
Tài liệu The importance of land tenure in African countries: The case of Uganda doc

Tài liệu The importance of land tenure in African countries: The case of Uganda doc

... b trí đặc biệt quan b o trợ nhà thiết kế vượt việc thường bao gồm quan chức phủ tác nhân mạnh khác trình tham gia Người nghèo bao gồm người sống vùng sâu vùng xa khu vực nghèo người b đẩy b n ... hưởng đến họ (WB Participation Sourcebook) Nếu số tác nhân có khả tham gia làm tăng b t b nh đẳng có sở giới, dân tộc hay yếu tố định khác vị tiếp cận Sự khác biệt tiếp cận với thông tin, nguồn lực ... Quản lý đất đai b n vững Quản lý đất đai b n vững (SLM) gì? Quản lý đất đai có ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến b n vững nông nghiệp, đa dạng sinh học, môi trường, thuỷ sản nội địa ven biển, đồn điền xuất...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 21:20

6 825 0


... the small farms These risks also threaten the profitability of the industry engaged in < /b> breeding of chicks and manufacturing of feed, vaccines and medicines In < /b> order to minimize the risks to the ... it obtained information about the contract between the producer and the processor In < /b> particular, this section contains information about the nature of input sharing between the producer and the ... emphasized the role of insurance and credit in < /b> explaining the existence and success of contract farming arrangements This is undoubtedly the case in < /b> the instance of poultry farming as well In < /b> terms of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20

50 418 0
Civil Society 2.0?: How the Internet Changes State-Society Relations in Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Cuba potx

Civil Society 2.0?: How the Internet Changes State-Society Relations in Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Cuba potx

...  Introduction Civil Society in < /b> the 1990s: The Quest for Associational AutonomyAlong with its Limits Enter the Internet: The Public Sphere in < /b> Transnational Times Asserting Citizenship: The Public ...   Â     Debating Cuban Exceptionalism, London/New York: Palgrave, 2007 (edited with Laurence Whitehead).    ÊÊ Đ ỷ ... Transnational Times Asserting Citizenship: The Public Sphere and Civil Society in < /b> the Internet Era From Voice via Web to Civil Society Action? Conclusions  Ă Ê  ÂÂÂ ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

32 335 0
corporate restructuring in stateowned construction sector in viet nam the case of vinaconex corporation

corporate restructuring in stateowned construction sector in viet nam the case of vinaconex corporation

... SECTOR IN < /b> VIET NAM: THE CASE OF VINACONEX CORPORATION” 1.2 Objectives of the study This research explores and indicates five objectives: To determine the awareness of the managers of Vinaconex ... effectiveness’ of firms (Bowman & Singh, 1993) It involves reorientation of the business units to rearrange resources within a firm for better performance According to Gibbs (1993), there are three types of ... restructuring includes: (i) financial restructuring including recapitalizations and changes in < /b> capital structure; (ii) portfolio restructuring involving refocusing on core business, resulting in < /b> change...

Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2014, 21:48

24 398 0
Strategies of marketing management in container transportation the case of OOCL (Vietnam) co.,ltd

Strategies of marketing management in container transportation the case of OOCL (Vietnam) co.,ltd

... Marketing a service-base business is different from marketing a product-base business There are several major differences, including: The buyer purchases an intangible The service may be based on the ... Classification of the Services7 The service sector or the service industry, is one of the three main industrial categories of a developed economy, the others being the secondary industry (manufacturing ... choose the strategy of “organic Written by Tran Phuoc Hiep Page 15 MBA Thesis Report Dec 2006 MMCVFB Intake growth” within their internal capacity, not impacting by the trend of merging of other...

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2014, 01:46

104 577 0
lien tran thi hong and holloway - 2014 - developments in corporate governance - the case of vietnam

lien tran thi hong and holloway - 2014 - developments in corporate governance - the case of vietnam

... efforts were inspired by the code in < /b> the UK and US (Clarke, 2007) “At the beginning probably there was a sense of simply matching the regulation of close economic neighbours by developing similar ... using their washing machines for rinsing the mud off potatoes in < /b> addition to doing laundry Haier’s engineers modified the washing machines by installing wider pipes in < /b> order to prevent clogging ... and labour was achieved (Rost and Ydrén, 2006) Training the poor to be trainers also has positive spin-offs in < /b> that, the benefit of instruction extends far beyond the initial circle of trainees...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:49

95 742 1
Building business - level strategies in automobile industry the case of Huyndai Vietnam

Building business - level strategies in automobile industry the case of Huyndai Vietnam

