articles in english language exercise

Teachers’ use of the mother tongue in English language classrooms for young learners at a language center A case study = Điển cứu về việc sử dụng tiếng mẹ đẻ củ

Teachers’ use of the mother tongue in English language classrooms for young learners at a language center A case study = Điển cứu về việc sử dụng tiếng mẹ đẻ củ

... L1: first language TL: target language L2: second language EFL: English as a foreign language ELT: English Language teaching GTM: Grammar Translation Method SR: Stimulated Recall PART I: INTRODUCTION ... recall interview was applied to gain insights into teachers‟ rationale of using the MT in the classroom The recall interviews were fully transcribed and analyzed qualitatively according to emerging ... the first language (L1) in the second language (L2) classroom As a result, the English only approach has become a dominant and often understood to be the hallmarks of good language teaching Despite

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

59 825 3
The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản.PDF

The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản.PDF

... skills The integration of skills is a combination of four language skills including Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading is the most important task for teachers 1.2.3 The advantages of integrated ... Integration of areas Language functions Topics/themes INTEGRATION Listening Integration of skills Speaking Writing Reading Figure 1: Classification of integration (Meltem Huri, 2010) Integration ... taught in integration in order to arrive at ease in communication.” (1998, p 22) 1.2.2 Types of Integration The concepts of integration are separated into two as in the chart below: Grammar Integration

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

16 569 0
The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản20150227.PDF

The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản20150227.PDF

... management in time; upgrading pre-service and in- service training programs for the teachers in the coming time and increasing the qualified graduates working in maritime industry who will make a ... particular terminology and communication skills that include listening, speaking, reading, writing and try to find the most effective ways to teach the language, trying to use or at least introduce ... Teaching and learning : T/L Maritime College No : MC Ministry of Education and Training : MOET International Maritime Organization : IMO English as a Foreign Language : EFL English as a Second Language

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

66 812 1


... Summary of main findings Based on the data obtained through the three instruments the following findings could be presented: Results revealed that the TL is the main medium of instruction in the ... the use of L1 In S Borg (Ed.) Investigating English language teaching and learning in Oman Muscat: Ministry of Education, Oman Al-Buraiki, M .A (2008) The L1 in Young Learner ... paper by giving summary of main findings, stating the recommendations, limitations of the study as well as providing several suggestions for further investigation on L1 use in English class

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2015, 16:43

15 869 3
A genre investigation of higher degree research proposals in english language and english literature

A genre investigation of higher degree research proposals in english language and english literature

... Theme Introducing theme Indicating reading strategy Reviewing literature Announcing own interpretation Reviewing literature Offering analysis Reviewing literature Announcing own interpretation ... Indicating reading strategy Announcing own interpretation Offering analysis Reviewing literature Announcing own interpretation Reviewing literature Announcing own interpretation Theme Introducing ... Indicating a gap Question-raising Continuing a tradition OCCUPYING THE NICHE Outlining purposes Announcing present research Announcing principal findings Indicating RA structure Figure 1: Swales'

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 12:42

161 631 1
Adverbs in english language common errors in using adverbs, some suggested solutions

Adverbs in english language common errors in using adverbs, some suggested solutions

... [...]... are afraid of judging their teachers and making their names known 1.2 Procedures In the process of finding common errors in using adverbs in English, there was a question ... reason, students of English usually make mistakes in using adverbs With the aim of helping learners of English to overcome these difficulties, this thesis focuses on finding all kinds of adverbs ... the kinds, functions, positions of the adverb in contexts to see that how it operates in English  To find all kinds and possible uses of the adverb in terms of grammar and pragmatics  To find

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:11

60 578 1
Doing action research in english language teaching a guide for practitioners

