... VIII-1-04-101 BC05-1574 UW-11(a)(2) VIII-1-07-14 BC06-783 UW-13(c)(2) and Fig UW-13.1(f) ... VIII-1-07-05 BC05-1586 UW-11(a) and Code Case 2235-6 VIII-1-04-95 BC04-1455 UW-11(a) and UW-12(d) ... VIII-1-04-88 BC05-1589 UG-116(e) VIII-1-07-10 BC06-1117 UG-136(c)(3)(c)
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:23
... Alloys Zirconium Base Alloys 105 110 110 110 111 115 116 118 119 122 145 148 153 164 164 168 Chapter Ferrous Alloys Specifications by Common Name or Trade Name 171 Chapter 10 Nonferrous Alloys Specifications ... µ n p f Exponential Expression 15 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -6 10 -9 10 -12 10 -15 10 CASTI Guidebook to ASME Section II, B31.1 & B31.3 - 2001 Materials Index Multiplication ... 48 1 Forgings Pipe, smls NPS ¹⁄₈ NPS 26 350 √ √ √ C Stl C Stl Gray Iron Gray Iron Gray Iron C Stl Pipe, S & W UNS NO K02600 F22200 F11401 F11701 F12101 F12401 F12801 F13101 F13501 F13801 F14101
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 23:21
2007 asme boilder and pressure vessel code asme section x
... Mechanical Engineers, 1914 Revised 1940, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004 ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` ... Table RM-120.1 Revised (04-697) Table RM-120.2 Revised (04-697) RD-1171.1 Equations (a) and (b) revised (00-461) RD-1171.2 Equation revised (00-461) 35 RD-1172.1.1 First paragraph revised (04-1593) ... temperature Equations in RD-1171.1, RD-1171.2, RD-1173.1, and RD-1174.2 revised by removing the 0.6 factor to simplify them and to make them similar to ASME RTP-1 in order for both documents to be
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a sa 213 sa 213m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... cool 1900[1040]F 1900[1040] 1900[1040]F 1900[1040]H 1900[1040]F 1900[1040]F 1900[1040] 1900[1040]F 1900[1040]H 1900[1040]F,H 1975[1080]2160[1180]F 2100[1150] 1920[1050] 2050[1120]F 1900[1040]F ... 10.0-14.0 11.0-14.0 10.0-14.0 8.0-11.0 8.0-11.0 13.5-16.0 10.0-12.0 12.0-15.0 12.0-15.0 12.0-16.0 12.0-16.0 19.0-22.0 19.0-22.0 19.0-22.0 19.0-22.0 19.0-22.0 19.0-22.0 21.0-23.0 10.0-12.5 9.0-12.0 ... 22.0-24.0 17.5-19.5 8.0-11.5 18.0-20.0 18.0-20.0 18.0-20.0 17.0-19.0 14.0-16.0 16.0-18.0 17.0-19.0 20.5-23.5 Chromium 10.0-13.0 10.0-13.0 11.0-15.0 11.0-15.0 17.5-18.5 14.0-16.0 26.0-28.0 10.0-14.0 10.0-14.0
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a sa 420 sa 420m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... 26.5 25.0 23.5 22.0 20.5 19.0 17.5 16.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 30.0 28.5 27.0 25.5 24.0 22.5 21.0 19.5 18.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 22.0 20.75 19.5 18.25 17.0 15.75 14.5 13.25 12.0 Transverse ... (0.312) (0.281) (0.250) (0.219) (0.188) (0.156) (0.125) (0.094) (0.062) [7.94] [7.14] [6.35] [5.56] [4.76] [3.97] [3.17] [2.38] [1.59] 30.0 28.5 27.0 25.5 24.0 22.5 21.0 19.5 18.0 16.5 15.5 14.5 ... lbf J 13 10 17.6 13.6 9.5 5.4 10 13.6 10.8 7.0 4.1 Straight-line interpolation for intermediate values is permitted TABLE CHARPY IMPACT REQUIREMENTS FOR WPL8 Size of Specimen, mm 10 10 10 10 by
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a intro (american society of mechanical engineers)
