3.1- Find out the function of the question: a- Introduction phase of the language b- stage of practice c- Stage of evaluation evaluation 3.2-The tips to ask questions a- Closed-Questions
Doer: Nguyen Thi Hoa Duty: Teacher
School: Le Van Huu high school Subject: English
THANH HOA, 2016 - 2017
1.Reasons for choosing this topic.
2.Aims of the study
3.Object of the study.
4.Methods of the study
3.The measures have been taken to solve the problem.
3.1- Find out the function of the question:
a- Introduction phase of the language
b- stage of practice
c- Stage of evaluation evaluation
3.2-The tips to ask questions
a- Closed-Questions
b- Open Question
c- Suggested Questions
3.3- How to use a questionnaire
a- Exploit available students door
b- The linking questions between the chalk in the post
c- Questions for staging contextual situations.
d- Questions to extract the vocabulary needed for the task
e-Hint questions
f- Reading comprehension, listening comprehension
3.4- How to conduct the question
3.5- Some points to keep in mind when using the question in front of the class
4 The effectiveness of the experience initiative.
1 Conclusion
2 Recommendations
1 Reasons for choosing this subject.
In the process of industrialization and modernization, in the reality of thedeveloping country to integrate into the international community of ASEANcountries as well as other countries in the world, especially our country Havingofficially become a member of the WTO, knowing and using at least one foreignlanguage is an urgent need, a necessity for each of us The decisive factor in thesuccess of industrialization and modernization is that the resources of theVietnamese people are developed in quantity and quality on the basis ofimproved intellectual level Therefore, the education and training of our countryhas also changed from education and training to teaching and learning methods
in order to effectively contribute to the preparation of human resources of thecountry In the first decades of the 21st century, learning foreign languages ingeneral and learning English in particular has become and will become a hottopic for people of all ages, gender and all levels
During the past school years, we have been innovating teaching andlearning methods, innovating textbooks, combating copying such as classicalteaching methods, teachers often use in-depth methods For this reason, studentsmust change their learning style and prepare better, more thoroughly, and at thesame time the teacher must meet a variety of teaching methods We need toapply many tricks in the system of tricks so as to achieve high efficiency instudents' ability to develop their linguistic abilities Teach students to logicallylearn the lesson, after a period of study, learning, learning Especially in a real-life course taught at Le Van Huu High School With my own thoughts, I boldlyput up a small experience" Use the question system in English languageteaching in high school " to exchange together
2 Aims of the study.
With successful research, this experience will help teachers gain the following main purposes:
- inspire interest for the students in the class
- Instruct the students to practice themselves to develop their language skills
3.Object of the study.
Classes 10A8, A9, Bl, B5 Le Van Huu High School through English classes
4.Methods of the study.
Mainly based on practical teaching and self-experience Through peer-to-peerexchange and study of relevant documents
5 New points
In order to meet the needs of the society, the universal education must promoteself-discipline, self-awareness, initiative and creativity of the learners Put intothe practice, affect the personality, bring joy, interest in learning that formedcapacity and quality Therefore, to create excitement for students I have
Trang 4researched the new questioning tips to open, encourage the learning spirit of
students such as Closed-Questions, Open- Question ,Suggested Questions.
In general teaching and English in particular, question plays an importantrole to be used as a popular tool and is almost indispensable in every classroomlesson Song said so, his questions are not always the results as expected If weobserve the teacher's question during class, it takes up most of the time Thereare cases where, in many parts of a unit, questioning is the only one trick in aninstructional session In general, familiar questions to the teacher are oftenquestions to check For example: Check the old post, check the comprehensionlevel, grasp the lock, check the grammar grip, vocabulary
Also due to the "test question" concept, most of the time the mainquestioners are still teachers Very rarely students have the opportunity to askquestions, unless it is a case of student grammatical questions, or questions thatstudents want to explain to the teacher This situation leads to the followingnegatives:
- Students have no training conditions, use meaningful communicationquestions
- The way students learn passive behavior, lack of initiative, lack ofopositive
- The question is emotional, not focused and not scientific teachers havenot as effective as expected
Thus, in order to achieve effective use of the question, teachers must have
a method for questioning and using the question system in a scientific way Toguide students, engage their concentration during school
Before applying the subject, I was able to summarize some of the students'understandings of the lesson through the use of teacher-led questions as follows:
Trang 53 The measures have been taken to solve the problem.
