các phương án lựa chọn thị trường mục tiêu 3

A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach

... Never tried regularly sometimes (%) (%) 37 68 64 25 35 56 14 39 39 34 68 72 (%) 42 30 28 25 37 26 36 26 35 26 12 17 21 50 28 18 50 45 26 40 20 11 Table 2 .3: Teachers’ experiences using classroom ... participants that were surveyed Gender Age Years of Experience Male Female 22 -30 31 -35 40-50 1-5 6-10 11-20 18 13 13 Table 2.1: Participants’ age, gender and years of experience In response to ... peers as the students are the centre of the knowledge transmission, the 20 26 43 11 47 38 21 45 23 26 45 16 12 26 53 18 23 61 25 58 16 teacher is a facilitator helping the students to generate information...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

44 1,6K 9
An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

... experience the text by listening and or reading and focusing on specific content in the text Stage 3: Preliminary Response Learners give their initial response to the text - spoken or written Stage...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 711 1
An action research on teaching grammar in the light of the eclectic approach with first-year non-English major students at Electric Power University

An action research on teaching grammar in the light of the eclectic approach with first-year non-English major students at Electric Power University

... grammar?) Table 3: Data collected from questions 2 -3 for teachers Answer Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree agree Options Strongly disagree a 6.6% 26.6% 46.6% 13. 3% 6.7% b 0% 13. 3% 53. 4% 20% 13. 3% c 0% ... problem-solving activities……………… 33 c Story-telling………………………………………………… 34 d Picture description………………………………………… 35 3. 2.6 Step 6: Consolidation…………………………………………… 37 3. 3 Analysis of the results of ... 80% Role-playing 0% 0% 0% 13. 3% 86.7% Problem-solving 0% 0% 0% 6.7% 93. 3% Drama 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Describing pictures 0% 0% 0% 13. 3% 86.7% Making a conversation 0% 0% 73. 3% 26.7% 0% Information gap...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:28

47 648 0
using short stories in teaching english in the context of vietnam australia school - hanoi = việc sử dụng truyện ngắn trong giảng dạy tiếng anh tại ngữ cảnh trường trung học việt úc - hà nội

using short stories in teaching english in the context of vietnam australia school - hanoi = việc sử dụng truyện ngắn trong giảng dạy tiếng anh tại ngữ cảnh trường trung học việt úc - hà nội

... happen next l Retell the story with a new ending Mean Median Mode 2.55 3 4 3. 66 4 2 .33 4.55 4.44 2.77 1.44 3. 33 3 2, 5 3, 2 2 2 2 26 In pre-teaching, students need to get familiar with the story ... Based on the story, invent a new one with a new ending Mean 4.2 Median Mode 3. 2 2.9 3. 2 2.7 2.1 3. 1 3 2.5 3. 5 2, 4 2.5 3 3 Comparing the scores of all the items, it can be concluded that the activity ... 16 3. 2 Data collection instruments 16 3. 2.1 Questionnaires 18 3. 2.2 Interviews 17 3. 3 Procedure of data collection 18 3. 4 Procedure of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

65 1,2K 7
A study on using authentic materials in teaching English in the context of Bac Giang High school for gifted students = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng tài liệu xác thực

A study on using authentic materials in teaching English in the context of Bac Giang High school for gifted students = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng tài liệu xác thực

... (1.1%) 15 (16.7%) 44 (48.9%) 30 (33 .3% ) Speaking (3. 3%) 16 (17.9%) 42 (46.6%) 29 (32 .2%) Reading (4.4%) 14 (15.6%) 25 (27.8%) 47 (52.2%) Writing (3. 3%) 12 ( 13. 4%) 33 (36 .7%) 42 (46.6%) Skills As ... Frequency Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always 10 (0%) (16.7%) 21 (70%) ( 13. 3%) (0%) 11 (0%) (0%) 19 ( 63. 3%) 11 (36 .7%) (0%) 12 (0%) (30 %) 21 (70%) (0%) (0%) Grade As shown in table 2, all of the students ... Gender Average Score students Male Female < 6 ->7 > 10 English 30 29 14 13 11 English 30 28 11 12 12 English 30 28 15 Total 90 85 17 33 40 21 2.1.2 Teachers Since teachers are core subjects of this...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:53

