... PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE AS MATRIX OF THE WRITTEN VIETNAMESE (QƯÓC NGỮ), AND ITS HISTORICAL IMPACT ON THE SUSTAINABILITY OF VIẸT NAM? ?S DEVELOPMENT Isabel Augusta Tavares Mourão - Jorge Ryder Torres-Pereira ... means o f the Portuguese cartography it is possible to follow the creation and the evolution o f the delta o f the Red River throughout the centuries 526 P O R T U G U E S E LA N G U A G E AS M ... Oriental3, Concerning one o f the shipwrecks that occurred in the Spratly area in the 17th century and the daily-life o f the survivors during seven years until their return to Macao, see Isabel A
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2017, 22:29
... Museum" (2017) Thesis Rochester Institute of Technology Accessed from This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by RIT Scholar Works It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses ... 1998), designed by cinematographer Morton Heilig Its multi-sensory technology included visuals, sound, vibration, and smell Sensorama (Figure 1) stands as one of the earliest examples of immersive ... (BSPS, 2016) When an area is undisturbed by man it is not possible to add traditional text-based exhibit descriptions on plaques or posters AR adds digital content to the real world that visitors
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2022, 07:37
characterizing grain-scale availability of aromatic hydrocarbons in mgp site soils and assessment of the impact on the dynamics of soil and pore water concentration during and after remediation
... soil C7,= 1290 mg/kg, Ky = 330 L/kg, F = 0.88, kz = 4.0E-04 d", Xp remediation = 20 d', Ap,post-remediation = OG s ssssssecccssscscesssecessesssesseseensaeeesaes 125 Predicted impact of slow ... Ap,posteremediation = OU" sscccssessssecessesesecesesesesecsssaeeeneees 128 Predicted impact of slow release on soil and groundwater concentrations for benzene in CA-5 soil Cy,= 1.5 mg/kg, Ky = ... rate of sorption and desorption of chemicals from the NAPL and/or soil matrix to the aqueous phase A few of the more common ones will be discussed in this section All of the formulations discussed
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2014, 08:23
Summary of Doctoral Thesis: The factors’ impact on the application of management accounting techniques within enterprises in northern Vietnam
... with the level of using some types of estimates in enterprises (consumption estimates, purchase estimates, money estimates and financial statements estimates Conclusion 3: There was no evidence of ... effects of factors on this application The second group consisted of researches studying both the status of the application and the factors’ impact on it In terms of theoretical framework, those ... decentralization in enterprises for managers Decentralization is often tied to the responsibilities of managers so it raises the need for information to effectively use resources as well as use assessment
Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 13:10
Modern approaches to floristics and their impact on the region of SW Asia
... that these aspirations and good intentions are translated into effective action Taxonomists and systematists of all persuasions must ask themselves just how they should react to the alarming situation ... issues such as congruence of data sets to be resolved, a great deal of light has been shed on the relationships between and within a number of families As a result of the increasing use of these ... of structures, the completion of an electronic catalogue of all the flowering plants and ferns of the region, the preparation of the necessary protocols and software, the design of verified summaries
Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 15:35
Anticompetitive practices in japan their impact on the performance of foreign firms
... at Austin He is recognized by the Journal of International Business Studies as one of the most productive contributors to scholarly publications in international business in the past 25 years He ... Business and Economics, New York University, pp 21–62 Richards, Jonathan D (1993), “Japan Fair Trade Commission Guidelines Concerning Distribution Systems and Business Practices: An Illustration ... International Business, Ambassador Edward Clark Centennial Fellow in Business, and also Director of Research at the Center for International Business Education and Research at the University of Texas
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2020, 07:56
Anticompetitive practices in japan their impact on the performance of foreign firms
... at Austin He is recognized by the Journal of International Business Studies as one of the most productive contributors to scholarly publications in international business in the past 25 years He ... Business and Economics, New York University, pp 21–62 Richards, Jonathan D (1993), “Japan Fair Trade Commission Guidelines Concerning Distribution Systems and Business Practices: An Illustration ... International Business, Ambassador Edward Clark Centennial Fellow in Business, and also Director of Research at the Center for International Business Education and Research at the University of Texas
Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2020, 10:04
