ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code SECTION VIII 1 INTERPRETATIONS Volume 57 Interpretations of the Code are distributed annually in July with the issuance of the edition and subsequent addenda Inter[.]
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code SECTION VIII-1 INTERPRETATIONS Volume 57 ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Interpretations of the Code are distributed annually in July with the issuance of the edition and subsequent addenda Interpretations posted in January at are included in the July distribution Interpretations of Section III, Divisions and 2, are part of the update service to Section III, Subsection NCA Interpretations Volumes 54 through 56 were included with the update service to the 2004 Edition of the Code; Volume 57 is the first Interpretations volume to be included with the update service to the 2007 Edition Section I II-A II-B II-C II-D (Customary) II-D (Metric) III-NCA III-3 IV V VI VII VIII-1 VIII-2 VIII-3 IX X XI XII Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Vol 57 Vol 58 /07 /07 /07 /07 /07 /07 /07 /07 /07 /07 /07 /07 Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT Vol 59 ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright © 2007 THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All rights reserved Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT SECTION VIII, DIVISION — INTERPRETATIONS VOL 57 INTERPRETATIONS VOLUME 57 — SECTION VIII-1 Replies to Technical Inquiries January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006 FOREWORD This publication includes all written interpretations issued between the indicated dates by the ASME Staff on behalf of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee in response to inquiries concerning interpretations of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code A contents is also included which lists subjects specific to the interpretations covered in the individual volume These interpretations are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for a few typographical and editorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity In some instances, a review of the interpretation revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature In these cases, a revised interpretation is presented bearing the original interpretation number with the suffix R and the original file number with an asterisk Following these revised interpretations, new interpretations and revisions to them issued during the indicated dates are assigned interpretation numbers in chronological order Interpretations applying to more than one Code Section appear with the interpretations for each affected Section ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional information is available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee As stated in the Statement of Policy in the Code documents, ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity An interpretation applies either to the Edition and Addenda in effect on the date of issuance of the interpretation or the Edition and Addenda stated in the interpretation Subsequent revisions to the Code may supersede the interpretation For detailed instructions on preparation of technical inquiries to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee, refer to Appendix 16 Subject and Numerical Indexes Subject and numerical indexes have been prepared to assist the user in locating interpretations by subject matter or by location in the Code They cover interpretations issued from Volume 12 up to and including the present volume and will be updated with each volume 909 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - General Information SECTION VIII, DIVISION — INTERPRETATIONS VOL 57 SECTION VIII-1 Interpretation File No Appendix 2, Figs 2-7.3, 2-7.4, 2-7.5, and 2-7.6 VIII-1-07-07 BC06-1047 Appendix 2, Tables 2-4 and 2-5.1 VIII-1-04-91 BC05-1667 Appendix 2-3 VIII-1-07-12 BC06-1122 Appendix 17 VIII-1-04-85 BC03-1476 Appendix 26 VIII-1-07-03 BC06-948 Appendix M, M-5.7 VIII-1-04-97 BC05-1136 Fig UW-13.1(k) VIII-1-07-06 BC06-942 U-1(c)(2)(i) VIII-1-04-90 BC06-095 U-1(f) VIII-1-07-11 BC06-1118 UG-14 VIII-1-04-93 BC06-507 UG-16(c) VIII-1-04-92 BC06-357 UG-16(c) VIII-1-07-09 BC06-1362 UG-28 and UG-29 VIII-1-07-13 BC06-1199 UG-30 VIII-1-04-94 BC06-559 UG-34 VIII-1-07-02 BC06-667 UG-43(d) and UCS-6(b)(3) VIII-1-04-100 BC06-541 UG-79, UNF-5, and UHA-11 VIII-1-07-04 BC03-762 UG-93(a)(1) and (a)(2) VIII-1-07-16 BC06-1578 UG-99(e) VIII-1-04-87 BC05-1566 UG-116 VIII-1-04-84 BC02-4219 UG-116(a)(1)(b)(4) VIII-1-04-88 BC05-1589 