3.1 Find out the function of the question:
To use the question in a scientific way, the teacher must first understandthe function of the question The question is used for different purposes in eachstage of the teaching process
a-Introduction phase of the language
During this phase, questions are used to:
- Inspire students before the lesson
- Deploy students into new assignments
- Creating situation, context, introducing the lesson
- Create communication needs
- Clarify the need for practice
- Tutorial guidance, help students master new material
- Check the level of understanding of the newly introduced language
b-stage of practice
The question is used to:
- check comprehension or listening comprehension
- practice new material
- suggestive guidance, focus students attention on the main content or thecontent to detect to understand better
- Practice listening and speaking skills
- Get feedback
c-Stage of evaluation evaluation
At this stage, use questions to assess the level of comprehension ofstudents as well as test their knowledge
3.2 The tips to ask questions:
In the process of teaching and learning The teacher is the one who raisesthe question and the student always wants to answer the teacher's question Hereare some ways to ask questions that can help students understand and speakEnglish more easily
The work of the teacher is to check the level of understanding of thestudent Song raises the question: "Do you understand?" Not a good question.Because students will answer "Yes" Students sometimes respond to thisbecause they may not want to disappoint the teacher or show unfavorable results
Trang 6for both teachers and students So in my opinion, teachers should ask questionsthat can test the understanding of the students Here are three basic tricks.
- Did Marie go to school in Warsaw?
- Was her dream to become a private tutor?
- Was she the first woman professor at the Sorbonne?
Example;In Writing –unit 8, page 87 of English textbook grade 10,
teacher can ask questions to lead in the new lesson:
-Have you ever found the way to somewhere?Is it difficult for you?Can you follow the directions with a map?
Example;In Listening –unit 10, page 107 of English textbook grade 10, teacher can ask questions to introduce the topic:
-Have you heard about the forest fires recently? In Vietnam and in other countries,for example,in Australia?
-Do you know the reasons why they happened?
So this question form is very easy for students By simply comparing thewords of the question to the content of the readings to answer "Yes" or No
b- Open- Questions
Another trick in asking that question is that we use questions beginningwith: What ? Why ? When ? Where ?
As with the lesson content in the example above, we can ask:
- Where did Marie go to school?
- Why did she work as a private tutor?
- Who was the first woman professor at the Sorbonne?
c- Suggested Questions:
The question prompts the teacher to give some simple questions to guidestudents to finding the answer by their own inference Often these questionsrequire students to use their deductive imagination with situations Sometimessimple tricks when explaining to students the content of the lesson Studentsshould learn to brainstorm
Example; In part 1 Reading page 13 of English textbook grade 11 can ask the question:
- What do you think about the friend in the poem?
- What qualities should we have to have true friendship?
With illustrated lessons you can also take pictures asking students to guess
For example, in lesson 2 of listening on page 27 of English textbook grade 11 might ask:
- Can you see fire?
Trang 7- What's burning?
- Can you see a woman?
- What's she doing? / Who's she carring in her hands?
- Do you think they are from the burning house?
- How do they look?
3.3 How to use a questionnaire:
a- Exploit available students door
Prior to the entry of any content, the teacher may offer some suggestions for exploring the available knowledge of the student At the same time, direct the attention of the children to lead them into new content
With the content of learning how to learn reading or listening, the use ofthe available resources for student exploration is a good example The main aim
of these questions is:
- What do you know?
- Do you want to find out more?
Example: In Reading Reading section 11, page 113 of English textbookgrade 11 ask the following questions:
- What do you know about Cuc Phuong National Park in Viet Nam?
- Where is it? How big is it?
- What is it famous for?
- What do you want to know about it?
