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The exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary according to communicative approach for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business

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The exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary according to communicative approach for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Busine

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The exploitation of pictures in teaching

vocabulary according to communicative

approach for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of

Economics and Business

Khương Hà Linh

University of Languages and International Studies M.A Thesis: English Teaching Methodology; Code: 60 14 10

Supervisor: M.A Đỗ Bá Quý Year of graduation: 2011

Abstract English has become the key role of in the world of communication and

vocabulary is seen as one of the most important elements of the language Notably, the big question of how to teach vocabulary in communicative approach effectively is categorically in consideration Therefore, this study aims to examine the current exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary to first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business The advantages, hindrances, and the desires of this technique perceived by teachers and students are also made clear Data was collected by means of interviews and questionnaires Results showed that pictures were used to teach vocabulary with remarkably high frequency However, pictures exploited were mainly from the course book It is worth noting that almost all of teachers and students assumed a great number of outstandingly strong points of this type

of visual aid and desired to apply pictures in teaching vocabulary The findings emphasize all of these results and present pedagogical suggestions from both surveyed teachers and students for further exploitations of pictures In addition, the researcher’s major recommendations are also listed out to enhance the effectiveness of picture

exploitation in teaching vocabulary

Keywords Phương pháp giảng dạy; Tiếng Anh; Từ vựng



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1 Rationale

Vocabulary, one of the major components of language, reserves a consideration in both teaching and learning English

In the context of Viet Nam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business, English is being taught as a compulsory subject for non-major students As far as the situation of English language learning and teaching is concerned, students have confronted a number of obstacles preventing them from achieving communicative competence

To overcome these disadvantages, the gap between classroom knowledge and students’ ability in real communication should be bridged

From the above mentioned reasons, this thesis on exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary meets the research demand of the context

2 Aims of the study

The research thesis is expected to find out whether pictures have been exploited, a closer look would be taken at the different ways they are employed Secondly, the study aims at clarifying the fundamental advantages, disadvantages paving the ways for several pedagogical implications for better employments of pictures in the context of teaching vocabulary to first year students at VNU, HUEB

3 Research questions

1 How have pictures been exploited by teachers in teaching English vocabulary for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business?

2 What are the advantages of pictures in teaching vocabulary as perceived by teachers and students?

3 What are the main difficulties in exploiting pictures in teaching vocabulary as perceived by teachers and students?

4 Do teachers and students desire to use pictures in teaching vocabulary?

What are their suggestions for more exhaustible exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary?

4 Scope of the study

The study is restricted to the area of investigating in the uses of pictures-one type of visual aids in teaching vocabulary not a wide range of visual aids The samples of the study are also limited to only first year students from main stream classes at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business

5 Significance of the study

As one of the trail-blazing studies on teaching vocabulary with the help of pictures to freshmen at VNU, HUEB, the thesis could be particularly useful for students, teachers, and researchers who develop an interest in the topic

6 Methods of the study

6.1 Data collection methods

During the process of data collection, the researcher employed the questionnaires and


6.2 Data analysis methods

In the first place, the collected data would be classified according to four research questions The needed combination of gathered responses from both teachers and students was to analyze four research questions

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7 An overview of the rest of the study

The rest of the thesis includes five chapters

Chapter 1 (Literature review) provides the background of the study, including definitions of key concepts and aspects of vocabulary

Chapter 2 (Methodology) describes the participants and instruments of the study, as well as the procedures employed to carry out the research

Chapter 3 (Data analysis and discussion) presents, analyzes and discusses the collected data from the questionnaires, interviews and class observations

Conclusion summarizes the main issues discussed in the thesis, the findings that the researcher found out from the data collected according to the four research questions, the limitations of the research, several pedagogical recommendations concerning the research topic as well as some suggestions for further studies Following this chapter are bibliography and appendices



1.1.1 Definition of vocabulary

It is worth noting that there are various definitions of vocabulary and each has its own features reflecting some aspects of vocabulary

1.1.2 The roles of vocabulary in language teaching and learning

It is widely accepted that vocabulary is the most important dimension of all language materials

1.1.3 Aspects of vocabulary to be taught

A matter of great concern for teachers is what aspects of a word should be taught in a language class To understand a text, learners need to know words and “knowing a word involves knowing: its spoken and written context of use, its pattern with words of related meaning, (Cater,

2001, p.43), (as cited in To Thu Huong et al, 2008, P.77)

1.2 Approaches and Methods in teaching vocabulary

1.2.1 Grammar translation method

According to Richards and Rodges (1996), “In the nineteenth century, the Grammar Translation Method was the primary method used to teach English” (As cited in To Thu Huong et

al, 2008, p 28)

1.2.3 Audio-lingual method

Because of weak points of previous methods in developing students’ communicative skills,

a new pedagogical direction was needed and Audio-lingual method naturally continued as a rule

of development

1.2.4 Communicative Language Teaching approach

In the late 1950s the Audiolingualism proved ineffective, and it began to fall out of favor Hymes (1772) added the concept of communicative competence, which emphasized using language for the meaningful communication_ Communicative Language Teaching (as cited in Nobert, S, 1997, p.34) Features of Communicative Language teaching approach

Norbert Schmitt, (1997, p.14) pointed, “The focus is on the message and fluency rather than grammatical accuracy

