... many cases, is seen as a doorway to referrals and counseling [8].Despite widespread cocaine use in Vancouver in the 199 0s that necessitated considerable access to syringes (cocaine users have ... is used every time to avoid transmission of infectious diseases As part of the program, drug users are educated about dangerous injection practices: (e.g sharing needles) There is persuasive scientific ... purposes) Harm Reduction Journal 2010, 7:1 their willingness to purchase illicit substances and inject these substances into their bodies in very unclean and unsafe conditions This is not to say...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21
... financial crisis and, more recently, the sovereign debt crisis on banks’ financing costs These trends in turn can influence the interest rates that banks offer to households and businesses This section ... transmission mechanism attributable to the crisis, as well as the possible transmission of risk premia related to the crisis Thus, if the analysis shows that the relevant shortterm interest rate is ... rate on short-term deposits corresponds to the average rate, weighted by outstanding amounts, of deposits of less than one year made by households and businesses, whereas the longterm interest rate...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 05:20
Surfing the waves of globalization - Asia and financial lobalization in the context of the trilemma
... ba lựa chọn s ch Chúng tạo “chỉ s ba s ch” cho 170 kinh tế khoảng từ năm 1970 đến 2007 Chỉ s độc lập tiền tệ (MI) dựa tương quan lãi suất quốc gia với lãi suất quốc gia s Chỉ s tỷ giá hối ... bình so với GDP, years of schooling ( Barro and Lee, 2001), mức tăng dân s , mức độ mở cửa (tỷ lệ XNK so với GDP), tín dụng tư nhân (% so với GDP) công cụ đo lường phát triển tài Các biến s ch ... phá s n ( Kaminsky Schmukler, 2006) Vì vậy, học thuyết lựa chọn s ch ba tài dao hai lưỡi, cần giải thích mở rộng điều tra thực nghiệm lựa chọn ba s ch Hơn nữa, có cách để kết hợp s ch ba s ch,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 11:21
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "DNA-based control of oak wood geographic origin in the context of the cooperage industry" ppsx
... Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Nevers Nevers Nevers Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Nevers Nevers Nevers Tronçais Tronçais Tronçais Vosges Vosges Vosges ... yes – yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes – yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes – yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes ... Tronçais ? Vosges Pyrenees Alsace Nevers Poland eastern Europe Vosges Nièvre Vosges ? Pyrenees Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Allier Allier Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Vosges Centre...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:22
Báo cáo y học: " KEGG spider: interpretation of genomics data in the context of the global gene metabolic netw" doc
... for models D2 and D3 are computed using values S2 and S3 and background distributions R2j and R3j In other words, the p-value is estimated as a share of random simulations where the size of the ... in disease cell states Complete understanding of metabolism variations can give clues to possible metabolism-related treatment of the studied cell disorders As has been demonstrated, KEGG spider ... runs through several canonical pathways These results also support a hypothesis that disease-specific metabolism variations in most cases are not independent, for example, deregulated genes from...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 21:20
... ba lựa chọn s ch Chúng tạo “chỉ s ba s ch” cho 170 kinh tế khoảng từ năm 1970 đến 2007 Chỉ s độc lập tiền tệ (MI) dựa tương quan lãi suất quốc gia với lãi suất quốc gia s Chỉ s tỷ giá hối ... bình so với GDP, years of schooling ( Barro and Lee, 2001), mức tăng dân s , mức độ mở cửa (tỷ lệ XNK so với GDP), tín dụng tư nhân (% so với GDP) công cụ đo lường phát triển tài Các biến s ch ... phá s n ( Kaminsky Schmukler, 2006) Vì vậy, học thuyết lựa chọn s ch ba tài dao hai lưỡi, cần giải thích mở rộng điều tra thực nghiệm lựa chọn ba s ch Hơn nữa, có cách để kết hợp s ch ba s ch,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2014, 11:22
Báo cáo y học: " Efficacy of the Valsalva Maneuver on Needle Projection Pain and Hemodynamic Responses During Spinal Puncture"
... analyzed by SPSS version 11.5(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) Normality of distribution was tested by Kolmogorov Smirnov test One-way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis, Chi-square and Fishers exact tests were used when ... Repeated measures ANOVA and post Hoc Tukey tests were used for comparing hemodynamic responses between the study groups P
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:15
Organizing pairwork and groupwork in the context of high school classrooms at pham van nghi upper secondary school, nam dinh province: A case study
... questionnaires to the teachers and students before observing the classes.The researcher observed 15 classes and then analyze the data collected from the questionnaires and classroom observation sheets to ... learners may need to be able to use formal as well as casual styles of speaking + Message focus: Learners need to be able to create and understand messages, that is, real meanings Hence the focus ... "thinking and doing."Small group work also promotes cooperative skills, such as listening and communication skills, problem solving and sharing of tasks Research has shown that group work enhances the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54
The UN Model Double Taxation Convention in the context of Financing for Sustainable Development
... authorities and assess how new and emerging issues could affect this cooperation • Make recommendations on capacitybuilding and technical assistance Special attention given to developing countries and ... Country S - Higher royalties - No transfer of technology and business skills - Development goals might be jeopardized Royalties taxable under domestic law (source country taxation) UN and Other ... provisions aimed to prevent double taxation over income from cross-border investments Main features of the 2011 Update • Modified version of Article 13, paragraph 5, to address possible abuses...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:19
... awareness as "Withitness" Reminders/Requests: It is possible that a verbal reminder of the classroom rules and consequences will be all that is necessary to stop student misbehavior (Curwin and ... schoolboys and 80 is from schoolgirls 2.4 Analysis and findings 2.4.1 Questionnaires Factors/causes leading to Students’ disruptive behaviour Factors/Options Agree Disagree Neutral Teachers’ ... which has it that ‘Classroom discipline is a state in which both teachers and learners accept and consistently observe a set of rules about behaviors in the classroom whose function is to facilitate...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06
Tài liệu “Measuring customer satisfaction in the context of a project-based organization” docx
... units in different time periods and locations (Jones & Sasser, 1995) (2/37) • CSM is useful for assessing the effectiveness of efforts to redesign elements of the service delivery system (Chase ... goods and in the context of mass-produced services such as hotel services or air travel services Numerous studies and publications have almost unanimously concluded that measuring customer satisfaction ... no studies focusing on how widespread and systematic the use of interviews for assessing customer satisfaction is in a project-business context The utilization of interviews to measure customer...