- Read and find out the answers
Example:In Listening section unit 8, page 86 of English textbook grade10,teacher ask some questions to summarize the content of the lesson:
-Do you remmeber where Popffero is?
-What has it become now? Is it quiet and peaceful?
-How different is it from the past?
-Do all the people in Popffero like the changes?
Students then read the article, comparing the available insights with thecontent of the article to gain new insights
b- The linking questions between the chalk in the post
At the pre-entry stage, teachers may also ask questions that students may
be able to answer, and students must perform a task or follow-up request such asreading, listening, asking or answering interview In other words, this questionmakes for a more motive of reading, listening, and speaking, as a problem setout to solve, and thus making the meaningful exercise
For example:
- Do you know?
What is the purpose of Spring School? (Listening page 51 English
textbook grade 11)
Listen and find out
- Does your friend like these things?
Talk to him and find out
Trang 8Example:In speaking section unit 12, page 126 of English textbook grade10,teacher ask students to work in pairs :
Teacher gives the model:
T: What kind of music do you like?
Ss:I like pop
T:Why do you like it?
T:When do you often listen to it?
Ss:Whenever I have free time
c- Questions for staging contextual situations
These questions are often accompanied by pictures
Example: In Reading 2, page 22 of English textbook grade 11, Teachercan ask the following questions:
- Who do you see in this picture?
- What's the girl wearing on her head?
- How does the hat look?
- What's the man doing?
- What's on the table?
You can see the same girl in all of the other pictures
- Where is she?
- What is she doing there?
- How is she feeling?
-What is she thinking about?
d- Questions to extract the vocabulary needed for the task:
Example: In Lesson 2 of Writing on page 19 of English textbook grade 11Teacher asks students to think of the words which they add to the following lists
to decribe a person
+ Appearance: tall, short, thin
+ Character: Friendly, helpful
+ Habits: get up early, stay up late…
+ Ask if these are true to your friend?
+ He / she has a stamp collection
+ He / she is a good chess player
+ He / she plays table tennis
+ He / she is a computer expert
+ He / she swims very well
e- Hint Questions:
Trang 9These are open-ended questions that help students contribute their ideas,contribute information and insights to better understand, practice using betterlanguage.
The open question has the following positive ones:
- Through the questions posed, students are actively engaged in thelesson, the time the students are talking in the class increases
- Suggestions to raise the students 'well-being, consolidate and developthe students' thinking, learning strategies
- Lessons are more attractive and interesting to students, because theyhave better motivation to learn
- It is a means of checking and timely responding to the necessaryinformation for the teacher to grasp the level of understanding of students suchas: Students who understand the good lessons, which students need moresupport
So how to exploit this kind of question?
Suggested questions to help students better understand: This is a small,easy-to-follow quiz to help students find answers to questions SuggestedQuestions Help Students Understand Totals: This is a small, easy-to-make quizthat can help students find answers to more difficult questions while learning alesson These types of questions are often deliberately arranged by the teacher sothat the questions step by step prompt students to understand a great deal ofcontent
Example: In lesson 7 on page 80 of English textbook grade 11 teacher canask the following questions:
- Who can you see in the first picture?
- How many children?
- How is the house which his family live in?
- What does the man do to earn his living?
- What do the two pictures tell you?
* Suggestion questions test concept, meaning of words.
At the stage of introducing new intonation, an important step is neededbefore the training stage to check the level of capturing the meaning of thatlanguage
One of the tricks of language understanding at this stage is to ask a series
of questions around the meaning of the material
* Check the meaning of the grammatical structure.
Example: In lesson 1, focus language page 21 of English textbook grade 11
Mary wanted to borrow a French book yesterday
The questions could be:
+ When did John want to borrow a Frenh book?
+ What are the last two letters of the verb "want"?
f- Reading comprehension, listening comprehension:
Trang 10This is the type of question most commonly used by teachers for theirlistening and comprehension skills However, in order to effectively use thesequestions the teacher also needs to understand the types of questions and thedifficulty level of those types of questions The types of comprehension andcomprehension questions can be summarized as follows:
* Question types divided by morphology, structure.