Trang 4 Principles of teaching English vocabulary in CLT approach

The various pedagogical principles of CLT approach to language teaching in general and vocabulary in particular are shown quite clearly According to Hubbard et al (1989) in Nation (2003) (as cited in To Thu Huong et al, 2006, p.91) general principles could be summarized in the following main ones

1.3 Pictures

1.3.1 Definition of pictures

Being one major type of visual aids, a picture, as defined in the Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary is “a visual representation or image painted, drawn, photographed, or

otherwise rendered on a flat surface

1.3.2 Benefits of pictures

Concerning the benefits of using pictures in teaching vocabulary, it is said that pictures are “of great help in stimulating the learning of a foreign language” (Bowen, 1982, p.1)

1.3.3 Main types of pictures in vocabulary teaching

 Picture Flashcards

 Drawings

 Wall pictures

CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOOGY 2.1 Participants

The process of data collection involved the participation of both English teachers and first year students at VNU, HUEB

2.2 Data collection instruments

2.2.1 Questionnaire

Two different sets of questionnaires were utilized, one for the teacher and the other for first-year students

2.2.2 Interviews

In terms of structures, the interviews with the teachers aimed at exploring specific and typical types of pictures exploited by the interviewees

2.3 Procedures of data collection

The data collection went through three major phases in chronological order: preparing instruments, delivering questionnaires, and interviewing

2.4 Data analysis methods and procedure

In the first step, the data collected was classified according to four research questions Since each research question aimed at exploring an aspect of using pictures to teach vocabulary from teachers and students’ views, it must be answered through the synthesis of information involving the two parties

CHAPTER 3: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 The current exploitation of pictures to teach vocabulary for first year students at VNU, HUEB

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Figure 1: Using pictures to teach vocabulary according to teachers and students’ answers

3.1.1 The frequency of teachers using pictures in teaching vocabulary

Figure 2: The frequency of using pictures to teach vocabulary

A) Students’ responses B) Teachers’ responses

3.1.2 Teachers’ ways to exploit pictures in teaching vocabulary

Figure 3: Teachers’ ways to exploit pictures to teach vocabulary

3.2 Advantages of using pictures to teach vocabulary perceived by teachers and students 3.2.1 Teachers’ perception of the advantages of using pictures

F requenc y of us ing

pic tures A



29.3 41.3


never rarely

s ometimes

us ually always

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Table 2: Advantages of using pictures in teaching vocabulary as perceived by teachers 3.2.2 Students’ perception of advantages of using pictures



by 120


Strongly agree (5pts)

Agree (4 pts)

Neutral (3pts)

Disagree (2pts)

Strongly disagree (1pts)

On Average

1 36 27 19 21 17 3.37

2 39 41 15 18 7 3.72

3 35 20 22 19 24 3.19

4 31 27 28 15 19 3.29

5 22 41 17 21 19 3.22

6 13 30 39 10 28 2.92

7 14 17 21 35 33 2.53

8 25 31 29 20 15 3.26

9 9 21 17 30 43 2.36

Table 3: Advantages of using pictures in teaching vocabulary as perceived by students

3.3 Main difficulties in using pictures to teach vocabulary as perceived by teachers and students


Perceived by

11 teachers

Strongly agree (5pts)

Agree (4 pts)

Neutral (3pts)

Disagree (2pts)

Strongly disagree (1pts)

On average

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Figure 4: Difficulties in using pictures to teach vocabulary perceived by teachers

Figure 5: Difficulties in using pictures to teach vocabulary perceived by students

3.4 The desires and pedagogical suggestions for more exhaustible exploitation of pictures 3.4.1 The desires for using pictures to teach vocabulary as perceived by teachers and


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Figure 6: Teachers and students’ attitudes towards the necessity of using pictures to teach vocabulary

3.4.2 The pedagogical suggestions for more exhaustible exploitation of pictures

Firstly, reducing the number of students in one English class played a vital role in raising the efficiency according to teachers’ points of view Secondly, many teachers complained that the time for teaching vocabulary was not much enough.Thirdly, the improvement of the quantity, quality of pictorial materials and activities with the help of pictures also needed more appropriate adaptation


1 Conclusion

Initially, the study confirmed that pictures had been widely exploited in teaching English vocabulary by English teachers at VNU,HUEB in the light of Communicative Language Teaching Approach

Secondly, the study also detected significant advantages and difficulties of the exploitation

of pictures in teaching vocabulary as perceived by both teachers and students Most of the participants showed their strong agreement on major strong points of using pictures such as making vocabulary more enjoyable, drawing students’ attention, enhancing motivation to learn, boosting students’ abilities to remember and use words for communicative purposes and especially bringing images of the real life into the classroom

Thirdly, main obstacles for further exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary were also elaborated apparently Among the detected hindrances, the problems of being time-consuming for teachers to choose the suitable pictures and design effective exercises was one of the most momentous ones as perceived by both teachers and students

Finally, it was considerable that there were strong desires of the exploitation of pictures among all of the surveyed students


Andrew W (1989) Pictures for language learning Cambridge University Press

Andrew W (1984) 1000 Pictures for teachers to copy Collins




67.3 %

Y es No It depends

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Specified Model Los Angeles

David Wilkins (1972), Teaching Vocabulary, Retrieved April, 20th, 2011 from


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Hill, D (1990) Visual Impact Longman Group UK Limited

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Languages, Vietnam National University

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London: Arnold Publisher

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Ngày đăng: 04/08/2015, 09:41