Doing action research in english language teaching a guide for practitioners

... research in English language teaching in Oman Sultanate of Oman: Ministry of Education Borg, S (Ed.) (2008) Investigating English language teaching and learning in Oman Sultanate of Oman: Ministry ... Summary points provide a synopsis of the main points in the chapter Bringing the how-to and the what together, Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching is the perfect text for BATESOL and ... Qualitative inquiry in TESOL Basingstoke: Palgrave Chapter 2: Plan – planning the action Finding a focus for your research Mann, S (1999) Opening the insider’s eye: Starting action research The Language

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2016, 14:45

207 653 1
Inclusion in english language teacher training and education

Inclusion in english language teacher training and education

... the opportunity for training in this area Teaching young learners Teaching business English Training new teachers Teaching students who have ‘learning difficulties’ Teaching English for academic ... special interest... that my initial training had been quite inadequate in this respect I returned to the UK and studied for a Master’s degree in English Language Teaching and Language ... STRUCTURE OF ENGLISH 18 LANGUAGE TEACHING (ELT) IN THE UK 2.0 Introduction to ELT in the UK 18 2.1 The Origins of ELT in the UK (circa 1550 – circa 1950) 20 2.2 ELT in Post-war Britain (1950 –

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2016, 20:41

298 208 0
An investigation into visitor attraction articles in english and vietnamese electronic newspapers

An investigation into visitor attraction articles in english and vietnamese electronic newspapers

... Writing According to Henry David Thoreau [78] travel writing is writing about places, persons, and things in other places also writing about how to travel, when to travel, and advice on traveling ... piece of writing for publication in a magazine, newspaper, brochure, leaflet.etc It may be formal or informal in style depending on its intended readership Its purpose may be to provide information, ... in English, Illustrations are showed in slideshow offering clearer and bigger photos or we can find maps In Attraction Details, while VVAAs include the Legend stage, it is completely absent in

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

13 432 0
Rules, patterns and words   grammar and lexis in english language teaching   willis dave

Rules, patterns and words grammar and lexis in english language teaching willis dave

... anything in the classroom, we are acting on our beliefs about language and language learning, and by acknowledging that our beliefs about language learning and teaching are shaped by our training ... Listening in the Language Classroom by John Field Managing Curricular Innovation by Numa Markee Materials Development in Language Teaching edited by Brian Tomlinson Motivational Strategies in the Language ... Teacher Learning in Language Teaching edited by Donald Freeman and Jack C Richards Testing for Language Teachers second edition by Arthur Hughes Understanding Research in Second Language Learning by

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2016, 15:34

247 769 0
values in english language teaching

values in english language teaching

... distinction between English as a second language (ESL)—the teaching of English in settings where English alone is the dominant language? ??and English as a foreign language (EFL)—the teaching of English ... Values in English Language Teaching Values in English Language Teaching Bill Johnston Indiana University LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOCIATES, PUBLISHERS Mahwah, New Jersey London This edition published in ... (E)merging strategies for second/foreign language teaching TESOL Quarterly, 28, 27–48 Li, X (1999) Writing from the vantage point of an outsider/insider In G.Braine (Ed.), Non-native educators in English

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2016, 13:40

152 514 0


... language Teaching (CLT) in the setting of a language learning classroom, it is not surprising that many teachers are interested in integrating this teaching method into the language- learning syllabus ... difficulties in applying CLT in English language classes and how CLT is applying in Vietnam teaching context It is clarify that CLT is becoming more popular in English language classrooms in Vietnam ... Running head: CUMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSROM Communicative Language Teaching English Language Classroom Vu Thi Thuy An Hanoi University CUMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2016, 21:13

13 567 0
Izchak M.  schlesinger  cognitive space and linguistic case  Semantic and syntactic categories in english (studies in english language) (1995)

Izchak M. schlesinger cognitive space and linguistic case Semantic and syntactic categories in english (studies in english language) (1995)

... Cataloguing in Publication data Schlesinger, I M Cognitive space and linguistic case: semantic and syntactic categories in English / Izchak M Schlesinger p cm - (Studies in English language) Includes ... bibliographical references and index ISBN 521 43436 X (hardback) English language — Grammatical categories English language? ?? Semantics English language — Syntax English language — Case I Title II ... Christian Mair Infinitival complement clauses in English: A study of syntax in discourse Charles F Meyer Apposition in contemporary English Jan Firbas Functional sentence perspective in written and

