application of differential equations in engineering

Yoshiyuki hino et al  almost periodic solutions of differential equations in banach spaces

Yoshiyuki hino et al almost periodic solutions of differential equations in banach spaces

... presentation of methods as well as results in the area In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in extending certain classical results to differential equations in Banach spaces In this ... abstract functional differential equations with infinite delay, there are three kinds of definitions of stabilities In Sections and 4, we prove some equivalence of these definitions of stabilities ... the case of almost periodic solutions of (linear and nonlinear) equations in Banach spaces To this end, in the first chapter we present introductions to the theory of semigroups of linear operators

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2015, 12:32

250 405 0
Application of a human bone engineering platform to an in vitro and in vivo breast cancer metastasis model

Application of a human bone engineering platform to an in vitro and in vivo breast cancer metastasis model

... Application of a Human Bone Engineering Platform to an In Vitro and In Vivo Breast Cancer Metastasis Model Verena Maria Charlotte Reichert, MD Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering, ... cell-free intact mineralised human bone matrix was left behind Analyses revealed a similar protein and mineral composition of the decellularised osteoblast matrix to human bone Seeding of a panel of ... Mundy, Inhibition of osteolytic bone metastasis of breast cancer by combined treatment with the bisphosphonate ibandronate and tissue inhibitor of the matrix metalloproteinase-2 J Clin Invest,

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2017, 15:52

280 247 0
DSpace at VNU: A variation-of-constants formula for abstract functional differential equations in the phase space

DSpace at VNU: A variation-of-constants formula for abstract functional differential equations in the phase space

... variationof-constants formula in the theory of linear ordinary differential equations So, we often call the representation formula obtained here the variation-ofconstants formula in the phase space Such ... is finite dimensional, the representation formula for functional differential equations has been established by Hale [5] in the case of finite delay and by Murakami [16] in the case of infinite ... the one in [2, 3, 5, 14, 16] As an application of our formula, we shall investigate the admissibility of some spaces of functions whose spectra are contained in a closed subset of R The main conditions

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2017, 16:49

20 124 0
Summary of thesis in environmental engineering: Research and application of ammonia removal in groundwater on the treatment system using moving bed biofilm carrier

Summary of thesis in environmental engineering: Research and application of ammonia removal in groundwater on the treatment system using moving bed biofilm carrier

... AMMONIA REMOVAL IN GROUNDWATER ON THE TREATMENT SYSTEM USING MOVING BED BIOFILM CARRIERS MAJOR: ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CODE: 52 03 20 SUMMARY OF THESIS IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING HA NOI – 2018 ... Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) solves the remaining problems in the reactors using fixed biofilms such as reducing the volume of structure, reducing energy costs, and significantly increasing ... An overview of biofilm and the works using this technology, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each type of biofilm, each type of work for which to propose moving bed biofilm carriers

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 15:21

26 45 0
Summary of thesis in environmental engineering: Research and application of ammonia removal in groundwater on the treatment system using moving bed biofilm carrier

Summary of thesis in environmental engineering: Research and application of ammonia removal in groundwater on the treatment system using moving bed biofilm carrier

... AMMONIA REMOVAL IN GROUNDWATER ON THE TREATMENT SYSTEM USING MOVING BED BIOFILM CARRIERS MAJOR: ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CODE: 52 03 20 SUMMARY OF THESIS IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING HA NOI – 2018 ... Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) solves the remaining problems in the reactors using fixed biofilms such as reducing the volume of structure, reducing energy costs, and significantly increasing ... An overview of biofilm and the works using this technology, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each type of biofilm, each type of work for which to propose moving bed biofilm carriers

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 10:42

26 49 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Strong Stability and Asymptotical Almost Periodicity of Volterra Equations in Banach Spaces" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Strong Stability and Asymptotical Almost Periodicity of Volterra Equations in Banach Spaces" potx

... results Introduction Owing to the memory behavior cf., e.g., 1, of materials, many practical problems in engineering related to viscoelasticity or thermoviscoelasticity can be reduced to the following ... properties of linear Volterra integro-differential equations, ” Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, vol 18, no 1, pp 21–45, 2008 L Pandolfi, “Riesz systems and controllability of heat equations ... Mathematics, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1998 12 Advances in Difference Equations T Xiao and J Liang, “Laplace transforms and integrated, regularized semigroups in locally convex spaces,” Journal of Functional

