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Cấu trúc

  • Overview

  • I. Forests and Forest Administration System in Vietnam

  • 1.1 Forest Changes in Vietnam

  • 1.1 Forest Changes in Vietnam

  • Forest cover changes

  • 1.2 Projection of forest cover changes in Vietnam

  • 1.3 Forest Administration System in Vietnam

  • II. Information needed for forest management

  • 2.1 Demand for information on forest management

  • 2.1 Demand for information on forest management

  • 2.2 Current Information Flows

  • 2.3 Issues and Challenges

  • III. Application of remote sensing technology in forestry sector of Vietnam: Past and present

  • 3.1 In the past

  • 3.1 In the past

  • 3.1 In the past

  • 3.2 At present

  • IV. Application of RS in Forest Sector: Future direction

  • 4.1 Demands and Legal Supports

  • 4.1 Demands and Legal Supports

  • 4.2 Improvement in deriving information

  • 4.3 More reliable information for better informed decisions

  • 4.5 Data Integration

  • 4.6 Priority needs

Nội dung

APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING IN FOREST SECTOR OF VIETNAM: Status and future direction Pham Manh Cuong (Dr Sc.) FOREST DEPARTMENT (FD) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) Overview Forest administration system in Vietnam Information needed for forest management in Vietnam Application of RS in forest management in Vietnam: Past and present Future Direction I Forests and Forest Administration System in Vietnam 1.1 Forest Changes in Vietnam Vietnam is mostly located in the tropical region; Hilly and mountainous regions account for ¾ of Vietnam’s total natural land; Vietnam has coastal lines more than 3,000 km long; High diversity of forests: tropical rain forest in most region, sub-tropical forest in the north and at high altitudes, mangrove forest along coastline; Complex terrain and diversity of forest types cause difficulty in forest management 1.1 Forest Changes in Vietnam Forest cover has changed dramatically and dynamically over the time and space; The changes are not always in progressive, deforestation versus reforestation; Most residual natural forests are located in the mountainous regions, difficult to access; Forest cover changes 50 80 45 70 33,8 34,3 35,8 40 36,7 37 32,1 60 30 27,2 35 30 28,2 25 50 20 40 15 10 30 20 1943 1976 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002 2003 2005 Population Rural pop Forest cover F o rest C o v era g e (% ) P o pula tio n (M ill p eo p le) 43 1.2 Projection of forest cover changes in Vietnam Strengthen FM and reforestation: 14.3 mill in 2010 (43%) – 16.24 mill 2020 (47%); In 2010: all forests are allocated to HHs & economic entities; in 2020: permanent real forest estate Afforestation: 1.0 mill (2006-2010);1.5 mill in 20112020; Re-planning forests: Production forest: 8.34 mill of which 4.15 of forest plantations, 30% FA receives FSC Protection forest: 5.68 mill Special-use forest: 2.16 mill Wood production: 20-24 mill m3/year; wood and furniture processing: $7.8 mill 1.3 Forest Administration System in Vietnam MARD vs MONRE Functional agencies inside MARD: Forest Department (FD): National Forest Management, NFIA Program Forest Protection Department (FPD): Protection forest, special-use forest, Annual forest statistics Forest Inventory and Planning Institute (FIPI) II Information needed for forest management 3.1 In the past 1996 – 2000: conducted 2nd cycle of NFI with the use of SPOT 1,2,3 to make forest cover maps at provincial levels 1/100,000 and forest cover change detection for the entire country Implementation of the tropical Forest Information System Project funded by JICA in collaboration with JAFTA, in which Landsat TM images were used to creat forest maps at scale of 1/250,000 with the support of digital classification methods; 2001-2005: conducted 3rd cycle of NFI with the use of Landsat ETM to make forest cover maps at provincial levels 1/100,000 and forest cover change detection for the entire country Application of very HR images (SPOT 5, IKONOS, QuickBird) to establish forest maps at scale 1/10,000 and forest management planning for SFEs; Most human resources and application of RS have concentrated in FIPI; 3.1 In the past Most human resources and application of RS have concentrated in FIPI; Mainly