design of square and rectangular platforms

Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits

Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits

... resistance of the copper of the wire of the secondary resistance of losses for Foucault and hysteresis distributed capacitance of the winding of the primary distributed capacitance of the winding of ... voltage of PINCH-OFF or "strangulation of the channel" defined in the curves of exit of the transistor, whose module agrees numerically with the voltage of cut in the curves of input of the transistor ... Transformadores of great value Equivalent circuit of a transformer Equivalent circuit of a inductor Measurement of the characteristics Transformer of alimentation Design Transformer of audiofrecuency...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 16:15

493 797 6
Electronics - Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits

Electronics - Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits

... resistance of the copper of the wire of the secondary resistance of losses for Foucault and hysteresis distributed capacitance of the winding of the primary distributed capacitance of the winding of ... voltage of PINCH-OFF or "strangulation of the channel" defined in the curves of exit of the transistor, whose module agrees numerically with the voltage of cut in the curves of input of the transistor ... Transformadores of great value Equivalent circuit of a transformer Equivalent circuit of a inductor Measurement of the characteristics Transformer of alimentation Design Transformer of audiofrecuency...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 16:15

493 735 2
Tài liệu Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures Volume I pdf

Tài liệu Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures Volume I pdf

... Universityof Technology Prof Xue-Yan Xu, Marine Design and Research Institute of China Mr Heng-Yi Zeng, China Ocean Petroleum Co Prof Bing-Yan Zhang, Marine Design and Research Institute of China Prof ... development of safety culture and ship & offshore installation design standards It is based on the demand of the development of ship, offshore engineering technology in 21st century and introduces ... new methods and greater understanding of risk concepts, coupled with experience and knowledge, will be used to refine and improve future standards of safety Practical Design of Ships and Other...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 16:20

726 617 1
design of simple and robust process plants

design of simple and robust process plants

... Level of Complexity DOF DOF DOF U.O A U.O B U.O C U.O = UNIT OPERATION DOF = DEGREES OF FREEDOM Fig 2.4 Sequential operation DOF DOF U.O B U.O A DOF U.O C U.O = UNIT OPERATION DOF = DEGREES OF FREEDOM ... Vulnerability 15 Design of Instrumentation, Automation and Control 15 Operation Optimization 16 The Efficient Design and Operation of High-quality Process Plants 16 Overall Example of Process Design 17 ... 38 Long Term 39 The Design of Simple and Robust Chemical Plants 39 Minimize Equipment, Piping, and Instruments 39 Design of Single Reliable and Robust Components 42 Optimize Design 45 Clever Process...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:24

468 444 0
practical thermal design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers - r. mukherjee (begell house, 2004) ww

practical thermal design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers - r. mukherjee (begell house, 2004) ww


Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 20:02

243 422 0


... both motions of the pair The vector of the response spectra is calculated as the square root of the sum of the squares (SSRS) of the response spectra for the two different directions, and this vector ... which effective mass (M*), sdof acceleration (Ssdof), and sdof displacement (∆sdof) can be obtained (ATC 40, 1996; Chopra and Goel, 2001; Qi and Moehle, 1991; Saiidi and Sozen, 1981) as M* = (∑ ... importance of deformation is paramount in performance-based assessment and design of yielding structures, the design should not overlook aspects of performance that may be affected by other demand parameters...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 20:20

19 486 0
analysis and design of reinforced and prestressed-concrete guideway structures

analysis and design of reinforced and prestressed-concrete guideway structures

... operational, and planning analyses of the design and construction of the transit system In most transit operations, a shutdown period between the hours of 1:00 a.m and 5:00 a.m (0100 and 0500) can ... the benefits of standardizing the structural elements, in terms of ease and time of construction and maintenance, should be examined and the effective options implemented 2.8.2 -Standardization ... dimensions of the finished structure in sufficient detail to facilitate the preparation of an accurate estimate of the quantities of materials and costs and to permit the full realization of the design...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 21:58