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

12 339 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Fixed Point Methods for the Generalized Stability of Functional Equations in a Single Variable" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Fixed Point Methods for the Generalized Stability of Functional Equations in a Single Variable" ppt

... Andrzej Szulkin We discuss on the generalized Ulam-Hyers stability for functional equations in a single variable, including the nonlinear functional equations, the linear functional equations, ... in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction and preliminaries The study of functional equations stability originated from a question of Ulam 1940 concern- ing ... existence of a mapping c : G → Y such that the following hold. i c is a fixed point of J,thatis, w ◦c ◦ ηxcxhx, ∀x ∈ G. E w,η  The mapping c is the unique fixed point of J in the set

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20

15 363 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Equivalent Solutions of Nonlinear Equations in a Topological Vector Space with a Wedge" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Equivalent Solutions of Nonlinear Equations in a Topological Vector Space with a Wedge" doc

... inequality (2.3) implies The following definition, which is a modified version of one introduced in [3], provides a kind of the strict inequality in X Definition 2.5 Let H be a linear manifold in ... = in the topology of X Since (2.21) can be rewritten in the form of the inclusion βm f − x, βm f + x ⊂ K, (2.22) taking into account the closedness of K and passing to the limit as m → +∞ in ... assertions of the statements of Sections and involving the linear manifold H become trivial when (2.9) is violated, and we thus not deal with this case in the proofs Proof of Theorem 3.1 In view of Remark

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20

25 370 0


... family of dichotomy projections {Pn }n∈N satisfying kerP0 = Z (ii) TZ : lZ → l p is invertible p Proof We first note that the following proof is inspired by the proof of [14, ... Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol 840, Springer, Berlin, 1981 [8] N T Huy, Exponential dichotomy of evolution equations and admissibility of ... dichotomy of evolution equations on the. .. Stability of the notion of dichotomy of linear impulsive differential equations in a Banach space, Italian Journal of Pure and

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

14 332 0


... equicontinuous subset of P, then U is relatively well-order complete in P in the sense that all well-ordered and inversely well-ordered chains of U have supremums and in? ??mums in P. Proof. (a) In both cases ... exists in C(J,E), and there is an increasing sequence (u n )inW which converges pointwise strongly in case (A) and weakly in the case (B) to u. Moreover, in both cases,   u(t)   ≤ liminf n→∞ ... definition (2.1)ofP. If W is an inversely well-ordered chain in U,then−W is a well-ordered chain in −U. The above proof ensures that v = sup(−W) exists in C(J,E) and belongs to P.Thus, inf W =−v exists

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

15 140 0
ba thesis the application of communicative activities in english speaking classes of grade 11th students at cao lanh city high school

ba thesis the application of communicative activities in english speaking classes of grade 11th students at cao lanh city high school

... dictionaries define Speaking is the action of conveying information or expressing one’s feelings in speech” In addition, Speaking is "the process of building and sharing meaning through ... communicative activities in English speaking classes. By means of research instruments, the reality of teaching and learning speaking in general and applying communicative activities in particular are ... applied in real teaching practice at high schools and if the application is in suitable methods? The study was done for the purpose of finding out the reality of teaching and learning English

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:03

88 800 1
Báo cáo y học: "Probe-level estimation improves the detection of differential splicing in Affymetrix exon array studies" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Probe-level estimation improves the detection of differential splicing in Affymetrix exon array studies" docx

... novel statistical procedure Detecting differential splicing is presented that uses probe-level information on Affymetrix exon arrays to detect differential splicing. ... detection of differential splicing in Affymetrix exon array studies Essi Laajala*, Tero Aittokallio*†, Riitta Lahesmaa* and Laura L Elo*† Addresses: *Turku Centre for Biotechnology, University of Turku ... University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, Turku, FI-20521, Finland †Department of Mathematics, University of Turku, Turku, FI-20014, Finland Correspondence: Laura L Elo Email: Published:

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 21:20

12 289 0
summary content of subject application of siemens s7 in automation manufacture

summary content of subject application of siemens s7 in automation manufacture

... weigh Main conveyor Main conveyor Load gypsum and add conveyor 2b conveyor 2b Stage 3: Grind materials become cements Materials adopt mainly conveyor pour in grind machine, commision of grind-machine ... commision of grind-machine in mixing and grind, materials become the farina This compoud after out of grind-machine will pass broken system The first, a part of compound was sucked by ... structue consist of : the main program, next , the subroutine program and interrupt program * The main program was dinished bu commision ( MEND ) * The sudroutine is a part of the program,