... d o e s n 't b r in < /b> g h ig h p o w e r to b u y e rs Bargaining Power of Supplier V ie tn a m a u to m o b ile in < /b> d u s try is on d e v e lo p in < /b> g A u to m o b ile m a rk e t bases m o s tly ... g tin g fo r w a rd s in < /b> o rd e r to o b ta in < /b> h ig h e r p ric e s a n d m a rg in < /b> s • T h e b u y in < /b> g in < /b> d u s try h a s a h ig h e r p r o í ĩt a b ilit y th a n th e s u p p ly in < /b> g in < /b> ... re a s in < /b> g fr o m % to % H o w e v e r , s in < /b> c e th e b e g in < /b> n in < /b> g o f 0 , im p o r t d u ty has in < /b> c re a s e d re m a rk a b ly I t ’ s % , an in < /b> c re a s e 13% a g a in < /b> s t the p re...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:52

68 641 1
Sales force management in undergraduate education the case of FPT University = Quản lý đội ngũ bán hàng trong lĩnh vực giáo dục đại học và nghiên cứu trường hợp của Trường Đại học FPT

Sales force management in undergraduate education the case of FPT University = Quản lý đội ngũ bán hàng trong lĩnh vực giáo dục đại học và nghiên cứu trường hợp của Trường Đại học FPT

... - Definition by the American Marketing Association [1] The planning, direction, and control of the personal selling activities of a business unit, including recruiting, selecting, training, ... training aims derive directly Training needs, then, must be defined Identifying initial training needs - Job specifications: The qualifications needed to perform the job are detailed in < /b> the job ... During the last year, ministry of education has allowed the formation of a number of universities as well as the training majors because of the training limitation of state-own university in...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:54

76 776 1


... here in < /b> the Figure 1.1, the trend of FDI inflows has increased strongly after Vietnam became a formal member of the WTO in < /b> the beginning of 2007 As a result, after twenty years of issuing the ... period in < /b> Vietnam However, the Asian financial crisis in < /b> 1997 strongly influenced the economies of countries in < /b> the region, leading a sharp decline of the FDI in < /b> Vietnam during the final years of ... of business taxation Regarding the financial system, during the beginning years of reform, the Vietnamese economy had to cope with hyper-inflation The State Bank system had both currency printing...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2015, 23:56

198 287 0
A rhetorical analysis of examination essays in three disciplines  the case of ghanaian undergraduate students

A rhetorical analysis of examination essays in three disciplines the case of ghanaian undergraduate students

... the basis of often objective, quantifiable, and verifiable proof The Humanities disciplines at the other end of the cline, in < /b> turn, depend on well-advanced arguments rooted in < /b> logical reasoning, ... FRAMEWORK 2.0 Introduction In < /b> the opening chapter I outlined the motivation for this study of student writing in < /b> a nonnative setting by first referring to my personal involvement in < /b> the teaching of English, ... discussed in < /b> Section 9.2.) 1.7 Overview of the Thesis This thesis comprises nine chapters, beginning with the background to the study The first section of Chapter One offers a rationale for the entire...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:26

354 616 0
The interplay of culture and structure in intergenerational underdevelopment   the case of working poor malays in singapore

The interplay of culture and structure in intergenerational underdevelopment the case of working poor malays in singapore

... Engels‘ thesis that industrialization institutionalizes the working poor as a permanent aspect of modern society Since the 1990s, the intensification of income inequality replaced the plummeting of ... parallels Bernstein‘s (1981) theory of linguistic codes According to Bernstein (Ibid: 331), codes refer to principles that govern the different possibilities of selection and combination of words, ... Although the real monthly household income of all deciles fell in < /b> 2009 due to a global recession following the Lehman Brother‘s bankruptcy, the margin for the lowest 10% income earners was the largest...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 11:58

218 1.1K 0
Kinship and friendship in han china   the case of liji

Kinship and friendship in han china the case of liji

... 论。Whalen Lai 的“Friendship in < /b> Confucian China—Classical and Late Ming”以西方论朋友相较孔门论友道的视角,泛论交友意涵从先秦致晚明的变 化。其他偶有触及的,则似多关注“交友”作为男性身份之意涵之一,如 Martin W Huang 的 “Male Friendship in < /b> Ming China”, 然此即属性别课 题。 以汉代人伦为探讨课题的专书,目前只见有季乃礼的《三纲六纪与社会整 ... Filiality” 则探讨了汉儒叙述女性尽孝于翁姑的事例所关注的问题。Keith N Knapp 的“Reverent Caring The Parent-son Relationship in < /b> Early Medieval Tales of Filial Offspring” 探讨了 “供养”在东汉以后的孝行 故事中作为“孝”的重要主题之意义。至于朋友一伦方面,只见有马婷婷的 《论汉代交友之礼》(2007),而关注的是汉人交友当中真诚守信、礼让互谅、 ... Donald Holzman 的 The Place of Filial Piety in < /b> Ancient China”(1998)。该文的后半部分以汉代极尽孝行来说明“孝”在当时的中国乃 是一种绝对性价值观,而汉人对父母的祟拜能等同于西方对上帝的祟拜。Sorhoon Tan 的“Filial Daughters -in-< /b> law—Questioning Confucian Filiality”...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:36

