circuit protection and control devices 0 5 to 6300a

Protection and control devices ppt

Protection and control devices ppt

... [A] u 400 6 30 800 100 0 12 50 1 600 200 0 2 50 0 3 200 400 0 50 0 0 6 300 The protection. .. motor controllers and starters Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 4-3: Contactors and motor-starters ... 200 1 IEC 603 64-4 200 1 IEC 603 64 -5 200 1… 200 2 IEC 603 64-6 200 1 IEC 603 64-7 20 200 1 19 90 1983… 200 2 ABB SACE - Protection and control devices ABB SACE - Protection and control devices ... equipment and to which... equipment and systems IEC 600 79-17 200 2 IEC 602 69-1 1998 IEC 602 69-2 1986 IEC 602 69-3-1 200 4 IEC 601 27-1/ 10 200 3 200 3 1988 1996 1988 1994 IEC 607 30- 2-7 IEC 603 64-1 200 1

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 21:21

168 456 0
Advances in optical and photonic devices Part 5 doc

Advances in optical and photonic devices Part 5 doc

... wavelength VCSEL. For 1 .55 μm VCSELs, the top and bottom DBRs were grown as 28 and 38 pairs of un-doped InAlGaAs-InAlAs schemes. The top and bottom DBRs consisted of 33 and 50 layers respectively ... (Chrostowski et al. 200 7), improved relative intensity noise (Yabre et al., 200 0) and diminished non-linear distortion (Chrostowski et al. 200 7). Although the utilization of a DFB laser to injection-lock ... junction emitting at 1 .55 μm presented by Boucart et. al in 1999. The device threshold current at 300 K was 50 0 mA. The top mirror was realized using p- doped SiO 2 -Si reflectors. A year later,

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20

20 456 0
Systems, Structure and Control 2012 Part 5 docx

Systems, Structure and Control 2012 Part 5 docx

... 5. Estimation of x 3 (t) ( 20 s) Systems, Structure and Control 74 0 0.1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 7 0. 8 0. 9 1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x 10 -4 Time [s] g/g soil x 4 DNN Observer without projection ... Networks Observers: development, stability analysis and implementation 73 0 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 -1 .5 -1 -0. 5 0 0 .5 1 1 .5 2 2 .5 x 10 -3 Time [s] mole x 3 min x 3 DNN Observer without ... )(h dV T 0 0 0 0 0 2 00 0 ≤+−= ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = ∫− ≤ = ∫ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = ∫= = ∫− τ τ τ ττ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ τ This implies () () () () () )(h V bTdthQ T ad)(th)(th T T 0 0 2 0 0 0 ++≤∫ = ∫−−

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

20 292 0
New Developments in Robotics, Automation and Control 2009 Part 5 pot

New Developments in Robotics, Automation and Control 2009 Part 5 pot

... #'?'@'*+' 20 Proceedings of the 4th Int Conf on Informatics in ControlO Automation and RoAotics0 > >5 ZE&+# 8EEZ0 M]]] \&-; ;0 \+;?%*%J%B0 ^ 45 M+3 %0 1 50 :+2-K%J %0 t 50 `)@@- #0 45 Q a-BI%&*A0 P5 ... \&-; ;0 Ma6^ E- 'I *A- J%#K+27 ;)&I%? -5 `ait and Posture0 b' #5 8E0 ^ '5 c0 DW-?-@C- &0 8EEFG 8SS%+ 20 P>&+ #0 8EES0 M]]] \&-; ;0 g%;A+27*'2 W5 _5 ]3J%&3 ;0 g5H5 D8EEZG ]II-?*... :I''* /SE5E7& ... Systems. Automatica, 40, 4, (April 200 4) 6 95? ?? 700 , ISSN: 00 05- 109 8 Xiong, Y. & Saif, M. ( 200 1). Sliding Mode Observer for Nonlinear Uncertain Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20

30 237 0
Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices Episode 5 pptx

Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices Episode 5 pptx

... 200 2) Table Tolerances for Vehicle-Mounted Milk Meters Indication Maintenance Acceptance gallons gallons gallons 100 0. 5 0. 3 200 0. 7 0. 4 300 0. 9 0. 5 400 1.1 0. 6 50 0 1.3 0. 7 Over 50 0 Add 0. 002 ... m3 ( 100 0 dm3) ( 100 ft3) when the maximum rated gas capacity is less than 100 m3/h ( 10 000 ft3/h); (b) 10 m3 ( 100 0 ft3) when the maximum rated gas capacity is 2 80 m3/h ( 10 000 ft3/h) up to, but ... 1 700 m3/h ( 60 000 ft 3/h); (c) 100 m3 ( 10 000 ft3) when the maximum rated gas capacity is 1 700 m3/h ( 60 000 ft3/h) or more (Amended 1972, 1988, and 1991) S.1.1.4 Advancement of Indicating and

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22

30 470 0
Manual on protection and control of coastal erosion in india

Manual on protection and control of coastal erosion in india

... 5 .0~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~-r~,~~,,~ - ~ 4·0r -_+ _r ; -~~ _+ _r +_ ~ I I I I I I I I· I I out - - - 0. 2~~~~~~UL~~~~~~~~~~~U_~~~~~~~i~ - 30 - 20 - 10 ,l.l.b -J.ln - 40 10 20 30 O"n ... beaches and adjacent coastal land used I'or habu atio n agriculture and reereanon loss of marshes and wetland essenual tor marine life and fishery activiuesErosion also leads to darnage and des.rucrion ... 36 36 36 40 Page 40 41 )·2·3 Types of coasul protection 3·2· -4 Choice of protecti ve measures 3·3 Design 42 42 47 55 details Suwalls and revetments 3·3·2 Dunes and dykes - overflow protection

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2019, 14:50

152 100 0
ABB short form motor protection and control

ABB short form motor protection and control

... 1 15 1 60 1 60 200 200 200 200 2 50 2 50 300 300 3 50 3 50 400 400 5 20 5 20 5 50 5 50 6 50 6 50 7 50 7 50 900 900 12 10 12 10 13 50 13 50 16 50 16 50 2 100 2 100 2 700 2 700 —— —— 00 00 000 0 0 000 0 0 —— 1 —— —— 2 —— —— ... 800 800 1 05 0 1 05 0 12 60 12 60 13 50 13 50 16 50 16 50 2 05 0 2 05 0 26 50 26 50 1212 ( 300 ( 300 ( 300 V) V) V) 1616 202 0 202 0 202 0 252 5 2828 303 0 454 5 50 5 0 50 5 0 606 0 808 0 909 0 1 05 1 05 1 15 1 15 1 60 1 60 200 200 ... 202 0 ( 400 ( 400 ( 400 V) V) V) 2222 2424 2424 252 5 2828 303 0 454 5 50 5 0 50 5 0 707 0 100 100 1 05 1 05 1 25 1 25 1 30 1 30 1 60 1 60 200 200 2 25 2 25 2 75 2 75 3 50 3 50 400 400 50 0 50 0 600 600 600 600 700 700 800

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2021, 03:45

180 216 0
ABB REM615 motor protection and control

ABB REM615 motor protection and control

... H/ 201 4 -01 -24 5 .0 Content updated to correspond to the product version K/ 201 4 -09 -04 5 .0 Content updated L/ 201 5- 10- 30 5 .0 FP1 Content updated to correspond to the product version M/ 201 6 - 05 - 20 5 .0 ... (2) TOFGAPC1 TOF (1) TOF (1) TOFGAPC2 TOF (2) TOF (2) TOFGAPC3 TOF (3) TOF (3) TOFGAPC4 TOF (4) TOF (4) TONGAPC1 TON (1) TON (1) TONGAPC2 TON (2) TON (2) TONGAPC3 TON (3) TON (3) TONGAPC4 TON ... TRPPTRC5 Master Trip (5) 94/86 (5) ARCSARC1 ARC (1) 50 L /50 NL (1) ARCSARC2 ARC (2) 50 L /50 NL (2) ARCSARC3 ARC (3) 50 L /50 NL (3) Protection Arc protection 56 ABB Motor Protection and Control REM6 15 Product

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2021, 03:54

64 50 0
phaân phoái chöông trình tieáng anh 6 preparing day august teaching day august week period unit 1 greetings section a hello lesson 1 a1 4 p1011 i aims to introduce ss the numbers 0 5 to teach ss to i

phaân phoái chöông trình tieáng anh 6 preparing day august teaching day august week period unit 1 greetings section a hello lesson 1 a1 4 p1011 i aims to introduce ss the numbers 0 5 to teach ss to i

