các phương án lựa chọn thị trường mục tiêu 5

A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

... Use it Never tried regularly sometimes (%) (%) 37 68 64 25 35 56 14 39 39 34 68 72 (%) 42 30 28 25 37 26 36 26 35 26 12 17 21 50 28 18 50 45 26 40 20 11 Table 2.3: Teachers’ experiences using classroom ... Organize micro-teaching or peer observations Buy magazines, newspapers, materials on CLT (%) 95 80 75 55 40 35 Table 2.6: Teachers’ solutions to lacking knowledge and misconceptions about CLT Table ... students are the centre of the knowledge transmission, the 20 26 43 11 47 38 21 45 23 26 45 16 12 26 53 18 23 61 25 58 16 teacher is a facilitator helping the students to generate information The...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

44 1,6K 9
An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

... foreign language learner and can even be detrimental to the process of language learning (Or, 19 95) Indeed, it is difficult to imagine teaching the stylistic features of literary discourse to learners ... person as the writer The result is that the reader’s “interpretative procedures” (Widdowson, 19 75) may become confused and overloaded What this means is that the reader has to infer, anticipate ... at it - I Focus is on comprehending the first level of meaning through intensive reading Stage 5: Working at it - II Focus is on analysis of the text at a deeper level and exploring how the message...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 711 1
An action research on teaching grammar in the light of the eclectic approach with first-year non-English major students at Electric Power University

An action research on teaching grammar in the light of the eclectic approach with first-year non-English major students at Electric Power University

... studying grammar in the new method very 62 18 (77 .5% ) (22 .5% ) (0%) 68 10 ( 85% ) 12 .5% ) (2 .5% ) 70 10 (87 .5% ) (12 .5% ) (0%) 55 20 (68. 75% ) ( 25% ) (6. 25% ) interesting With your teacher‟s way of teaching ... Strongly like Like Neutral Dislike dislike 2 .5% 7 .5% 37 .5% 40% 2 .5% Role-playing 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% Problem-solving 12 .5% 45% 40% 2 .5% 0% Drama 25% 75% 0% 0% 0% Describing pictures 20% 80% 0% 0% ... students Answer Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree agree Options Strongly disagree a 15% 55 % 5% 25% 0% b 0% 17 .5% 15% 57 .5% 10% Table 8: Data collected from question for students We can see from the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:28

47 648 0
using short stories in teaching english in the context of vietnam australia school - hanoi = việc sử dụng truyện ngắn trong giảng dạy tiếng anh tại ngữ cảnh trường trung học việt úc - hà nội

using short stories in teaching english in the context of vietnam australia school - hanoi = việc sử dụng truyện ngắn trong giảng dạy tiếng anh tại ngữ cảnh trường trung học việt úc - hà nội

... 34 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 37 5. 1 Major findings of the study 37 5. 2 Recommendations 38 5. 2.1 Selecting and evaluating short stories 39 5. 2.2 Suggested ... them in class activities g To develop their critical thinking Mean 4.44 Median Mode 3 .55 4 3.66 4 4 .55 4 5 2.22 2 As can be seen, the items for this question received a wide range of mean, mode ... would happen next l Retell the story with a new ending Mean Median Mode 2 .55 3 4 3.66 4 2.33 4 .55 4.44 2.77 1.44 3.33 3 2, 5 3, 2 2 2 2 26 In pre-teaching, students need to get familiar with the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

65 1,2K 7
A study on using authentic materials in teaching English in the context of Bac Giang High school for gifted students = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng tài liệu xác thực

A study on using authentic materials in teaching English in the context of Bac Giang High school for gifted students = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng tài liệu xác thực

... materials used Types of authentic materials Students Printed Materials 75 (83.3%) Visual Materials 54 (60%) Audio Materials 53 (58 .8%) Audio- visual Materials 40 (44.4%) Realia (Real Objects) 24 (30%) ... Sometimes Often Listening (1.1%) 15 (16.7%) 44 (48.9%) 30 (33.3%) Speaking (3.3%) 16 (17.9%) 42 (46.6%) 29 (32.2%) Reading (4.4%) 14 ( 15. 6%) 25 (27.8%) 47 (52 .2%) Writing (3.3%) 12 (13.4%) 33 ... previous term ranged from good (grade over 8.0), fairly good (grade from 6 .5 to 7.9) to average & weak (grade below 6 .5) , which reflected the difference in English competence of the students These...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:53