... Mechanical Engineers, 1914 Revised 1940, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 The American ... SA-29/SA-29M SA-31 SA-36/SA-36M SA-47/SA-47M SA-53/SA-53M SA-105/SA-105M SA-106 SA-134 SA-135 SA-178/SA-178M SA-179/SA-179M SA-181/SA-181M SA-182/SA-182M SA-192/SA-192M SA-193/SA-193M SA-194/SA-194M SA-202/SA-202M ... Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/27/2008 14:36:44 MDT ix xiii xv xxvii xxix xxxi xxxix xli xliii xlvii lvii lix lxi lxii 83 127 153 157 163 171 199 205 221 227 237 243 247 251 271 275 293 311 315
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a sa 6 sa 6m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... not substantially slower than, that attained by the method described in As given in Table B, or When test coupons cut from the plate but heat treated separately are ... more than (1) 1⁄32 in [1 mm], for material less than 3⁄8 in [10 mm] in thickness; (2) 1⁄16 in [2 mm], for material 3⁄8 to in [10 to 50 mm] inclusive in thickness; or (3) 1⁄8 in [3 mm], for material ... requirements (see 18.1, 11.3.4, Table 22 or Table A1.22, and Table 24 or Table A1.24) 4.1.15 Special requirements (see 1.10), if any, and 6.4 Where normalizing is to be performed by the fabricator,
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a sa 20 sa 20m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... 3.501–3.999 [90.00–102.49] 4.000–4.499 [102.50–114.99] 4.500–4.999 [115.00–127.49] 5.000–5.499 [127.50–139.99] 5.500–5.999 [140.00–152.49] 6.000 and thicker [152.50 and thicker] 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 ... purchase order 11.7 This specification does not provide requirements for product tension testing subsequent to shipment (see 15.1) Therefore, the requirements of 11.1 through 11.6 and Section 16 apply ... imposed 11.8 Appendix X2 provides additional information on the variability of tensile properties in plates for pressure vessels 12 Notch-Toughness Tests 12.1 Charpy V-Notch Tests: 12.1.1 Number
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a 2 sa 671 (american society of mechanical engineers)
... (55) (60) (A) (B) (D) (E) 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1250 1100–1175 1100–1175 1100–1175 1100–1175 (590–680) (590–680) ... 517M (J) 517/A 517M (K) 517/A 517M (L) 517/A 517M (M) 517/A 517M (P) 299/A 299M 736/A736M (2) 1000–1100 1000–1100 1000–1100 1000–1100 1000–1100 1000–1100 1000–1100 1000–1100 1000–1100 1000–1100 ... 1725 (940) C 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) 1150 (620) CP75 A 736/A 736M (3) 1725 (940)
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a sa 29 sa 29m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1025 1026 1029 1030 1034 1035 1037 1038 1039 1040 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1049 1050 1053 1055 1059 1060 1064 1065 1069 1070 1071 1074 1075 1078 1080 ... Designation 1211 1212 1213 1215 12L13 12L14 12L15 Grade Designation 1513 1518 1522 1524 1525 1526 1527 1536 1541 1547 1548 1551 1552 1561 1566 1572 0.08–0.13 0.08–0.13 0.08–0.13 0.14–0.20 0.14–0.20 0.14–0.20 ... 0.60–0.71 0.65–0.76 1.10–1.40 1.10–1.40 1.10–1.40 1.35–1.65 0.80–1.10 1.10–1.40 1.20–1.50 1.20–1.50 1.35–1.65 1.35–1.65 1.10–1.40 0.85–1.15 1.20–1.50 0.75–1.05 0.85–1.15 1.00–1.30 132 Copyright ASME