... +Bingo: C5.P19 Numbers : 0_ 20 T reads: 10, 7,19, 15, 20, 6,8,1,4,11,14,2 0, 3,16 ,5, 17,12,18,13,9 + Dictation and picture cue drill 04 821 407 6 07 3 839 737 09 0 346 3 357 08 55 7 1212 09 1 358 901 8 Example ... numberss 853 229 08 874 401 07 3 877 6 20 091 603 58 9 09 0 358 123 _ Wordsquare: Answer keys: fvie,two,eight,ten one nine,ten,four,one sven Six 5. Home work: Do exercise 3,4.P5 Workbook ... three-two-oh Ss : / 3-2 -0 - Word cue drill: 1.Quang Ninh / 03 3 2.Hue / 05 4 3.Hai Phong / 03 1 4.Da Nang / 05 11 5. Ha Noi / 04 Example exchange: S1: Quang Ninh,please S2: oh-three-three 5. F.Practice:

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 10:20

12 4 0


... Unit Test Listen and trace the first Letter ~ 1 15 • J /3 Count and circLe CDt ~." tt~t 0itttt'fl q 0' ~~ q 0; PHOTOCOPIABLE I"t~ 'fti~'~ © Oxford University Press 78 /3 q _ FatnMy and Fr"leIIds Starter ... ~.!~ ~!~ ~~~ ~.!~ ~.~~ ' 0' :-:' 0' 0' ,::', ,'::', 0' ,'::', 0' ,'::', 0' ,'::', ' ,'::', ' ,':': .' ,'::', ' ,'::', 0' ,':':: ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ 11 12 11 12 11 12 /3 _ PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University ... - - - - - - - 11 faInIly and Friends Storte, 91 PHOTOCOPIABLE /3 © Oxford University Press Unit Test Listen and write the first Letter ~ 116 [n m 0) CD -/2 Count and circLe ~ ~ :J o [1]- [1]-._

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2022, 00:24

93 10 0
The multifunctional tixw1 xo2 (x=0 5; 0 6; 0 7; 0 8) support for platinum to enhance the activity and co tolerance of direct alcohol fuel cells

The multifunctional tixw1 xo2 (x=0 5; 0 6; 0 7; 0 8) support for platinum to enhance the activity and co tolerance of direct alcohol fuel cells

... ( 355 .29 mA mgPt-1 for MOR and 3 25 .01 mA mgPt-1 for EOR), and impressive electrochemical stability compared to the Pt NPs/C catalyst The outstanding activity and stability of 1D Pt NWs/Ti0.7W0.3O2 ... activity (2 60 23 mA mgPt-1) and largest If/Ib ratio (1.34), which are 2 .0- and 1 .57 -fold greater than those of 20 wt% Pt/C (ETEK) catalyst (1 30. 62 mA mgPt-1 for mass activity and 0. 85 for If/Ib ... Pt/Ti0.7W0.3O2 th hi n hoat tính cao nh t v i c ng đ oxi hóa 2 60 23 mA mgPt-1 t l If/Ib 1.34, g p 1 .57 l n so v i xúc tác th wt% Pt/C (E-TEK) (c ng đ oxi hóa 1 30. 62 mA mgPt-1 t l If/Ib 0. 85 Sau 50 0 0

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2022, 08:21

183 10 0
The Multifunctional Tixw1-Xo2 (X=0.5; 0.6; 0.7; 0.8) Support For Platinum To Enhance The Activity And Co-Tolerance Of Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells

The Multifunctional Tixw1-Xo2 (X=0.5; 0.6; 0.7; 0.8) Support For Platinum To Enhance The Activity And Co-Tolerance Of Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells