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 15:59
Tài liệu Priority Setting for Reproductive Health at the District Level in the context of Health Sector Reforms in Ghana doc
... cancers and infertility was not assessed since these services were generally not available 4.0 Discussion and Conclusion This study sought to answer three key questions: Is RH a priority at the district ... understand and contextualize program implementation issues to be discussed during the meetings The second component of the summit is the scientific session This session provides a forum presenting ... maternal and reproductive health services as well as services for specific infectious diseases (sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS) The aim was to capture issues of availability of resources and...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Commodore Barney''''s Young Spies A Boy''''s Story of the Burning of the City of Washington docx
... United States was at war with England, and it stands to reason that we lads were eager to know all that was possible concerning this officer, who had been the most successful of the privateers sailing ... meaning such of them as were allowed to remain on deck , or discussing our plans for the future among ourselves, and as we did this last we almost unconsciously reckoned Jim and his friends as belonging ... darkness, while I 'tend to the visitors." It was Darius who spoke, and when this had been said I understood that he was running toward the stairway Now it was possible to see faint gleams of light...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 08:20
Dynamic Planet Mercury in the Context of Its Environment docx
... Formation: Sources, Sinks, and Processes 14 1.9 Magnetosphere Formation: Sources, Sinks, and Processes 15 1.10 Summary 17 1.11 References 17 1.12 Some Questions for Discussion ... Discovery of Calcium in Mercury s Atmosphere 115 Mercury s Exosphere after Sodium and Potassium Detection 116 Current Understanding of Source and Loss Processes 119 Proposed Source and Loss ... Planet Space Sci 49, 1445-1465, 2001 2.14 SOME QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION What surprises and unresolved issues did the Mariner 10 mission leave in its wake? Compare the MESSENGER and Bepi Colombo missions...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Death inducer obliterator protein 1 in the context of DNA regulation Sequence analyses of distant homologues point to a novel functional role docx
... domains, probably as a result of recombination processes; this signature is missing in DIDO1 and SPP1 The absence of the CXXC signature distinguishes SPP1 from the CGBP family (Figs 1, and S1 ); ... the SwissProt identifier for DIDO (Fig S2 ), for which we propose the name small Zinc finger (s- Zf) This region is too small to assess with any confidence, based on statistical terms Nonetheless, further ... human DIDO isoforms and were searched against PFAM [22,23] and SMART [24] databases to automatically detect domains; they were further used as queries against NCBI databases using PSIBLAST [25,26]...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20
... Prfist addresses gapping, and Asher addresses event reference 14Sag and Hankamer claim that all such cases of VPellipsis require syntactic antecedents, whereas we suggest that in Coherent Situation ... relationships manifest in the syntax; predicates are curried Traces are associated with assumptions which are subsequently discharged by a suitable construction Figure shows the representations for ... appears that gapping is felicitous in those constructions where VP-ellipsis requires a syntactic antecedent, whereas gapping is infelicitous in cases where VP-ellipsis requires only a suitable semantic...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo " Using Bloom’s revised taxonomy to design in-class reading questions for intermediate students in the context of Vietnam " ppt
... this paper would raise instructors’ awareness of high-level thinking skills in their question design in reading class and that my established questions could serve as a reference list for instructors ... cookie This idea is so important that economists have defined it into the Law of Demand This law states that the quantity of goods and services demand increases and decreases in the opposite direction ... producer is willing to provide many more cookie at the higher prices that at the lower prices Economists explain this as the Law of Supply This law states that supply increases as prices increase and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20
... competition for the possession of the Mississippi valley, and, as it were, tossed that region into the hands of the United States There was strong opposition in Congress to pursuing any course that would ... rank as a leader Early in the session Ames described him as a man who "is supposed to understand trade, and he assumes some weight in such matters He is plausible, though not over civil; is artful, ... these twenty-one voted for and eight voted against assumption But the facts disclosed not sustain his theory that the issue was essentially a conflict between capitalism and agrarianism The assumption...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:20
... Progress Such lists are typically presented as a large matrix of indicators, with columns representing pressure, state, and response and rows clustered by Agenda 21 topics or lists of issues (including ... None of these measure the pressures on ecosystems from human activities Human activities that encroach upon or degrade ecosystems (ecosystem pressures) and measures of an ecosystem 's ability to ... dispersion focuses on releases of three main categories of substances: pesticides, radioactive substances, and priority substances (chemical and heavy metals deemed to pose the greatest risks) A...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20
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