UG-116(e) VIII-1-07-10 BC06-1117 UG-136(c)(3)(c) VIII-1-04-89 BC04-1311 UHX-4(e)(2) VIII-1-07-15 BC06-578 UHX-9 VIII-1-04-99 BC06-423 UHX-9, UHX-12, UHX-13, and UHX-14 VIII-1-07-01 BC06-558 UW-3 VIII-1-07-05 BC05-1586 UW-11(a) and Code Case 2235-6 VIII-1-04-95 BC04-1455 UW-11(a) and UW-12(d) VIII-1-04-101 BC05-1574 UW-11(a)(2) VIII-1-07-14 BC06-783 UW-13(c)(2) and Fig UW-13.1(f) VIII-1-04-96 BC04-1456 UW-16(f)(3)(a) VIII-1-04-98 BC06-273 UW-29(d) and UW-48(b) VIII-1-04-86 BC04-1348 UW-40(a)(8) VIII-1-07-08 BC06-1123, BC06-1124 910 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Subject SECTION VIII, DIVISION — INTERPRETATIONS VOL 57 Interpretation: VIII-1-04-84 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2001 Edition); UG-116, Required Marking for External Pressure Date Issued: March 1, 2004 File: BC02-4219 Question (1): Is it required by the rules of Section VIII, Division that the external maximum allowable working pressure of a vessel be marked on the pressure vessel and on the data report when not specified as a design condition by the user or his/her designated agent? Reply (1): No Question (2): Is it the intent that, when specified by a user to design and stamp a vessel with the external maximum allowable working pressure, this value be entered in the Manufacturer’s Data Report, Form U-1A? Question (3): If a Manufacturer chooses to indicate an external pressure rating of “Full Vacuum” on a Section VIII, Division pressure vessel, is it the intent to allow the use of the abbreviation “FV”? Reply (3): Yes Note: This interpretation was inadvertently omitted from Vol 55 of the interpretations Interpretation: VIII-1-04-85 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2001 Edition, 2002 Addenda); Appendix 17 Date Issued: November 5, 2004 File: BC03-1476 Question: Is it the intent of Appendix 17, 17-4, in Section VIII, Division 1, to allow the construction of dimpled or embossed assemblies constructed per Appendix 17 with a plate thickness less than 1⁄16 in (1.6 mm) specified in UG-16(b)? Reply: Yes Note: This interpretation was inadvertently omitted from Vol 55 of the interpretations Interpretation: VIII-1-04-86 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2001 Edition, 2003 Addenda); UW-29(d) and UW-48(b) Date Issued: December 1, 2005 File: BC04-1348 Question: Is it the intent in UW-29(d) and UW-48(b) that the Manufacturer either sign the welder and welding operator performance qualification records, or provide some other method of control, such as an electronic database, as long as the alternative method is controlled in accordance with the Manufacturer’s quality system? Reply: Yes Note: This interpretation was inadvertently omitted from Vol 56 of the interpretations 911 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Reply (2): Yes SECTION VIII, DIVISION — INTERPRETATIONS VOL 57 Interpretation: VIII-1-04-87 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UG-99(e) Date Issued: February 3, 2006 File: BC05-1566 Question: Consider a shell and tube heat exchanger where only the shell is constructed according to the rules of Section VIII, Division and to which the Code Symbol stamp is applied Is it required that the tube side of this combination unit be pressure tested per UG-99(e)? Reply: No Interpretation: VIII-1-04-88 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UG-116(a)(1)(b)(4) Date Issued: February 22, 2006 File: BC05-1589 Question: Consider a multichamber pressure vessel consisting of an inner chamber surrounded by a jacket, in which the inner chamber is subject to both internal pressure and full vacuum When the inner chamber is at full vacuum condition along with additional external pressure applied by the surrounding jacket, even if this condition does not govern the design of the inner chamber, is it required by the rules of Section VIII, Division that the external maximum allowable working pressure of the inner chamber be marked on the nameplate and documented on the Manufacturer’s Data Report? Reply: Yes, when it is specified as a design condition Interpretation: VIII-1-04-89 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2001 Edition, 2003 Addenda); UG-136(c)(3)(c), Performance Requirements of Pressure Relief Valves Date Issued: March 13, 2006 File: BC04-1311 Question: Is it the intent of UG-136(c)(3)(c) that a pressure relief valve has failed to meet performance requirements of Section VIII, Division if it exhibits chattering during operational and capacity tests, or flutter at the flow-rated pressure in a way that either would interfere with the measurement of capacity