981) Standard s Press, Moscow ... is registered, really it is representing as a finite array of the measured characteristics (see Sect 3.1) The opposite case is impossible because of digitations of the output signal Thus, it is ... properties of cloudiness and is not caused by the observational or processing uncertainties as some investigators have presented The relationship between the scattering and absorbing properties of stratus...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 381 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 6 pdf

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 6 pdf

... methods of dynamic processes studying St Petersburg University Press, St Petersburg (in Russian) Rodgers CD (1976) Some theoretical aspects of remote sounding in the Earth s atmosphere J Quant Spectroscopy ... of Lidar sounding of aerosols Thesis on III Int Conf “Natural and anthropogenic aerosols”, 2001, St Petersburg Chemistry Institute, St Petersburg University Press, pp 57 (in Russian) Prasolov AV ... the cases of the water and sand surfaces, while the snow surface has been assumed as an orthotropic one (Sect 3.4) Note that these anisotropic models were constructed just for the surfaces above...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 439 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 7 pptx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 7 pptx

... experiments with the processed results is less than ten for every type of surface, it would not be enough for statistical analysis of the results and for presenting them as models Nevertheless, it is ... expressions of the radiative characteristics suggest an idea to convert these expressions and to obtain the inverse formulas for the retrieval of the desired parameters after substituting the measured ... could also serve to study the aerosol content and distribution While studying the scattered radiation field within clouds, it is necessary to distinguish two essentially different cases: (1) a single...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 276 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 8 pps

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 8 pps

... optical parameters inside cloud layer In: Problems of Atmospheric Physics, St.Petersburg State University Press, St.Petersburg 6:261–272 (in Russian) Melnikova IN, Zshanabaeva SS (1996) Evaluation ... thickness The restriction on the true absorption arises due to expansions over the small parameter for the asymptotic constants The applicability region of the inverse expressions for values s and ... thickness τi 6.2 Some Possibilities of Estimating of Cloud Parameters 6.2.1 The Case of Conservative Scattering Sometimes there is no true absorption of solar radiation by clouds at separate...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 277 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 9 pot

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 9 pot

... clouds by absorption aerosol particles Beitr Phys Atmos 48:199–209 Ivlev LS, Andreev SD (1986) Optical properties of atmospheric aerosols St Petersburg University Press, St Petersburg (in Russian) ... Class 4.0 Class 5.0 Class 6.0 Class 7.0 Class 8.0 Class 9.0 Class 10.0 268 Appendix A: Tables of Radiative Characteristics and Optical Parameters of the Atmosphere Table A.4 (continued) Class ... (continued) Class 11.0 Class 12.0 Class 13.0 Class 14.0 Class 14.1 Class 14.2 Class 14.3 ∗ The Tsimlyansky reservoir (water has light green color) There is no data about C(cl) and C(ms) N = 6, H = (200/200/200),...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

32 268 0
Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 10 docx

Short-Wave Solar Radiation in the Earth’s Atmosphere Part 10 docx

... Formulas Derivation Substitute to (B.5) the following expansions over powers of small parameter s for values: 3.6 m = 8s2 + s − 7.5g + + O (s4 ) , 1+g l = − 6q s + 18q s2 + O (s3 ) , (B.6) a∞ = − 4s ... coefficient 134 scattering angle 11 scattering azimuth 11 scattering cross-section 10 secondary processing 81, 94 semi-infinite atmosphere 58, 64 semiautomatic regime 89 semispherical flux semispherical ... natural surfaces 79 spectral resolution 199 spectral transformation of the albedo 100 spectral transparency 173 spectral values 205, 243 spectrometer 78 spectroscopic parameters 134 spectrum shape...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 21:21

25 311 0
The Earth’s Atmosphere Contents Part 1 pptx

The Earth’s Atmosphere Contents Part 1 pptx

... as it absorbs some wavelengths of radiation and is transparent to others Objects that selectively absorb and emit radiation, such as gases in our atmosphere, are known as selective absorbers SELECTIVE ... rain and high surface winds are reaching peak gusts of 100 knots Smaller storms are seen as bright spots over the Gulf of Mexico These spots represent clusters of towering cumulus clouds that have ... and gusty winds as the front passes All of this, however, should give way to clearing skies and surface winds from the west or northwest after the front has moved on by Observing storm systems,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

47 322 0
The Earth’s Atmosphere Contents Part 2 pdf

The Earth’s Atmosphere Contents Part 2 pdf

... crosses the equator moving southward In the middle latitudes, summer is defined as the warmest season and winter the coldest season If the year is divided into four seasons with each season consisting ... slopes than on the warmer south slopes For this reason, ski runs are built facing north wherever possible Also, homes and cabins June sun LOCAL SEASONAL VARIATIONS Figure 2.22 shows how the sun s ... classification sysTABLE 4.3 TABLE 4.2 93 The Four Major Cloud Groups and Their Types High clouds Low clouds Cirrus (Ci) Stratus (St) Cirrostratus (Cs) Stratocumulus (Sc) Cirrocumulus (Cc) Nimbostratus...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:20

47 1K 0