57 2,3K 7
The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom

The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom

... http://radicalpedagogy.icaap.org/content/issue3 _3/ 7-thanasoulas.html Page 13 of 25 The Importance Of Teaching Culture In The Foreign Language Classroom 1/14/10 11 :34 PM culture, and to help establish ... http://radicalpedagogy.icaap.org/content/issue3 _3/ 7-thanasoulas.html Page 21 of 25 The Importance Of Teaching Culture In The Foreign Language Classroom 1/14/10 11 :34 PM Kallenbach, W W & Hodges, H M 19 63 Education and Society ... http://radicalpedagogy.icaap.org/content/issue3 _3/ 7-thanasoulas.html Page 23 of 25 The Importance Of Teaching Culture In The Foreign Language Classroom 1/14/10 11 :34 PM Samovar, L., Porter, R & Jain,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 18:05

25 1,4K 0


... DR 3. 12 A 2. 83 A 3. 07 A 2.82 A 3. 04 A 2.76 A 3. 26 SA 2.86 A 3. 21 A 2. 93 A 3. 13 A 2.80 A 2.68 A 2.69 A 2.78 A 2.74 A 2.69 A 2.71 A 3. 04 A 2.89 A 3. 01 A 2.87 A 2.99 A 2. 73 A 3. 16 2.98 2.66 3. 14 ... College 12 39 32 8 11 31 97 139 Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance 14 36 31 2 12 28 92 132 Vietnam – Germany Industrial College 13 32 30 9 12 25 91 128 107 949 35 84 280 39 9 TOTAL 39 *A- administrators; ... Group Group WM DR WM DR 3. 32 ACO 3. 00 3. 22 MCO 3. 06 3. 27 ACO 2.99 MCO 3. 16 MCO 2 .34 VSCO 3. 09 MCO 2.42 VSCO 3. 13 MCO 2.41 VSCO 2.72 MCO 2.54 2.71 MCO 2.58 MCO 2.48 VSCO 2 .34 VSCO 2.60 MCO 2.48...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 11:43

112 415 0
LIÊN KẾT TỪ VỰNG TRONG CÁC BÀI ĐỌC CỦA GIÁO TRÌNH “INFOTECH” VÀ GỢI Ý CHO VIỆC GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH CHO SINH VIÊN NGÀNH CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN = lexical cohesion in the reading texts of  infotech  textbook and implications for teaching english for it and comp

LIÊN KẾT TỪ VỰNG TRONG CÁC BÀI ĐỌC CỦA GIÁO TRÌNH “INFOTECH” VÀ GỢI Ý CHO VIỆC GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH CHO SINH VIÊN NGÀNH CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN = lexical cohesion in the reading texts of infotech textbook and implications for teaching english for it and comp

... – data (6) – form (3) Process (3) – result (2) – processing (2) – information (2) Memory (3) – program (3) – main memory (2) – computer system (3) – central processing unit (3) – instruction (2) ... vocabulary 32 PART C: CONCLUSION 35 Recapitulation 35 Limitations of the study 36 Suggestions for further studies 36 REFERENCES ... while some units have integrated the genders effectively (Nguyen Hoa, 2000: 33 -34 ) 17 1 .3 General features of ESP texts 1 .3. 1 Characteristics of ESP First of all, there should be a need to figure...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

50 901 0
NHỮNG KHÓ KHĂN CỦA VIỆC ÁP DỤNG ĐƯỜNG HƯỚNG DỰA TRÊN NHIỆM VỤ VÀO DẠY NÓI CHO SINH VIÊN KHÔNG CHUYÊN TIẾNG ANH  TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM NGHỆ THUẬT TRUNG ƯƠNG = challenges in the implementation of the task-based approach to teaching speaking to non-major st

NHỮNG KHÓ KHĂN CỦA VIỆC ÁP DỤNG ĐƯỜNG HƯỚNG DỰA TRÊN NHIỆM VỤ VÀO DẠY NÓI CHO SINH VIÊN KHÔNG CHUYÊN TIẾNG ANH TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM NGHỆ THUẬT TRUNG ƯƠNG = challenges in the implementation of the task-based approach to teaching speaking to non-major st

... 29 3. 2.5 .3 Analysis of the interview 30 3. 2.6 Fidings and discussions 33 3. 2.6.1 Inappropriate teaching condition 33 3. 2.6.2 Inappropriate teaching material 33 ... 33 3. 2.6 .3 Students’ low English proficiency 34 3. 2.6.4 Students’ resistance in engaging in tasks 34 3. 2.6.5 Students’ overuse of mother tongue during tasks 35 3. 3 Recommendations ... tasks is 35 , 93% 38 , 83% 0% 12,65% 13, 59% 32 ,00% 6,80% 10,70% 14,60% too difficult for me, for my English proficiency is low I find it difficult to complete speaking tasks if I am not allowed 36 ,90%...