or would result in damage to the valve? Reply: Yes Interpretation: VIII-1-04-90 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); U-1(c)(2)(i) Date Issued: March 13, 2006 File: BC06-095 Question: May vessels as described by Section VIII, Division 1, U-1(g)(2) and U-1(g)(3), be exempted by the provisions of U-1(c)(2)(i) when the vessels have an internal diameter of in or less? Reply: Yes, unless construction in accordance with the Code is required by the user or local jurisdiction 912 ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT SECTION VIII, DIVISION — INTERPRETATIONS VOL 57 Interpretation: VIII-1-04-91 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); Appendix 2, Tables 2-4 and 2-5.1 Date Issued: April 5, 2006 File: BC05-1667 Question: Do the recommended minimum gasket widths of Table 2-4 of Section VIII, Division apply to all the gasket styles shown in Table 2-5.1 except for self-energized gaskets and ring joints? Reply: Yes Interpretation: VIII-1-04-92 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UG-16(c) Date Issued: April 27, 2006 File: BC06-357 Question: A pressure vessel that has no specified corrosion allowance is made of plate that is ordered to a thickness equal to the required design thickness If the actual plate thickness received is less than the required design thickness, but is within the allowable undertolerance as given in UG-16(c), may the plate be used in accordance with the rules of Section VIII, Division 1? Reply: Yes Interpretation: VIII-1-04-93 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UG-14, Code Case 2155, and Code Case 2156 Date Issued: May 24, 2006 File: BC06-507 Question: Is it permissible to use both Code Cases 2155 and 2156 for a vessel that has a flat head machined from rod/bar stock and is integral to a shell body as an alternative to UG-14? Interpretation: VIII-1-04-94 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UG-30 Date Issued: May 24, 2006 File: BC06-559 Question: Stiffening rings required to resist external pressure are located on the inside of a pressure vessel These internal stiffening rings are designed to carry the loads generated by the external pressure, and fillet welds are used only as a means of holding the rings in place Do the weld sizing requirements of UG-30 apply to these fillet welds? Reply: No 913 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Reply: Yes SECTION VIII, DIVISION — INTERPRETATIONS VOL 57 Interpretation: VIII-1-04-95 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2001 Edition, 2003 Addenda); UW-11(a) and Code Case 2235-6 Date Issued: May 31, 2006 File: BC04-1455 Question (1): Is it the intent of Code Case 2235-6 that when portions of the vessel meet the requirements of UW-11(a) for full radiography and portions meet the requirements of Code Case 2235-6 for using ultrasonic examination in lieu of radiography, the vessel nameplate be stamped with “RT-1”? Reply (1): Yes, provided the extent of examination, joint efficiencies, and the Code Case are noted on the Manufacturer’s Data Report and the nameplate is marked under the Code Symbol stamp by applying “UT.” Question (2): May a vessel nameplate be stamped “RT-2” per the rules of UG-116 of Section VIII, Division when a complete vessel satisfies the requirements of UW-11(a)(5) and when the spot radiography requirements of UW-11(a)(5)(b) have been applied, but when ultrasonic examination in accordance with the provisions of Code Case 2235-6 has been used in lieu of radiography? Reply (2): Yes, provided the extent of examination, joint efficiencies, and the Code Case are noted on the Manufacturer’s Data Report and the nameplate is marked under the Code Symbol stamp by applying “UT.” Interpretation: VIII-1-04-96 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition); UW-13(c)(2) and Fig UW-13.1(f) Date Issued: June 15, 2006 File: BC04-1456 Question: If an intermediate head is not located at a cylinder-to-cylinder junction (i.e., a circumferential weld) and if the fillet weld is sized to carry the shear load as defined in UW-13(c)(2), may the intermediate head be attached without the butt weld as shown in Fig UW-13.1(f)? Reply: No Interpretation: VIII-1-04-97 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition); Appendix M, M-5.7, Responsibilities Date Issued: June 15, 2006 File: BC05-1136 Question: M-5.3(i) of Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix M states that when a stop valve between a pressure relief device and the equipment it is protecting is closed, the user shall ensure that the other system components are acceptable for the potential levels of pressure established in M-5.3(g) Is it required by the rules of Section VIII, Division for the user to ensure that other system components are acceptable for potential levels of pressure if the stop valve(s) is closed when the measures in M-5.7(b)(3)(b) are implemented? Reply: No ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 914 Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT SECTION VIII, DIVISION — INTERPRETATIONS VOL 57 Interpretation: VIII-1-04-98 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UW-16(f)(3)(a) Date Issued: June 15, 2006 File: BC06-273 Question: May fittings and bolting pads, in accordance with UW-16(f)(3)(a), have an opening in the shell equal to or less than 4.25 in (pipe O.D of 3.5 in + 0.75 in.), if that is less than one-half the vessel inside diameter, without requiring reinforcement per UG-37? Reply: Yes See UW-16(f)(3)(a)(2) and UW-16(f)(3)(b) Interpretation: VIII-1-04-99 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UHX-9 Date Issued: June 15, 2006 File: BC06-423 Question: May the thickness of the tubesheet flanged extension be less than the minimum required thickness calculated in accordance with UHX-9.5(b) of Section VIII, Division at any point along the flanged extension? ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Reply: No Interpretation: VIII-1-04-100 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UG-43(d) and UCS-6(b)(3) Date Issued: June 15, 2006 File: BC06-541 Question (1): Is it permitted by UCS-6(b)(3) of Section VIII, Division to use SA-36 material for a stud pad (studded outlet) with a thickness greater than 5⁄8 in and attached to the shell in accordance with the requirements of Fig UG-40(a-1) or (a-2)? Reply (1): No Question (2): When considering pressure loads only, UG-43(d) requires a studded outlet to meet the reinforcement requirements of UG-36 through UG-42, limits the distance the stud hole can be to the inside surface of the vessel, and specifies a minimum stud engagement length per UG-43(g) Does Section VIII, Division contain rules for designing a studded outlet when subject to external loads such as shear and/or bending moment? Reply (2): No; see U-2(g) 915 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT SECTION VIII, DIVISION — INTERPRETATIONS VOL 57 Interpretation: VIII-1-04-101 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UW-11(a) and UW-12(d) Date Issued: June 20, 2006 File: BC05-1574 Question (1): Per UW-12(d), is E p 0.85 to be used for calculating circumferential stress for a seamless vessel section welded to a flat head using Type weld on one end and a seamless head with a Type or weld on the other end in accordance with Table UW-12 when the spot radiography requirements of UW-11(a)(5)(b) have not been met? Reply (1): Yes Question (2): Is E p 0.85 to be used when calculating the circumferential stress for a seamless vessel section welded to flat heads on each end using Type welds in accordance with Table UW-12? Reply (2): No; E p 1.00, provided the seamless vessel section does not have a Category B weld Question (3): May E p 1.00 be used for circumferential stress calculation for a seamless vessel section and the thickness of the seamless head when the Category A or B welds connecting the seamless vessel’s sections or heads are Type 3, 4, 5, or of Table UW-12 and spot radiography in accordance with UW-11(a)(5)(b) is met? Reply (3): No; E p 0.85 for Type 3, 4, 5, or welded joints Interpretation: VIII-1-07-01 Subject: Section VIII, Division (2004 Edition, 2005 Addenda); UHX-9, UHX-12, UHX-13, and UHX-14 Date Issued: August 21, 2006 File: BC06-558 Question (1): Do the rules in UHX-9 apply to the extended portion of the tubesheet when it extends only to the outside diameter of gasket [Configurations c, d (not extended), f, and C]? Reply (1): No See U-2(g) Question (2): Do the rules in UHX-9 apply to Configuration d (extended) when the tubesheet is bolted separately to the shell or channel during pressure testing and/or when a bolt load is transmitted from the shell or channel flange to the extended edge of the tubesheet during operation? Reply (2): Yes See UHX-9.4(a) Question (3): Do the rules in UHX-12, UHX-13, and UHX-14 of Section VIII, Division apply to Configuration d (extended) when a bolt load is transmitted from the shell or channel flange to the extended edge of the tubesheet during pressure testing and/or operation? Reply (3): No See U-2(g) 916 ```,,,,,,``,`,``,,`````,`,`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Chevron Corp/5912388100 Not for Resale, 08/28/2008 13:26:45 MDT