visual interpretation (harcopy, on-screen digitizing); Quality was not satisfied the decision-makers and not every sufficient for policy formulation processes Mô tả mẫu ảnh (Landsat TM) Ngày chụp: 17 - 10 - 2001 TT rừng: Rừng kín thường xanh rộng Địa điểm: Kôn Hà Nừng - Gia Lai Độ cao: 1.480 m Mô tả: màu nâu đỏ thẫm, đồng đều, mịn Vị trí phân bố: cách xa khu dân cư đường Mơ tả ngoại nghiệp: TT rừng: closed evergreen broadleaved forest (IIIA3) Địa điểm: Liên hiệp Kôn Hà Nừng Độ tàn che: 0,8 Tổ thành: Sến, Hoàng đàn, Giổi, Re, Thông nàng Các thông số bản: H = 19m, G = 19m2, D = 27 cm, M = 200 - 230 m3 Land-cover map derived from Landsat ETM+ Land-cover map derived from QuickBird image 3.2 At present 2006-2010: is now implementing 4th cycle of NFI with the use of SPOT to make forest cover maps at provincial levels 1/25,000 – 1/50,000 for the entire country; Forest Fire Forecasting by using MODIS at FPD; IV Application of RS in Forest Sector: Future direction 4.1 Demands and Legal Supports Government has paid great attention in environmental magement, in general, and in forest protection, in particular; National forest & rural development programs (661, HEPR, land allocation, etc.): monitoring and evaluation; Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs): CBD, UNFFC, CITES, UNCCD, etc.; 4.1 Demands and Legal Supports Laws: land Law 2003, NLUI every year; NFIA every years; MARD: approved the project entitled “Application and development of IT in forest sector 2006-2010” and requested FD to improve the application of IT in forest protection MARD & FAO have submitted a project proposal for strengthening capacity of NFI with financial support from Japanese and Italian Governments 4.2 Improvement in deriving information Application of very high resolution satellite images (SPOT 5, ALOS, IKONOS, QuickBird, etc.) in land use/forest cover mapping, forest planning, forest assessment and forestland allocation, FLEGT at micro level; Widenning the application: FIPI + Sub-FIPIs, FD, FPD, FSIV; Strengthening capacity of key Institutions in application of RS in MARD Strengthening the cooperation: governmental agencies (MONRE), NGOs and international organizations 4.3 More reliable information for better informed decisions Information needs Feedback Implementation Policy development / planning / decisions Inventories Assessment Scenarios Source: Dr Peter Holmgren, FAO 4.4 Focusing on strategic planning and monitoring processes Allocating Areas -How much area is available? -Which areas are eligible based on landuse and physical limitations? Allocating Species -Which species for which site? -Seedling requirements? Scheduling -Access and other operational constraints? -Priorities based on socio-economic objectives? Site Selection Physiological Issues -How we analyze site potential? -Criteria? Logistical Issues -How will sites be selected? Modelling Issues -What tools, information we use? 4.5 Data Integration Requirements of Government and MARD Development of Forest Monitoring and Information System (FOMIS) by integrating RS, GIS and other socialeconomic data; 4.6 Priority needs Development of Forest Monitoring and Information System (FOMIS) including: Up-to-date and large scale digital base maps Digital maps of forest categories: production forest, protection forest and special-use forest Reliable, up-to-date and large scale digital forest cover and land use maps Frequently acquired high resolution satellite images (i.e., SPOT 5) Reliable, up-to-date forestland allocation maps - Capacity building for information providers: FIPI, sub-FDs, sub-FD, especially at local levels Thank you very much for your attention! manhcuongpham@vnn.vn ... high resolution remote sensing imagery III Application of remote sensing technology in forestry sector of Vietnam: Past and present 3.1 In the past 1960s – 1970s: application of aerial photographs... diversity of forests: tropical rain forest in most region, sub-tropical forest in the north and at high altitudes, mangrove forest along coastline; Complex terrain and diversity of forest types... of NFI with the use of SPOT to make forest cover maps at provincial levels 1/25,000 – 1/50,000 for the entire country; Forest Fire Forecasting by using MODIS at FPD; IV Application of RS in Forest

Ngày đăng: 24/01/2014, 03:20