... Sau 50 0 0 Suy giảm vòng quét % Pt/Ti0.8W0.2O2 0. 30 1. 25 231. 15 183.83 20. 47 Pt/Ti0.7W0.3O2 0. 30 1.34 2 60. 23 206 .84 20. 52 Pt/Ti0.6W0.4O2 0. 30 1.17 212.98 159 .76 24.99 Pt/C (E-TEK) 0. 52 0. 85 1 30. 62 ... tác 1D Pt NWs/Ti0.7W0.3O2 thấp (0. 10 VNHE), giảm khoảng 2 20 mV so với xúc tác 1D Pt NWs/C (0. 30 15 VNHE) 3 50 mV so với Pt NPs/C (0. 45 VNHE) Cuối cùng, vật liệu xúc tác Pt NWs/Ti0.7W0.3O2 thể tỉ ... dung dịch 0. 5 M H2SO4 tốc độ quét 50 mV s-1 Peak oxi hóa COads vật liệu xúc tác 1D Pt3Co NWs/Ti0.7W0.3O2, 1D Pt NWs/Ti0.7W0.3O2, 1D Pt NWs/C, Pt NPs/C xuất 0. 64 VNHE; 0. 70 VNHE; 0. 75 VNHE, 0. 78 VNHE,

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2022, 03:55

28 6 0
Tài liệu Project Planning and Control Part 5 ppt

Tài liệu Project Planning and Control Part 5 ppt

... 3 14 1 30 3 14 1 30 3 12 1 30 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 21 5 5 5 5 2 5 A 2 1 A 3 2 3 4 5 5 6 B 1 B 7 3 3 4 B 4 5 5 C 2 1 6 A 2 2 6 B 6 C 7 3 2 3 4 C D 2 1 D 5 D 4 5 3 2 4 ... 54 98 119 17 17 17 28 28 3 Test cert 0 .5 Stamp 1 4 126 124 .5 0 .5 Invoice 0 .5 Paint 1 48 Assembly 30 Inspection 30 Delivery 30 Delivery 60 Do 80 Manufacture 54 1 20 1 20 18 18 18 30 30 ... E 4 5 5 6 F 3 2 3 G 2 4 3 3 4 G 4 5 5 6 2 H 3 J 1 2 2 3 4 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 K 1 2 K 3 L1 4 2 L2 3 L 4 M1 0 2 2 M 5 3 20 Critical path Float Figure... 6 39 1 25. 5 122 53 92 112 0 .5 Despatch

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20

46 508 0
Tài liệu ActuateOne on VMware® vSphere™ 5.0 and vCloud Director 1.5 docx

Tài liệu ActuateOne on VMware® vSphere™ 5.0 and vCloud Director 1.5 docx

... 52 32 .58 0. 03 2.93 0 0 .01 0. 64 80. 83 100 0. 29 /0. 51 5 2988.71 34 40. 64 2 152 .98 2 05 4.69 0. 76 4 .5 0 0.63 2.97 83 .55 100 0. 22 /0. 56 301 9.43 3399.68 2 107 .48 202 5. 37 1.38 143.87 0. 06 3. 35 0. 09 2.24 83 .52 100 ... 0. 33/1.17 3 05 2 .54 3481.6 2136.24 207 7 . 05 0. 74 4.42 0. 86 0. 8 22 .5 87.6 100 0. 11 /0. 58 5 3 106 .13 3 604 .48 22 90. 85 2243.64 111.9 17 45. 8 1.24 73.3 3 .04 18 .04 93.28 100 0. 15 /0. 46 3 155 .06 36 45. 44 2219.99 21 85. 87 ... 83 .52 100 0. 28 /0. 92 304 5. 49 352 2 .56 207 8.78 201 7.47 0. 44 0. 98 83.67 100 0. 3 /0. 6 25 3 05 8 .57 34 40. 64 1969.47 1996.88 71 .04 613.32 0. 43 9.22 2.64 14.17 85. 21 100 0. 29 /0. 7 75 306 6 .08 3399.68 2 05 9.97

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 17:20

28 389 1
Achieving Effective Social Protection For All In Latin America And The Caribbean - From Right To Reality doc

Achieving Effective Social Protection For All In Latin America And The Caribbean - From Right To Reality doc

... to 19 95 (for the 1990s) and 200 6 (for the 200 0s) The State of Social Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean 17 Figure 1.2 Contributory Pension Coverage Rates ... and programs The last point is important To date, the design of SP reforms has not... Rofman, Lucchetti, and Ourens 200 8 Note: Data are for the year that comes closest to 19 95 ... Martin Rama 200 0 Securing the Future in a Global Economy Washington, DC: World Bank Introduction 11 Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) 200 6 “Shaping