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2015, 08:59

68 675 1
A study on the effectiveness of using task-based approach in teaching vocabulary in ESP to the second year students at Construction School N04

A study on the effectiveness of using task-based approach in teaching vocabulary in ESP to the second year students at Construction School N04

... result……………………………………… 25 3. 3 The post-tests result…………………………………………………… 25 3. 4 Vocabulary-checking test result……………………………………… 29 PART III: CONCLUSION 33 REFERENCES 34 APPENDICES ... ESP 1 .3 Teaching vocabulary…………………………………………………… 1 .3. 1 Purposes for teaching vocabulary…………………………… 1 .3. 2 Principles of teaching vocabulary…………………………… 1 .3. 3 Stages in teaching ... post-tests…………… 22 2.2 .3 Supplementary testing instruments…………………………… 22 CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS, RESUTLS AND DISCUSSIONS… 24 3. 1 Class observation result……………………………………………… 24 3. 2 Teacher‟s self-assessment...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:27

102 761 2
A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non -English major students at H

A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non -English major students at H

... 34 3. 1.1 Advantages 34 3. 1.1.1 From the students 34 3. 1.1.2 From the teachers 34 3. 1.1 .3 From the administrators 35 3. 1.2 Disadvantages 36 ... 36 3. 1.2.1 From the students 36 3. 1.2.2 From the teachers 37 3. 1.2 .3 From the administrators 37 3. 1.2.4 From the syllabus 38 3. 2 Recommendations ... .28 2 .3. 3.1 The interview for teachers 28 2 .3. 3.2 The interview for students 31 2.4 Conclusion 33 CHAPTER THREE: FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 34 3. 1 Findings...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:56

4 952 6
A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non-English major students at Ha

A research on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of task-based approach in teaching speaking to the fisrt-year non-English major students at Ha

... 34 3. 1.1 Advantages 34 3. 1.1.1 From the students 34 3. 1.1.2 From the teachers 34 3. 1.1 .3 From the administrators 35 3. 1.2 Disadvantages 36 ... teaching English speaking Alternatives a b c d e 16,7% 50% 23, 3% 10% 0% 23, 4% 40% 23, 4% 13, 2% 0% 16,7% 46,7% 26,6% 10% 0% 6,7% 36 ,7% 33 ,3% 13, 3% 10% Questions In question 1, most of teachers (15 teachers ... 2 .3. 1.1.2 Students’ attitudes of learning English speaking Table 3: Students’ attitudes of learning English speaking Alternatives a b c d e 16,7% 40% 23, 3% 8% 12% 63, 4% 23, 3% 8% 5 ,3% 0% 36 ,7% 34 ,7%...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:56

62 1,4K 2
The exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary according to communicative approach for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business

The exploitation of pictures in teaching vocabulary according to communicative approach for first year students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Economics and Business

... (3pts) Disagree (2pts) Strongly disagree (1pts) On Average 36 39 35 31 22 13 27 41 20 27 41 30 19 15 22 28 17 39 21 18 19 15 21 10 17 24 19 19 28 3. 37 3. 72 3. 19 3. 29 3. 22 2.92 14 17 21 35 33 ... 3. 29 3. 22 2.92 14 17 21 35 33 2. 53 25 31 29 20 15 3. 26 9 21 17 30 43 2 .36 Table 3: Advantages of using pictures in teaching vocabulary as perceived by students 3. 3 Main difficulties in using pictures ... disagree (1pts) 0 1 1 On average 4.55 4. 73 4.4 3. 73 3.54 3. 09 2.55 2.64 2.4 Table 2: Advantages of using pictures in teaching vocabulary as perceived by teachers 3. 2.2 Students’ perception of advantages...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

9 673 2