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2014, 23:46

68 256 0
Investigating the application of taskbased instruction in developing communicative competence for the 12th graders of English at Tran Hung Dao high school Ho Chi Minh city

Investigating the application of taskbased instruction in developing communicative competence for the 12th graders of English at Tran Hung Dao high school Ho Chi Minh city

... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY 4P INVESTIGATING THE APPLICATION OF TASK-BASED INSTRUCTION IN DEVELOPING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE FOR THE 12" GRADERS OF ... buying a pair of shoes, making an airline reservation, borrowing a library book, taking a driving test, typing a letter, weighing a patient, sorting letters, taking a hotel reservation, writing ... function in both initiating and responding roles and thus perform a wide range of language functions (e.g asking and giving information, agreeing and Trang 34 | disagreeing, instructing) Little

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2014, 01:06

92 730 7
Massera criterion for periodic solutions of differential equations with piecewise constant argument

Massera criterion for periodic solutions of differential equations with piecewise constant argument

... Massera in 1950 to ordinary differential equations, saying that the linear differential equation of the form b= Alt)e(t) + f(t), Trang 2 [1], to OFDE with advance and delay in [5, 11, 12], to abstract ... (inclusion length) such that every interval {a,a +) contains at least one point of E Let f be a continuous function from R to X Recall also that f is said to be almost periodic (in the sense of ... Equation” , Springer-Verlag, 1974 4) T Furumochi, T Naito and Nguyen Van Minh, Boundedness and almost pe- riodicity of solutions of partial fictional! differential equations, J Differential Equations

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2015, 07:57

15 257 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Some new nonlinear integral inequalities and their applications in the qualitative analysis of differential equations" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Some new nonlinear integral inequalities and their applications in the qualitative analysis of differential equations" potx

... solu- tions of a delay differential equation, while in the second example, we will obtain the bound of the solutions of an integral equation. For the sake of proving the global existence of solutions of ... Zheng and Feng: Some new nonlinear integral inequalities and their applications in the qualitative analysis of differential equations. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2011 2011:20. Submit ... 2011:20 Page 14 of 15 RESEARC H Open Access Some new nonlinear integral inequalities and their applications in the qualitative analysis of differential...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

15 430 0


... NGOs and international organizations. 4.2 Improvement in deriving information 4.2 Improvement in deriving information III. Application of remote sensing III. Application of remote sensing technology ... processes. 3.1 In the past 4.6 Priority needs ) ) Development of Forest Monitoring and Development of Forest Monitoring and Information System (FOMIS) Information System (FOMIS) including: including:  ... strengthening cpacity for forest inventory including application of remote sesing imagery;  1991 – 1995: conducted 1st cycle of NFI with the use of Landsat TM to make forest cover maps at provincial...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 03:20

31 732 1
Manual on Application of Molecular Tools in Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Management

Manual on Application of Molecular Tools in Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries Management

... have more surviving offspring and so their alleles will increase in frequency in the population at the expense of individuals with poorer performing phenotypes. Differences in reproductive ... hence in uence the frequency of their underlying alleles). The ‘peppered moth’ is a classic example of this kind of balanced polymorphism because in polluted environments in Britain where ... number of different ways in which DNA can be modifi ed by muta- tions, from simple base-pair substitu- tions involving individual nucleotides to changes in whole blocks of DNA, to loss or gain of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:18

82 647 0
Improving Maternal, Newborn, Child Health, and Family Planning Programs through the Application of Collaborative Improvement in Developing Countries: A Practical Orientation Guide pptx

Improving Maternal, Newborn, Child Health, and Family Planning Programs through the Application of Collaborative Improvement in Developing Countries: A Practical Orientation Guide pptx

... pre-service training of health workers and in- service training of current staff.  Incorporate quality indicators into routine monitoring and reporting systems; add quality monitoring to supervisory ... Care: The use of partograph increased substantially in Afghanistan and Guatemala and the application of active management of third stage of labor (AMTSL) in several countries including Niger, ... projects in their health facility.  Foster the development of a permanent community of quality practice that may include the Ministry of Health, professional bodies, pre-service training institutions,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

34 543 0

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