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21

136 338 0
Planning Tool to Support Louisiana''''s Decisionmaking on Coastal Protection and Restoration potx

Planning Tool to Support Louisiana''''s Decisionmaking on Coastal Protection and Restoration potx

... Corporation 1 200 South Hayes Street Arlington, VA 22 202 - 50 5 0 703 -413-1 100 , x 55 20 RAND Gulf States Policy Institute RAND created the Gulf States Policy Institute in 200 5 to support ... over 50 Years and Calculating Near-Term and Long-Term Benefits Years Target Years for Calculating Nearand Long-Term Benefits 1 201 2 to 203 1 Near term: year 20 ( 203 1) 2 203 2 to 2 05 1 3 2 05 2 ... (3 10) 451 - 700 2; Fax: (3 10) 451 -69 15; Email: Library of Congress Control Number: 201 2947921 ISBN: 978 -0- 83 30- 7698-4 This research was sponsored by the Coastal Protection and Restoration

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20

106 264 0


... -0. 3 1 .5 -0. 4 1 -0 .5 0 .5 0 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 1 0 -0 .5 0 1 Fig 6 Error... 1 Vout, Vref (volt) 0 .5 0 -0 .5 0 .5 -1 0 -0 .5 -1 .5 0 0 0. 1 1 0. 2 2 3 4 Time (sec) 5 6 7 8 Fig 10 Output ... 5 0. 9... hand its convergence is quite good from the beginning magnitude [db] 50 0 - 50 - 100 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 0 phase [deg] - 50 - 100 - 1 50 - 200 - 2 50 10 3 Fig 17 Bode plot of the PID controller ... Output Voltage, Command(reference) Voltage 0. 3 AWNN 0. 2 Iout (amp) 0. 1 0 -0. 1 0. 1 -0. 2 0. 05 0 -0. 3 -0. 05 -0. 4 0 0 0. 1 1 Fig 11 Output Current 0. 2 0. 3 2 0. 4 0 .5 3 4 Time (sec) 5 6 7 8 132 Recent

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

30 443 0
Nuclear Power Control, Reliability and Human Factors Part 5 pdf

Nuclear Power Control, Reliability and Human Factors Part 5 pdf

... are shown in Figure 6b. An Approach to Autonomous Control for Space Nuclear Power Systems 1 15 0 20 40 60 80 100 1 20 1 40 1 60 100 1 05 1 10 1 15 1 20 1 25 time(s) Electric Power ( kW ) actual ... power (a) 0 20 40 60 80 100 1 20 1 40 1 60 122 123 124 1 25 126 127 128 129 1 30 time(s) Control Drum Angle ( Degree ) (b) Fig. 6. (a) Electric power (TE) set point profile and the controller ... 200 6) , ISBN 0- 89448 - 05 1 -0, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, November 200 6 American Nuclear Society ( 200 9). Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

30 451 0
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 5

Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 5

... EXPANDING AND CONTRACTING DEVICES Parallel bars, telescoping slides, and other devices that can spark answers to many design problems. Fig. 1 Figs. 1 and 2 Expanding grilles are often put to ... Chapter 5 5/3 /01 11: 45 AM Page 1 40 piston supports in the clutches would accommodate misalignments and fabri- cation tolerances when the clutch was locked. Any bending loads on the piston would ... could then be controlled with an accuracy of 0. 000 1 cm. The inchworm actuator would incor- porate three piezoelectric actuators (see figure). The upper and lower piezoelec- tric actuators would...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26

46 573 0
Introduction to logistics systems planning and control

Introduction to logistics systems planning and control

... days    70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100 % Annual sales 4.48 6.67 8.17 9.34 9.87 10. 56 11 .52 Annual cost 4.41 5. 55 5.99 6.22 6.87 7.44 12.84 When using an optimization model, a key aspect is to keep ... Robustness 153 4.13 Questions and Problems 154 4.14 Annotated Bibliography 155 5 Designing and Operating a Warehouse 157 5. 1 Introduction 157 5. 1.1 Internal warehouse structure and operations 159 5. 1.2 ... Storage media 1 60 5. 1.3 Storage/retrieval transport mechanisms and policies 161 5. 1.4 Decisions support methodologies 1 65 5.2 Warehouse Design 1 65 5.2.1 Selecting the storage medium and the storage/retrieval...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 08:50

377 780 1