57 2,3K 7
The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom

The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom

... Forge, 1983: 70-81), frequency of turn-taking (Preston, 1989: 128-131, Odlin, 1989: 55 ), politeness (Odlin, 1989: 49 -54 ), and so forth (see Byram, Morgan et al., 1994: 8) Furthermore, in the 1980s ... Schieffelin (1984), Poyatos, (19 85) , and Peters & Boggs, (1986) have attempted to show that language and culture are from the start inseparably connected (Buttjes, 1990: 55 , cited in LessardClouston, ... disservice in placing emphasis on the former, to the detriment of the latter As Buttjes (1990: 55 -56 ) notes, language teachers need to go beyond monitoring linguistic production in the classroom...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 18:05

25 1,4K 0


... A 3.00 A 2.79 A 2. 95 A 2. 85 A 2.68 A 2.49 D 2.69 A 2 .50 A 2.70 A 2 .53 A 2.72 A 2 .51 A 2.71 A 2 .56 A 2.74 A 2 .59 A 2.66 A 2.46 D 2.68 A 2 .55 A 2.72 A 2 .57 A 2.87 A 2.62 A 2. 85 A 2.66 A 2.84 A 2.72 ... 2.72 MCO 2 .54 2.71 MCO 2 .58 MCO 2.48 VSCO 2.34 VSCO 2.60 MCO 2.48 VSCO 2 .54 MCO 2 .51 MCO 2.80 MCO 2 .51 2.83 MCO 2 .56 MCO 2.81 MCO 2 .56 MCO 2.74 MCO 2.46 VSCO 2.71 MCO 2 .54 MCO 2.76 MCO 2 .58 MCO 2.86 ... 15 54 418 13 36 86 1 35 Phu Lam Economic -Technical College 14 46 356 12 31 75 118 Ha Noi Community College 14 45 382 12 30 79 121 Vinh Phuc Economic- Technical College 15 48 369 13 32 76 121 58 ...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 11:43

112 415 0
LIÊN KẾT TỪ VỰNG TRONG CÁC BÀI ĐỌC CỦA GIÁO TRÌNH “INFOTECH” VÀ GỢI Ý CHO VIỆC GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH CHO SINH VIÊN NGÀNH CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN = lexical cohesion in the reading texts of  infotech  textbook and implications for teaching english for it and comp

LIÊN KẾT TỪ VỰNG TRONG CÁC BÀI ĐỌC CỦA GIÁO TRÌNH “INFOTECH” VÀ GỢI Ý CHO VIỆC GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH CHO SINH VIÊN NGÀNH CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN = lexical cohesion in the reading texts of infotech textbook and implications for teaching english for it and comp

... Total Nouns 58 58 49 36 40 30 271 Verbs 2 24 Adjectives 6 22 Adverbs 0 0 0 Synonym 16 12 6 14 59 Opposite 2 2 12 Superordinate 21 12 49 Collocation 19 12 15 11 10 20 87 Repetition TOTAL 52 4 ... 69 repetitions in text 1, there are up to 58 repeated nouns In text 2, there are 58 out of 67; In text 3: 49 out of 57 ; In text 4: 36 out 42; In text 5: 40 out of 44; In text 6: 30 out of 38 In ... Hitech, English is taught in three stages In the first two stages (stages one and two), a total of 150 45 minutes class hours are given to General English (GE), of which ninety periods are spent to...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

50 901 0
NHỮNG KHÓ KHĂN CỦA VIỆC ÁP DỤNG ĐƯỜNG HƯỚNG DỰA TRÊN NHIỆM VỤ VÀO DẠY NÓI CHO SINH VIÊN KHÔNG CHUYÊN TIẾNG ANH  TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM NGHỆ THUẬT TRUNG ƯƠNG = challenges in the implementation of the task-based approach to teaching speaking to non-major st

NHỮNG KHÓ KHĂN CỦA VIỆC ÁP DỤNG ĐƯỜNG HƯỚNG DỰA TRÊN NHIỆM VỤ VÀO DẠY NÓI CHO SINH VIÊN KHÔNG CHUYÊN TIẾNG ANH TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM NGHỆ THUẬT TRUNG ƯƠNG = challenges in the implementation of the task-based approach to teaching speaking to non-major st

