The current situation of English language teaching in the light of CLT to the second-year students at Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance: a case study Nghiên cứu thực trạng dạ
Trang 1The current situation of English language teaching in the light of CLT to the second-year students at Thai Nguyen College of Economics
and Finance: a case study Nghiên cứu thực trạng dạy Tiếng anh theo đường hướng giao tiếp tại trường Cao đẳng Kinh tế-Tài chính Thái Nguyên : Nghiên cứu
trường hợp điển hình
Hà Lê Mai
University of Languages and International Studies M.A Thesis English Teaching Methodology; Mã số: 60 14 10
Supervisor : M.A Vũ Thị Thu Thủy
Năm bảo vệ: 2012
Abstract This minor thesis was conducted with an attempt to investigate the current
situation of English language teaching in the light of CLT, especially in teaching speaking to the second year students’ non- English majors at Thai Nguyen College of Economics and Finance in 3 parts: First, the INTRODUCTION presents the rationale, aims and scope of the study, research questions, method and design of the study The second part is DEVELOPMENT which is divided into 3 chapters: Chapter one, Literature Review, deals with the theories related to the study which is relevant to the purpose of the study Chapter two, The Study, deals with date analysis of two questionnaires administered to teachers and students to find out their attitudes towards CLT and main difficulties in teaching speaking skills using CLT to freshmen and EFL teachers’ solutions to these problems Chapter three, Findings and Recommendations, provides some information about the findings of the study In this chapter, it emphasizes the implications of the study in which recommendations for the application of CLT approach are proposed And the last part, part C, “CONCLUSION”, summarizes the key issues in the study, points out the limitations and provides some suggestions for further study
Keywords Phương pháp giảng dạy; Tiếng Anh; Kỹ năng giao tiếp
1.1.1 Communicative Language Teaching Theories 7
Trang 31.1.2 Communicative Language Teaching Theories 7
1.2.2 Roles of teachers and students in CLT Classroom 11 1.2.3 Issues in using CLT approach in the foreign language
12 Benefits of using CLT approach in the foreign Problems of applying CLT in the foreign language
classrooms and in second language classroom 13 Previous studies related to CLT application in Viet
1.2.4 Previous studies related to CLT application in Viet Nam 13
Trang Questionnaires for teachers 17
2.3 Presentation of statistical results 18 Teachers’ teaching experience 18 Teachers’ CLT training background 18 Teachers’ opinions about the suitable method for
their teaching English at present 18 Teachers’ background on CLT 19 Teachers’ understanding of subjects about CLT 21 CLT ’s application in the actual classroom practice 24 Evaluation of English textbook regarding in CLT
27 Teachers’ opinions about the difficulties in the
implementation of CLT in their context of language
28 The degree of success in applying CLT at TCEF 29
Trang 53.1.2 Difficulties from teachers 36
3.1.3 Difficulties arising from the testing system 38
3.1.4 Difficulties from the teaching and learning environment 38
3.2.3 Reform of the current English testing system 41
3.2.4 Improving the teaching / learning environment 41
3 Suggestions for further study
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.Nha Xuat ban Giao duc
Websites:The advantages of communicative language teaching approach Issuer: From
Asia.Tesol Views
Essential Principles of the Communicative Approach Communicative Lesson are-http://