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2016, 09:18

253 501 0
Technology in english language learning foreign language instruction

Technology in english language learning foreign language instruction

... negotiation of meaning include increasing comprehension of input, forcing learners to focus attention on certain features of their speech and providing feedback and assistance in production of ... talkative to dominate the conversation • Chatting is less threatening than face-to-face interaction, which often results in an increased willingness to take language risks and to negotiate meaning (Warschauer, ... less threatening than face-to-face interaction, which often results in an increased willingness...The Learner In 1978, Evelyn Hatch published two papers on language learning and interaction

Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2016, 23:10

18 153 1
Ambiguities and tensions in english language teaching  portraits of EFL teachers as legitimate speakers

Ambiguities and tensions in english language teaching portraits of EFL teachers as legitimate speakers

... Disinventing and (re)constituting languages Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International Journal, 2(3), 137–156 Makoni, S., & Pennycook, A (Eds.) (2007) Disinventing and reconstituting ... (2007) Imagined communities, identity, and English language learning In J Cummins & C Davison (eds.), International handbook of English language teaching (pp 669–680) New York: Springer Pennycook, ... Kumaravadivelu • Language Teacher Education for A Global Society: A Modular Model for Knowing, Analyzing, Recognizing, Doing, and Seeing Vandergrift /Goh • Teaching and Learning Second Language Listening:

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2017, 14:47

259 586 0
A study on usages of slang in english language

A study on usages of slang in english language

... produced from interacting with social media like using Facebook or Twitter, watching/reading the news in English, watching English- language movies with English subtitles or even listening to English ... emphasizes the method of collecting information about slang in English including research documents, dictionaries, the Internet, information collected from surrounding people and surveys, along ... the English language itself It erases the stiffness from a conversation between two people, creates an informal yet relaxing atmosphere between them Languages are constantly changing and growing

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2017, 19:28

45 909 1
Use the question system in english language teaching in high school

Use the question system in english language teaching in high school

... school years, we have been innovating teaching and learning methods, innovating textbooks, combating copying such as classical teaching methods, teachers often use in- depth methods For this reason, ... in English language teaching in high school " to exchange together Aims of the study With successful research, this experience will help teachers gain the following main purposes: - inspire interest ... REFERENCES I INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing this subject In the process of industrialization and modernization, in the reality of the developing country to integrate into the international

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:45

24 285 0
Educational linguistics vol 15   pragmatics and prosody in english language teaching

Educational linguistics vol 15 pragmatics and prosody in english language teaching

... permanent position at the Official Language School in Madrid as an English teacher and EFL teacher-trainer She gained a Ph.D in Applied Linguistics in 2007 and has been teaching phonetics and phonology ... of English in East Asia, especially the varieties spoken in Singapore, China, Hong Kong and Brunei His most recent book is Singapore English, published by Edinburgh University Press in 2007 Francisco ... Applied Linguistics & ESL at the Georgia State University in 2009 Her research interests include second language acquisition, cross-linguistic study of prosody, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2018, 11:05

253 431 0
WJEC GCSE in English Language For Teaching from 2010 For Award from 2012 ppt

WJEC GCSE in English Language For Teaching from 2010 For Award from 2012 ppt

... Spoken language (60 Raw Marks; 60 UMS) Using language: Speaking and Listening (Communicating and adapting language; interacting and responding; creating and sustaining roles) (20%) 3 Studying ... Also assessed in GCSE English GCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 31 â WJEC CBAC Ltd. Additional Guidance In choosing tasks for Studying Written Language (Unit 3) and Studying Spoken Language (Unit ... and issues in scripted and improvised work. GCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 10 â WJEC CBAC Ltd. AO2 Studying spoken language  Understand variations in spoken language, explaining why language...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20

43 549 0