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a sa 450 sa 450m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... DesignationA A 161 A 178/A 178M A 179/A 179M A 192/A 192M A 199/A 199M A 200 A 209/A 209M A 210/A 210M A 213/A 213M A 214/A 214M A 226/A 226M A 249/A 249M A 250/A 250M A A 268/A 268M A 269 A 270 A 271 A ... 06:12:14 MDT SA-450 /SA-450M 2007 SECTION II, PART A Lot Size (pieces per lot) Sample Size to to 90 Entire lot 91 to 150 12 151 to 280 19 281 to 500 21 501 to 1200 27 1201 to 3200 35 3201 to 10 ... Hot-Finished Seamless Tubes [101.6] and under Over to 71⁄2 [101.6 to 190.5], incl Over 71⁄2 to [190.5 to 228.6], incl 1 ⁄64 [0.4] ⁄64 [0.4] ⁄64 [0.4] ⁄32 [0.8] ⁄64 [1.2] ⁄16 [1.6] Welded Tubes and Cold-Finished
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a sa 234 sa 234m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... temperature shall be 1100°F [595°C] for WPB, WPC, and WPR, 1150°F [620°C] for Grades WP1, WP11 Class 1, WP11 Class 2, WP11 Class 3, WP 12 Class 1, and WP12 Class and 1250°F [675°C] for Grades WP5, ... tempering temperature for WP11 Class 1, WP11 Class 2, WP11 Class 3, WP12 Class 1, and WP12 Class shall not be less than 1150°F [620°C]; for Grades WP5, WP9, WP22 Class 1, and WP22 Class the tempering ... accordance with Appendix 12 of Section VIII The NDE of welds in Grades WPB, WPC, WP1, WP11 Class 1, WP11 Class 2, WP11 Class 3, WP12 Class 1, WP12 Class 2, and WPR may be performed either prior to
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section v b sa 609 sa 609m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... or t [100] or t [150] or t [200] or t [250] or t ⁄32 [2.4] ⁄8 [3.2] ⁄16 [4.8] ⁄4 [6.3] ⁄16 [7.9] ⁄8 [9.5] See Note 1 Minimum Depth (D), in [mm] 11⁄2 11⁄2 11⁄2 11⁄2 11⁄2 11⁄2 11⁄2 [40] [40] [40] ... Block Identification Number 16-0100 16-0200 16-0300 16-0600 16-1000 16-B00B A Tolerance ± 1⁄8 in [3 mm] Additional supplemental blocks for testing thickness greater than 10 in [250 mm], see 4.3.3 ... in.2 [cm2] 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Qualification 13.1 The requirements for pre-production qualification are as follows: 13.1.1 Personnel — The personnel qualification requirements of SNT-TC-1A are applicable
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a sa 240 sa 240m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... 25.0–27.0 19.0–21.0 17.5–19.5 17.5–18.5 17.0–19.0 16.0–18.0 16.0–18.0 10.5–12.5 11.5–14.0 13.5–15.5 14.0–16.0 16.0–18.0 17.0–19.0 10.5–12.5 11.5–13.5 12.0–13.0 0.50 0.50 0.60 1.00 0.50 0.60–1.10 ... 40 40 40 241 217 241 217 241 255 241 241 217 241 241 201 201 201 201 217 217 217 183 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 100 90 95 100 95 100 25J 100 95 100 100 92 92 92 ... 16.0–18.0 9.0–13.0 19.0–21.0 19.0–22.0 21.0–23.0 31.0–33.0 9.0–12.0 10.0–14.0 10.0–14.0 11.0–15.0 11.0–15.0 13.5–17.5 13.5–17.5 11.0–15.0 20.0–23.00 9.0–12.0 10.0–14.0 17.5–18.5 21.0–24.0 10.0–14.0
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
2007 asme boiler and pressure vessel code asme section ii a sa 53 sa 53m (american society of mechanical engineers)
... 0.531 0.674 [3.18] [3.96] [4.78] [5.56] [6.02] [6.35] [7.14] [7.92] [8.56] [11.13] [13.49] [17.12] 5.85 [8.71] 7.24 [10.78] 8.67 [12.91] 10.02 [14.91] 10.80 [16.07] 11.36 [16.90] 12.67 [18.87] 13.97 ... 2500 [17 200] 2700 [18 600] 2800 [19 300] 2800 [19 300] 2800 [19 300] 1170 [8100] 1460 [10 100] 1750 [12 100] 2040 [14 100] 2210 [15 200] 2330 [16 100] 2620 [18 100] 2800 [19 300] 2800 [19 300] ... 80 120 160 1010 [7000] 1220 [8400] 1420 [9800] 1670 [11 500] 1820 [12 500] 2020 [13 900] 2230 [15 400] 2430 [16 800] 2800 [19 300] 2800 [19 300] 2800 [19 300] 1180 [8100] 1420 [9800] 1650 [11