150 627 0
Measuring brand equity index in paper industry the case of double a international network company limited

Measuring brand equity index in paper industry the case of double a international network company limited

... yardstick by which the brands can assess their progress in < /b> their brand building efforts In < /b> addition, a critical application of the CBBE model is in < /b> planning, implementing and interpreting brand strategies ... existing brands is more because of the escalating costs of developing new brands, which has led to the prevalent usage of existing brands by way of brand extension (Tauber, 1988) According to the ... MEASURING BRAND EQUITY INDEX IN < /b> PAPER INDUSTRY – THE CASE OF DOUBLE A INTERNATIONAL NETWORK COMPANY LIMITED In < /b> Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2015, 15:38

138 401 1
Sustainability and peace in Costa Rica The case of the University of Costa Rica

Sustainability and peace in Costa Rica The case of the University of Costa Rica

... exercising of power The components of the general strategy included: strengthening of the existing human resources; technological and scientific support in < /b> the gathering of information, the evaluation ... field of sustainability are consistent with the intentions of the state policies in < /b> this area, notwithstanding the difference in < /b> the fields of actions of both entities The specific support for the ... formation of sustainable funds through contributions from the population, a real estimate of the costs of products and services, the inclusion of the costs of protection and rehabilitation of the environment;...

Ngày tải lên: 16/06/2016, 00:42

8 364 0
The Economics Of Soil Conservation In Developing Countries: The Case Of Crop Residue Mulching

The Economics Of Soil Conservation In Developing Countries: The Case Of Crop Residue Mulching

... exist in < /b> the debate around sustainability and its components As highlighted by Bie (1990), the lack of standard definitions is an obvious pitfall in < /b> the current discussion, especially in < /b> view of the ... described soil degradation as the 'quiet crisis' which nevertheless erodes the basis of civilisation The problem is pervasive, often insidious but crucial to the future of humankind (Blaikie and Brookfield, ... ceteris paribus Yet the interaction between the terms, and the sheer multitude of factors, make a prediction of the combined outcome uncertain Considerable effort has been put in < /b> quantifying - with...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 20:45

315 434 0


... government has begun planning for a one meter rise in < /b> sea level by the end of the century The consequences of doing nothing would see more than a third of the Mekong Delta flooded by then A spokeswoman ... wastes, the failure in < /b> each growing state will affect the others The change in < /b> monthly rainfall distribution such as less rains in < /b> early wet seasons and more heavy rains in < /b> the end of the wet reduced ... temperature increase of 0.5oC in < /b> Can Tho (the largest city in < /b> Mekong River Delta), and the average sea level rise of mm per year in < /b> the water around the mouth of the Delta (ICEM, 4-5) The average FINAL...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2013, 22:00

9 1.7K 16
Journal of Business Case Studies – November/December 2009  Volume 5, Number 6 13 An Apparel Brand‘s Channel Strategy: The Case of Oliver in Korea

Journal of Business Case Studies – November/December 2009 Volume 5, Number 6 13 An Apparel Brand‘s Channel Strategy: The Case of Oliver in Korea

... hit by the burst of the ―dotcom bubble‖ at the end of 1990, it has been reborn as a reliable distribution channel The Internet has developed into one of the major global distribution channels, ... publications in < /b> Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Dr Sungmin Ryu is an associate professor of school of business at Sungkyunkwan University He specializes in < /b> the areas of channels of ... will introduce the ‗Incubator Method‘ in < /b> order to identify promising brands, rather than the ‗Cut-off Method‘, which lays off brands if the brands‘ sales not achieve the expected level They must...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 20:23

10 729 1
HOW TO IMPROVE LISTENING SKILLS IN TOEIC THE CASE OF questions and responses  short conversations

HOW TO IMPROVE LISTENING SKILLS IN TOEIC THE CASE OF questions and responses short conversations

... Starting out - Before you begin, you should - The first thing you is - I would start by - The best place to begin is - To begin with, 3.2.3 Continuing - After that - The next step is to - The ... Thanks for the invitation B: Its my pleasure Saying GOOD BYE 26 4.2 Saying good bye before going - Time to go - Get to be going - Time to get back to work - I must be running - Id better be going - ... Design of the study The study is divided into three mains: Part one is INTRODUCTION that indicates the rationale for choose this topic, pointing out the aim, the scope as well as the methods of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:59

63 971 2
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