... Procedures 25 3.2 .5 Data analysis 25 3.2 .5. 1 Analysis of questionnaire 25 3.2 .5. 2 Analysis of the classroom observation 29 3.2 .5. 3 Analysis of the interview ... want to take part in the speaking tasks, because I 24,30 % 27,20% 10,70% 20,40% 18,40% 15, 53% 17 ,57 % 15, 52% not feel confident I not want to join the speaking tasks, since I am not 31,0% 20,38% ... Hoa Hiep 20 05 University English Classrooms in Vietnam: ELT journal Volume 59 /4 October 20 05 Phan Le Ha 2004 University classrooms in Vietnam: Contesting the Stereotypes: ELT journal 58 /1 January...

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2015, 08:59

68 675 1
A study on the effectiveness of using task-based approach in teaching vocabulary in ESP to the second year students at Construction School N04

A study on the effectiveness of using task-based approach in teaching vocabulary in ESP to the second year students at Construction School N04

... i.e rated from below average to excellent in ESP part: (1 -> 4 .5: below average; 5; 5. 5; 6; 6 .5: average; 7; 7 .5; 8; 8 .5: good; 9; 9 .5; 10: excellent.) Chart 1: Below-average 0.8 0.6 experimental ... http://www.spanport.ucsb.edu/projects/llcf/Eral/Reviews/Jorgep/Review5.html http://www.slideshare.net/irwyn12/basics-of-teaching-vocabulary- 155 6430 httzp://www.slideshare.net/irwyn12/basics-of-teaching-vocabulary- 155 6430 http://www.bnn.ueh.edu.vn/K%E1%BB%B7%20y%E1%BA%BFu%20HT/Present ... Applied Linguistics, 18, 268-286 Retrieved April 08 2013 from http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S026719 050 000 358 5 29 Wilkins, David A (1972), Linguistics and Language Teaching, Edward Arnold, London 30 Willis,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:27

102 761 2
A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non -English major students at H

A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non -English major students at H

... . 25 Class environment . 25 Teachers’ preparation 25 Teachers’ attitude 26 Teachers’ method 26 2.3.2 .5 Students ... questions .14 2.2.2 The participants 15 2.2.3 Data collection instruments 15 Questionnaire 15 Class Observation .16 Interviews ... students 34 From the teachers 34 From the administrators 35 3.1.2 Disadvantages 36 From the students 36 From the teachers...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:56

4 952 6
A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non-English major students at Ha

A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non-English major students at Ha

... in learning English speaking Alternatives a b c d e 28% 58 % 8% 4,7% 1,3% 30% 52 ,7% 6% 7,3% 4% 34% 48% 5, 3% 7,4% 5, 3% 47,3% 34,7% 5, 3% 7,4% 5, 3% Questions The results of table show students‟ opinions ... teaching English 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 -5 years 6-10 years 11- 15 years over 16 years Figure shows the result of question According to figure 2, we can see that 15 teachers (50 %) have been teaching ... . 25 Class environment . 25 Teachers’ preparation 25 Teachers’ attitude 26 Teachers’ method 26 2.3.2 .5 Students ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:56

62 1,4K 2
The exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary according to communicative approach for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business

The exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary according to communicative approach for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business

... teachers Strongly agree (5pts) 4 1 Agree Neutral Disagree (4 pts) 3 2 2 (3pts) 2 3 (2pts) 0 1 4 Strongly disagree (1pts) 0 1 1 On average 4 .55 4.73 4.4 3.73 3 .54 3.09 2 .55 2.64 2.4 Table 2: Advantages ... students Strongly agree (5pts) Agree (4 pts) Neutral (3pts) Disagree (2pts) Strongly disagree (1pts) On Average 36 39 35 31 22 13 27 41 20 27 41 30 19 15 22 28 17 39 21 18 19 15 21 10 17 24 19 19 ... 22 28 17 39 21 18 19 15 21 10 17 24 19 19 28 3.37 3.72 3.19 3.29 3.22 2.92 14 17 21 35 33 2 .53 25 31 29 20 15 3.26 9 21 17 30 43 2.36 Table 3: Advantages of using pictures in teaching vocabulary...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

9 673 2