35 463 0
guide for design of foundations and shoulders for concrete pavements

guide for design of foundations and shoulders for concrete pavements

... the SandCone Method Standard Method of Test for Density of Soil In-Place by the RubberBalloon Method Standard Method of Test for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head) Standard Method of ... Rammer and a 12-in (305 mm) Drop Standard Method of Test for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 10-lb (4.54 kg) Rammer and an 18-in (457 mm) Drop Standard Method of Test for Density of Soil ... Investigating and Sampling Soils and Rock for Engineering Purposes Standard Method for Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils Standard Methods of Test for Moisture-Density Relations of...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 21:59

8 538 0
Design of efficient and elastic storage in the cloud

Design of efficient and elastic storage in the cloud

... capacity in terms of storage and computation, and to support OLTP and OLAP in the cloud demands the re-examination of existing data servers and architecting possibly “new” elastic and efficient data ... efficient indexes of multiple types and effective support of a variety of workloads The ultimate goal of this thesis is to address the aforementioned challenges and propose an efficient and elastic cloud ... them iv v Design of Efficient and Elastic Storage in the Cloud by Vo Hoang Tam Submitted to the School of Computing in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:18

207 359 0
Development and implementation of efficient segmentation algorithm for the design of antennas and arrays

Development and implementation of efficient segmentation algorithm for the design of antennas and arrays

... gives the best performance with an impedance bandwidth of 68.3%, a dB gain bandwidth of 45.5% and a broadside gain of 7.07 dBi at 5.4 GHz viii List of Figures FIG 2.1: AN ARBITRARY SHAPED SCATTERER ... 69 FIG 3.8: PHOTOGRAPH OF THE FABRICATED CHEBYSHEV BANDPASS FILTER 71 FIG.3.9: CHEBYSHEV BANDPASS FILTER (A) LAYOUT OF THE BANDPASS FILTER (B) SMALL DOMAIN OF THE BANDPASS FILTER L=22.45, ... applications and this could save a lot of space in product design [3] Antennas should be relatively cheap and easy to manufacture They should be lightweight, low-profile and robust One type of antenna...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:02

220 333 0
Design of adaptive and hybrid energy  QOS aware heterogeneous multiprocessor scheduling strategies for embedded systems

Design of adaptive and hybrid energy QOS aware heterogeneous multiprocessor scheduling strategies for embedded systems

... in a very high rate of charge lock-up and a large αL , and vice versa A lower value of β also indicates a low rate of recovery of αL β is measured in sec−1 A typical value of β for a lithium ... imposes several design constraints and poses Figure 2.1: BSN employed to monitor health of an athlete unique challenges One of it is the choice of the energy pack Being mobile and unobtrusive ... designers, as opposed to battery designers, and provides an elegant, simple and accurate means to estimate battery properties and dynamic-state such as the available charge, lockedup charge and...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:44

105 299 0
AASHTO   a policy on geometric design of highways and streets 2004    part 2

AASHTO a policy on geometric design of highways and streets 2004 part 2

... AASHTD Geometric Design ofHighways and Streets Design- hour turning movements Size and operating characteristics of vehicle Variety of movements (diverging, merging, weaving, and crossing) Vehicle ... right turns are functions of design speed and type of vehicles For an in-depth discussion of the appropriate design criteria, see Chapter Minimum Edge -of- Traveled-Way Designs Where it is appropriate ... (Continued) ~ s ~ Q ~ ~ AASHTO-Geometric Design ofHighways and Streets In the design of the edge of the traveled way based on the path of a given design vehicle, it is assumed that the vehicle...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2016, 00:22

342 588 1
Analysis and design of steel and composite structutre

Analysis and design of steel and composite structutre

... stiffeners 167 Design actions for the design of flange and web welds 169 6.6.2 Design of bolts 170 6.6.3 Design of end plate 170 6.6.4 Design of beam-to-end-plate welds 171 Trung taõm ủaứo ... connections 382 11.3.1 Behaviour of tee shear connections 383 11.3.2 Design of bolts 383 11.3.3 Design of tee stems 384 11.3.4 Design of tee flanges 384 11.3.5 Design of welds 384 11.3.6 Detailing ... require a sound understanding of the behaviour of structural members and systems This book provides an integrated and comprehensive introduction to the analysis and design of steel and composite structures...