Zakat collection and distribution system and its impact on the economy of Indonesia
... the respondents, yet the existing one provides its good services Furthermore, the present study is very useful for the students of Islamic finance and its association with the economy as reasonable ... explains the causal association between dependent and independent variables of the study Results and Discussion Table shows descriptive facts, mean score, status of the mean score on Likert scale, standard ... correlation and regression analysis of the study Descriptive analysis provides the overview about the dataset, correlation indicates the association between the variables, while regression analysis
Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2020, 22:54
Summary of Phd thesis Business administration: A study of the impacts of ceo’s characteristics on the performance of a number of outstanding listed enterprises
... characteristics that directly and indirectly affect? ?the? ?performance? ?of? ? the? ?FOEs currently listed? ?on? ?the? ?stock market? ?of? ?Vietnam CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION? ?ON? ?THE? ?RESEARCH RESULTS OF? ?THE? ?THESIS AND A NUMBER? ?OF? ? RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1. Discussions? ?on? ?the? ?research results ... identification? ?of? ?operating characteristics? ?of? ?familyowned enterprises to show? ?the? ?relationship between personal characteristics? ?of? ?CEOs. to the? ?performance? ?of? ?the? ?business The? ?regression equation for? ?the? ?author 's? ?research is as follows: CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS? ?OF? ?THE? ?THE? ?IMPACTS? ?OF? ?CEO? ?S? ? ... model do not create much? ?impact? ?on? ?performance? ?of? ?an enterprise Based? ?on? ?the? ?research results combined with? ?the? ?support and suggestions? ?of? ?experts,? ?the? ?thesis also proposed 04 groups? ?of? ?basic solutions to motivate? ?the? ?positive effects? ?of? ?CEO? ?s? ?characteristics? ?on? ?
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2020, 01:07
Industrial revolution 4.0 and its impact on the protection of constitutional human rights: a reflection from the Vietnamese context
... laws on the protection of personal data in the context of technological development, in which special emphasis is placed on the responsibilities of businesses, on protecting privacy rights and ... process in human rights, citizen? ?s rights in the 2013 Constitution and (3)276 ASIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND TRENDS Industrial Revolution 4.0 and its impact on constitutional ... (1)274 ASIAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND TRENDS INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 AND ITS IMPACT ON THE PROTECTION OF CONSTITUTIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS: A REFLECTION FROM THE VIETNAMESE CONTEXT
Ngày tải lên: 28/01/2021, 20:45
Portuguese language as matrix of the written vietnamese quốc ngữ and its historical impact on the sustainability of viet nams development
... PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE AS MATRIX OF THE WRITTEN VIETNAMESE (QƯÓC NGỮ), AND ITS HISTORICAL IMPACT ON THE SUSTAINABILITY OF VIẸT NAM? ?S DEVELOPMENT Isabel Augusta Tavares Mourão - Jorge Ryder Torres-Pereira ... means o f the Portuguese cartography it is possible to follow the creation and the evolution o f the delta o f the Red River throughout the centuries 526 P O R T U G U E S E LA N G U A G E AS M ... Oriental3, Concerning one o f the shipwrecks that occurred in the Spratly area in the 17th century and the daily-life o f the survivors during seven years until their return to Macao, see Isabel A
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2021, 12:07
The “Make or Take” Decision in an Electronic Market Evidence on the Evolution of Liquidity
... highly restrictive assumptions These assumptions raise concerns about the robustness of their conclusions We use experimental markets to test the robustness of predictions derived from restricted ... Depth on the Same Side as Order This figure presents the submission rates of the different types of traders conditional on depth in the book at the best bid or offer (BBO) on the same side as the ... characteristics of the underlying asset such as asset value volatility affect the provision of market liquidity? Addressing these questions allows us to provide insights not only into the functioning of
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 07:16
The Western diets negative impact on the health of the Pacific I
... University of Louisville ThinkIR: The University of Louisville 's Institutional Repository College of Arts & Sciences Senior Honors Theses College of Arts & Sciences 5-2016 The Western diet 's negative ... http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2015/05/19/reversing-diabetes-rates-indian-country160402 28 Using seasonal food calendars, posters, and lesson plans 10 Engaging in traditional games, dances, and discussion sessions 11 Emphasizing education ... inclusion in College of Arts & Sciences Senior Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of ThinkIR: The University of Louisville 's Institutional Repository This title appears here courtesy of
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2022, 17:23
scales and dermal skeletal histology of an early bony fish psarolepis romeri and their bearing on the evolution of rhombic scales and hard tissues
... sections, the sample was first glued to a glass slide using the same resin for embedding Then the other surface was ground until the preset surface of the specimens was exposed, and this surface was ... phylogenetic position of Psarolepis (either as a stem sarcopterygian or a stem osteichthyan), and bear on the study of ganoid and cosmoid scales in early bony fishes (see ‘Discussion’) (b) Scale morphology ... addition to the superpositional growth as previously described [20] There are usually 2–3 generations of odontodes in the cosmine-like layer, with the second generation of odontodes superimposed on
Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 16:11
Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective
... internal consistency reliability assesses whether the instrument itself is consistent, that is, if respondents answer consistently on all items of a construct (Neuman 2006) The recommended and most ... statistic The Chi-Square statistic is the only statistically based measure in SEM and also the most fundamental one (Jöreskog & S? ?rbom 1993) The Chi-Square statistic tests the hypothesis that there ... above the chapter now turns to a discussion of measures that enables to measure how parsimonious a model is The last category of GOF indicators, parsimonious fit indices, relates the GOF of the
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2023, 11:47
Doctoral thesis of philosophy adaptive it capability and its impact on the competitiveness of firms a dynamic capability perspective
... internal consistency reliability assesses whether the instrument itself is consistent, that is, if respondents answer consistently on all items of a construct (Neuman 2006) The recommended and most ... statistic The Chi-Square statistic is the only statistically based measure in SEM and also the most fundamental one (Jöreskog & S? ?rbom 1993) The Chi-Square statistic tests the hypothesis that there ... above the chapter now turns to a discussion of measures that enables to measure how parsimonious a model is The last category of GOF indicators, parsimonious fit indices, relates the GOF of the
Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2023, 09:25
Urban expansion and its impact on the livelihood of peripheral farming communities the case of kutaber town, amhara region, ethiopia
... What is your view about the positive impacts of urban expansion on social and economic conditions of the households? 11 What is your view about the negative impacts of urban expansion on social ... Agricultural Organization of the United Nations CSA (2010) Report on the National population and housing census of Ethiopia Addis Ababa: CSA Ethiopia Congalton, R (1991) A review of assessing the accuracy ... objectives and the conclusion of this study; the following recommendations have been forwarded: One of the causes of horizontal expansion of the town is rapid population growth resulted from
Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2017, 15:13
Study on the state of st development in asian
... STUDY ON THE STATE OF S& T DEVELOPMENT IN ASEAN TABLE OF CONTENTS STUDY ON THE STATE OF S& T DEVELOPMENT INASEAN TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVESUMMARY S& TR&D:HUMANRESOURCES,EXPENDITURES,ANDOUTPUTS ... information across ASEAN. Other segments of the R&D Network will sharemodels of researchconsortiaamonguniversities,publicresearchinstitutions, andcorporatebusinessunits.PublicͲprivatepartnershipsarerecommendedfor S& T ... EXECUTIVESUMMARY COUNTRY REPORTS STUDY ON THE STATE OF S& T DEVELOPMENT INASEAN Toreach the ASEANCommunity? ?s buildinggoals of 2015,thisSTUDY ON THE STATE OF S& T DEVELOPMENT INASEANwascommissionedby the AdvisoryBody on ASEANPlan of Action
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2021, 19:32
the reputation of underwriters, the bonding hypothesis, and the impact on the information environment of u.s cross-listed firms
... returns 125 Table 7: Regressions of first-day returns 127 Table 8: Two-stage OLS regressions of first-day returns 129 Table 9: Regressions of Gross Spreads 131 Table 10: Probit regressions: ... Business Administration ABSTRACT The first essay of this dissertation tests whether hiring a reputable underwriter to sponsor equity offerings of foreign firms, that occur when they cross-list ... THE REPUTATION OF UNDERWRITERS, THE BONDING HYPOTHESIS, AND THE IMPACT ON THE INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT OF U .S. CROSS-LISTED FIRMS DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:47
... Vingroup? ?s employee on- the- job behavior This chapter also presents the motivation of the study, significant of the study, purpose of the study, and the questions of the study and the key words of study ... job satisfaction. .. points of view concerning this relationship Satisfaction causes performance, performance causes satisfaction and rewards cause both performance and satisfaction ... relationship between job satisfaction and on -the- job behavior has been critically assessed in a variety of organizational settings Results of these... organizational commitment
Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2016, 17:58