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2023, 12:22
THE PRACTICAL REFERENCE GUIDE for WELDING INSPECTION MANAGEMENTTed visual inspection of pressure vessels and pressure piping (1)
... IHS Not for Resale S T D O A W S PRGVT-ENGL 17 79 11 1 0784265 0 519 384 4b2 m ANSVAWS ü2 .1! 1998 An A m o r i m N a î i m l Siandard Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Figure ASME Section ... 639- 219 0; fax 639- 218 3 American Society for NondestructiveTesting (ASNT) 17 11 Arlingate Lane Columbus, OH 43228-0 518 ( 614 ) 274-6003; fax 274-6899 American Society for Quality (ASQ) 611 E Wisconsin ... 338- 515 1; fax 338-4634 International Oxygen Manufacturers’ Association (IOMA) P.O Box 16 248 Cleveland, OH 4 411 6-0248 ( 216 ) 228- 216 6; fax 228-5 810 International Titanium Association (ITA) 18 71 Folsom...
Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 17:18
Tài liệu Writing C Code for the 8051 pptx
... driver LB82773-M1 Bipolar Stepper Motor 1k resistors (9) 47K resistor 0 .1 F capacitors (6) Serial communication cable, connectors LT 113 0CN 10 LCD 11 5V power supply 12 Philips PDS 51 development ... io.h 14 Open up a DOS window and edit your program under C: For eg: 15 C:\Temp\count.c 16 Compile your programs 17 c 51 count.c 18 c 51 io.c This would generate object files: count.obj, io.obj 19 ... */, 7, 8, 9, 10 2 /* mul */, -1, 0, -1, 10 3 /* div */ }; char num1, num2, op; int result; InitIO(); while (1) { ClearScreen(); /* read num1 */ GotoXY(0, 0); PrintString("num1 : "); { num1 = conv_table[key_scan()];...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 02:20
ASME code cases ed 2010
... ASTM A 10 8 Grades 10 16, 10 18, 10 20, 11 17, 11 18, 11 37, 11 41, 12 15, and 12 L14 ASTM A 12 6 ASTM A 314 Type 303 ASTM A 494 Grades CY-40, CZ -10 0, and M35 -1 ASTM A 576 Grades 10 40, 10 42, 10 45, and 11 17 ... 16 4 15 9 15 7 15 6 15 1 12 3 92.7 87.6 16 3 16 1 15 7 15 4 15 0 14 5 14 1 13 9 13 5 13 2 12 8 12 4 10 6 85.5 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 6 16 3 16 1 14 1 11 3 91. 3 78.7 62.7 GENERAL NOTES: (a) The stress ... Affected Pages 219 9-5 2286-4 2305 -1 2326 -1 2469 -1 2605 -1 26 21- 1 2629 2630 26 31 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 26 41 1–3 1 16 1, 1 10 1, 1 1, 1 1 1 1, 1 Affected Pages 1 1 1 1 INCORPORATED...
Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 16:25
... 40-60 60 -10 0 10 0 -15 0 15 0-200 Exposure C Exposure B 1. 2 1. 3 1. 5 1. 6 1. 8 1. 9 0.7 0.8 1. 0 1. 1 1. 3 1. 4 Exposure C -The most severe exposure Exposure B -Intermediate exposure 51 ... s = Wind stagnation pressure at the standard height of 30 feet as tabulated: Basic wind speed, mph Pressure q(s), psf 70 13 80 17 90 21 100 26 11 0 31 120 37 13 0 44 C q = Pressure coefficient ... radius of 0.90D For methanator t = (435) (10 2) / (2 (16 394.966) (1. 0) – (0.2) (435)) t = 1. 3567" + corrosion allowance t = 1. 3567" + (1. 6 * 0.394") t = 1. 419 7" 35 Knuckle radius = 0 .17 D = 17 .34" Spherical...
Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 16:34
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