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2016, 22:57

16 339 1
1 optimal design of plate and frame heat exchangers for efficient heat recovery in process industries

1 optimal design of plate and frame heat exchangers for efficient heat recovery in process industries

... inaccuracy of only 2.5% The comprehensive description of existing PHE design procedures was presented by Shah and Focke [28] and Shah and Wanniarachchi [29] Their methods were described by Shah and ... model of a PHE, and the solution allows the calculation of the pressure and temperature change of streams entering the heat exchanger It is a problem of PHE rating (analysis) Optimization of PHE ... Wang and Sunden [10] The most important and costly parts of plate -and- frame PHE are plates with gaskets The plates can be made of stainless steels, titanium and other even more expensive alloys and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 18:04

11 650 0
SAP2000®  Linear and Nonlinear  Static and Dynamic  Analysis and Design  of  Three-Dimensional Structures

SAP2000® Linear and Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analysis and Design of Three-Dimensional Structures

... Click the Design menu > Steel Frame Design > Start Design/ Check of Structure command or the Start Steel Design/ Check of Structure button, to start the steel frame design process The program designs ... Click the Design menu > Steel Frame Design > Start Design/ Check of Structure command or the Start Steel Design/ Check of Structure process button, to start the steel frame design G When the design ... Assign, Analyze, Display and Design These listed menus contain the commands that will be needed most often when using SAP2000, and many of the most frequently used commands are accessible as a...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:56

47 1,4K 2
SAP2000 Integrated Finite Elements Analysis and Design of Structures

SAP2000 Integrated Finite Elements Analysis and Design of Structures

... and all associated documentation are proprietary and copyrighted products Worldwide rights of ownership rest with Computers and Structures, Inc Unlicensed use of the program or reproduction of ... trademark of Microsoft Corporation DISCLAIMER CONSIDERABLE TIME, EFFORT AND EXPENSE HAVE GONE INTO THE DEVELOPMENT AND DOCUMENTATION OF SAP2000 THE PROGRAM HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED AND USED ... ASSUMPTIONS OF THE PROGRAM AND MUST INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE RESULTS Table Of Contents A Introduction B Description of Building Model C Tutorial Part - Creating, Analyzing and Designing...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:56

127 1,5K 2
Linear Minimum Mean-Square-Error Transceiver Design for Amplify-and-Forward Multiple Antenna Relaying Systems

Linear Minimum Mean-Square-Error Transceiver Design for Amplify-and-Forward Multiple Antenna Relaying Systems

... 3.8 Proof of (3.7) 3.9 Proof of (3.17) 3.10 Proof of Property 3.11 Proof of Property 3.12 Proof of Property ... eigenvectors of T and Θ, respectively, while the diagonal matrices ΛT and ΛΘ contains the eigenvalues of T and Θ, respectively Without loss of generality, it is assumed that the diagonal elements of ΛT and ... specific modulation and number of users, the transceiver design is of different natures and must be tackled in different ways In this thesis, we address the problem of transceiver design for single-user...

Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:31

130 407 0
Theory and design of CNC systems (Học CNC)

Theory and design of CNC systems (Học CNC)

... composed of two parts with a total of 11 chapters: Part I is composed of Chapters 1–6 on the principle and design of CNC, and Part II is composed of an open-architectural soft CNC system Specifically, ... Direction of the CNC System 29 For the NC system design, the modularization of tasks and the system design such as the allocation of priority for each task, the selection of scheduling method and the ... synchronization and communication mechanism among tasks are required In this book, the architecture and design of the CNC system and the architecture and functions of the NCK, the PLC, and the MMI...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 20:50

466 857 4
DNA by Design. Stephen Meyer and the Return of the God Hypothesis

DNA by Design. Stephen Meyer and the Return of the God Hypothesis

... Commission of Civil Rights in August 1998; at a briefing for some members of Congress and their staffs on Scientific Evidence of Intelligent Design and Its Implications for Public Policy and Education ... ID theorists purport, and the suggestion of a conspiracy of silence is absurd One can find any number of discussions of the Cambrian radiation in the scientific literature, and new studies regularly ... what was designed and what wasn’t; and when, where, how, and by whom was design information supposedly inserted?7 Although his Discovery Institute biography describes Meyer as the author of “numerous...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

19 457 0