* Type of questions divided by the content of the answers
- Questions are answered by directly retrieving the sentences available inthe text
- Questions are answered with the information selected in the lesson
- Questions are answered with indirect suggestions in the article
- The questions require the evaluation inference to answer
In practice, the difficult or easy question does not necessarily depend onthe complexity of the structure of the question, but also on the level of responserequired (as mentioned in section b).Teachers should combine these twoelements to create the right questions for the students
3.4 How to conduct the question:
In addition to mastering should use the question is, in any case Teachersalso need to know how to organize the activity of the question and answer toovercome the disadvantages as stated in the beginning Specifically, the teachermust consider the problems in questioning such as: Who to ask? Ask what? Askstudents to raise their hands or not raise their hands? Or like: Who asked?Teacher asked or asked: Ask how? In group or pair? Ask in front of the class orbald spot? In general these are issues that need to be considered by the teacher ineach specific situation, with each specific subject There is no best or only way.Depending on the specific situation, depending on the specific student object,the teacher selects the appropriate question form Otherwise these questions will
be embarrassing for students
Here are some suggestions:
* Use the questions to gather the whole class intention, requiring the class to work.
- What are we studying this part?
- Do you know about,.?
- Who can tell me about ?
`* Use questions that weak students have the opportunity to answer.
In lesson 1, speaking-task2 page 15 of English textbook grade10 can
Trang 11ask the following questions:
- What is his name?
*Highly motivated students should be encouraged to substitute classroom
teachers to ask other students in a suitable case book.
3.5 Some points to keep in mind when using the question in front of the class:
Using the question system while teaching English is extremely importantand effective The lesson will be lively, attractive, help students understandbetter absorb better Teachers will also have to take note in using the question,otherwise the questions themselves will be counterproductive, which will taketime So before the lesson, ask the teacher to thoroughly prepare the system ofquestions or suggestions, outline for students to practice in the most reasonableand effective way Depending on each lesson content as well as each studentobject to use the question properly For weak students we should use simple,easy-to-understand questions But for good students we have to use moredifficult questions that are creative inferences However, we should not ask toohard questions, too the ability of students If so, students will feel bored or afraid
to learn For students we have to give specific instructions on how to study aswell as prepare the homework
We should not attach too much importance to a method, but we need toknow the harmony of teaching methods and teaching techniques At the sametime, to use everything around in the lecture, such as: desk, listening, books either teachers themselves or students in class Yes, any class will be effective
The following I would like to present two lesson plans where I haveapplied some of the techniques described above along with the lessons learnedplus self-experience, hope for the approval of the science council, colleaguesand students
Lesson C: Listening -Period 9 –class 10A10
1 Aim: -Help students to listen to the conversations and match them with the
pictures -Help students to listen and complete the conversation
2 Knowledge: Students will be able to make mini conversation about daily
topics such as: study at school, weather,
3 Skills: Listening
II Method: Intergrated, mainly commmunicative.
1 Teaching aids: textbook, workbook, chalk, Cd player
2 New lesson:
Teacher's activities Students' activities
WARM UP (5-7mins): Requires Ss to
find the questions for the answers
1.I’m taking English.
2.I really like it
3.For two weeks.
4.No,I’m travelling alone
5.That’s great.
Asks Ss to work in pairs
Calls some pairs to give answer
Checks and corrects
New lesson (35-37mins)
I Before you listen
- requires Ss to work in individuals
and then work in pairs
- walks around for help Ss
- checks and gives the right answers
While you listen
Task 1 : Matching(10mins)
Asks Ss to listen to the conversations and
match them with the pictures
-Asks students to look at the pictures and
answer the question
+What can you see in the picture?
listen and find the questions for theanswers
Work in pairsExpected answer:
1.What are you taking this semester?
2.Do you like travelling ? 3.How long are you staying there? 4.Are you travelling with your parents ?
5.Would you like to go somewhere for a drink?
work in individuals and then in pairs
I can see some people standing
in front of the hotel+Picture b: