cambridge ielts 6 test 4 writing task 1

Cambridge IELTS 3 test 4

Cambridge IELTS 3 test 4

... Question 16 Choose TWO letters A-E and write them in box 16 on your answer sheet In which TWO of the following years were laws passed allowing British women to vote? A 19 06 B 19 09 C 19 14 D 19 18 E 19 28 ... suffragette Emily Wilding Davison throwing 89 Test Questions 14 and 15 Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 14 and 15 on your answer sheet 14 What is the main aspect of the suffragette ... Fig 40 Fig 96 Writing WRITING WRITING TASK You should spend about 20 minutes on this task The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the US and Japan between March 19 93 and March 19 99

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2018, 13:19

24 336 0
get ielts band 9 in writing task 1

get ielts band 9 in writing task 1

... Model 11 Model 11 Writing Task You should spend about 20 minutes on this Task. Chart A below shows the rate of oil consumption (in millions of barrels) in a small country from 19 50 to 2 010 . Chart ... GET IELTS BAND In Writing Task Data, Charts and Graphs Published by Cambridge IELTS Consultants Cambridge, United Kingdom Copyright © Cambridge IELTS Consultants and Jessica ... you leave at least 40 minutes for Writing Task 2. For Task 1, most test papers ask you to describe data (the other possibilities are maps, flow diagrams or image comparison Tasks.) As it is most

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2015, 10:31

51 1,8K 10


... thơn Hồ An thực đợc: 23,5 : 20 = 1, 175 = 11 7,5% Thôn Hoà An vợt mức kế hoạch: 11 7,5% - 10 0% = 17 ,5 % Đáp số: 90% ; 11 7,5 % ; 17 ,5 % - HS đọc Tiền vốn: 42 000 đồng Tiền bán: 52500 đồng a) ... xuất đợc 12 0% - em lên bảng giải, lớp làm nháp lấy 15 90 x 10 0 : 12 0 hoặc 15 90 : 12 0 x 10 0 Giải Số ô tô nhà máy phải sản xuất theo kế hoạch là: 15 90 x 10 0 : 12 0 = 13 25 (« t«) Đáp số: 13 25 tơ ... lại toán - Là 42 0 em 42 0 : 52,5 = (em) x 10 0 = 800 (em) 42 0 : 52,5 sau nhân 10 0 - HS nªu 42 0 : 52,5 x 10 0 = 800 (em) hc 42 0 x 10 0 : 52,5 = 800 (em) - HS tãm t¾t - Coi kế hoạch 10 0% % số tô

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2021, 14:47

28 11 0
6 đề mẫu IELTS writing task 1  diagram có hướng dẫn trả lời theo chuẩn đáp án

6 đề mẫu IELTS writing task 1 diagram có hướng dẫn trả lời theo chuẩn đáp án

... 6 mẫu có hướng dẫn IELTS WRITING TASK – DIAGRAM (DẠNG SƠ ĐỒ/ BIỂU ĐỒ) PHẦN Yêu cầu dạng là: Đôi IELTS Writing Task u cầu bạn mơ tả q trình Nếu bạn có nhiệm ... MẸO IELTS WRITING TASK – DIAGRAM Khi bạn viết báo cáo trình IELTS Writing Task , bạn nên sử dụng thông tin quan trọng từ sơ đồ Không đưa ý kiến riêng bạn sử dụng thông tin không quan trọng Bài 1: ... and then finally, the honey is produced (15 0 words) Bài 2: Write at least 15 0 words Các đồ cho thấy cải tiến thực khuôn viên trường đại học từ năm 2 010 đến Tóm tắt thơng tin cách chọn báo cáo

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2021, 15:56

10 226 1
Cẩm nang IELTS Writing task 1 ( Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách làm 6 dạng bài IELTS Writing task 1 )

Cẩm nang IELTS Writing task 1 ( Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách làm 6 dạng bài IELTS Writing task 1 )

... 1 19 20 - 19 40 : dao động liên tục 2 19 40 – 19 45 : giảm mạnh 3 19 45 – 19 50 : tăng đột ngột 4 19 50 đến 2000: giảm đều đặn Đối với dây đỏ: 1 19 20 -19 35 : dao động liên tục 2 19 ... a similar figure for schoolboys aged 6- 11 and 12 - 16 who played rugby in 2 010 , at 23% and 21% respectively ( 16 8 words) Written by Ngoc Bach BY NGOC BACH IELTS EXAMINER COMMENTS The paraphrase ... 19 35 19 40 : giảm mạnh 3 19 45 – 19 50 : tăng đột ngột 4 19 50 đến 2000 : giảm đều đặn BY NGOC BACH THÂN BÀI 1 In the 19 20 -19 35 period, the birth rate in America... least 15 0 words

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2016, 23:14

126 1,8K 3
cambridge ielts 5 test 1

cambridge ielts 5 test 1

... 0-5 21 -67 7 01- 7 Students Rook with answers Trang 4 Contents Introduction 4 Test ! 10 Test 2 32 Test 3 55 Test 4 78 General Training: Reading and Writing Test A 10 1 General Training: Reading and Writing ... Training: Reading and Writing Test B 1 14 Tapescripts 12 8 Answer key 15 2 Model and sample answers for Writing tasks 16 2 Sample answer sheets 1 74 Trang 5 sĩ IN $19 98 ‹ Word Reader - Unregistered ... University of Cambridge ESOL examination write to: Trang 11 =) Word Rearler $19 .95 ( Word Reader - Unregistered ) ee Test 1 LISTENING SECTION 1 Questions 1- 10 Questions I -6 Complete

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2015, 08:41

32 597 0
IELTS writing task 1   thay vinh IELTS (public version)

IELTS writing task 1 thay vinh IELTS (public version)

... Writing task (BAR CHART) A detail instruction on how to write a sound report By Thầy Vinh IELTS 16 14 12 10 2 013 20 14 2 015 Teacher A Teacher B Mr Vinh's class ... từ 19 95 đến 19 97: It climbed from 26 million in 19 95 to the highest number of 46 million in 19 97 Sau giảm 19 98 19 99 trước bật lên 2000 Vì vậy, viết: The figure then dropped to 36 million in 19 98 ... number of 46 million in 19 97 The figure then dropped to 36 million in 19 98 and 32 million in 19 99 before witnessing a significant recovery to 44 million in 2000 (17 3 words – written by ielts.

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2016, 21:24

18 965 11
Simons task 1 samples ( IELTS Writing task 1 )

Simons task 1 samples ( IELTS Writing task 1 )

... young adult unemployment rates in England between 19 93 and 2 012 The line graph compares levels of unemployment among 16 to 24- year-olds with overall 24 unemployment figures over a period of 20 years ... higher in London than in the rest of England In 19 93, around 18 % of English 16 to 24- year-olds living outside London were unemployed, but the 24 olds figure for those living in the capital was ... had fallen to just over half this amount ( 16 2 words, band 9) The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1 940 and 2 040 in three different countries The line

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2016, 17:35

68 654 0
Hướng dẫn chi tiết giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 1 ( DC IELTS )

Hướng dẫn chi tiết giải quyết các dạng bài IELTS Writing task 1 ( DC IELTS )

... IELTS Writing Task T 20 16 May Contents Bạn cần làm với IELTS Writing Task | Understand what you need to in task Tổng quan Task The chart ... 48 Diagrams: dạng miêu tả quy trình tự nhiên | Describing a natural process in task writing 50 IELTS Writing Task 1: Hướng dẫn luyện tập hàng ngày 54 Tài nguyên Task – The ... 68 Sử dụng Thời Task 70 Task 1: Hướng dẫn viết Kết luận 74 Bạn cần làm với IELTS Writing Task | Understand what you need to in task The place to

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2016, 13:11

76 879 3
Jump IELTS  Writing task 1 and 2

Jump IELTS Writing task 1 and 2

... ? ?11 5  Apposition  ? ?11 5  Result  ? ?1 16? ? nference  ? ?1 16? ? In Reformulation  ? ?1 16? ? Replacement  ? ?1 16? ? Co ... pressions and give your opinion?  ? ?11 2  App pendix  .? ?11 3  Ap ppendix? ?1? ? con nnectives  ? ?1 14? ? Addition  ? ?1 14? ? Tr ransition  ? ?1 14? ? Su ummation  ... ? ?11 7  Co oncession    ? ?11 7  Appendix 2 Structure and Vo ocabulary Aid ? ?11 8  Lo ocation  ? ?11 8  Co omposition  ? ?11 9  Approximation

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2016, 21:52

140 742 0
Cambridge IELTS 8 test 1

Cambridge IELTS 8 test 1

... Questions 11 -20 Questions 11 -15 Complete the sentences below * ite MID) TWO WORDS ANDIOP 1J 84? ?EP for oach answ/er Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer 11 12 13 14 15 The ... Trang 11 Questions 1 -4 Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, A-H Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct fetter, A-H, in boxes 1 -4 on your answer sheet 1 adescription ... boxes 9 -13 on your answer sheet Trang 13 READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14 - 26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 on the following pages Questions 14 - 19 Reading

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2016, 21:10

23 686 0
Writing Task 1  IELTS

Writing Task 1 IELTS

... 22% in 19 71 to 43 % in 20 01 Besides, the rate of restaurants also doubled within the period In addition, the percentage of computers went up quickly from 2% to 12 % However, from 19 71 to 20 01, there ... decrease in food and books from 44 % to 14 % and 6% to 1% respectively On the other hand, furniture and petrol showed little change, dropping slightly from 9% to 8% and from 10 % to 8% respectively Overall, ... 22% in 19 71 to 43 % in 20 01 Besides, the rate of restaurants also doubled within the period In addition, the percentage of computers went up quickly from 2% to 12 % However, from 19 71 to

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2016, 12:12

20 549 0
Vocabulary for academic IELTS writing task 1 (part 1)

Vocabulary for academic IELTS writing task 1 (part 1)

... describe a Map: http://www .ielts- /48 -ielts- vocabulary/vocabulary-…sk -1/ 528-vocabulary-for-academic -ielts- writing- task- 1- part -1 4/ 4 /17 , 11 D 46 AM Page 41 of 51 » Horizontal, Vertical » ... anticipated that will http://www .ielts- /48 -ielts- vocabulary/vocabulary-…sk -1/ 528-vocabulary-for-academic -ielts- writing- task- 1- part -1 4/ 4 /17 , 11 D 46 AM Page 44 of 51 Is /are predicted/ estimated/ ... including the testing phase http://www .ielts- /48 -ielts- vocabulary/vocabulary-…sk -1/ 528-vocabulary-for-academic -ielts- writing- task- 1- part -1 4/ 4 /17 , 11 D 46 AM Page 47 of 51 It is quite

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2017, 11:42

51 732 0
Trích đoạn   IELTS writing task 1

Trích đoạn IELTS writing task 1

... Website: http:/ /ielts- 11 Fanpage: /ielts. fighter/ Kết nối xu hướng Xu hướng giống khác Figure (Addition) Figure (Contrast) 10 5 10 5 85 85 65 65 45 45 25 25 Ví dụ Figure 1:  GM car ... 45 Mẹo để viết Task tốt 49 TỔNG HỢP BÀI MẪU IELTS WRITINGtask 50 Website: http:/ /ielts- Fanpage: /ielts. fighter/ Tổng hợp số chia sẻ hay IELTS ... giảng lớp luyện thi IELTS IELTS Fighter: IELTS Fighter - The Leading IELTS Training Center in VN Cơ sở 1: 2 54 Hoàng Văn Thái – Thanh Xuân – Hà Nội Cơ sở 2: 44 Trần Quốc Hoàn

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2017, 16:02

14 484 0
IELTS writing task 1   bài viết mẫu hay  IELTS fighter

IELTS writing task 1 bài viết mẫu hay IELTS fighter

... per week Male(%) Female(%) 31+ 82 10 to 30 16 22 Under 10 73 Global water use by sector 3000 2000 Agriculture Industrial use Domestic use km3 10 00 19 00 19 20 1 940 1 960 19 80 2000 Country Population ... Use 10 0 80 Chinese Russia Germany 60 40 20 20 01 2002 2003 20 04 2005 20 06 Funds Allocated in 2002 35% Other costs In-patient 65 % Reasons for working at home Percentage 10 0 69 65 50 26 23 12 To ... accounted for 44 % of spending in 1 966 , but this dropped by two thirds to 14 % in 19 96  Những cụm từ hay miêu tả biểu đồ hình tròn as a percentage of total participation  with a 67 .5 participation

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2017, 16:06

81 696 0
IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph - Sample 2

IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph - Sample 2

... VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph - Sample Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause ... implications for dental health »You should spend about 20 minutes on this task »You should write at least 15 0 words Sample answer 1: The provided line graph illustrates the acid level in the mouth which ... hurriedly and reached 4. 25 in five minutes After that, the level of acidity of month reached a normal level in 15 minutes Therefore, teeth remained in dangerous level for 15 minutes The last and

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2017, 21:02

11 544 0
IELTS Writing Task 1

IELTS Writing Task 1

... between 19 00 and 2000, and that agriculture ... IELTS WRITING (TASK 2) IELTS WRITING (TASK 2 )IELTS WRITING (TASK 2 )IELTS WRITING (TASK 2 )IELTS WRITING (TASK 2) (A(A(A(A----Z = 1 24 samples)Z ... 2 )IELTS WRITING (TASK 2) (A(A(A(A----Z = 1 24 samples)Z = 1 24 samples)Z = 1 24 samples)Z = 1 24 samples) 1. 21st Century The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century ... The figure for net migration was around 16 0 ,000, and it remained at a similar level until 2003 From 19 99 to 20 04, the immigration rate rose by nearly 15 0,000 people, but there was a much smaller

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2017, 03:23

49 129 0
IELTS Writing Task 1 - Bar chart -

IELTS Writing Task 1 - Bar chart -

... Exercise 1: dạng đối tượng Ví dụ: The chart below shows male and female fitness membership in Thailand between 19 85 and 2 015 60 00 5000 40 00 Women 3000 Men 2000 10 00 19 85 19 90 19 95 2000 2005 2 010 2 015 ... comparisons where relevant Write at least 15 0 words 12 000 10 000 8000 2000 60 00 2 010 40 00 2000 Vietnam India Malaysia Sri Lanka Cambodia Laos Myanmar Thailand China Bước 1: Phân tích biểu đồ: ✓ Đối tượng ... (Thousands/Year) Expected City Visits by Country of Origin for 2 018 (Thousands/Year) Roma Marid Paris Liverpool 20 40 USA Canada 60 80 10 0 12 0 Mexico Bước 1: Phân tích biểu đồ: ✓ Đối tượng (chủ ngữ) biểu đồ

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2017, 09:41

31 44 0
IELTS Writing Task 1 - PIE -

IELTS Writing Task 1 - PIE -

... Exercise 1: The pie charts give information about visitors to the US from different countries from 19 88 to 19 92 19 88 19 90 12 % 9% 10 % 43 % 28% 53% 25% 20% 19 92 4% Canada 30% 40 % Mexico China Others 26% ... 30.93% The figure for Gas rose slowly to 30. 31% , while that for Petrol experienced a dramatic fall of nearly 10 % There were sharp increases to 10 .10 % and 9 .10 % in the figures for Nuclear and Other ... 30.93% The figure for Gas rose slowly to 30. 31% , while that for Petrol experienced a dramatic fall of nearly 10 % There were sharp increases to 10 .10 % and 9 .10 % in the figures for Nuclear and Other

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2017, 09:41

29 8 0

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